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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20199595 No.20199595 [Reply] [Original]

I’m back again to educate newfags and how this saved my life. The problem nobody realizes with mental health is it isn’t in your head but stress and trauma stored in your body. This is why talk therapy and meds don’t work.

The guy behind TRE David bercelli figured out two things. One was, wild animals never have long lasting effects of stress and anxiety after getting attacked by predators because they instantly tremor out the stress and trauma. So a croc snaps at a zebra, zebra freaks and gets away, tremors, then goes back to grazing 1 min later like nothing ever happened. He also noticed that in 3rd world countries when in bomb shelters that after a bomb went off the kids would naturally shake, but the adults wouldn’t. Because we have all been conditioned to think shaking is weakness. So the kids would shake and end up fine and the adults wouldn’t and would go on to develop PTSD.

But we have a built in mechanism to tremor and shake to release all this pent up stress and trauma and reset our nervous systems. So all these cops, vets, and tendie eating anime jerking off NEETS who want to kill themselves just need to tremor and they’ll be fine.

All of 2019 I wanted to kill myself from derealization and depersonalization brought on you anxiety and stress because thyroid issues. Then I found somatic experiencing and the overlapping TRE exercises. SE didn’t really work bur the TRE is magic. Not only that but my libido skyrocketed. Before Arabians grande could have sat on my lap naked and I would have thrown her off. I maybe jerked off 7 times in all of 2019 and after a couple weeks of TRE I was jerking off like a 15 year old again.

I’ve made threads before and here are screenshots from a biztard who did it and replied to another thread I made two weeks later.

>> No.20199639
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Thanks but I hold Chainlink

>> No.20199642

my therapy is crop dusting people at the grocery store. especially in the cheese aisle

>> No.20199653
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Main exercise is lie on ground put bottoms of your feet together with legs in a crab position and then raise your knees up a few inches and your legs will start to involuntarily tremor like your in an exorcism. And that is stress and trauma discharging from your body.



>> No.20199675
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>> No.20199702
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Based, OP. I'll give it a try.

>> No.20199704

So do I. Why do you think I went crazy?

>> No.20199736
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This is the dumbest shit I've read here all year.

>> No.20199755

The other main exercise that my practitioner had me do Is lie on the ground like your going to do a situp. Put the insides of your feet’s together, then put insides of knees together then move your kneecaps outward from each other 1-8 inches and find the sweet spot for when you start shaking.

Sometimes you need to do the warmups first. Like my practitioner had me lie on ground bottoms of feet together in crab position and then arch my back upwards and hold for 1 min

>> No.20199761

pseudoscience bs

>> No.20199788

Go slow tho. No more than 10 mins a day. First time I did it... I’m driving back to my Airbnb and I start singing along and then dancing to the music on the radio like I was a 16 year old high school girl. Halfway thru I’m like wtf am I doing?

>> No.20199790

Anon, if You are the one that posted about it few months back I must say thank You.

Tried it, did it 2 times per week for a month, now just once a week and I feel great.

Totally worth it.

>> No.20199823

That’s why animals do it cuz it’s pseudoscience. The only ones who do not tremor anymore are humans and zoo animals

>> No.20199846


Hope you're at least getting paid to spread death and despair, fucking demons.

>> No.20199851

What is wrong with you. You provide no value and on top of that you hate on someone that does. Thanks OP, not ny cup of tea but you might have improved a handfull of peoples life by posting this.

>> No.20199852

>Arabians grande

>> No.20199882

Ill try this, but id like to know how to do it without some scammer retard demanding $50 to unlock the seceret

>> No.20199890


>> No.20199924

I am. Glad it helped.

>> No.20199973

What did it for me was meditating and going to sleep every day at 10pm, and reading Nietzsche. My mind went from a sad husk of a being to a strong willed, happy, objectively more successful person in every way, be it physical, mental or in terms of brain power. Games became easy. People naturally started to gravitate towards me. People surprised of how better/good I was at XYZ cropping up.
But it only lasted a week. I just don't know what to do with my life, so the "but for what?" question still comes up.
Why bother?
I'll just put money in LINK and still wonder what I'd do with the money.

