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20259806 No.20259806 [Reply] [Original]

So, if you've been here for a while then you know most countries are enslaved to their (((central banks))), who issue out fiat currency and funnel money up to the kikes at the top via compound interest and fractional reserve banking.

Crypto-currencies would restore power, balance and fairness to the global economy because it is decentralized, digital, limited in quantity, etc. is that right?

Instead of every nation having different currencies and having to deal with currency exchange rates, there will be a number of different crypto-currencies in circulation, each with different applications/purposes, but universally accepted anywhere in the world (once fiat currencies become a thing of the past). For example, there will be a general-use currency, a currency used for travel, a currency used for contracts, a currency used for manufacturers/supply chains, a currency used for entertainment content, etc.

The supply of crypto-currencies will eventually be static, and unlike gold, they can neither be created, nor destroyed, nor counterfeited, because they are digital. This protects the value of the currency and the value of whatever products/services they are used for in financial transactions. Such a system would remove inflation as a possible factor.

I'm new to crypto, but is my understanding accurate? I'm sure there are some things I didn't mention due to a lack of awareness. Altogether it seems like this is THE WAY to bring down the Rothschild financial pyramid scheme and end Jewish tyranny.

>> No.20259886


>> No.20259888


>> No.20260362

Wrong, wrong, wrong completely wrong. Crypto will be even worst then fiat and the blockchain will reduce everybody to economic units enslaved by smart contracts. Disobey and the system will automatically punish you. It’s all part of the plan for Jew controlled slave world, I.o.t, crypto and smart contracts play a crucial part in achieving this. When whites are gone this is how they keep the goyim inline. Everything will have data feeds and everything will be bounded by self executing smart contracts. It’s all about turning us into cogs in a machine that only exist to serve the Jews. Crypto is going to be the vehicle that eradicate any little freedoms we have left. To understand how much Jews are in Crypto all it takes is a little research into the teams of most crypto projects and the symbolism of crypto logo’s. Chainlink is a blatant example of them showing off their control.

>> No.20260386

This. We are fucked

>> No.20260543

Wrong fag. The Jews will control this and it’s your duty to fight it. Fight the cryptos.

>> No.20260671

I mean chainlink applications can complete wither a person down to inputs and parameters.

Server brought you your water at 10 secs late, deduct 0.02 from the pay automatically.
Insurance plan bought before health complications, auto apply 10% increase as individual was over 25.0 BMI after set date.
Driver went over 2 mph in a speed zone, automatically apply $10 flat penalty to their license.

Christ even paycheques and hourly wages could be calculated to the exact second you are sitting at your cubicle or standing on the till. Long Bathroom breaks deduct from your hourly.

I have linkies but goddamn and I not scared for the future this will become in 4IR.

>> No.20260719


and since crypto is limited it can be cornered just like the temple merchants did with the only coins in Jerusalem that pious jews used to pay tribute; as it had no cesar or other ruler on them. Jesus understood their tactics and for the only time in all of his accounts used force. Whoever ((they)) are, they jew the jews too

>> No.20261465

>no, it's this
>because I said so
Ok schizo

>> No.20261482
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Maybe OP forgot to mention that crypto would play out that way in a world without kikes

>> No.20261565
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>> No.20262428
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Wrong, countries are slaves to the capitalists who support politicians who then allow the central banks to do shit. Current federal reserve chairman was appointed by Trump.

>> No.20262790
File: 725 KB, 1242x1599, A32472AD-5A21-4DAE-910C-585B46337B79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can’t beat the rothschilds anymore, that ship sailed centuries ago
The best you can do is fight communism and stop the chicoms, and make it difficult for the rothschilds to the point where they allow capitalism continue and don’t stick us all in a literal 1984 hellhole.
Bitcoin and crypto isn’t the answer to beating, who the fuck do you think even bankrolled the creation of crypto? Who the fuck do you think profitted the mosy off crypto? Rothschilds unironically created bitcoin then sold reddit idiots the idea that bitcoin is a bank killer the shit is a fucking joke. Roths mined and bought day one at pennies. BTC was just the beta test. Make the new connection now, they want unlimited privacy for their (((guys))) but also a backdoor to track and trace everything, BTC was a testnet for ZEC. Look into ZEC for real, rothschild fingerprints all over it. Crypto was CO OPTED out the gate, you really think the federal reserve which is obviously owned by the rothschilds, couldn’t kill bitcoin in ONE day if they wanted to? Look you even got jerome powell shilling digital privacy currencies at this point, if you don’t have a bag of ZEC at this point you are fucking braindead. /biz/ will seethe at this post and paid shills (AI bots) will fud this post but it’s the greatest kept secret there is. They’ll say its a kikecoin, they’ll say its backdoored, they’ll say it’s bullshit founders reward, they’ll say something something INFLATION... I agree to all that, that’s why it will moon, it’s the rothschilds baby BTC 2.0, of course it’s fucking glowing