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2022198 No.2022198 [Reply] [Original]

Before I begin I'd just like to state that I'm currently holding 910 Ether tokens which I bought at $5.60 USD, so I have a fairly substantial stake in the game here.

That being said we have to admit that what's propping up ethereum's price is merely the promises made by the ethereum team. I don't expect I'll hold much longer than the end of this year, and let me tell you why.

As long as the hype for ethereum is there, it will continue to rise in price. But there will come a point in time when real companies and real products are being made on this platform. When this happens they will be a huge target on these services from hackers..

Anyone remember the DAO hack? Anyone remember how fast the price plummeted from 20$/coin down to around 6/coin? What's to stop this from happening again exactly? And how many more times can the ethereum team do a hard fork before people give up on this? I suspect the answer is not much more.

There are many interested parties who will want to take down ethereum. 1. Straight up hackers who want money. 2. Bitcoin maximalists who want to see ethereum fail. 3. People who just in general want ethereum to fail(Just like people on here who want to see Tesla fail for no real reason). With the DAO hack fresh in everyone's mind, it's going to give confidence to a whole new wave of people to try and do the same.

So I am going to get out of ethereum as soon as the hype hits it's peak and the actual services start coming online. I suggest you all do the same.

>> No.2022206

you would think they would have adressed this matter with so many large companies being apart of their eth alliance.

really fires the synapses

>> No.2022207

Lmao, great FUD. Ethereum is the coin of the future. We don't need you on the moon mission, so kindly give up your seat to someone who will appreciate it.

>> No.2022218

>t.bitcoin shill

>> No.2022219

Go ahead OP. Sell your shares.
Guess how many I have. Zero. Because I sold on an early dip like a retard. Couldn't even make it to plateau like most everyone else. Go ahead, sell them off. By a bunch of bullshit with your earnings, pay off some bills. Just remember, anon, it won't even be close to a quarter of what you could make twenty years from now.
If the general public wants something, they'll keep it around, and there's lots of money and time being saved with ETH.

>> No.2022229
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>t. buttmad nocoiner

>> No.2022234

seriously missing the point entirely.

or are you just ignoring the giant security hole?

>> No.2022241


This is an argument by authority. "Big companies" have showed interest in their technology, thus all their security issues can't exist anymore. Not very convincing.

Emotional responses with no real counterargument other than "It's da future! to da moon!"

This the best biz can do?

>> No.2022252

Bitcoin - For the people
ETH - For the corporations

They're going to war with each other. One of the biggest thing I've learned about winning wars in our history is to act like a Jew: Fund both sides so you don't lose. We Jews now.

>> No.2022257

what i meant was; the issue, to my knowledge, still hasnt been adressed.

i dont own a single crypto or regular stock. but i am interested in doing so.

>> No.2022265
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Just sell then. If you don't believe in the future of Ethereum, there's the door. Don't let it hit you on the ass on the way out.

>> No.2022267

As I understand it, the DAO incident was not a "hack" but an exploit of the contract's programming, as in the contract ran as it was written. This is no different from any other software, so it's not a disadvantage for the Ethereum platform any more than it is for any internet-based service, which is why most successful companies have a method of testing the operation and security of their software before it goes live. On the other hand, a distributed application cannot be "hacked" in the traditional sense, because there's no one centralized server that hosts the program, and this also should make dapps more resistance to DOS attacks that traditional services occasionally experience.

>> No.2022269


My bad. I don't know what to advise because I only hold bitcoin and ethereum and don't so much bother with altcoins.

>> No.2022289


If the contracts are written in a turing complete language and capable in theory of any computation, then isn't hacking an inevitability?

If I hack a bank and empty it's coffers there are systems in place of tracking me down. You cant just hide billions of fiat unless you are extremely well connected. The moment I moved this money somewhere else(which it is all just digital numbers at that point and I'd need to move it) I would be caught. Or the IRS would simply audit me when they notice I'm rich as fuck out of nowhere.

Crypto isn't analogous. I can hide crypto. I can move it to a cold wallet on a hard drive and encrypt the hard drive and nobody can do shit.

If I'm a bank, or some other central authority, why do I give up power to use something that makes it harder for me to secure my app?

Why do I base my technology decisions on brand new tech that is untested and unproven while also being a huge vector of attack. I can harden my own server against attack, but I can't do shit about the ethereum blockchain if there's an exploit discovered?

This is all short term thinking, propped up entirely by hype and greed. I'm fine with that, but I just want to inform people to not hold forever, to make sure you do your due diligence and get out if shit hits the fan or when people start discovering that it cant deliver on all of its promises.

>> No.2022310

Its not just empty promises. The DAO hack demonstrated something that bitcoin hasn't done yet: doing a hardfork in the interests of stake holders. It's an assurance to investors that colossal losses can be avoided due to bugs/hacks and that new features can be implemented. The thing is a better bitcoin at this point, and more investors and companies will get on board when they realize how safe ETH is compared to BTC, where a flub in an address losing you millions of dollars will be met with apathy from the people running it citing "mah virtual gold" while the folks at Etherium are running it like an actual virtual currency.

>> No.2022315

Whats best wallet in terms of security for iOS or pc?

>> No.2022316


Ok, but doesn't this ruin the point of "decentralization" ?

Secondly, a hard fork requires consensus on the network, what is something catastrophic to one of ethereum's partners happens, but the network doesn't agree to fork?