>> No.20199987

I'll try it after work, if this thread is still around I'll report back.

>> No.20200014

I also was working out if anyone wondered. Calisthenics. You need to know for what purpose you are doing all of this. I don't have it. This state basically fell out of the sky, so to speak.

>> No.20200113

I farted next to the coffee pot at work and this old biddy walked by, deeply inhaled, and remarked that the hazelnut coffee smells so good. I almost lost it, but I kept composure and tacitly agreed.

>> No.20200115


>> No.20200168
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/biz/ is more schizo than /x/

>> No.20200172

Put down Nietzsche for a while and read some Camus. Maybe there is no intrinsic meaning, but that leave the door wide open for you to find your own meaning. Life may be an empty field, but you can plant any type of orchard you want.

>> No.20200400

I just did it and shook

I feel the same, lol.

>> No.20200440

Thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.20200460

Any chance this could cause a seizure for someone with epilepsy?

>> No.20200517

/biz/ schizos (aka awake and aware people) are just normal people with some level of intelligence that opened up to God and were thus chosen to usher in His kingdom.

>> No.20200603

If you're a pharma shill: kill yourself my man

>> No.20200728


>> No.20200747

Honestly seeemed like the stupidest shit in a while, but tried it and its pretty weird when you whole body starts shaking. We will see if it helps at all. I am pretty /fit/ so it took like 10 min before my legs started fatiguing so keep that in mind.

>> No.20200812

This position and it's psychological effects makes me feel like I'm somehow activating the Kundalini chakra

>> No.20200910

will this still work if im drunk

>> No.20200916

No it’s the opposite of a seizure

>> No.20200961

Day after I did it the first time I’m playing live poker at a casino and started crying too. Not happy crying or sad crying just crying.

>> No.20200977

Based schizo

>> No.20200992
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when you start shaking during an excersise it literally only means your muscles are done, there is no more juice and your body mobilizes your bones, joints and spine to keep you from falling/dying. This kind of activity is called "going to failure" and its proven to actually hurt your progress - whether its buidling muscle, endurance or becoming better at certain activity. It also releases cortisol which is a hormone opposite to testosterone, which should be the last thing you should want to do as a man. Hell, even as a woman.

>> No.20201040

Thanks OP, really appreciate you sharing this. I remember you from a thread some months ago, and I did the excercises a few times but did not stick with it. Will try again this time. Does this work also on physical pains? I have some mysterious pains in my wrists for years and im starting to think that it is because of held tension in my forearm muscles.

>> No.20201045

These exercises aren't meant to strain your muscles, they activate tremoring, try the exercises

>> No.20201087

>stored in your body
Fucking A I 100% think this is true based on my own experience, after all every mental imprint has a corresponding physical sensation somewhere in the body of you really pay attention

>> No.20201090

It actually isn’t an exercise in reality I think they named it badly. Your body does all the work for the tremor Ing and shaking. You can lie there watching porn on the big screen while eating ice cream and your legs will convulse naturally

>> No.20201116

nothing in the post is true at all

>> No.20201126

Yes! It does work on physical pains. I have a very small issue when I reach around my back and try to scratch the hop part of my back my shoulder will kind of hurt. Now this is nothing that effects my life negatively where I need to get therapy or anything. But after doing Tre I noticed the pain in my shoulder when I reach around is nearly diminished

>> No.20201161

And mostly the psoas muscle which is your hips is where it is stored. Go slow with this. Less is more. Your body will tell you when to stop for the day no more than 10 mins initially

>> No.20201191

I just did it and shook for about 10 minutes to start. It was a really interesting feeling that made me giggle, but is shaking from muscle strain the same shaking that happens after stress? I will keep trying, but this is how I feel after a bit of yoga/stretching. Good, but nothing special yet.

>> No.20201237

Unironically all the yoga studios should actually be tremoring studios. Much more based than yoga. Although you can consider this almost a cousin of yoga

>> No.20201255

ye i was watching the video i think its just some form of central nervous system yoga that somehow found a spot in human body to make you shake like a retard. Its funny tho i will try it

>> No.20201295

That’s the whole point. It resets your nervous system. People with mental health issues have their nervous system stuck from trauma and what not.

