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File: 18 KB, 1140x760, Ghost-McAfee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20209163 No.20209163 [Reply] [Original]

Iron hands bros, Iron hands

>> No.20209171

ghost is targeted to stars

>> No.20209762

I believe. It keeps getting news and updates, I feel this is too much of a long game for a pump and dump exit scam. Mcafee comments on it pretty often as well.

>> No.20209935
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I haven’t been keeping up. Are mainnet coins on any exchanges yet, or is it still just the token that’s trading?

>> No.20210162

I still haven't fucking broken even.

Not that I'd be able to sell anyway after converting to the mainnet

>> No.20210462

i still havent converted. is there a deadline or anything?

>> No.20210576

Places seem to be working on integrating it. It's more for staking at this time.
When the fuck did you buy in
So far no

>> No.20210610

1.4 on the hypetrain for 2.0

>> No.20210943

when is all this supposed to make me money? id rather just sell then get even more fufu internet monet

>> No.20210988

You need to sell man cuz DeFi is literally leaving without you lmao

>> No.20211016
File: 3.11 MB, 498x280, 24C92F38-1EE3-464D-9232-F4F5F125604F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone get it here! This place so dummy sometime! Strong hand for the win!!!!! To the moon AND the star

>> No.20211049
File: 3.22 MB, 350x350, 6DE8E61E-1804-45F4-90C6-2ED1A0E5A036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghost is going to go up so hard and you gonna miss. We all gonna laugh at you loser haha lol

>> No.20211077

rome wasnt built in a day

>> No.20211085
File: 2.05 MB, 426x321, B87F60AC-4018-45BB-8528-AAD53356E6B8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im काम पर शहद

>> No.20211105

Oops. Wrong button. Someone tell me please possible to delete here? I can’t find it

>> No.20211226
File: 112 KB, 904x445, A5BE92E2-997F-44A7-8F5D-EF35BF8F65AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the guy spamming safex fud has now pivoted to fake pajeet shilling.

>> No.20211274

nope i just love ghost and believe in it

>> No.20212111

You are a living sell signal.
I wish I had actually bough Chainlink.

>> No.20212205

HAHAHAHAHA. yeah bro you really should sell. only people left in it are jeets.

>> No.20212267
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>> No.20212557


>> No.20212596


>> No.20213609
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Be excited

>> No.20213655

im still in erc 20 rn at break even price, it just keeps coming down..

do i get out breakeven now, keep erc20 and sell order at +30%, convert to ghost and stake long hodl $50 ghost baby?

>> No.20213692

>it just keeps going down

its bouncing up and down fren, crabwalk snib snib

>> No.20214111

We got one thing that is not going away anytime soon and that’s McAfee’s commitment to this project so just buy the erc20 and swap when it has more liquid exchnages in mainnet

>> No.20214121

I don't know what this is but I can tell from your post that it is currently dumping.

>> No.20214208

Not you OP

>> No.20214282


>> No.20214300
File: 360 KB, 256x200, 7F0DE282-C45A-4C3D-B3B7-07AAF09E0437.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg omg omg omg tell me is this truth!!? Don’t lie me anon

>> No.20214349
File: 1.82 MB, 396x294, Sandeep12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes this is true it will be on the TV normy going to FOMO on Mcafee get in now

>> No.20214361

>I wish I had actually bough Chainlink.
Checked. Trips of truth. It's not too late bro. Even 100 chainlink with literally be worth $10,000 in a year.

>> No.20214402
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>> No.20214611

zoom out

>> No.20214629

I don't need to. I bought cheaper than you did. But that doesn't change the way the price has developed lately.

>> No.20214632

what did you buy in at cuz i bought in pretty cheap

>> No.20214634

the team seems to have gone very quiet now they have your money

>> No.20214644

they're posting everyday on the twitter.

