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File: 25 KB, 545x362, F598EC5D-5884-4922-AEE1-56298C2F28A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20251802 No.20251802 [Reply] [Original]

>stayed in an entry level retail sales position for four years
>completed a degree in communication over two years ago
>partied all the time
>didn’t volunteer anywhere
>didn’t earn certifications
>haven’t gained any useful skills to use in employment anywhere else but sales
>don’t have a passion for anything
>keep getting rejected by employers
>now 27 years old applying for school again, except in a STEM field this time

This fucking sucks.
>inb4 retard
I know. I should’ve stuck with my initial degree choice (compsci) but I changed it to comm when I realized the math was interfering with my social life. Now I’m going to be 30 barely finishing something that I should’ve done long ago.

Seriously (although this is probably common knowledge) DO NOT get a degree in anything else other than a STEM field, unless you have a very specific passion for it.

>> No.20251839

Computer sciene is soul crushing, inhumane (I study it)

It made me hate all technology. Good thing I have about $300k worth of crypto I just might make it in the next bullrun and don't actually have to do this shit for living. Just wasting my time at the school at the moment


>> No.20251868

It sucks but you're doing good. Better than staying stagnant and not doing anything.

>> No.20251901

Piggybacking off of OP to any future stem engineers: get a fucking coop or internship or else you will be like me, someone with a degree but in a completely different field because of lack of experience. Dont fall for the get an engineering degree and you'll find work meme.

>> No.20251900

Its ok op. You do have at least 10k link right ?

>> No.20251907

normie getting what he deserves

your best bet is to make it, then not work

>> No.20251943

Similar here. Didn't go to uni, dropped out twice. Worked full time in retail position for 6 years.

25 now. Luckily, I invested all that I earned into Link in 2018 which got me a 30k stack along with 1 btc which i already had. so as long as Link moons i'll be more than fine

>> No.20252211

you have $180k in crypto lol I'd say you're doing much better than any 25yo I know dude.

>> No.20252402
File: 197 KB, 380x400, EEB80571-8F5F-4B69-98A3-5A0A60A64658.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red pill me on a career in IT/ Cybersecurity?

I was thinking about not attending school and just grinding out IT certifications and a position as a help desk dumbass. I’ve been reading that IT/Cybersecurity is the way to go nowadays if you don’t have a degree, because you can just earn certifications and experience, AND almost every single company needs people in that line of work.

I’ve been researching it a bit lately and it seems like an awesome career

>> No.20252746


Yeah but obviously being a drop out, and working entry level retail society views me as a loser

and it's not like i can cash this out. i'm pretty much commited to chianlink reaching at least 100$ before i can potential retire, with no backup plan.

Whatever. i just carry on for now, keep it quiet.

>> No.20252811

Let me tell you something you fucking retard.
Computer Science is soul crushing. I thought I do it for the money as well. It worked 3 semesters, untill I was so depressed, that I kept on failing all my classes over and over again. I crushed my teeth at night, because I hated it.
If you have no passion for it, then don't even fucking start.
Nobody needs some below average or average Computer Science graduate.
You are competing with literal autists, who are coding in their free time and do so already for years. So You would have to do projects on your own as well.
Or you are a diversity hire (read: nigger, chink, woman)
Other than that, your chances are very limited.
The math classes and all the bullshit you learn is fucking useless.
Anyway, if you really want to do it and love it, then go for it.
Good luck.

>Red pill me on a career in IT/ Cybersecurity?
Also I am currently aiming for this, as it at least is somewhat interesting.
If you can prove that you are good and show certificates, then it's not bad either.
You could also go down the bug bounty hunter route. But it's something, which gets harder and harder.

tl;dr: Only do what you love

>> No.20253015

Yep, definitely don't do something for the money. I'm lucky to have a career that I enjoy even if it doesn't pay so well.

Find something you enjoy - e.g. sucking nigger cock.

>> No.20253133

4 years accounting

Am supposed to rush towards CPA after grad but said no and wanted to work AR/AP in a small company first. Hated some of it, liked some of it but it the end it made me feel so empty. Quit rn and an just doing some thinking of whether I should just do my CPA and wage cuck in some firm.

It's ok to say you finished something you didn't like. But I'm always correct myself when I believe I should have done something else. In the end only you can calm yourself down to being in that happy state.

>> No.20253135

That's because you're in the wrong field. Some people enjoy computer science and it isn't soul crushing.

>> No.20253206

Just buy link.

>> No.20253298

It's fucking retarded. Computers have ruined this fucking world

Who the fuck can have a passion for optimizing database searches? You have to be a literal, retard autist to find "passion" in such thing, it is not even passion, you must hate life and nature and arts to actually enjoy "WE GOT THIS DATABASE 0.1NANOSECONDS FASTER THAN IT WAS BEFORE BY OPTIMIZING IT"


>> No.20253353

very well said

>> No.20253381

You do realize we need optimization in databases where there are billions of entries, right? Luckily, mathfags already figured a ton of shit out and you just have to code it. The passion comes from manipulating a machine to achieve your desired result. It comes from figuring out creative solutions to problems you have. School prepares you with the mental tools to be able to figure shit out later instead of a head scratcher boot camp graduate with no formal mathematical training.

>> No.20253379

I worked with a guy who did the same thing. I even told him that a communications degree was gonna be worth fuck all when he was just starting school. He didnt listen.