>> No.20201296

i did the exercises, it did nothing but make me look fucking stupid

>> No.20201307

I’m going to try this. Intuitively this makes sense to me. Never heard of anyone putting this into practice, very interesting trying right now.

What is the reason why we don’t naturally let this stuff out anymore? I feel like the body wants to throw it out all the time, what stops it? It’s as if our ego, mental proliferation, or our mind hold it in the body or something, thoughts?

>> No.20201362

Cuz we’ve been conditioned to hold it all in and not shake and tremor. Like I said, when bombs went off the kids in bomb shelters insticively tremored but adults didn’t. It’s cultural.

>> No.20201653

Lol, not reading Heidegger Being and Time and Keirkigaard as the philosophical Lord's.

>> No.20201768

Thats cool, I assume that there are these ecxercises for different parts of the body? Like I would find one for arms/wrists somewhere? If you want to fully fix the shoulder issue, look into trigger point therapy. I had some neck/shoulder issues but fixed them completely with trigger point massage and sauna. The book I would recommend is Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Claire Thomas. Has not fixed the wrists yet though, I will give the trauma release a shot.

>> No.20201936

Dude my legs are jumping all over the place the last 7 mins..
Not really emotional though

Go full 10?

>> No.20201989

been doing this. my own way. its been awesome

>> No.20202051

thats for like ACTUAL exercising. Like lifting weights and shit, this is completely different. know it from experience

>> No.20202080

yoga=to become one with the body

>> No.20202083

No just stop. You don’t necessarily get emotional as it’s happening. First time I did it teach was asking me questions during it and I would be giggling a little when responding

>> No.20202128

I tried doing this, got some shakes near the top, but never the whole body experience
maybe I don't have any real trauma?

>> No.20202196

No it’s just your legs not whole body

>> No.20202241

Most stress and trauma is held in the psoas muscle. In your hip area

>> No.20202250

Now i feel worn out and tired.

When did you start noticing changes?

>> No.20202272

Just every other day keep doing it. You’ll sleep like a baby tonite. Don’t got too fast or too much

>> No.20202309

2-3 times a week. I go every day now and up to 15 mins or so. But you gotta ease into it

>> No.20202361

Feeling a little pain in the gooch area actually.
Serious question.. jerkin off after this..?

>> No.20202469

I doubt it

>> No.20202544

doubt what?
haha i mean is it a good/bad idea to jerk off afger doing this.

i kind of feel a little ill. wonder if thats natural.

>> No.20202555

Ok I’ll be back, I’ll report in 30 minutes gonna try this out looks fun. Thanks OP

>> No.20202616

It’s no big deal you probably just went w little further than you should have initially. It’s not dangerous tho

>> No.20202628
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will this fix my social anxiety

>> No.20202630

It's a pre-workout exercise for butt sex. OP knows this because he has lots of it.

>> No.20202644

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.20202689

yeah this advice would have been great before i bought chainlink at 15 cents.

>> No.20202746

Is this a (((trick))) or legit? Someone give me a redpill, I watched the OPs videos but cmon.

>> No.20202883

You are the traumatized baby get dabbed ob

>> No.20202888

The shaking is real at least. I was surprised how easily my thighs started trembling. I will have to see about the benefits.

>> No.20202896
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You're based amongst based OP

>> No.20203005


>> No.20203015

I thought the exact same thing actually

>> No.20203049

lol, purposeful disinformation
keep on trolling my man

>> No.20203094

I told you what the benefits are. The shaking is discharging stress and trauma that’s been held in you for years. Doesn’t matter what kind of trauma. Your dad jerking off in front of you where you were 6 or getting in a car accident

>> No.20203147


>> No.20203176

so this shit really helped you a lot?
how long until you started really noticing life differences?

>> No.20203194

Ok op that felt pretty good not gonna lie. I feel really relaxed and chill. Definitely going to do this more often. Can I do this before bed? When’s the best time. Also how often?

