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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20253853 No.20253853 [Reply] [Original]

And what prevents someone from cloning them?

>> No.20253894

no sir it will 100x. here, watch:


>> No.20253929

Jesus fuck this board is retarded why do you invest in something you don't understand.

Short answer, no.

Somewhat longer answer: The only way to profit by swingtrading is selling right before a rebase (and not after because sure as shit you ain't timing that right) when you predict there will be a bigger sell-off than the rebase %, and instead of people waiting to buy they're waiting to sell. Odds if it happening? somewhat soon, if this stupid price action keeps going. You risk getting rekt though, and hard.

>> No.20254059

Good vid. Market bought another 300.

>> No.20254153

all in (for the win)

lets go amplllllllllllllll

>> No.20254206
File: 32 KB, 690x288, HODL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HIGH IQ anon listen to him


>> No.20255114

Update: How is this not a pyramid scheme where new demand is always needed?

>> No.20255138

>How is Bitcoin not a pyramid scheme when new demand is always needed

>> No.20255182

thats only one side. the other side is the sell pressure and negative rebase. the goal is a balanced MC and a stable price around 1$

>> No.20255473

This is the ultimate HODL coin. Be emotionally mature about it. In fact, best forget about it

>> No.20255538

What's the best time to buy into this? would it be right after a rebase?

>> No.20255619

new demand isn't needed or not needed. The coin is designed to accommodate elastically to demand or lack of demand by adjusting supply.

>> No.20255794
File: 433 KB, 1582x994, liquidity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost at my 100 million cap goal. its been a wild ride gentlemen. this was a crazy 12x.

just be careful liquidity is starting to pull out. 11 million down to 9 million

trustswap and arpa are my next ones

>> No.20255839

what is the red line for liquidity? 5m?

>> No.20255857


>> No.20255865

danger zone for liquidity? when to pull out?

>> No.20255870

The person who pulled out 2 mill in liquidity sold and just bought all Ample instead lmao. What are you saying, liquidity is going up.

>> No.20255893

He’s trying to fud. The 2 mill in liquidity went directly into the coin and now that whale is holding.

Whales are accumulating after the rebase when some scalpers are selling their coin. So they don’t push the price up.

>> No.20255900

Do y’all realize after rebase tonight the price will be still higher than its ATH before today?

>> No.20255911

Yeah I think it's because with the price going up the impermanent loss was not worth it vs. just hodling AMPL directly

>> No.20255929

Which will cause the price to go up kek

>> No.20256057

how comfy can one coin get?

>> No.20256793

Yeah. we're gonna be so rich hopefully

>> No.20256864

Imagine buying AMPL instead of RSR

>> No.20256875

yes it's much better what's your point?

>> No.20256890

Imagine not having a majority in RSR but a stake in Ample as well. Its free money for the time being.

>> No.20256915

5% of my net worth is in each

>> No.20256954

AMPL was pumped and dumped. It's going nowhere. Shit dev team. Shit investors. You are literally buying a scam.

>> No.20257003

Y’all realize after rebase the price will still be higher than ATH before today?

>> No.20257064

yes and?

>> No.20257084

I tried fudding a while ago but it doesn't do anything :(

>> No.20257106
File: 75 KB, 1200x1238, Reddit+big4we+need+something+like+this+but+for+fjbig4_3ec122_6654916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To Reddit you go.

>> No.20257540


>> No.20257636


>> No.20257763
File: 551 KB, 750x1334, A7AC3102-8ED2-4992-9ACC-DEBBF32F00E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shitcoins has raised me from 62 to 77 percentile net worth

>> No.20258197

How much was this whale able to buy?

>> No.20258404

I have turned 12k into 107k in six or seven days. Maybe eight, I'm not really sure because I work from home now and all my days blur. But that's neither here nor there.
I'm going to make $20,000 in 90 minutes. I don't know when this ride will end, but I do know it won't end until the mcap stabilizes. And that's not going to be for a while.
Godspeed, anons.

>> No.20258711

I have 2250 AMPL. Is this realistically enough to make it? What do you guys consider make it stacks?

