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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 85 KB, 1259x907, AMPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20200042 No.20200042 [Reply] [Original]

Ampl is also about to cross $50m in market cap


>Founder was roommate of coinbase founder, Brian Armstrong. They built the first bitcoin andriod wallet together. Brian is also an investor.

>> No.20200082

Keep shilling, it does you no good as it will reduce the amount of interest you earn retard.

>> No.20200141

geyser gets rebase smooth brain.

Swaps increase with arbitrage opportunity after rebase.

>> No.20200528


>> No.20200609

repost from old thread

For the noobs who are new to PND shitcoins:

1. watch volume (we are down from 11 million to 2 million, so peak fomo has occurred already for this local timeframe)

2. dont believe ridiculous fomo-inducing sales pitches like it replaces central banks and there arent many big holders - both lies

3. set reasonable take profit areas and be happy you made any money in shitcoin roulette

i dont know when ill sell but this is not something i want to hold the bag on. the closer it gets to 0.95 (and will eventually when supply outpaces demand as its designed to) panic will ensue

nobody wants to "lose" tokens even if their market share remains static

violent pumps into violent dumps but they are always the best games (if ur early :^) )

>> No.20200611

1 billion mcap easy

>> No.20200616

what do you mean with 0.95

>> No.20200632


>> No.20200669

when the price goes below 0.95USD the rebase reduces supply

the idea is that supply acts as a rubber band for price. increase supply theoretically increases sell pressure and vice versa to get use to some roundabout price around $1.

>> No.20200746

so the speculation is that as the supply squeezes price closer to 0.95 there could be greater panic selling as people want to exit before the rebase reduces their supply

so dumps can and likely will be very violent once the altcoin game of musical chairs stops

when? who knows but realize we are passed, at or close to the schelling point of peak defi fomo for this period

>> No.20200771

Ok, Im going to try and explain the genius behind this coin for everyone. For one moment put down your preconceived notions and just read, think and understand.

1. Growing economies need inflation.
2. The US had to get off of the gold standard because its economy was growing at a rate a gold back dollar was no longer feasible.
3. Now the FED generates new capital and distills it to banks to lend out.

Lets look at crypto world.
1. The crypto world is still in its infancy but it is growing. It is a growing economy.
2. We have seen the implementation of stable coins because of their use, etc.
3. However there is a problem. The growing crypto economy is going to very very soon out grow the stable coins. WHY? Because they have to be backed.
4. The crypto economy is going to desperately need INFLATION very soon. However it currently CANNOT reliably create inflation since stable coins are backed.

Insert the genius of AMPL.
Because it works way back to $1 it provides some level stability of value without having to be backed by other assets. Its value is trust in the contract just like the USD is now. Trust in the US Gov.
Its supply can increase to create liquidity/inflation into the growing crypto economy.

Simply put AMPL = FED. However in this case unlike the FED which is privately owned AMPL is publicly owned and the "printing" goes to the owners instead of the bankers.

>> No.20200782

lmao, this shitcoin gonna dump to 1 cent and stay there until all your ampl are rebased, kek

not falling for this scam

>> No.20200793

But it will create a massive buying opportunity to gobble up more %.

>> No.20200808

the FED is backed by the US military and police force that compels everyone to transact and pay taxes in their monopoly money

AMPL wont replace that. its a cool ponzi experiment but stop tricking noobs

>> No.20200847

it really depends. altcoins have always been a game of accumulating more BTC/ETH. it depends on whether this cycle continues beyond the "correction" or not. i cant say for now.

>> No.20200881

Wow. Reading comprehension is your friend. I never said it would replace the FED. It will become the FED equivalent for the Crypto Economy. Thats what it was designed to be.

>> No.20200885

I would classify that as highly likely

>> No.20200893

It's not going to replace the actual fed, but it will become the crypto equivalent.

>> No.20200894

the crypto economy never needed a FED replacement.

>> No.20200951

crypto doesnt need it. the fed devalues its dollar to make its labour cheaper for other countries to import in the form of american goods, equities etc. thats all enforced by a local military wing.

crypto doesnt need any of that because its not a sovereign country with a labour force compelled to work for AMPLs.

make sense?

>> No.20200996

Yes it does. Why do you think there are stable coins? There is a NEED for stable coins. But just like how the dollar used to be backed by actual gold/silver these stable coins for the time being are backed. However we are quickly approaching a time where that is unsustainable. With DeFi and loans and all that other mess you need to create liquidty based on percentages and stable coins do not afford that opportunity.

Enter AMPL. By its design it maintains relative stability without having to be backed 1 for 1 with real asset. Its backing is the arbitrage opportunity its rebasing creates. There for it only requires a smaller percentage of actual asset to maintain a large amount of liquidity at that value.
Litterally what the USD currently is for America.
In this case when USD gets printed it goes to bankers, however with AMPL it goes to its investors. Much better.

AMPL will be used as the backbone of Crypto DeFi.

>> No.20201000

So whats the end game here?