>> No.20203248

just tried it wasn't live changing but felt kinda good. do i have to do this more often to "feel" something

>> No.20203255

My body instinctually does this when I have a fever. Not just tremors, but absolute seizure level shaking from my entire body. I have not had a fever last more than the period it takes me to sleep, maybe ~5ish hours. If there is a way to intentionally do this for other things, there must be something to it. My wife always calls me out, like I'm a pussy for being unable to even move from the most basic of fevers, but my body literally Japanese honey bee's that shit right out.

>> No.20203254

This is super interesting. I was hit by a car once while riding my bike and I couldn't stop shaking for half an hour even tho I was physically unhurt.

>> No.20203308

i remember you
just learn yoga? i don’t understand the hype behind the TRE exercises, i thought yoga accomplished what that aimed to do while also improving the connection between mind and body. i agree with everything else tho, i feel like some stretches where you make yourself shake are gonna be very useful, but you can feel those areas of your body from yoga

>> No.20203367

the anti tremor jew got us again. Yes, I think it's like with a lot of things about the "health" industry, it's full of bullshit and sometimes the simplest things like fasting or tremor shaking are the most effective, health industry is retarded

>> No.20203401

Couple weeks but could take longer. But you’ll notice it immediately. It’ll peel away layers so it can take time

>> No.20203464

i read camus in high school (the stranger) and found it incredibly bleak.

>> No.20203468

bros is there anyway to accelerate ... my legs dont get tired until like 5 mins in.. i workout /fit/ here. this is longer than my ab routine

>> No.20203534

Tried it once and only felt slightly better. Don't give me false hope man.

>> No.20203680

>Tried it once and only felt slightly better.
>Tried it
>felt [...] better
Retard alert.

>> No.20203705


>> No.20203898

Yeah but the OP is saying that the shaking was good for me, that it caused me to let go of the stress of the event.

>> No.20204049

The last time you made this thread, I tried it, and I did have results. Some bad things happened to me as a kid and whether it's hocus-pocus or real, just wanted to say Thank You

I have a difficult time describing "what exactly" it did to me; deep, primal gears turned, so animal-like. My body needed it, but my rational mind was like "this is retarded, I feel retarded". It worked anyway, it just did, can't put it in language terms

>> No.20204122

I tried it. My entire body began tremoring especially around my head and arms and my eyes sort of rolled back in my head. It got pretty intense so I stopped, in total it took me about 3-5 minutes to get my legs to start to tremor and then shortly after my head and arms starting shaking like crazy and I kind of went semi hypnotic. that was wild, i feel pretty good. gonna try some more.

is that part of it? the arms neck and head shaking? it got sort of intense mentally but not too bad, just a bit strange

>> No.20204161

Glad it helped anon. It’s why I’m here. I’ve moved on from playing halo 3 while stuck in my moms house. My goal now is to help people until the singularly

>> No.20204199

>It’ll peel away layers so it can take time
yeah maybe it depends on how much accumulated 'trauma' a person has and how locked up it is. probably different for everyone, maybe some take weeks to unlock and then release while others a few days or even minutes

>> No.20204221

I haven’t had head and arms shape but that does happen especially army guys who were doing a movement before an IED went off or something ant they didn’t finish the movement

>> No.20204286

ever try bioengertics?


>> No.20204368


>> No.20204417

I've got an insane childhood so I have a lot of shit there blocked up. I've tried a lot of different things like talk therapy etc so I will give this a try every day for a few weeks. thanks anon

>> No.20204466

Go slow every other day 5-10 mins tops. Less is more with this

>> No.20204473


i read it last time too. i did it and it worked. moved on to doing yoga. no homo. god bless you anon

>> No.20204518

yes, as soon as I hit that intense peak with my head shaking and a light forming around my eyelids i stopped and got up. Going to take it slow a bit day by day. thanks again

>> No.20204549

Based anon. I started doing this when you first posted about it. I did it two days in a row and got the shaking really good and felt amazing afterwards. Then i tried again a few times and couldn't seem to induce the shaking. since then i've just forgot to try it again. Going to make sure i keep at it, Any tips or ideas why i couldn't get the shaking on my later attempts? Not fatiguing the muscles enough i guess?