>> No.20258735


10PM is the best time of day, everyday.


build a better world

>> No.20258841

Depends on how long you hold

>> No.20258933

Best time to buy is after rebase

>> No.20259099
File: 1.40 MB, 220x382, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall ready for fucking 19.7% tonight!?

>> No.20259136

I’m about to make 600 AMPL for doing nothing. I honestly don’t get it. Where are all these tokens coming from? I’m guessing it’s explained in their tokenomics? I’m a brainlet so I didn’t really understand it desu

>> No.20259310


You ampltards better wise up quick. Why da fuck would you miss out on 20 rebase tonight? To get some ampl for .10 cheaper?

The sweetest returns were day 1 of geyser. Everyday we get further is less odds for make it money.

>> No.20259350

15 minutes for best buying opportunity!!!

>> No.20259355

New coins are being automatically minted to holders with the thought process being that we'll sell our profits until ampl gets back to the target price of $1. Demand is still way too high for the marketcap though and holders hands are too strong. They're going to need to mint a lot more ampl before the price comes back down. We could easily be up another 10x by that time

>> No.20259381

why contain it?

>> No.20259487

how much was the rebase tonight?

>> No.20259538


>> No.20259564

holy shit it was a good night

>> No.20259584


>> No.20259615

Tomorrow's rebase should be 24%

>> No.20259625

It’s supposed to be a stable coin

>> No.20259628

What prevents them from cloning you?

>> No.20259639

It is quickly working towards becoming a stable coin?
You don't understand the rebase.

>> No.20259664

Uh lads? The price didn't budge after rebase. Still buy more?

>> No.20259682

>I have turned 12k into 107k in six or seven days.

>> No.20259691

My total balance of AMPL increased + rebase percentage (more money).

>> No.20259694
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>> No.20259716

Guys why do i have this much money all of a sudden? WHY!? IM FUCKING SHITTING MYSELF

>> No.20259735
File: 140 KB, 1009x592, IMG_20200708_225520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you are reBased

>> No.20259786

Stacking/holding ampl for six days. 3k ampl and 15 eth into the geyser, then spend the next two days converting ALL my shitcoins + 2% of my link into ampl and watched my wallet get fat.

>> No.20259854

Honestly I feel like they missed an opportunity to say your money is getting ampl-fied

>> No.20259969
File: 436 KB, 1000x318, 1594349795971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, some people must have sold, fucking weak handed tards
i wont sell at 5$, i wont sell at 50$, i wont sell at 500$

>> No.20259979

I don't think you understand how this coin works anon

>> No.20260039

Can't wait to see the threads when the geyser is stopped, people dump and you all watching your ampls disappear!

>> No.20260040

>He doesn't think we'll pump to $5 even with the rebases

>> No.20260056

5$ maybe, 50$ and 500$ is completely delusional

>> No.20260058

Geyser ends in 2 months. I'll be out before then.

>> No.20260202

im so fucking amped on ampleforth right now

>> No.20260242

You need to get out before then

Watch the %APY it's been sliding down. Anywhere under 20 and I'm out fully

>> No.20260248

There has been talks that the geyser will stay "for the foreseeable future." So who knows how long it will go. With that being said, yes it will be a good idea to take out your initial and some profit before the end of the geyser.

>> No.20260270
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>> No.20260291

@3 usd you're still up before the rebase

>> No.20260294
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>> No.20260295

The geyser can't keep interest that high forever its literally impossible

>> No.20260301

I still don't see how the math plays out. Isn't the rebase around 15-20% a day? How much extra does the geyser even give?

>> No.20260304

hnnng fuck this shit is probably gonna get added to coinbase at some time too when you think about it

>> No.20260322


>> No.20260326

Sold the top. Ive been telling you idiots forever in every thread. 100 million cap is a milestone and a 10x for many holders

And that anon is right geyser appreciation is dropping like a rock so less incentives to add to the LP. This fucks up price strength

>> No.20260351

Geyser is at 40% but you need to split into amps and eth

>> No.20260363

fud harder

>> No.20260390

Don't need to fud. If you think a ponzi scheme where everyone is making money is legit then I thank you for buying my bags

Made a call 100k off this.

