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2020886 No.2020886 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2020890

You're absolutely right, it'll be 2k by next year.

>> No.2020904

Why is the BTC market cap the ceiling?

>> No.2020915

because that's the more valued crypto currency. Are you telling me you have so much faith in Ethereum you hope It will overtake Bitcoin?

>> No.2020932

I'm asking you to explain how you came to the conclusion that BTC represented peak value and peak trust in a way that no other technology could ever surpass it. That's the basis of your argument that ETH could never surpass it.

>> No.2020941

That's implying that bitcoin is at the highest level crypto could ever get which I don't agree with

>> No.2020947
File: 358 KB, 800x400, eea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btc is going to retard tier level arguements

when eth has this, you can keep your confused pepe

>> No.2020963

That's because he doesn't understand how ETH works.

>> No.2020974


Using maths? How dare u

>> No.2020983

I'm not saying BTC represents a peak, i'm saying ETH must TRIPLE its market cap value to reach the bitcoin market cap. And even then it will be worth 200 USD

Bitcoin will still be the "main" coin even if ether grows, am i wrong?

>> No.2021002

we'll find out m8

>> No.2021012

lmao this pic is the dumbest fucking logic. also very out of date and inaccurate

>bitcoin market cap is guaranteed

4/10 for making me reply


>> No.2021029

Why is the logic so bad and why is It inaccurate?

>> No.2021048

nobody is choosing to buy one btc, or one eth,
the actual value of the coin doesn't matter, but the market cap

eth and btc never held the same value, so it's based on a false assumption

>> No.2021050

for one, there are 21 million bitcoins.

secondly, BTC market cap is 23 mil right now, compared to ETH's 7 mil

the pic implies that the market cap ratio between BTC and ETH is fixed, which it is obviously not. The use value potential of ETH is so much greater than BTC using the p2p network to make web 3.0

do some fucking research yourself retard

>> No.2021057
File: 52 KB, 1087x1442, swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but it might reach 1488.

>> No.2021075

Ok. Care to explain why you think Eth market cap is larger than bitcoin one? Also, i guess the value of the coin does matter for my singular investment

Ok I know the data of that pic are not updated and it suggests a ratio. Still, the Ethereum needs a wayyy larger market cap to even letting me, a no coiner who wants to invest, to have a profitable gain very soon. It could maybe become one in a very long period, but ETH market cap still needs to surpass BTC one.

>> No.2021077

Since you made that fucking picture which looks about a week old eth stacked on an easy 3 billion to go from 4 - 7.

Since the start of this year ETH market cap has increased 10x, adding 6 odd billion.

Bitcoin whilst not as explosive has done well too, stacking 9 billion or so onto its cap

Over the past week crypto has seen about a billion a day added on top of just fucking 30 billion.

How the fuck are you missing this acceleration and what makes you think its at all difficult for eth to go from 7 - 20 billion in any amount of time

>> No.2021088

i dont think you understand what market cap means. look man, im not tryna get you to invest in BTC or ETH, do whatever the fuck you want. im just telling you why the logic in your pic makes absolutely 0 sense

>> No.2021093
File: 23 KB, 240x240, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesnt eth get used as fuel?

>> No.2021095

I'm the creator of the site where OP got his pic from. The site is meant to introduce the very basics of cryptos to nocoiners and normies. If I went into depth, I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose their attention so I made it super friendly to understand. If they wish to learn more about market caps, they can do their own research

>> No.2021100

were you born yesterday? this is known and mentioned in every ETH thread. that's why we all bought below $50 you dumb fuck.

>> No.2021127

Ethereum as a platform has use outside of selling drugs, so I'd say it's the more valuable long term.

>> No.2021152


I m very new to this. I just want to understand if I'm in the wrong here and why. I will make a comparison with the Bitcoin, just for the sake of my understanding. As the number of Bitcoin is 16 mil, and the market cap is 23 bil, 1 Bitcoin has its singular value of 1460 USD. Someone who bought a Bitcoin at a very low price (let's say 20$), saw their investiment grow up a lot today. What I'm saying is that Ethereum has 91 mil in circulating supply, and 7 bil in coins and I didn't see, as of now, any usage that justifies this growth. I m from Europe and no normie even heard about ETH here. I know it can't be a huge pump as there are big names involved, but how are you so sure its diffusion will be wider than BTC?! And how do you justify the investiments you are doing if they could stop at a very low price for coin?

>> No.2021181

Tbh I'm a noob still when it comes to finance/economics/cryptos but I tried my best to explain the very basics.

I would suggest looking at investopedia for more info on the topic.

>> No.2021187

anon your site was nice, it helped a lot btw

>> No.2021451
File: 318 KB, 500x409, 1486176689051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not inconceivable that parity will come.


>> No.2021990

First, you have to understand the current market caps for any cryptocurrency, Bitcoin included, are a drop in the water compared to the money banks move around on a daily basis. Cryptos are still obscure. If they get bigger adoption, the market cap will increase significantly.

Second, Ethereum offers significant things Bitcoin doesn't. It's trying to be web 3.0, with decentralized applications, replacements for contracts, hosting, prediction markets... The potential for disruption is significant. Even if ETH fell to $1 USD, the technology would still be helpful to millions; which in turn means it can't actually fall that low unless another crypto comes with an even more revolutionary concept. Additionally, as time goes, Ethereum's first mover advantage and adoption solidify, making the impact of any newcomer less significant.

>> No.2022001



>> No.2022003

bitcoin has a tiny market cap and ETH gets closer with every spike. it could hit that level even without hitting parity.

>> No.2022010

>implying the market is always rational

Theres absolutely nothing stopping Ethereum going to $100,000 a coin, you dumb efficient markets nigger