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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20234976 No.20234976 [Reply] [Original]

I am too late to make substantial money in crypto

>> No.20234983

not really

>> No.20234986

Pretty much yeah unless you got at least 10-15 grand to throw in at an alt

>> No.20234991

Which one?

>> No.20234996

Opportunities abound, anon. You just have to take them by the balls.

>> No.20235008

too late to make substantial money off btc/eth? yes. crypto as a whole? no.

>> No.20235007

this is literally the perfect moment to enter the market if you're reading this. crypto bullmarkets have always started 3 months after halvings

>> No.20235012

Link. Gotta have 15 grand for link though. 2.5k minimum

>> No.20235023

>too late to make substantial money off btc/eth? yes.
lmao. no its not

>> No.20235055

I can throw $25k on it
But that is still nothing compared to the people who have 6 digit portfolios at this point already.
100 Ethereum or around 4000 LINK
People bought those for pennies.
Feels fucking bad

>> No.20235105

normies don't even know what ethereum or link is you fucking retard. that's how early you are

>> No.20235147

Look at compound's chart and tell me that it's 'too late'

Of course, compound is compound and you will never buy the right shitcoin because you are you. sorry anon

>> No.20235155

retard stop listening to linky hivemind retards and just swing shit coins, I literally looked on biz for 2 minutes and found like 3 with clear potential, or be like the rest of biz and buy at peak and sell at rock bottom https://uniswap.info/pair/0x639ba5dfe39b612e5e1c6255ce0d284fbebe2441

>> No.20235286


>> No.20235316

youre not too late, you are just too retarded to understand chainlink

>> No.20235371

I will never have a 50k LINK stack though
Why even try anymore?

>> No.20235396

Trustswap (SWAP) is mooning as we speak. Get in faggot.

>> No.20235480

Who cares. Would you rather have 1 million dollars or zero dollars from not buying any link at all?

>> No.20235488

I feel you. I'm supposed to be paying rent this month and I don't have enough money at this point. The lockdown really messed up my whole financial equity.

I am honestly thinking about buying a gun and shooting my brains out. This year is the absolute end of the world.

>> No.20235769

>I am honestly thinking about buying a gun and shooting my brains out.
Don't ever do this favour to the Jews. Do you hear me anon?

>> No.20235844

In all my time in cryptocurrency, I don't there has been a single year where I haven't seen this question asked.

>> No.20235879

If it's already mooning, then it's too late.

>> No.20236370


>> No.20236385

What's this even based on? Lol.

>> No.20236389

Bro you’re fine. Just hold 32 ethereum and you will be part of the 4 million people on this earth to join the new world elites.

>> No.20236410

buy DOGE; wait for it to go to $1. there easy money.

i have 25k DOGE

>> No.20236452

if the linkie prophecy comes true and link revolutionizes the world you could end up with literally a million dollars net worth just from a 1k linkie stack

>> No.20236490

Do you guys really not know about swap yet lol??

>> No.20236494

People were saying that in 2018 instead of buying more LINK.

>> No.20236515

bro last bull run i went from $400 to 120k trading. I then proceeded to go down to 15k afterward like a brainlet but it's still definitely possible. Every day there are pump n dumps, random moons, arbitrage opportunities, etc. You just need some luck, motivation, and autism.

>> No.20237308

Almost true. Not true if you have proper money management and leverage.

Meaning true for most people.

>> No.20237483

We haven't seen what development has to offer yet. Its still way early. That's why I tell people to really buy into this stuff for the tech.
Because no matter what kind of nerd you are or what field you work in like it or not this stuff is maturing and finding its application. As it finds its place more people can develop and work on it. That means it will employ people. We don't even see this stuff being taught in schools yet. Still early.

>> No.20237843

I found some fun money and would like to get into crypto. The biggest question I have is when you initially buy, do you guys typically just use your credit card attached to your real name? I saw some exchanges even want photo ID. Do you actually do that?

And if not, what are the best alternative ways?

>> No.20238008

i'd trust coinbase so buy from there or bitcoin from cashapp. coinbase has some large fees though. then transfer to livecoin, kraken, kucoin, etc.

>> No.20238196

nothing he's just someone who fell for that fat fags scam

>> No.20238737

I'll look into it, thx fren

>> No.20238752

linkbear, ftx

>> No.20238755

market big
market provide opportunity everyday

>> No.20238784

>he hasn’t read the whitepaper

>> No.20238853

One I’ve been looking at lately is ShareRing (SHR). If it succeeds and captures a large portion of the travel industry, it could potentially 100x. Only around a ~7-8 Million Market Cap currently. DYOR though!

>> No.20238874

It's never too late. Just never put in more than $100 in crypto and you'll make it. Also don't be American. Americans are for pumping our bags

>> No.20238890

but just in time to lose substantial money on crypto

>> No.20239091

ETH if it works, could be worth 100x in a couple years. BTC can maybe do another 20x...

>> No.20239103

If you can buy 3k link that could still even change your life. Maybe you still have to get some type of job, but you could at least not constantly be worrying about money.

>> No.20239145

how much higher do you niggers ghink it will go? And why? and shouldn't he be waiting for it to inevitably go back down in the next few months to buy in

>> No.20239153

I got 25k, life savings, I'm going all in. I'll either get rich or kill myself, win win

>> No.20239174

for link, eh well consider that 70% of the supply is locked up. So once that gets released, price will go down by 2x at least. Then consider the fact that at full supply it's at 6 billion mcap, that's the mcap of XRP.

So I would say at this point the growth potential for LINK is limited, and that's without going into any of the details

>> No.20239177

As long as you do not buy ScamSINK you're fine.

>> No.20239223
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How do I get started in crypto my niggers?

>> No.20239242
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Just buy solid microcaps that haven't mooned yet like 0xMR and ECIT.

