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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 100 KB, 769x1285, monerowaifu14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20223568 No.20223568 [Reply] [Original]

This daily general is for supporters of the cypherpunk ideology to hang out and help noobies learn about Monero, the most fungible cryptocurrency. A cypherpunk is any activist advocating widespread use of strong cryptography and privacy-enhancing technologies as a route to social and political change.

We believe that Monero is the logical continuation of Bitcoin because it offers superior privacy, leading the way to many potential use cases. Discussion points include rising Dark Net adoption, news articles about Monero, daily transaction totals, and new technology updates to the Monero project.

Moonboy posting is discouraged, however price speculation and TA is fine.

Overview: https://web.getmonero.org/get-started/what-is-monero/
Daily Transaction Totals: https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/monero-transactions.html
Mining Introduction: https://web.getmonero.org/get-started/mining/
Merchants that accept Monero: https://web.getmonero.org/community/merchants/
Crypto ATMs: https://coinatmradar.com/bitcoin-atm-near-me/

>> No.20224066
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>> No.20224205
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threadly reminder that XMR is the comfiest hold

>> No.20224445
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Hmmph. I can't believe I didn't accumulate an unknown amount in 2015.

>> No.20224551

whats your guys' stacks looking like, im currently holding an unknown amount

>> No.20225258

I also hold an unknown amount coincidentally.

>> No.20225397
File: 319 KB, 769x1285, xmr waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The list of Monero species is quite dense and goes like this.
0.) Cthulhu (200 000+ XMR)
1.) Leviathan (100 000+ XMR)
2.) Blue whale (60 000+ XMR)
3.) Orca (40 000+ XMR)
4.) Narwhal (20 000+ XMR)
5.) Dolphin (10 000+ XMR)
6.) Shark (5 000+ XMR)
7.) Black Marlin (2 000+ XMR)
8.) Wels catfish (1 000+ XMR)
9.) Tuna ( 500+ XMR)
10.) Electric eel (200+ XMR)
11.) Norwegian Delicious Salmon (100+ XMR)
12.) Gadidae (50+ XMR)
13.) Salmonidae (20+ XMR)
14.) Gilt-head bream (10+ XMR)
15.) Atlantic mackerel (5+ XMR)
16.) Herring (2+ XMR)
17.) Goldfish (1+ XMR)
18.) European pilchard (0.5+ XMR)
19.) Dwarf Goby (0.2+ XMR)
20.) Paedocypris (0.1+ XMR)

>> No.20225791
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I can confirm I am one of these ;)
Also attached is the updated transaction chart. We had our highest total in over a month yesterday. July so far is on pace for highest ever transaction total for a month if we keep this strong over the next twenty days.

>> No.20226446
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Host a node for light clients if you can.
I have my node running for two years now, and may connect to it with monerujo client.
This satisfies me.

>> No.20226648

You can run a monero node on vps right?

>> No.20227048

Yes. Why are you asking?

>> No.20227341

I was just reading that xmr.to can now pay Bitcoin lightning network invoices. Pretty big news.

>> No.20227602

Can a lightning network be run ontop of monero?

>> No.20227742
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forgot to include a link to plebbit that announced it
Yeah I don't see why not. Lightning network is having trouble with adoption as of this point, and it's unclear if it is the solution to scaling because of issues with nodes and privacy.
But if LN does become popular, xmr.to will be a valuable tool for it. Because now anyone who holds monero can make use of the lightning network without even holding Bitcoin, and in doing so keep their transactions complete hidden. It's a pretty brilliant solution that means if Lightning network succeeds, Monero's value goes up, and if it doesn't we will still get adoption from people using the lightning network and wanting their transactions to be private. Very comfy news.

>> No.20227862

How do I set a light weight node up on linux? Any advice or should I go DuckDuckGo

>> No.20228627

too bad the general is kinda dead

>> No.20228629

this is bitcoin in 2015. i'm all in. see you next year frens.

>> No.20229049

Sometimes the general is popping off, and other times it’s pretty laid back. Today is one of the laid back days.

>> No.20229512

Feeling comfy with my [[[unknown amount]]]

>> No.20229990

Yes, it can. It needs to justify its own existence first, though. It's less secure than Bitcoin and introduces scaling problems of its own. I'm pretty sure it's also less private than transacting on the Monero chain directly.

