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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20224437 No.20224437 [Reply] [Original]

No matter what. Even if I won't experience this day, I don't care. I rather stay poor, instead if giving my power away this easily.
Fucking Jews

>> No.20224453


>> No.20224458


>> No.20224464
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kisame, we are leaving, this OP is too based.

>> No.20224466

I simply won't ever sell. My link stack could be worth literally 10 billion dollars, I could be the potentially richest man on earth, and I won't sell. Not a single stinky. Not one will ever leave my wallet no matter the price.

>> No.20224488

How do we take profits?

>> No.20224489
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>> No.20224515

based af

>> No.20224729

take them to the grave

>> No.20224772

That is what I am speaking about

>> No.20224925

what is the point of that retard

>> No.20224991

What is the point of selling them for fake FIAT money, giving your power away just to consoom, so that (((they))) profit from it?
My choice is clear

>> No.20225003

charge people a fee to allow them to gaze upon your wallet for a brief moment. become motivational speaker, even if you're retarded, rich people can always do it. write a book.

>> No.20225026 [DELETED] 

>He didn't invest in the potential cure for tumor chemo resistance

>He didn't invest in the cure for tumor chemo resistance


>> No.20225044

LINK probably wont hit 10k bro. Seriously I get the hype but 5k is the absolute max.

>> No.20225063

>he lacks the critical knowledge

>> No.20225082

Internet worth 22 trillion, that was an estimate by cisco in 2014. It worth alot more now nigger.

>> No.20225163

Exactly. Or become some investment advisor. Tell people you can spot trends very early on. Buy LINK for Normies and charge them money for doing so. Whatever. But do not give those precious LINK away.
And if you really can't stop yourself from doing so, then at least wait 10 years, untill every industry got disrupted.
(remember: adoption of new technology happens fast and faster)
$10,000 per LINK is a certainty, if everything goes according to plan.
So if you sell, wait untill we reach this target.

>> No.20225242

I'm going to short your stinky until it's nothing faggot.

>> No.20225253

Diamond hands. The force is strong with this one.

>> No.20225265

Protip: If it gets high enough in price - you never need/have to sell.

Dr; Ns

>> No.20225329

based. I too will never, ever, ever, ever fucking sell a single LINK. Even when I'm dead, I won't be giving my LINK to anyone. I will set up a smart contract that sends the staking proceeds to my family, but NOBODY is touching my stack. Fuck you, nolinkers.

>> No.20225365


>> No.20225423

never gonna happen. fatass was supposed to announce it yesterday. it’s over

>> No.20225472
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only have 900 linkies I bought at about 80¢ each, why tf would I ever sell unless I was extremely desperate for cash?

making it? I have a son, a wife, a house. Link is just the icing on my nice cake.

>> No.20225477

>LINK probably wont hit 10k bro
I don't care. I am convinced it will.
And if it doesn't, then so be it.
I won't fucking sell.
Many anons think $10,000 is out of scope.
But I am sure a lot of people will be suprised very soon.
Let's wait for the next bullrun.
ETH will propaply hit $10k
If the LINK/ETH ratio stays as it is, this would mean that LINK would be around $250. However I expect that the ratio will continue to increase, so I see LINK around $300 next bullrun at least.
When is this going to happen?
2022 propaply.
Now think about it: In two years, there won't be that much adoption of smartcontracts yet. SWIFT's plan to switch over to DLT will be completed in 2026.
And I am not even speaking about the derivate market, insurance market and what not. There will be many more usecases, which we don't even think about yet.
So back to those $300.
If a bunch of retards and an influx of normies and speculators will be able to drive the price of LINK up to $300, what do you think is going to happen when real adoption kicks in?
Do you think the demand will only be 10x more?
No, it will be waaaaay fucking more.
Then once the laggards realize, what LINK is and what it does, they eventually start buying in as well, because of the endless positive feedback loop.
Imagine a stock where you know that everybody will keep buying it, no matter what.
Fucking amazon got pushed up to a trillion dollar marketcap.
A fucking shipment service.
Now imagine a protocol, which profits from the network effect.
And enterprises/node operators will earn money from providing data on top of it.
If there are still anons on this board who think that $1000 or $10,000 is out of scope, then I am sorry.
You have zero imagination.

>> No.20225515
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chegged and also

>> No.20225566

holy checked with 77
Yeah, I think there is no more doubt.
However, you need iron hands anons, that's for sure

>> No.20225578

>A fucking shipment service
you linkies really are deranged. amazon has it’s toes in pretty much every sector and consumer service you could possibly imagine. it’s OVER you LOST

>> No.20225598

Might see it sooner than you think, as network grows exponentially.

>> No.20225607

When the new economy starts next year all previous cryptos will be deemed outlawed

>> No.20225619

Mentally ill

>> No.20226228

Nolinker detected

>> No.20226738

Inflation? What's it worth now?

>> No.20226804
File: 211 KB, 700x443, 1539235433444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tink tink tink

Attention KIKES

I will NEVER, ever sell my Linkies. LINK at 1.50? Didnt sell.
LINK at $1? Didnt sell.
LINK at 0.80? 0.70? 0.50?... 0.40? 0.30? 0.20?

Not selling.

IF you filthy kikes ever want to see these linkies again, you are going to have to pump the price to AT LEAST $81,000 per LINK... At which point, AGAIN, you filthy kikes, I AM NOT SELLING

The richest man in Costco. Praise Sergey

>> No.20226884

fuck zem stinkers

>> No.20226983
File: 565 KB, 527x702, D3930362-5C92-4D6C-82E6-EB7F46B83157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it’s OVER you LOST

I don’t know why that made me lol so hard

>> No.20226996

Have fun waiting 25 years. While you sit in your parents basement jerking it to gay jews on pol into ypur 50s I'll be on my yacht fucking my Japanese harem and in my mansions enjoying the high life through my 20's.

>> No.20227020

What if fundamentals change?

>> No.20227050