Thirdly, what about the small players who get exploited? If only the large players have insurance, then it's an even worse system then what we currently have.

Too many ifs here to be sure on ethereum's future.

>> No.2022359

>doesn't this ruin the point of decentralization?

What do you think the point of decentralization is?

>what if the network doesn't agree to fork?

Then you weren't a big enough fish. The issue is less about the fact that something catastrophic could happen and more about the fact there is a remedy if it does.

>what about the small players

What about them? You think the current system doesn't insure the big boys? The small fry don't choose their currency. They use whatever gets them the most customers.

>> No.2022462

>but doesn't this ruin the point of "decentralization"?
No one gives a shit about that.
People care about getting rich.

>> No.2022829

i just bought back in
because of fees, ETH has to hit 82.50 for me to make a profit
but look at this cone 3 days in the making
ETH is may get a few more dips in and then rocket
i have a good feeling about today
i went with my gut and bought 30 eth

>> No.2022832
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forgot pic

>> No.2022845
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i was probably dumb to buy at this peak but i dont get my eth til tuesday anyway

>> No.2022893

where and how can I buy ETH?

>> No.2022894


>> No.2022970

is poloniex also a good option?

>> No.2023008

thank for this, I'll buy at this time tomorrow

but what is the chance of it plummeting, 40%?

>> No.2023013


Not likely, it's still running purely on hype and doesn't have to deliver anything. So any fluctuations are just random chance. It will likely go up.

>> No.2023146

I thought about this and well, shit happens. Nothing is perfectly secure. Nothing we use now and not even the block chain but one is better even if not perfect. Shit like the DAO will happen to Ethereum in the future, it's inevitable. What's important is the response and does that response solve the problem in a way majority people are satisfied with? If the answer is yes, Eth rises again and we go back to the moon. There's hype yes and that inflates expectation but there's evidence that Ethereum could be a staple presence in the future like apple or Google. So I'm staying in long term. We are still very early in this, the ground work isn't done yet.

Make the decision that applies to your situation.

>> No.2023177

Hi, I'm looking to get into crypto, do you guys have any resources I could use to learn how to do this properly?

>> No.2023190

Nice FUD thread faggot. Also prove you have 900 eth you fucking dumb prick

>> No.2023347
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Here ya go dum dum

>> No.2024556

poloniex requires you to have btc in order to trade for another crypto. if you're a nocoiner you need to transfer fiat first, either through kraken or coinbase.

get in now because verification on these platforms can take weeks.

>> No.2024573
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Just putting this here

>> No.2024576

my jelly rolls.

>> No.2024584

XBY has fucking nothing to show, what prevents a further along project such as for example golem from adding a basic storage feature

>> No.2024590


wtf is this shit? their website looks like its from geocities

stop pumping these scam coins

>> No.2024618

okay. I'll make an argument

the reason why they hardforked to save theDAO is because having 15% of your security tokens in the hands of a hacker is an existential threat to the platform. he could have spammed the network with transactions after selling half and ethereum would still be fucked for months

they aren't going to hardfork over some company fucking up their smart contract and their platform goes down for a few hours or a small amount of ether being stolen (think a few hundred thousand. gatecoin got hacked and they didn't hardfork for them) unless there is an existential threat to the platform where some large percentage of the tokens get stolen. it's unlikely that a large percentage of outstanding ether will ever be held by a single smart contract again

also, smart contract engineering is going to get better. formal verification is going to be essential and a lot of these big companies are investing in it heavily. there were like 7 formal verification talks at devcon 2 last year

you're a fool if you think the history of technology isn't riddled with experiments and failures/learning lessons

>> No.2024626

OP here on mobile. You have any links to these talks on formal verification?

>> No.2024687
File: 24 KB, 1411x180, wutafug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck is this clownshoe motherfucker reveal yourself nig

>> No.2024824

If you hack a bank and empty its coffers, you're messing around with values in a centralized database. The same thing is not possible for a decentralized blockchain, because you would have to change values on at least half the nodes. This makes it actually easier AND cheaper to secure.

>I can't do shit about the ethereum blockchain if there's an exploit discovered?
You could use best coding practices and ensure none of your contracts are exploitable in the first place, and (as it appears many companies are doing right now) you could run your own blockchain internally that simply interfaces with the Ethereum blockchain so that you can shut shit down until you've hardened your interface code if an exploit is discovered.

IBM, Microsoft, etc. know more as a whole than any one man will ever learn in a lifetime about writing secure programs, and they're still interested in the platform, so your FUDing is kind of moot at this point.

>> No.2024938


ty man

>> No.2025197


I've been checking that since Sunday and every time there is a huge dip, there's some fuck putting a huge buy-wall up

I honestly think they are scalpers. They have been making so much money off of eth rocking back and forth from $80 to $75 since Sunday

>> No.2025449
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lost it. lmfao

>> No.2025797
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>> No.2026468


>> No.2026474

>Triangles just get longer and longer
is it hopeless lads

>> No.2026481


Just got 2k in at about 86. All I had to do was read

>> No.2026513

Hype? So it has nothing to offeR?

>> No.2026521

Damn son ur right , jews are smart

>> No.2026556

Isnt there some interview today about it? Wheres the calendar again i forgot

>> No.2026565

Here >>2026197