Light weight node? Do you mean a pruned node? Running a pruned node is just "monerod --prune-blockchain". If you need more help, I can help you but you'll need to be more specific about your intended setup and which parts you need help with.

>> No.20230207

I have a feeling it is about to go back to the 0.01 BTC ratio. XMR is one of these assets where you can just buy and forget about it, kinda like buying bitcoin. personally even more comfy to me cause I think XMR is undervalued against BTC.

>> No.20230979

Yeah .007BTC for Monero is absurdly undervalued for what has become the privacy solution for Bitcoin and other transparent block chains.

>> No.20231100
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Don't worry about it though. The xmr community is one of the biggest and smartest there is. XMR is a scarcer asset than Bitcoin right now ( not looking at lost bitcoins ) and it will be for a decennia atleast. This year the inflation of XMR drops below that of Bitcoin. Smart anons know. XMR has been in accumulation for the past 7 months. the effects of low inflation are starting to show. The scarcity is starting to show. A few weeks ago Bitcoin took a decent dump and XMR pumped at that time. It has also tried breaking out for 3 times now.

pic related is all you need to know.

xmr is going to be the most safe long term hold from now on

>> No.20231296
File: 33 KB, 512x250, dgb10x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGB is also decentralized.

>> No.20231363

Good prediction.
>A few weeks ago Bitcoin took a decent dump and XMR pumped at that time.

>> No.20231388

The conference yesterday revealed to the world the fat Russian that runs this scam. Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $5 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload with the whales already long gone. Once it shoots through the $2.5 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all LINKies. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing binance. The $0.50 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final stinky Nodes will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in LINK will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to binance to salvage some self respect. The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.5, and most probably sub ICO levels. From that day forward the stinky Linkie wagecucking engineering nerds who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages. Stinky Linkies will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto. I warned you LINKies. There’s still time to get out. Sell NOW. Don’t be stinky, don’t be a LINKie.

>> No.20231536
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Thanks for joining the Monero general thread, LINKie

>> No.20232423

XMR is not scarcer yet. Obviously with that inflation and rising adoption we will be seeing the effects in the future, but as of now, people aren't buying and holding. People are buying Monero to use it, or as I have already mentioned, using services like xmr.to or morphtoken to remove the trail of a transparent coin. What we are waiting for is the switch where people start wanting to ONLY use Monero instead of using Monero only when it is needed for privacy. Perhaps that may never happen. But all things considered, as long as the use of Monero grows we will have more people around the world holding, which will surely put pressure on that price.
Today has been one of our best days for the BTC ratio in a while. Let's see if it holds.

>> No.20232773

XMR noob here, how close is it to being "done"? It's already private so it's just a matter of scaling up to handle higher TX's, correct? My main concern is that while other coins are still incomplete and thus have the potential to grow in value just by continuing development, (ETH 2.0, LINK staking) XMR is basically complete and it still isn't really growing in value. Seems like it would require some sort of black swan event for people to start buying.

>> No.20233133

its not complete yet, upgrades are being roled out constantly to improve scalability.

it works though and works well and can handle the current transaction volumes but also 1000x more. unlike Bitcoin with their 7tps 1mb blocks and no real advancement for 5 yeears ( litenin network coming in 18 months guys! )

>> No.20233192

What do you mean? Monero improves every release. The last release (2 months ago) they improved confirmation times by 15% (improves scalability).

CLSAG is currently being research for monero

Quantum resistant cryptography is being research specifically for monero

It's a gem hidden in plain sight.

>> No.20233200
File: 171 KB, 1843x607, xmr_transacties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart money accumulates XMR.
Moonboys want to hold erc20 shittokens. Yes they pump hard. but the value NEVER stays there, appart from a few sucessful ones, all the value will flow to assets with real good fundamentals. Bitcoin used to have the real good fundamentals, but not anymore.

my advice? trade shitcoins, put your profit in xmr, you'll b happy to catch the shitcoin pumps and then you'll be happy again because you put the profits in a slow but steady appreciating asset.

>> No.20233228

Underrated post

>> No.20233309


this is extremely gay don't post this again.

>> No.20233340


dutch or flemish anon? glad to see a fellow dutch speaker with smart money

>> No.20233494


>> No.20233661

pump incoming

>> No.20233662
File: 6 KB, 300x168, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> dutch or flemish anon? glad to see a fellow dutch speaker with smart money