It cant keep going up forever. At this rate AMPL will swallow the enitre bitcoin marketcap by a long shot. This is not feasible, when will human green ruin this?

>> No.20201024

i has at least to overcome the dai shitcoin first, which is above 100m

>> No.20201047

The endgame is to be the backbone behind DeFi. To replace stable coins. Look at the market for USDC and Tether. This can and will replace them.

>> No.20201073

there are better "stablecoins" in terms of price parity with USD. what ur arguing is that AMPL has better liquidity than them

and this is true while the geyser program is operational and the altcoin market is booming.

but once they both stop...

when the first whale sells

>> No.20201092
File: 26 KB, 598x574, 1593983617002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My AMPL stack that I purchased for $5200 will nearly be worth $10k soon. 2x in less than 2 weeks

>> No.20201102

of course, its ultra based

>> No.20201129


People who bought @ 0.5 - 1.1 deserve to take profits, but personally, I think this coin will definitively absorb a large amount of 'stable coin' mcaps because it's the first one to eliminate the dual token bullshit and a x10 mcap from here is def possible

>> No.20201174

>when the first whale sells

This. Once that happens its all ogre.

>> No.20201232

Yes there are better coins at being stable. But this isnt 100% a stable coin. Its better because unlike a stable coin which struggles to garner liquidity Ampl provides it. With its liquidity comes a little cost of stability but RELATIVELY to the crypto market as a whole its incredibly stable.

They 100% absolute key to grow an economy is LIQUIDITY. its why the US left the gold standard.

Right now the crypto DeFi is still on a gold standard. Everything is backed by stable coins which are backed by the USD...... YOU SEE THE PROBLEM??

AMPL solves that. It will be adopted by every major DeFi player.

ive explained it in several posts now. This is macro economics 101. Its just never been feasible before but now with technology it is.

Either get it or dont. I dont care what you do but this is the future backing of DeFi which is the future of Crypto.

>> No.20201282

i agree it has to do with liquidity but u then ignored everything else i said because u are a cult leader/follower

its a shitcoin at the end of the day. dont get caught holding the bag when the music stops

>> No.20201300

Almost no sell walls between here and 3$

>> No.20201317

bro there are still over 70 days left in the geyser and coinbase hasn't even listed it yet.

>> No.20201340

ampl is not a stablecoin. fiat attempts to be a medium of exchange. the us dollar is not a stablecoin.

>> No.20201424


>> No.20201426

Bro you didn't' really address the question here. Can these gains really sustain is my question think about something that grows 5-10 % every day. Seems like a recipe for disaster waiting for happen. I own AMPL btw so don't lecture me about missing out.

>> No.20201500

i wasnt arguing its a stablecoin

fiat is a medium of exchange because a police officer will put a gun to your head if you dont use it

theres no reason for ampleforth to be a medium of exchange. lets just ride this ponzi but im wwarning noobs who will believe the bullshit iTT and hold it back to the bottom

>> No.20201518

Sorry I didnt realize "its a shit coin" and "the altmarket is booming" were legitimate arguments against AMPL that needed responding.

Tell you what. If you can tell me why all the things I said arent true then Ill respond to your argument of its a shitcoin.

>> No.20201595

AMPL is getting is liquidity from the geyser and new money coming through due to the defi altcoin boom

if u disregard those then ur a complete retard. if what im saying is false then this coin should've never been at 1 million market cap only a few months ago. liquidity isnt self generating

>> No.20201606

>Can these gains really sustain is my question think about something that grows 5-10 % every day
why not? Think about any other shitcoin that gets on a parabolic run over the next 60 days. It gains in price 5-10% every day and at the end your 1$ shitcoin is worth 50$. This will only happen when there is enough demand ofc.
But how is ampl different? Instead of the price its the mc that is rising.

>> No.20201610

You do not understand economics with that type of response. YOU NEED LIQUIDITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its an absolute must. What has been the solution? USDC/TETHEER/DAI. Those have to be backed up by real assets. You cannot keep pumping those into the market.

You NEED something that prints capital. AMPL does that.

>> No.20201667

lmao you have no idea what ur talking about. liquidity isnt self generating.

holy shit brainlet alert keep typing in caps

>> No.20201668

No one is disregarding that. Its a method to help its genesis. However once adoption takes root those wont be necessary.

>> No.20201708

>Can these gains really sustain is my question think about something that grows 5-10 % every day.

its no different to other parabolic shitcoins. ride the wave

>> No.20201758

Thats the genius. Thats why I compared it to the FED. We shall see who is right or wrong in short period of time.

>> No.20201763

here is an easy take for you

if volume dries up in the altcoin market again

selling the newly minted AMPL tokens to less and less buyers pushes price + market cap down

if it gets under 0.95 (which it is designed to do) then supply shrinks too also reducing market cap

ur betting on new money keeping this up like any other shitcoin so dont go grandstanding like its a holy grail

its a shitcoin. a damn good one at that but it will still be subject to typical altcoin PND cycles

>> No.20201811

ALSO, literally everyone holding AMPL here wants to sell it for more USD than they bought it for

its not a replacement or substitute for anything otherwise they would hodl AMPL forever until they can buy shit with it (not happening for a long time if ever)

pls sir

>> No.20201859

>ALSO, literally everyone holding AMPL here wants to sell it for more USD than they bought it for
wrong, people who hold want to sell MORE AMPL for 1$ in a couple of years.