Whenever I tell my gf about it we laugh over the dumb fucking name too lmao

>> No.20260403

post wallet

>> No.20260406


>> No.20260421

Don't owe you shit. Go look at the old threads. I've been saying 100 Mill cap is my goal for the past 10 days

>> No.20260426

not an argument

>> No.20260445

Fucking 20% in one day on top of the increase in price. Jesus christ we are lucky to be part of this run. Do not sell while this thing is rocketing. I repeat. Do. Not. Fucking. Sell.

>> No.20260447


>> No.20260457

Euphoria stage. New paradigm.

>> No.20260462

I didn't say you owe anything. Just asked you to post your wallet which you absolutely have the right not to do.

>> No.20260472

You get the rebase too

>> No.20260490

I've been struggling to figure out a good jump off for this coin

I'm figuring the geyser APY, liquidity in the LP and volume are the best indicators. With the APY going down and that big whale jumping out of the geyser... Im thinking the end is near.

>> No.20260504

The big whale jumped from the geyser and just bought more AMPL with it though

>> No.20260520

Where can I see the rebases for the past week?

>> No.20260525

The rebase just hit the highest yet, and the price of AMPL is still above 2.5. This has a month or so left before we should be asking those questions

>> No.20260566

Dumping so hard rn

>> No.20260574

Yes but the geyser is what is mooning this. Without liquidity in uniswap the house of cards tumbles. Geyser needs to be attractive

Yes but that's also evidence of euphoria. When sell offs hit you never expect them

>> No.20260577
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>> No.20260590

Don't know

>> No.20260591

some people are taking profit its normal

>> No.20260615

But it's the first time since early June that big profits are taken after a rebase

It's evidence of a few things

First the geyser is losing its attraction and this is mainly because it was designed badly and people are realizing

Second its hitting key take profit levels and many buyers are now at 10x

>> No.20260626

I know how this shit goes, we are going to <$1
Screencap this

>> No.20260631


There's also a big drop off in vol post rebase

>> No.20260638

It's dumping. Hard. Fuck this shitcoin, I'm out. Thanks for the $750 losers.

>> No.20260645

Yup. I officially dumped. Feels good to be out of this ponzi. Thanks for your money!

>> No.20260660
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Fuck it, im out. Made 3500. Putting it all into OCEAN

>> No.20260667

Nope, I'm out too. Just didn't get as much profit as I wanted

>> No.20260674

The rebase tonight was 20%, and the post-rebase dip is currently at 15%, so buying before the rebase currently yielded a 5% advantage.

>> No.20260675


I literally called this for days and got flamed for it

Get fucked holders you never ever learn

>> No.20260681

Based. Good run boys, thanks for the ez gains.

>> No.20260766

The logo is even shaped like a pyramid

>> No.20260809
File: 9 KB, 235x227, 6ebf1e1de2dfaec4761a0234ba166f65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When plebbit fags don't realize that the purpose of the rebase is to push the price down...

>> No.20260849

Market cap is down from 113million to 80 million

I sold around 105


>> No.20260866

It's already back up to 89 mil. Same shit, different day. Fud harder

>> No.20260885

All these moron fudders still don't understand Anon, keep upping trading volume and pumping my pool bags you morons

>> No.20260931
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>> No.20260963

It‘a still up over 30% on the week and 100% in 2 weeks. Why would you sell something that is currently giving you anywhere from 5-20% per day right now? Where else can you find that in crypto?

>> No.20260983

already back up to 95. Lets check back in an hour to see how smart you are eh?

>> No.20260988


You need a Trip anon, Maybe "UncleOldFaggot" or somthing

>> No.20261043
File: 142 KB, 819x819, 1594416630125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concrete hands + uniswap being pissy saved me. Back on the AMPL train, no stops where we're going.

>> No.20261076

Kek, the fud died quick. Let the brainlets rant and dump and poomp our bags. PRAISE DA LAWD JEEBUS FOR FREE MONEY

>> No.20261083

Sold at 3.3. Bought back in at 2.7

>> No.20261205

If not ironic, you know nothing about how this coin works. On behalf of the 100+ iqs, we acceot your money.

