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20202334 No.20202334 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20202357

I've never purchased a single Link.

>> No.20202391

i sold some bitcoin and i am still waiting for sub 8k. i am about to fomo into cardano any minute

>> No.20202474

I dumped 10ETH on plebs earlier, it felt really good and really bad at the same time. It wasn't my coin but I got in really really really early

>> No.20202496

I come to this board just to lurk and fantasize about how I could be a millionaire when in reality I a poor bastard and I cant invest in anything.

>> No.20202621
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I don't hold any investments past my job's 401k.

>> No.20202654

I sold all my holdings on March when everything crashed and been holding cash ever since then.

>> No.20202662
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I will be lucky to even get to a 1k link stack at this point.

>> No.20202685
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I'm only here for new pepe's and shitposting.

>> No.20202702

I had a makeit stack but swung and lost 2k linkies

Didn't learn my lesson, I'm going to swing until I get my stack back. The pain of having less than 10K link is suffering

>> No.20202737

i sold 1k link last year to survive

>> No.20202800

I bought airlines in the March crash with everything I had and recently sold them for an insignificant profit because I wanted to use the money to play in the casino market this losing a quarter of my portfolio

>> No.20202822

I just fomoed into link

>> No.20202827
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>> No.20202899

Im a retard

>> No.20202928

Everyone I know thinks I'm a good investor. I'm up 122% over 3 months but I still feel like a piece of shit cause it could be better. I'm still jealous of missing most moon missions and seeing other ppl make money even if I'm doing well by the standards of my peers. I think it's because I work, pays good, it's easy but I hate being told to be somewhere ever day. Feel like I'm going to have a heart attack in the next few years just trying to make it to 1mill so I can quit.

>> No.20202964
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>> No.20203610

once I was on a conference call and this japanese client introduced himself as hundo something and forgot I wasn't on mute and went "HUNNNNDOOO!" in an exaggerated japanese accent. A couple people sounded like they were holding back laughs but nothing happened to me.

>> No.20204015

Didn't buy enough ADA... Was slowly accumulating but only got to 160k :( Could of bought 500k stack...

>> No.20204054
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I fucking hate the female nature with the rage of a trillion nukes

>> No.20204127
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The other day I tried to swing some of my link for the first time, sold at $4.86.
I decided to try my luck with SLP with the money and bought like 200k at the bottom.
Link suddenly started to moon and I sold my SLP at a small loss and fomo'd back in at $5.50.
Less than 24 hours later SLP did a 100x or some shit like that.

>> No.20204138

I bought $1500 worth of Dogecoin

>> No.20204143
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I'm all in on FTM

>> No.20204150

im about to buy statera and dmg

>> No.20204196

i only have 1100 link and I am really fomoing not buying more during the covid crash.

>> No.20204200

Held during the last bull run going 10k -> 250k -> 20k. Will probably haunt me for the rest of my life, even if my portfolio is worth that much again.

>> No.20204206

I could have made 30k with statera if I sold at the peak but I held till I broke even after the hack.

>> No.20204238

Literally every time I refresh I’m 100 bucks higher wtf

>> No.20204251

i fell for the xrp meme wiping out some pretty significant gains early in the crash recovery

ive since repented and full converted to link and later bought more for good measure

>> No.20204278

have you ever heard of “taking profits on the way up” holy shit

>> No.20204316

I know I'm retarded. I got blinded by greed.

>> No.20204343
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I'm down half my link stack after selling in march feelsbad

>> No.20204356


>> No.20204374

i sold 200 link earlier at 5.20 and today 100 at 6.30
im feeling a little bit regretful about this

>> No.20204390

Also I gamble bought both FMA & MRDN at the absolute bottom when they launched, then DMOR, decided they were scams and sold them for nothing before they pumped.

I was also holding BUIDL as of two weeks ago. Obviously not now. I can go on.

>> No.20204403

I once swung my link,back in February. Bought straight back in losing 20 linkies. I'm just glad I made the mistake then and learned from it. Had I done it during the recent pump I would have been completely price out for sure.

>> No.20204428

glass hands

>> No.20204690
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>> No.20204803

I could have bought 100,000 link in 2017 if I was willing to sell all of my bitcoin. I only sold a portion and bought 10,000 link instead.

>> No.20204816

I only have 2.3k link