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File: 857 KB, 1224x1223, Richard Lohwasser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20217652 No.20217652 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks for your money nerds and now fuck off. The Blockchain has no priority. It´s not a scam if we secretly decide to change our business model.


>> No.20217675

if you can prove that there was never the intention to make this work, it would go to a judge

>> No.20217732

Thats not what he said though retard. 1/8

>> No.20217982

You dummies dont realise how big lition blockchain will become ... literally the first blockchain that will provide use to normies and they wont even have to know its blockchain this is what we have been hoping for and now its here infront of you but youre still chasing uniswop shit... go look at the top 30 on coin marketcap its full of scams

Lition energy is just one use case proving how blockchain could change the way we trade goods and services

>> No.20218028

Glad I managed to get out of this kraut scam with a slight profit

>> No.20218030

To sum up the article it says that the word "Blockchain" doesn't feature on lition.de (their energy website). This isn't a big deal in the slightest because normies don't even know what a blockchain is, nor do they even care. What any customer or consumer cares about is the benefits of the service their using. In the case of Lition Energy the benefits are saving on average 20% off their energy bill whilst using green energy and whilst cutting out middle man energy corporations. A liberal commie dream right there. For those selling the green energy they will make a saving on up to 30%

If you visit the website designated to their blockchain (lition.io) unsurprisingly the word is plastered all over the place

Lition Energy and the Lition Blockchain are two separate entities. When you buy LIT you are investing in the blockchain that has Lition Energy as a usecase but will have more use cases in the future. Including a use case in the banking sector

tl;dr Lition still depends on their blockchain they just don't use the word blockchain on their energy website because normies don't understand the autistic buzzwords that we like to jizz over

The article is unironically bullish if you bother reading it

>> No.20218045


I'm fluent in german and they just fucked all holders in the ass big time with a BBC

>> No.20218213

Why the fuck did I buy this absolute shitcoin with such a conniving team fucking over the bagholders at every turn

>> No.20218302

You were warned so many times. There were endless threads here when the team was dumping and hiding it calling them out but you listened to the retards in the Telegram instead

>> No.20218389

Besides his shilling I agree with this anon. Blockchain shouldn't be a marketing tool but just silently run in the background while providing the using companies its benefits to remain competitive. This is how adoption should look like - Integrated as a value adding component rather than a "THE FIRST YADA YADA ON THE BLOBCHAIN BUY US CUZ WE USE BLOCKCHAIN" turnoff.

>> No.20218441

Yes, but it was too late at that point. I bought in early this year and locked my tokens for staking like an idiot. Nothing to be done anymore.
It really pisses me off that this was the team's tactic all along - shill the project on different platforms, pump the price with supposedly good news and future promises, encourage people to lock their tokens for staking, then once the bagholders are helplessly locked in dump millions of dollars worth of tokens on the market and try to hide it from everyone.

They will never get their credibility back in the crypto world.

>> No.20218908

Say what you want about lit but the fud is all time, really dedicated community

>> No.20218965

Sold 50k at the top this year, looking for another entry, below 5 cents is a bargain, bullish article.
T. Deutscher Übermensche

>> No.20219759

seems that you're one of them that failed at PISA. :D

tl,dr: LIT will be used as intended as eg a backbone of the energy use case but not for acquiring new customers. often, new customers dont want to be bothered with the buzzword blockchain but want indirectly benefit from the technology.

LIT might become huge, high risk, high reward.

>> No.20220787

I am so convinced that LIT will be a top 20 coin, any fudder that wants my Litties will have to take them from my cold dead hands

>> No.20220905

I don’t care about the price of lit, i just want those sweet staking gainz

>> No.20220961

EWT is so much better that this shicoin made by a german fag, not compared with swiss power

>> No.20220993
File: 433 KB, 1024x768, 1589239744307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am staked too, it feels good to be staked actually. I know I can't sell until november so I am not obsessed checking the price every hour

>> No.20220997
File: 4 KB, 200x200, EWT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EWT has rekt lition, EWT has Tesla, australian energy networks, etc

>> No.20221021

eine deutsche personen? du bist ein hurensohn.

>> No.20221180

>can't access my assets no mater what happens
>feels good

>> No.20221330

No. 1 German Energy Startup.
No. 2 in Germany has a funding of $376.4M


No. 6 in Swiss with a micro poor fag funding of only $2.5M

>> No.20221347


>> No.20221578

Excellent, they make already millions with paying customers and the price explode soon

>> No.20221768
File: 381 KB, 2500x1667, 1519155106-flank-steak-horizontal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like

>daily passive income
> feels good