>> No.20214708

Under 3 cents. If you got in lower than that, huge congrats! :)

>> No.20214743

no :(

post ur stack

>> No.20214796

if people bought right when it started getting shilled here they could have got a 80k stack for like $1500 or something only got like 30k cuz i was late, dude who had been in the discord for months told me when he sold his and that he didnt expect it to recover glad i sold when i did

>> No.20215036
File: 272 KB, 220x170, 4A71227C-82FD-4A6A-91BC-E5B65EA6B64C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t be a poor fellow anon still so much time we are very early. Stay poor

>> No.20215055
File: 470 KB, 278x200, 2E4194BA-04D5-466B-B8F2-658BE2DF132F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The team have very much money, I know them in the flesh very smart. I am insider and they use this money to create The Silk Road and A phone network privacy for all Who use it . Mcafee is a very rich man

>> No.20215345

McAfee will start shilling on podcasts once his ducks are all in a row. How does Joe Rogan sound to you fucking ungrateful incels? Fucking suck a dick

>> No.20215413

agreed sirs

>> No.20215673
File: 103 KB, 1261x743, changelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main Net is on Changelly.
You can pick up Monero there too.

>> No.20215743
File: 70 KB, 793x671, lists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the full list.
Changelly is mainstream and decentralized hot swap, so you can use it as an American and no one knows who you are.

>> No.20215748

What would be the best exchange for this to be on that doesnt require 20 billion dollars to be put on

>> No.20215771
File: 595 KB, 266x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

macafeedex is best one for sure mate. This is how we keep the privacy and ghost ecosystems

>> No.20215825
File: 1.55 MB, 480x270, C7F7F70D-4359-497A-B611-DF09803E26D9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH MY OMG OMG OMG!!! Is this real? Tell me it real!!!?? So big for ghost team! High five boys!

>> No.20215838
File: 46 KB, 936x680, changinit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changelly is ridiculously easy.

You just enter the amount you want. Pay to an address, and it hot swaps for you to an address you set.

Here you can see me trying to sell Ghost and it wants me to send to a main net Ghost address, not an ERC-20. Main Net is finally confirmed and you can exchange it 100% anonymously for most cryptocurrencies.

>> No.20215854
File: 248 KB, 220x162, 8687DA6F-9888-446E-AFCF-1C728D02208C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a great list! Can’t believe!!!! Much farrer then expect!!!

>> No.20215871

Interesting. So I am kind of confused, is the price of ghost through the main net the same as the erc-20 token?

>> No.20215880
File: 2.02 MB, 492x248, 4chan21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such amazing news friend thankfor sharing it!!! so happy about it cant believe!! going to go to and buy more of it now!!! THIS IS HUGE

>> No.20215897

Fuck off plebbit faggot

>> No.20215944
File: 151 KB, 705x678, scammed by mcafee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noobs believe Mcafee will deliver,
you are new in crypto,
oldfags knows Mcafee will never deliver anything,
Who is using SAFEX?
Who owns a McafeePhone?
Who storage crypto on BIFI unhakable wallet?

The reason why Mcafee Antivirus still active is because its not own by Mcafee.

>> No.20216017

The good thing is that most people still believe the FUD so the prices are still low.

This shit is going to rocket once everyone realizes it's all legit. I know Ghost is just a copy/paste of Particl, but Particl is a great crypto with shit marketing. The McAfee team are great at marketing so this thing could easily get on pace with Monero marketcap-wise as long as they can maintain this code (they are doing it just with hiccups.)

BTW I've been cold staking and it works really well. I've been getting several Ghost daily the past few days.

I'm just targeted my Ghost pool and it just works now, sending me Ghost every block my pool finds. I can turn off my computer and it still generates me more Ghost automatically.

If Ghost goes up to Monero levels (100x) I could be making $200-300 USD a day like this just sitting on my stack at the current staking rewards rate.

>> No.20216033

What's your stack and what did you buy in at?

>> No.20216034
File: 30 KB, 643x350, stakin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's staking rewards.

>> No.20216115
File: 77 KB, 594x773, vision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wont say not to dox myself but around when ESH was $0.40. I'm not a master node though, just part of a staking pool with a sizable stack thats not a masternode (20k). The masternodes make a killing but if you join a cold staking pool you'll get decent gains with basically 0 work once you're setup.

The only reason Ghost isn't going up is people still believe all the FUD and think it will never get on an exchange. Well it is.

It's also being built into an Exodus / Coinomi alternative called Vision.


>> No.20216164

How can I join a staking pool? I've got 3400, is that enough to get into your secret club staking pool?