>> No.20201872

My last post for the day.

DMG has the second highest uniswap liquidity pool (very close in value to AMPL and higher if not for that 1 AMPL whale) . Its market cap topped out around 50 million

>> No.20201894

good luck fren u will need it. please look at any altcoin chart and see it follows cycles

>> No.20202045

Where can I buy this ?

>> No.20202060

Sorry I was talking big picture long term. What you described could happen in the short term 100%. Will it? Maybe maybe not. What im talking about is what happens 6 months to 18 months from now.

>> No.20202093

this isn't any altcoin
>he still doesn't get it

>> No.20202134

on coinbase in a month or 2

>> No.20202149

ampl price +26% today. Guess the rebase frens.

>Guess the rebase
Guess the rebase
>Guess the rebase
Guess the rebase

>> No.20202202
File: 100 KB, 640x853, tumblr_75103f454c2475f2432f2aebafe09ba3_f9710075_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard retard you dont get how ampl works retard retard dump retard retard <0.95 retard retard whales dump on you retard retard negative retard riot rebase retarded retard rekt retard bags retard retard dump retard retard you dont get how ampl works retard retard dump retard retard <0.95 retard retard whales dump on you retard retard negative retard riot rebase retarded retard retard retard you dont get how ampl works retard retard dump retard retard <0.95 retard retard whales dump on you retard retard negative retard riot rebase retarded retard

A round of applause for this 14yo "retard" samefag fudposter

>> No.20202288

STFU u sound like a jew

>> No.20202299

predictions what marketcap AMPL will be when listing on binance / coinbase comes?

>> No.20202344



>> No.20202407

Prediction for tonight rebase? Expect this to hit 2.5$ atleast so should be 14-15%ish?

>> No.20202443


It's not listed here so I don't think ampl gets listed for a while. Arweave is another great buy

>> No.20202497

>The omission of assets from this publication does not disqualify any such asset from active review and potential listing.
The omission of assets from this publication does not disqualify any such asset from active review and potential listing.
>The omission of assets from this publication does not disqualify any such asset from active review and potential listing.
The omission of assets from this publication does not disqualify any such asset from active review and potential listing.

>> No.20202582

Thanks brainlet but you have no other evidence. If its not listed here then it's not a primary consideration otherwise... It would be listed. The worst part about holding coins is dealing with u brainlet fucks

>> No.20202622
File: 15 KB, 1077x157, brian armstrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20202642

The CEO of Coinbase is a major investor in Ampleforth and he personally knows one of its main developers. If he believes in the project he'll want to get it listed on his site.

>> No.20202666

>2. The US had to get off of the gold standard because its economy was growing at a rate a gold back dollar was no longer feasible.
Stopped reading here. Lol the only reason they went away from gold back is so rich elite jews who own the fed can get filthy rich and keep goyim in a never ending debt cycle.

>> No.20202667

>he personally knows one of its main developers
Even better, they were close friends at college.

>> No.20202691

Yes pajeet I can read a website. I said "not for a while" not "never"

>> No.20202722

>implying this couldn't get listed on cuckbase within 72 hours if Brian clicked his fingers at the wagies

>> No.20202772

Then why hasn't it been listed for the past 2 years you stupid fucking pajeet

Post your hand

>> No.20202786

no they don't. They want to use it as collateral in a leveraging platform.

>> No.20202938

Anon. Think.
1. Legitimate problem.
2. Solution for problem.

1. Can be true and 2. can be bad. A bad 2. doesnt invalidate 1.

>> No.20202993
File: 23 KB, 894x773, 5bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't refute my points
>try to slide thread with /pol/ race bait

>> No.20203234

they probably wanted to run their liquidity mining promotion first.

>> No.20203286

Someone please explain - does the rebase compound? It's based on my total AMPL including whatever I may have from previous rebases?

>> No.20203342

I just did refute it. If he can list at the snap of his fingers why hasn't he done it in 2 years

Why isn't it even listed for consideration

Will it list at some point? Probably

Soon? Unlikely

It sucks that reasonable responses take more effort than utter brainlet dismissive nonsense like you're posting

I guess that's why stupidity takes over the crowd

>> No.20203350

If you have 100 on day 1. and its a 10% rebase you will then have 110. On day 2 if its another 10% rebase you will get 11 and have 121.

>> No.20203416

you're going to have to up your fud game if you want to try and get my to sell my ampls pajeet

>> No.20203427

checked and believing anything other than this is delusional

>> No.20203473

yes. if you're in the geyser rewards also compound, and a multiplier increases the longer you hold.

>> No.20203529
