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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20259669 No.20259669 [Reply] [Original]

How do we profit off of this company committing human trafficking?

I just saw that wayfair dropped to $20 a share during the pandemic and is now at roughly $200+
That’s a 7x return bros wtf

>> No.20259754

so they're making storage cabinets out of girls?

>> No.20259820

So your contention is that Wayfair is selling missing women?

>> No.20259832

where do i buy underage white girls and what price?

>> No.20259849

They are selling girls and the cabinet is just the placeholder, looks legit cause all the black girls are heavily discounted

>> No.20259850

Looks like Mary is going for about $10k. Seems a little sickly though, not sure if she could pull a plow

>> No.20259873


oh I get it now
what's the name of the website?

>> No.20259895

No child trafficking here its just a coincidence.

>> No.20259902

Holy fucking shit. Where'd you find this? This legit?

>> No.20259927

They stole the idea from this video

>> No.20259956

All over twitter

>> No.20259988
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Shits just popping off really. The tweets that started the whole thing were from early his morning. They’re trying to scrub shit as we speak but how will this impact the company over the weekend into next week AS it picks up steam and all thenyoutubers start making videos.

>> No.20260037

Im down the rabbit hole now. Hmmm... might have to start back visiting pol a bit. This could be huge.

>> No.20260041

How to monetize targeted internet hit jobs on the reputations of individuals and corporations? Asking for a consortium of friends on my minecraft server

>> No.20260084

If this were real, why would they use the same name?

>> No.20260149

So you can cross reference missing picture and know what youre buying.

>> No.20260201

They sell rugs in UK worth 10k. Highest rugs in "rugsdirect dot com" is 1.2k

Wayfair is messed up.

>> No.20260289

Should i buy Puts on wayfair?

>> No.20260367

You've been out of the loop if you are surprised by this...
You hold chainlink? It's unironically the pedo elite coin

>> No.20260389
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Right now yes. This is trending big, don't ever underestimate the power of social media trends to affect stock prices. I've read a lot of anons who seem to know their shit here talk about how it's all psychology and perception. Investing isn't about long term corporate bullshit unless you just want those safe boomer type returns. I'm learning more myself and it seems legit, I've seen companies whose stock should be up but because it's too niche they don't move whereas meme stocks shoot to the moon. Look at the ev stocks lately, it's all meme magic and speculation, not real investments. Reading up on those companies was a waste of time in hindsight, because it told me they were good long term but not short term and they blew up last week

>> No.20260461

You’re right about sentiment and momentum but this sort of shit is never indicative of a healthy market and never ends well. Don’t be greedy is all I’m saying, know when to take profits and don’t beat yourself up if you sell a little too early

>> No.20260518
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Oh definitely, I'm not recommending that you ever YOLO it on some trending meme stock, but it's certainly an opportunity for short term trades to make high returns. This one has the libs all over it as well as the boom booms and WAGAWAGA Q tards. Reddit and 4chan seem to be on the same page so I'm saying this is a decent bet to make right now. My investing cash is already all tied up unfortunately, so I'm going to miss out.

>> No.20260737

Honestly its the power of advertising, the greatest value is data mining and the manipulation of the individual to develop a cohesion. We are all sheep and whoever is able to Shepard us will create untold wealth. I mean just look at dogecoin and tiktok, there is a literal power in belief and group cohesion power (Chainlink will go to 1000usd if everyone believes) .

>> No.20260781

>“There is, of course, no truth to these claims," Susan Frechette, a Wayfair spokeswoman told FOX Business in an email Friday. "The products in question are industrial grade cabinets that are accurately priced.”
>“Recognizing that the photos and descriptions provided by the supplier did not adequately explain the high price point, we have temporarily removed the products from site to rename them and to provide a more in-depth description and photos that accurately depict the product to clarify the price point," Frechette said.

>> No.20260929

bitcoin connection

I think it's possible Ghislaine Maxwell is using bitcoin and receiving and possibly sending messages through transactions. The last post of redditor maxwellhill which is speculated to be Ms Maxwell's reddit account, was linking a vice article about a mysterious $1 billion bitcoin transaction. Significant because it has no links to companies/exchanges - indicating it is a private individual.

Possibly a coordinate and some other data was sent to Ms Maxwell one day before she was arrested. Coordinates lead to Saudi Arabia, where a cinema is listed on Google Maps, seemingly in the middle of no where, also listed as "good for kids". That's quite flimsy depending on the way you interpret the data. But three tx (one an hour before the others which were sent a minute apart), sent just before she was arrested. The last two lead you two Saudi Arabia. Also bear in mind these three tx's were sending less than $10 combined, the $1 billion was a couple of days earlier.

The exchange that the billion dollars of bitcoin originated from was Xapo.com, registered and incorporated in Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory. Xapo also recently announced this: https://blog.xapo.com/improving-banking-for-you/.. They are "expanding beyond Bitcoin to become a digital bank".

Probably just a coincidence, all pure speculation. That is all.

>> No.20261087

Thanks to this post I just went down a huge rabbithole, thanks OP!

>> No.20261555
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Yeah pump and dumps are more common now than ever before. Dogecoin was one, it already crashed and don't expect it to to back up anymore. The trend is dead.

>> No.20261711

Many active investigations in /pol/ right now anons. We need anons with abilities.
> Wayfair and Amazon are middle men for pedos and sex trafficking
> CEOs resigning enmass precovid
> Price explained away as "just to keep the product in place but to make sure that people don't buy in"
> Meds not taken
> Personalized cushions jump in price when you enter text
> From 50 to 10k
My guess is there's a code for each item and to get it you must enter the code. Poorfags would never pay 10k for a cushion so only select clients would interact.
Transaction conducted officially (((they))) have your details and will contact you.
Creepy af reviews on amazon too. Maxwell left crumbs

>> No.20261724

Ignore all shills and keep this digital where we have the power. I love you all god bless

>> No.20261760
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Trump and roger stone connection. Trump just adjusted his sentence. Roger stone wore the bulls mask in the /x/ Epstein driver story posted just before Maxwell was arrested.

>> No.20261786
File: 2.02 MB, 2880x2560, maxwellcreepy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20261802
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Maxwell may have owned reddit but regardless was a prolific redditor especially on worldnews

>> No.20261825

literally nothing will happen to wayfair. Nobody is going to do ANYTHING about this no matter how undeniable the evidence is. I bet my entire link stack on it.

>> No.20261955

Then there is no justice in the world anon

>> No.20262036

The white girls were cheaper, actually. Many jokes about this.

>> No.20262051

Justice is a meme

>> No.20262516

Trufax. Bump