>> No.20239258

I suggest purchasing some

>> No.20239260

so short of the technology getting picked up by a central bank for a silver backed crypto currency after the us purposely inflates their dollar pays off all their debts to global creditors, then switches to neo us silver crypto dollar, your saying it's not really worth it? Is that what you're saying anon?

>> No.20239288

I just buy ETH on coinbase and send it to my metamask wallet for uniswap shenanigans or an exchange that has whatever shitcoin I'm trying to buy. That way only one company has my credentials.

>> No.20239295

So its basically gambling? No strategy?

>> No.20239302


>> No.20239314

nah just retarded.. quit being a pussy

>> No.20239319

as for strategy you might want to look into accumulating microcaps like EPIC but that's a high reward high risk way to go

>> No.20239333

If I bought 100k worth of Bitcoin when it dipped to 5000 then my total BTC would be valued at nearly 200k? What tangible value was actually produced to back that up?

>> No.20239344

Explain please

>> No.20239372

None. It's purely perceived value. That's the nature of speculative markets.

>> No.20239406
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>perceived value

>> No.20239432

Bitcoin is just a digital pet rock. Look into DeFi projects. Tokens like SNX serve a function for an application and have a reason for capturing value. DeFi is the hot shit right now if you want to see 2017-tier gains in the near term

>> No.20239434

dude trust me

>> No.20239462

They never will.

>> No.20239539

Volume rose so people are using it more. The reason they chose to use it does not matter. It is value creation.

>> No.20239575

number go up

>> No.20239593

no...LINK is still realllllly cheap.

>> No.20239614

Lmao imagine believing this

>> No.20239633

you're doing well anon. the first step to coping is admitting you're priced out.

>> No.20239663

Fuck, imagine already owning half a million dollars in something when it's reallly cheap

>> No.20239823




>> No.20240508

...i have 80 link in my wallet so im more or less riding on the link prophecy coming true. please dont fail me you fucking autistic fucks, id like to see my 80 link turn into $500,000 thanks

>> No.20240699
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bullshit, yeah maybe too late to get rich easy just off buying a little bit of BTC or ETH and doing nothing, but if you do research there's still a shitton of money to be made. I got a x3 from ARPA just yesterday for example, and a x3,5 ish form AMPLE in the same week. Shit's glorious

>> No.20240765

Bullshit. Poorfag here, I turned 4 eth into 25 with ESH, then threw 5 eth at statera and made over 30, then dumped the total into Link and got a 2500 stack. Not quite make it territory but there are still opportunities to get your foot into the singularity

>> No.20241665

Alright, I just bought 4000 LINK

>> No.20242123

If you're gonna an hero, at least take out a loan and gamble it on shitcoins so you have a chance of making it instead.

>> No.20242152


>> No.20242575


>> No.20243272

>Cardano and Vechain
Those are unironically quality projects and not pnd schemes.
You don't post them here, /biz is for pajeet shitcoins on uniswap

>> No.20243864

This is not happening

>> No.20244140

i wan't to trade Bitcoin but my broker (Pepperstone) spread is too large, i looked at coinbase but they only offer a 3X levrage thats too little for my capital i can't make a living off it.

where should i go?

>> No.20244669

>If you're gonna an hero, at least take out a loan and gamble it on shitcoins so you have a chance of making it instead.
Do that but then file for bankruptcy if you fail.

>> No.20245018

So how do you realize your gains? Do you convert back to fiat currency after your shit goes up, buy gold with it, or just hold onto it? Can you buy hardware at Lowes with AMPLE (whatever that is)? Genuinely curious

>> No.20245197
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>> No.20245198

Yeah ADA and VET are good long term plays and this is not the place where long term thinking is typically done.

Also, check out TRAC for similar quality but much lower market cap still.

>> No.20245961

Lol yeh just ignore that LEND did a 10x in like 1-2 month.

>> No.20245983

dyor, but Monero is pretty clearly undervalued at the moment.

>> No.20246017
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Literally "want not".
Is that you on the pic? Just a guess.

>> No.20246114
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>> No.20246140

do these shitty scam exchanges just feign transactions all day? I'm looking at a low volume one and there are frequent miniscule trades that don't pertain to any actual orders listed on the books.

Is there an explanation other than blatant fraud?

>> No.20246182

haha checked.

>> No.20246202

thx for the laugh.

>> No.20246276

I want in on that

>> No.20246326

there's still a 40x or so into multi-trillion market caps

so you'd need 50k~250k to "make it" off just holding through a bull run

>> No.20246525

How do you get rich off of bitcoin unless you're already rich? Unless you just swing it everyday

>> No.20246667

Which coins?

>> No.20246749

RSR for moonshot
DMG for P&D

>> No.20246907

Why are you so poor?

>> No.20246950

Buy your ren darknode fast

>> No.20247051
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Bruh. For this to happen, the entire world would have to turn into a LINK-based economy centered around worship of Sergei Nazarov, so in other words, world-wide /biz/. Good luck getting the Chinese and Jews and anyone else who survive as a people by extending credit, to hand over their privileged positions to Chainlink.

80 LINK might buy you a Cybertruk in 7 years. GL.

>> No.20247339
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auspicious digits

>> No.20247470

>Good luck getting the Chinese
oh we already got them

>> No.20247515

Good, go get Shlomo now.

>> No.20247578

Already happening, Chainlink partnered with Celsius Network which is staffed about 25-45% by former IDF and Israeli MOD members. They're managing some of Chainlink's digital funds.


>> No.20247653


You can have 50k xsn stack. It’s not too late.

>> No.20247657

thats TAKING over wtf you thing Chainling is gonna own Jewish bankers - this is the other way around

>> No.20247680

Don't really care, it's extremely bullish for the company's long term prospects.