>> No.20204591

After your done legs straight out and relax for a couple minutes. Then turn on side and bring your knees up to chest to stretch psoas muscle

>> No.20204629

Did you try the other position? Lie down in the position like you are about to do a sit up. Then put insides of feet together... knees together then move knees outward from each other 1-8 inches and find the sweet spot to where you start tremoring

>> No.20204655

ngl this sounds retarded and is most likely just placebo, but I'll give it a try. Thank you for sharing.

>> No.20204663

can this be useful if I have very low energy (I don't have any trauma though)?

>> No.20204667

Placebos work and this one is free so why not try?

>> No.20204677

I did yeah and kept moving my knees up and down to try and find the sweet spot. I'll try again tomorrow and will see how i get on. Hopefully the shakes return.

>> No.20204792

Wonder what would happen if you mixed this with shrooms

>> No.20204805

Absolutely. Like I said... araiana grande could have sat on my knee naked before starting to do this and I would have thrown her off. A month later I was jerking off like I just went thru puberty

>> No.20204829

You might need to do some of the warmup exercises first to tire out muscles

>> No.20204856

thanks will try it, but I already fap more than 10 times a week

>> No.20204883

Knew about this shit since 2016. I’m the Anon who kept mentioning to try Feldenkrais if you found TRE helpful. It’s a different and also extremely effective way to remove tension from the body.

>> No.20204957

You know... I looked into it.... and I want to try it but was too busy with other shit at the time. I remember you. It definitely looks legit possibly even moreso than TRE

>> No.20204958

Soldiers that tremor won't fire a gun effectively. That's why

>> No.20204994

I was actually thinking about your post randomly like a week ago. But I had forgotten the name

>> No.20205142

This sounds fascinating too anon. what benefits have you seen from Feldenkrais? What resources / books can you recommend to find out more about it?

>> No.20205271

So you support Chinese supremacy ?

>> No.20205300

Chainlink is an evil coin essentially. Buying it puts you into a satanic dimension. As soon as you become a holder, you are forced into this kiked out timeline. Realize that only time chainlink pumps is when China decides to pump the crypto market

>> No.20205397

Guys If you feel like shit just start taking atarax+ soma + bong hits = happiness. If you have issues with past trauma, do salt- coffee enemas. Your gut holds past emotions/ events... cleaning out your gut via enemas can help you get pass bad break ups, tragic/ violent events, etc...

>> No.20205518

>Not only that but my libido skyrocketed. Before Arabians grande could have sat on my lap naked and I would have thrown her off. I maybe jerked off 7 times in all of 2019 and after a couple weeks of TRE I was jerking off like a 15 year old again.
Is this the new nofap?

>> No.20205621
File: 62 KB, 900x844, 1593338429957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw imagining all these retards shaking around like they're having a seizure

>> No.20205646

do you really expect me to read all this text while chilling with a joint?
life's good

>> No.20205680


>> No.20205701
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>> No.20206124

That was the other anon who posted that not me

>> No.20206218


I get my shit via torrent, if you make a discord group I’ll share. The thing with feldenkrais is it takes time, like anything worthwhile in life. But after even 1 lesson you notice changes and after 6 weeks I swear you will move like a ninja. The lessons can be 30 mins to an hour, but when I was in terrible back pain feldenkrais provided immediate relief just two days ago.

>> No.20206267

Why dont we make a discord group for health?

>> No.20206284


because were not women

>> No.20206313


>> No.20206342

what does it do exactly

>> No.20206379

discord gg/8ZTbTG

>> No.20206394


>> No.20206508

im going to try this out OP. one thing that has helped me a lot these last couple of years is meditation. still i feel that i sometimes act based on fear and not from a source of hope or happiness

>> No.20206519

This far exceeds meditation

>> No.20206683

this looks like a scam and stupid as fuck but waging has already robbed me of my dignity so I think i'll do this instead of working lol

>> No.20206728

Good on you for recognizing that. The more tools you use the better

>> No.20206812
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>not realizing this is anon trying to see how many people he can sell on lying down and shaking
This is the most /biz/ it has ever been. Based salesman practice OP

>> No.20206919

My dad was a post office worker and he tells a story about having collared greens one night and then farting very loudly at work while they were casing mail and everyone around him heard it. (He’s borderline autistic and doesn’t care about shit like that). A very fat coworker walked behind his cubicle who hadn’t heard it, stopped, took a deep breath, and asked who was cooking something that smelled so good. Everyone laughed and the guy got super pissed.