>> No.20216173
File: 330 KB, 220x165, ghostmem9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coin will very much go far and explode this man is correct. I bought more!! get in or stay poor!! strong hands will when in the end of it

>> No.20216205
File: 1021 KB, 500x359, 8038DC6E-742F-4F1D-B98A-AC471A886137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now available on vision!! Keep up the wind ghost team! I can’t believe WE GONNA BE RICH!!!

>> No.20216228
File: 50 KB, 1300x450, exchanges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's a lot of confusion right now for everyone since the ERC-20 and Main Net Prices haven't decoupled. I mean on CoinGecko it's literally reporting both prices at the same time. You'll see Bitcoin.com here which is reporting main net, but also UniSwap. Most Main Net exchanges are happening on Changelly and HitBtc, but CoinGecko hasn't figured that out yet.

It should get sorted in time I think. Regardless it's undervalued due to the confusion so just saying.

>> No.20216231
File: 2.31 MB, 300x169, 92615EDE-2EE1-4184-AA73-BDBD3DD0385B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job buddy cool!!!

>> No.20216249
File: 1.96 MB, 395x288, 4chan27.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20216269
File: 304 KB, 267x200, 6F30384A-CFC9-4B8D-8A7A-E6DB26E08CC3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes this coin is a no brain effort. Can’t believe still some not have buy’d from here, very stupid people. WE WIN!!!

>> No.20216311

I love how these threads are just mcafee telling his whores to go and write some bullshit after he fucks them.

These people sound like his thai ladyboys

>> No.20216383
File: 19 KB, 708x324, stakjoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20216394

Follow the link in my previous image here:
For the tutorial, I provided some existing cold staking pools to.

The best part about cold staking is once you set your wallet to stake to an address you can literally walk away and turn off your computer. It just then generates more Ghost over time until you unstake. The Ghost never leaves your wallet, it's just delegated to the exchange like a smart contract would. To end it you just click 'Disable' on staking and your Ghost are now spendable again.

>> No.20216426

अरे भाई तुम कहाँ से हो? मैं बैंगलोर से हूँ तुम भी fivr से आते fivr?

>> No.20216454


मैं दिल्ली से हूं, लेकिन सुनो हम यहां पर नहीं बोलेंगे क्या इस मंच का सीधा संदेश है? मुझे वहाँ पर मैसेज करें

>> No.20216484

Thank you based anon. I'll join soon, gotta do a few things first. See you on the moon

>> No.20216622

मैं यह पता लगाने की कोशिश करूंगा कि आप यहां कैसे संदेश भेज सकते हैं। हम एक दूसरे की मदद कर सकते हैं। जल्द ही आपको भेज देंगे

>> No.20216638
File: 6 KB, 708x48, linky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure no problem.

Also make sure to join a staking pool that actually is finding blocks.

I couldn't post the medium cold staking tutorial link since 4Chan blocked it so again I had to screenshot the link. It literally explains everything so follow it to the letter.

>> No.20216717

Can I join your pool? You seem to be in one finding blocks

>> No.20216778
File: 1.52 MB, 498x351, gostmemes12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i will join the pool yes you can i am certain. This is very big moves for ghost to add in the pools and the staking!!! so much of progress can happen!!! GO TEAM!

>> No.20216785

I don't own a pool, but here is one finding blocks:

Any pool with 20k Ghost will be finding a lot of blocks. The more staked in your pool, the higher chance you'll find blocks, but that also means the lower rewards you'll get due to being a smaller percentage of the pool.

Each reward per block is 4 Ghost, so the pool will divide that based around how much you have stacked versus the entire pool's stake amount.

Most of the blocks are being found by Whales with 20k+.

This pool hasn't hit 20k yet:
But it may be good when it does.

>> No.20216867

thank you fren, I don't care if I only get a little ghost, I think 3400 is a good stack, dont you?

>> No.20216884
File: 2.46 MB, 496x288, F49CCC50-FC69-4075-9268-0FD0281DEDC2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very big bags! You make anon good work team. Let’s go!!!

>> No.20216939

It's decent.
I think you'll get 1-3 Ghost a day with that amount based on your pools luck.