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20255855 No.20255855 [Reply] [Original]

>90s to 2001 the dotcom bubble
>2002 to 2006 Online retail boom
>2006 to 2010 Online Poker
>2010 to 2014 online Marketing boom
>2015 Ethereum and Crypto going Mainstream

Will there be anything after Crypto? Is Crypto the last opportunity to /make it/?

>> No.20255896

Onlyfans and Twitch

>> No.20255947

is data tradable or the contracts to access data or are api's publicly valued and tradable? I think that might have a future.

>> No.20256182

> Is Crypto the last opportunity to /make it/?
Unless the apocalypse happens, no.

My guesses for the next big thing:
- Biotech (aging treatments, gene modification...)
- Nanotechnology (useful for biotech and many other applications, graphene nanotech could be huge)
- VR / AR
- Brain computer interfaces (e.g. Neuralink)
- Space (asteroid mining, space tourism, etc.)
- Quantum computing (and tech that might make it possible e.g. memristors)
- Nuclear fusion

I'm sure I'm missing stuff, but the point is there will be many more fundamental technologies that will reshape society and that's where massive opportunities lie. The problem is identifying the right companies and have good timing

>> No.20256185

Basically Chainlink you say?

>> No.20256208

Interesting list. Thanks anon. Screencapped

>> No.20256221

you made a list of giant technological leaps. OP listed five speculation and bullshit marketing bubbles in the last 20 years, we want more of those.

>> No.20256303

The dotcom bubble was the result of a huge technological leap in telecommunications tech.
Crypto is also the result of a significant technological leap (whether or not you believe it will actually change society and become mainstream is besides the point)
So I'm expecting the next hype fueled boom to be for a technology that has the potential to fundamentally change people's lives / society

>> No.20256331

No, everything that surrounds it or that its involved in. For example user data for publicity, it has value, can that be traded? Lets say I bank has info on what customers are likely to take out loans, can that be traded on a market? It seems like it might be possible.

>> No.20256348

Lol you no linkers are a waste of space

>> No.20257022
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AI waifus, maybe physical robots or maybe VR/AR (or mix of both). It's my dream and I'm gonna make it happen.

We know two things, female promiscuity has skyrocketed. And so have male virginity rates. There is a massive fucking market and nobody is filling it. Millions of lonely men who need the affection society has denied them, that only a wholesome cyber waifu can fulfill.

Phase 2 will be artificial wombs which we will heavily invest in from the waifu money. Phase 3 will be the complete eradication of biocunts from the face of the earth through gene editing in the artificial wombs.

>> No.20257076

The Future are Monopolies.


>> No.20257285

Damn I miss the online poker days.

>> No.20257309

It's definitely VR and 3D technology

>> No.20257405


Get on pppoker

>> No.20257470

they aren't though since theyll get broken up before then. if anything the future is alternative amazon, google, and tesla as theyll all be broken up and parted out like standard oil was.

>> No.20257487

that sounds like ocean or whatever this mercedes coin is called like

>> No.20257541

That's already being sold to Marketing Departments.

>> No.20257609

Full dive VR is the technology I am the most excited about, there is an event soon and Valve will be attending if anyone is curious:

I always thought we were still very far away from such technologies but apparently Gabe Newell and Elon Musk seem to disagree so I'm curious to learn more. Full dive VR would unlock an infinity of experiences for everyone, I think it would change society in a more profound way than any other tech before because it could allow anyone to fulfill their wildest dreams, very curious what that would look like

>> No.20257805

do't know that that is.

I know but everything was directly sold before being speculated on or traded publicly right? If data is the new oil why wouldn't everything related to it also be treated like a commodity. Even smart contracts themselves, they'll have a set value that they would be responsible for but some will be better than others and they in turn could be insured by other smart contracts like subprime mortgages were.

>> No.20257835

>do't know that that is.
sry, meant to say that i didn't know what you where going on about.

>> No.20258876

>Crypto is also the result of a significant technological leap (whether or not you believe it will actually change society and become mainstream is besides the point)

crypto is just an immutable decentralized database that comes with dogshit throughtput performance. can't expect to build better services with this, too unscaleable , useful only for business not allowed by governement thanks to decentralization

>> No.20259084

>Space (asteroid mining, space tourism, etc.)

No such thing imo until the aliens give us Zero Point Energy

>> No.20259120
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Google is struggling a lot more than they let on

>> No.20259178

Full submersion technology - ability to communicate in real time with avatars that exceed 4k quality in a 3d form via smartphone or computer device.

