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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20239199 No.20239199 [Reply] [Original]

Hi frogs. Ok, relax, take your tramadol, baby heroin gummies, daddys here, all going to be ok. I will explain what's going on.

It's obviously all ok. You are high as fuck - if you're in AMPL already. Or mind blown and WTF if not. Let me explain.

2 days ago a $100m COMP farmer whale bought $1m of AMPL.
- And deposited $1m Ampl and $1m eth into the Uniswap Pool.
- Then started to claim from the "ampl-geyser" liquidity incentive program at 30%+ annualised roi.
This took the uniswap pool to $6+ million, the largest pool. Now we are at $11.7mil.
- https://uniswap.info/pair/0xc5be99a02c6857f9eac67bbce58df5572498f40c

This was at $2 price, and I posted here to let you know this will support the price and guarantee 10% compound interest days (read the "red book" on ampl website if u dont know what this is)

Now we are at $2.80 sorta price and just had a 15% compound interest day.

In the last 48 hours more whales have moved in.

Now I'm not going to bullshit you. $2.80 is a high price for AMPL as it's more about the market cap than the $ price - the $price doesnt need to be $2.80 or $5 or whatever, the daily supply increase at 5-15% compound interest will add 5-15% to the market cap every day. And again, this $11mil liquidity will support it.

What we will see now is:
- A continued RISE ONLY MARKET.
- But, probably correcting slightly - expect $2 to $3 range prices for a week.

If weak hands dump, and it causes a cascade like happened 10 days ago from $2.80 to $1.70, then the 5-10 whales that bought in are stronger, more experienced. They can literally just buy up $25-200k worth again, bring the price back to $2.50, bring strength and sentiment back to the market, and KNOW they are going to get a 10-15% compound interest rebase the next day to mitigate their risk.

However, the weak hands, with smaller bags literally do not have big enough bags to really do this. TBC...

>> No.20239320
File: 163 KB, 490x314, Screenshot 2020-07-10 at 13.33.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whales do. And they will probably do it.

So expect $2 price and look to buy there.

But they aren't doing it to exit. The $100m compound farmer whale and friends literally don't care about a 2 day 50% gain. They go hard, for long periods as long as it is profitable. And it is.

They can sell 20-30% of their position, and bring the market down to $2.20. Scare smaller, newer and experienced buyers into selling.

And they can scoop up $2 AMPLs in smaller batches, buying back all of what they sold, and MORE, and bringing the price back past $2.20 and guaranteeing a rebase compound interest of 10%+ the next day to reduce their risk.

So expect to see this. My advice, would not be to sell now, as you never know. It might hit $4. But it is profitable to cause this mini "crash" (especially if you saw how many people shit their pants when this same thing literally happened last week, and then of course rebounded and went back to $2.30 and up again)

This is the start of a RISE ONLY MARKET. Whales can dip the price, and buy the fear of the inexperienced. And keep it in a positive rebase for 10%+ daily interest.

This will happen maybe today or tomorrow, so get ready. Then we will see $2-2.50 sort of range for another 7-21 days, taking us up to $300-500m sort of days on steady 7-12% rebase days.

After that, well, I'll let you know, but I think we will slow down to $1.50 sort of range, more modest but basically still astronomical 5% compound interest days. BUT, please realise this is all about supply based trading. If you are waiting for $1.50 and it takes 4 weeks to get there, then you are better to buy now or at a little dip to $2 than waiting 4 weeks, as you buy a smaller % of supply there.

Good luck frogs, hope the tramadol is kicking in already x

>> No.20239433

Holy shit we might actually be in a new fucking paradigm i'm having tremors right now
How much coffee is too much coffee

>> No.20239459

Ugh why didn't I bought more under $1.20 I knew this was going to happen.

>> No.20239479

I told you. Tramadol. This is the takeaway here. Synthetic meditation.

>> No.20239540

are you Crypto Frog??

>> No.20239629

soooo buy now?

>> No.20239764
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>> No.20239839

Highly doubt it but I think he's in for this new paradigm too

>> No.20239876

AMPL is playing out exactly like its supposed to. i hope you guys understand the implications of this. fucking NEW PARADIGM

>> No.20239966
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new /biz/ shill paradigm.. this is the new SENT or VIDT. absolute budget shill army. It will be gone in a week. Roll with Reserve Rangers if you wanna ride.

>> No.20240246

Nope. Hes a good frog tho. Listen to him.

>> No.20240261

Sure. but dollar cost average. Be prepared we could see $2.
But it isnt immediately dumping, so I could be wrong, we could stay here if there are just more whales that want in or same whales that want more? :P

>> No.20240564