>> No.20261218

im out. 4x. this was wild. most money ive ever made on a deal

>> No.20261240

whats the next gem anon? im also out

>> No.20261273

Should keep free gains in forever.
Fold over your initial investment and rebalnace.
What's wrong with you?

>> No.20261289

maybe, depends on the liquidity. if the pool does not grow at any rate, wont AMPL go back to $1?

>> No.20261345

You don't understand AMPL & rebase.
Win. You fuck. Goddamnit. Let it run for the first time in your life. And. Win. This is what you are waiting for fuckface.

>> No.20261372

Lol think about what I just said.

>> No.20261407

What happens when a whale dumps and price goes to $0.75 instantly?

>> No.20261454
File: 32 KB, 834x489, mcap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What matters the most with this token is...
**drum beat**
The market cap.
Don't sit on the sidelines for this. Last warning. Understand the rebase and buyer beware. Lol.
Good luck!

>> No.20261587

You just said that you swung a token that swings itself for you. Every day. At 10 pm. You fucking brainlet.>>20261407

>> No.20261619

Exactly, these ding dongs that are swinging this shit are the most retarded simians ever to slide across the face of the Earth. Im sure the poolers appreciate the free money though kek

>> No.20261722

>Price drops 75%
>Therefore, market cap drops 75%

>> No.20261781

I've never ever profited swinging I'm too emotional

>> No.20261815
File: 143 KB, 700x828, 1594403406904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet here, pls explain rebasing

>> No.20261820

Definition: rebase
Understand the rebase for AMPL
You fool.
But, I'm rich.
So good luck and carry on!

>> No.20261899

I'm honestly shocked that 4chan is falling so hard for such a gimmick as AMPL. Rebasing is ridiculous. Seriously, if I put $100 in my wallet, I want to know 100% for sure that tomorrow I'll have $100. With rebasing, you have no clue how much you have. It's seriously the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. RSR is the new link. Ampl is the new bitconnect.

>> No.20261902


oh noes

>> No.20261906

The token seeks a value of 1$. When it's over that, the supply is inflated (diluted, more coins, but worth less). Every day, at 10pm EDT. The farther it is from a dollar, the higher the rebase percentage. The opposite happens if the value drops below a dollar, the supply is contracted. This all happens automatically, in your wallet. The market cap is what you want to watch, because NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE, your percentage of the MC stays the same. Market cap go up, good. Market cap go down, bad. Watch the MC, not the price. People that don't understand what this coin is and do dumb shit, like swinging it, will make the rest of us money.

>> No.20261942

Fud harder, faggot. There hasn't been anything like AMPL. RSR is cool though.

>> No.20261986

There's a reason nobody has done this before. It's extraordinarily dumb.

>> No.20262037

Being the federal fucking reserve of crypto is dumb?


>> No.20262095

rebasing is dumb. seriously, you all need to wake up. everyone was loving bitconnect too when the price was inflating. i wonder how you will feel about ampl when you wake up one day to find your wallet has only a small fraction of what it had a few nights before? this is a scam. get out while you can and don't cry here when you lose it.

>> No.20262154

>Muh bitconnect

Rebasing to marketcap is literally the only way to have a true stablecoin. We're making money on the way to getting there. FOH

>> No.20262860
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The changes in marketcap happen slowly with ample because rebases take 10 days to full manifest. Slowest moving crash ever.

>> No.20262911


Rebase is a double edged sword, literally when the marketcap starts contracting, its working as fucking intended. ppl dont bother to read and understand.

people need to fucking understand.

>> No.20262949
File: 504 KB, 792x446, ampilled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However, demand won't go down, mcap won't go down. Besides the ICO, each period of negative rebase has led to an increasing mcap, and this without any hype, or marketing, or geyser. Now they have integrations on the horizon, mcap only go up. Only idiots sell.

This will dwarf Chainlink. Screencap this.

>> No.20263109

I finally fucking get it

>> No.20263568

I unironically think this coin has the best use case in crypto

>> No.20264401