>> No.20259218

It's the 4th industrial revolution faggot. Crypto cannot exist without the internet. The internet cannot exist without computers. No revolution can exist without the previous one already existing. The next revolution in hopefully 15 years will rely on crypto existing.

>> No.20259321

Quantifying love & Soul Mate discoveru - Using existing ad networks, computer trackers, and Big Data, to create dating matches that are mathematically based to push you towards your soul mate. Updates to the algorithm is done real time.

>> No.20259405

memristors won't have any effect on quantum computing, but they'll have a dramatic effect on wearables and IoT devices - imagine smartglasses which had on-board real-time offline image recognition, they could do things like erase billboards and block ads from your perspective.

>> No.20259982
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>> No.20260008

this, it's already happening, and you're too late. Same with youtube channels.

>> No.20260099

You misspelled twetch.

>> No.20260124

Watch the Matrix

>> No.20260130
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Yeah it’s all over after crypto. No more progress. Ever.

>> No.20260160

Yeah but look at how long it took to breakout the last time. Do you want to have to hold oil stocks for 15 years while other shit moons?

>> No.20260218

Google is about to become the foremost AR advertising platform, you don't need any special app. Just search "velociraptor" on google and see the AR dinosaurs that are already available. Look at IPNFF and NTAR.

>> No.20260222


Gold is already mooning. That means silver moons in the coming 2 years. So you have your first two plays already done.

>> No.20260232

Twitch is already on a steep decline

>> No.20260353

only 10 more years of pain and we in boys

>> No.20260430

I’ve been stacking since 2009 but I’m not buying at today’s prices

>> No.20260481

I should probably mention that I’m also not selling at today’s prices

>> No.20260482
File: 63 KB, 600x437, Gold Bull markets compared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suit yourself, 2011 was the 10th Inning for Gold and Silver during that bull Market. We're only in the third inning and Gold's price is almost at the previous ATH. Silver has yet to make it's move, and all the miners are significantly underpriced compared to their 2011 valuations. I'm making money hand over fist from the recent miner run up, and it's just beginning. The fundamentals this time around for precious metals is magnitudes better than in 08, which itself was fantastic.

>> No.20260523
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I don’t disagree, I’m just happy with my allocation. That said I’m just now breaking even on some gold stocks I bought like ten years ago and held for, umm, reasons. Physical metal I’m very nicely up on

>> No.20260531

Disc Golf?

>> No.20260545

All were considered scams before becoming "success".

>> No.20260559

Buying the bottom of the March 2020 'rona crash was unironically the 2020 thing.
Oil even went negative.

>> No.20260580

Oil may see negative values again in the not too distant future as Chinese petroleum reserves are now reaching capacity. My angus is peppered

>> No.20260582

>because it could allow anyone to fulfill their wildest dreams, very curious what that would look like
I can see this turning out really bad actually
>people losing touch with reality, getting super depressed
>addicted to being in a fantasy world, hyper-real porn and all that
>health problems from spending too much time connected to virtual reality
I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg. The unforseen consequences could be disastrous

>> No.20260584
File: 159 KB, 1050x701, gold in deflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek good luck, you're going to make it. If we pullback anytime check out these extremely high quality picks. GoldMining, PureGold Mining, Liberty Gold, Rennaisance Gold, EMX royalties, GoldX Mining, Osisko Royalties, Mag Silver, Silvercrest Metals, First Majestic, Silver One

>> No.20260634


Artificial Intelligence

>> No.20260670

Twitch's idiot mods are running it into the ground with their idiot double standards, Twitch's days are numbered. But online streaming of games isn't going away any time soon.

>> No.20260843

Twitch goes down with SJW. Methods and standards are literally "cancerous" to the platform and itself.

One guy said : "rude" in a Warcract 3 stream, got timed out. :D

SJW banning. Real Nazis. Im worried. Dont want them in RL.

>> No.20260945


He was timed out in wc3 not for saying rude. He was just cut off around the rude part. The report was for something earlier you curry eating faggot

>> No.20261009

Im a optimist so I imagine that as long as capitalism is around there will always be opportunity and bubbles. The second new communism is perfected thats when the opportunity and need for money will end and a new bubble will begin.

>> No.20261224
File: 833 KB, 640x914, -E2-lvtk1ibUP26Y4VUokPzve7Yj6vARmc7WxMlKH8g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wanna fuck this slut