>> No.20253420
File: 44 KB, 399x385, 1ewdzs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>next bull run
Ahahahahahahah ohhh oh oh. So deluded. Get a job loser hahahahahah

>> No.20253489

I'm so fucking sick of it. Everywhere I go I see people with smartphones, fucking tik tok teens and fucking smartphone, smart carts in a shart mart fucking automated piece of shit inhumanity system of some fucking antichrist. Fucking 5g towers blackening the sky and what else

I have to get out. I don¨'t want to hear the word "crypto" ever again, I just want out to live normal life before everything went to shit and people stare at these fucking black boxes 24/7

>> No.20253531

>degree in communication
ngmi bro

>> No.20253551

Honestly optimization is one of the funnest activities in software, assuming you have correct tools and skills. The problem is that you're too stupid for this area. Don't optimize by 1%, find the opportunities for 10x improvements and make a business impact.

>> No.20253560
File: 52 KB, 500x500, Elon Musk Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future (Unabridged).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would complain if your 4chan page took 10sec to load because no one was smart enough to do that job.
The technology Autist is the only reason we have mastered nature: good food for all, air travel, movies and games; all rely on tractors, or planes or 3D models. Almost everything good in history is thanks to an autist.
Just admit that you're an instict-driven NPC, and sit in your corner while the real humans create the means to travel to mars

>> No.20253597

>Just admit that you're an instict-driven NPC, and sit in your corner while the real humans create the means to travel to mars

This is exactly the logic what I am talking about

Why the hell you would want to go there in the first place? Mine some fucking minerals?

You people literally are fucking insane

>> No.20253711
File: 283 KB, 2018x1398, 1593303955231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 26 years old with a useless economics degree and shitty under qualified job
>mfw I came to grips with the fact that I am doomed for a life of misery and poverty
>don't look both ways when crossing the street now
>smoke weed and give 0 fucks

I'll be eligible for the 27 club next year anyway.

>> No.20253762

Dont worry fren, just get some xsn and u will be set

>> No.20253799

its bullish

>> No.20253879


>> No.20253997

>you must hate life and nature and arts
Agree completely. All my friends who are compsci claim they appreciate aesthetics. Bring them to any art gallery or museum and they get upset/uncomfortable. Their brains are wired different.

>> No.20254043

3D modeling is very artistic. Don't bring us down with your autism.

>> No.20254102
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>Tfw 28 with a Math degree
>Tfw make 68k with bonuses just to make basic brainlet queries for big Insurance.

Sucks to be you OP

>> No.20254154

Do you own some LINK?

>> No.20254196

I did research and two internships and am sitting pretty on a mid-level engineering job right out of college.
It’s worth it to get practical experience they’ll choose you over grades artists every time.
I had a 2.7 gpa and fren had 3.9 and I make 20k more.

>> No.20254254

You're still in your 20's anon. Don't stress about it, too early in the game for regrets.
You have a goal and are willing to work towards it - that puts you in a position to build something upon.
The competition is with yourself, don't pay too much heed to how other peoples careers progress- focus on what you are going for, stay dedicated and make smart decisions, success will follow.

I spent my 20's doing a variety of work in many different industries (not building a career just experiencing different roles), travelled about, made poor choices, made mistakes, they were my choices at the time and I own them.
In my 30's I went back to college to study IT while working part-time, competed with people 10 years younger than I for entry level work, got a start and have developed my career to where I am now in a senior IT infrastructure role.

You can achieve many things if you clearly define your goals and keep them focused in your mind.
Considering my experience I find that there are some choices that I could have made different, some outcomes that I might have preferred but that is just a pity not regret.

>> No.20254372
File: 73 KB, 680x645, shrek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For profit retard and to conquer new untamed lands. The same reason why we found America. Pick up a book and learn some critical thinking skills zoomie.

>> No.20254396

Fuck what society thinks. That's what making it's all about; doing the opposite of what society expects and getting out on top anyway. And btw, chainlink is definitely going to $100. Enjoy your $3 million you maniac.

>> No.20254560

Hi Anon, I work in a senior IT infrastructure role and my career started on the helpdesk and developed while acquiring industry certifications while working as a helpdesk tech.
Computer Science degree is useful for development or perhaps IT security it is not relevant for general IT Infrastructure work.
There is no coding involved, some PowerShell scripting is the closest thing to coding I ever do.
None of my contemporaries have a comp science degree.
IT involves more people skills than development/coding.

Consider taking that helpdesk role and picking up some Microsoft certifications while working to develop your career, the company will probably fund the training if you show some capability and ambition in the helpdesk role.
Another avenue to consider is computer networking- use some simulator software and get Cisco certification - no computer science degree required for this.
Linux system administration is also one I would recommend - start on the helpdesk, acquire Linux+ certification then transition to Linux system administrator role, couple of years experience with this and you can progress to Dev ops.

>> No.20254786

>the math was interfering with my social life
Ahahahaahh I wanna know more about the anon you sound like a total retard please entertain us more

>> No.20254842

28 and you seem to have grown very little Anon. Your comment lacks empathy and displays a lack of character development. It is what a 14 year old would say to another kid in class as social brinkmanship. Not words a confident man would say. A big salary and comfortable job is not everything in life anon, it could be a fleeting thing if destiny wills, it doesn't make you any better than OP either.

>> No.20255102

Truth. thank you for this anon. I needed to hear this too. Cuz I spent two years dropping big dough in XRP now I'm rekt af