>> No.20207337

what did i just watch

>> No.20207344

well put!

>> No.20207647

Brilliant. Screencapped to show god when I die

>> No.20207652

I believe it and I'll give it a go, some of my typical psychosomatic responses are coming back at my new job from the stress that comes from working more hours. thx for not being a fag op.

Trauma is serious business in regards to your health and most attempts at addressing it are just money pits that go to the (((healthcare industry))) so that they can have an easy in to revenue. When trauma gets really bad, it gets "ingrained" into you, it's like butterflies in your stomach on steroids and all the time. I would get back pain at my one job which also had a girl there that reminded me of my abusive mother and would bully me the same way and by the time I quit, it would feel like I'm paralyzed and couldn't move. I believe this was just my brain expressing itself physically; that is, the wrist and back pains, the hives, the irritable bowl syndrome were just ways to have "the energy" flow out of me in some way because it can't be internalized anymore.

There's actually a neat little book called "Healing Back Pain" by John Sarno that goes a bit more into it. It's been a while since I've read it so I might not be remembering it right, but this type of stuff was dubbed Tension Myostis Syndrome by healthcare goys. Amusingly enough, Sarno uses the modern mechanical approach to healthcare to come to the conclusion that it makes no sense to have back pain 99% of the time and that it was just a memetic expression that transferd from person to person when office work rose to prominence. I would even take this a step further, I once went to a tantra course (>tfw no qt partner) and we did some "energy manipulation" before we got started. Eventually certain breathing exercises resulted in me feeling very tingly, and less stiff, I didn't really want to move either because the sensation was so strange.

tl;dr: if you're a robot or suffered abuse, you probably should look more into it and do it because your interpersonal ego is extremely taxing to normalfags.

>> No.20207763

wow is that what that's called?
i just experienced how transcendental meditation used to make me feel sometimes when i would go super deep, holy shit this was wild

>> No.20207790

Tried this just now after wanting to do it for a while. Thank you based OP for creating these weekly threads

>> No.20207797

same, this is what i felt >>20207763

>> No.20208048

Im in.

>> No.20208448


Here's a vid that kinda goes over the doctor.

One more thing, the limited research into chakras I've done tells me that when certain chakras are closed or in excess, you can tell in the real world. Let's take the second chakra, located in the lower abs area for example. A deficiency results in rigidity and poor social skills whereas an excess would be sexually loose and addicted to pleasure. Physically, these things would lead to things such as stiffness in movement or sexual dysfunction. So when >>20205397 says your gut holds the past, he might be on to something.

If I were to dumb all of this down and make a baseless claim with my gut, I would say that EVERYTHING is energy and the world has too much red tape on it. This is probably why you see degenerates and autists as much as you do nowadays; degenerates mistakenly believe more control of others' "innocent" (from curiosity into creation) energy and less control of "expression" (from venting to riots) will make the bad stuff go away whereas a robot may torture himself by towing the line because he doesn't want any trouble (and may not have options to create more) and ends up giving himself up to the order of the devil. Someone start the holy war already.

>> No.20208513

Nice good post

>> No.20208839

yeah i've done a bunch of 10 day vipassana retreats and the feeling of lightness after my experience with this was similar to vipassana, this is very interesting to me

>> No.20209051

i used to try a lot of shit like this when i was suffering extreme anxiety and depression. i learned a meditation technique called Shambhavi Mahamudra through a non-profit program and it cured me completely. to each their own i guess. from what i've seen this sort of thing like in OP doesn't work for a lot of people. yoga/meditation is closer to like 95%+ success rate.

>> No.20209331

I remember your first post >>20199595. TRE worked for me, whether if it is placebo or not doesnt really matter.

>> No.20209475

>Put down Nietzsche for a while and read the classics.


>> No.20209568

Good to hear

>> No.20209710

>Maybe there is no intrinsic meaning

There is, even considering such obvious nonsense is a big brainlet flag

>> No.20209784

It is my life-goal to have a bath/pond like this man to sit and meditate in during the height of the afternoon. Top-tier comfy

>> No.20209833

This seems pretty cool OP, gonna try this in the morning. :))

>> No.20210184

Op can you green text instructions please? (Including pre exercises/warms)

Also I'm inclined to believe you
>"I'm literally shaking right now"
It all makes sense now.

>> No.20210417

The only warmup my practitioner had me do was lie down, bottoms of feet together with legs in a crab position... then arch my back up for a minute. Also deep breathe for a minute or so before this.

Then in the exact same position bottoms of feet together in crab position. Lift your kneecaps up 1 inch.... hold for 2 mins. Lift up another inch for another 2 mins.

Then get in the sit up position like your gonna do a sit up. Insides of feet together. Knees together and move your knees outward from one another 1-8 inches and find a sweet spot.

Sometime you have to move your knees just slightly yourself and then the swinging will kick in. In the 2’d position I get violent shakes after I move them a little where my legs will slam into each other

And for the first position you can go higher then 2 inches. I will push my knees up as far as I can and will get violent shakes

>> No.20210878
File: 725 KB, 1106x1012, Coomer3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I jacked off to that first video when she lied on the ground and it showed her feet.

>> No.20211371

I dont get it, my legs dont shake in the crab position no matter how long I stay there. Doing a wall sit and hip raise beforehand. Any tips?

>> No.20211388

Thanks for this m8.

>> No.20211418

There are other ore warmup exercises to weaken the muscles before the main position. Go to YouTube

>> No.20211428

Ok. Thanks for the response

>> No.20211492

it took me 3-5 minutes but i'm not in very good shape, maybe conditioning plays a role. are you in good physical shape, do you workout?

>> No.20211571

Im in decent shape. Not fat but not skinny either. Been lifting weights all day erry day while watching the expanse since my wagecuck job shut down from covid

>> No.20211659

yeah maybe if you have good muscle strength/genes it takes a bit longer, i dunno. I know i was doing it wrong at first because i wasn't touching my feet sole to sole. it's a weird you have to flex but sort of relax your body too, keep trying

>> No.20211689
File: 164 KB, 480x480, EODDUiHXUAEOVnH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I just tried the crab thing and I shook like a motherfucker, really rapid and violent., i must have a lot of built up trauma lmao. I also feel kind of a high after doing it.

What really made it stronger was bringing my knees higher up and pushing my feet further away.

>> No.20211716

Yes it will go more violent the higher you push knees up

>> No.20211757

so can you do this every day?

>> No.20211820

So will you post how to do it or is it all locked behind a paywalled course that you're just shilling for?

>> No.20211991

I'm gonna try tbis on 300ug LSD. Psychedelics often trigger deep muscle tremors. Holy shit. Is that why after a trip, i dont feel drained and strung out likemost every other drug class? My first ever psychedelic trip was 5g shrooms and halfway through i had these body tremors that felt like non-sexual orgasmic tremors through my whole body and caused me to writhe around in bed. But the clarity and calmness i feel post trips is so fucking therapeutic.

>> No.20212173

tried this a while ago for a couple of days. Didn't do shit.

>> No.20212186

>Maybe there is no intrinsic meaning, but that leave the door wide open for you to find your own meaning. Life may be an empty field, but you can plant any type of orchard you want.
That's exactly the point nietzsche, brainlet

>> No.20212191

Just curious, can cold showers have the same effect as this?

>> No.20212363

I'd like to know this as well. After a normal temp shower, last 2 min, i like to blast cold on max and it wakes me the fuck up. Like caffeine without jitters

>> No.20213273

can we make sure this gets archived

>> No.20213477

God's not real, faggot.

>> No.20213527

If you know, you know. He's definitely reaching out for you. Open your mind and pay attention.

>> No.20213603

imagine thinking all of this randomly just happened from literally nothing... just so happens a chain of random meaningless events created the computer you're typing on and your perceptual existence of it... ngmi faggot

>> No.20213616
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>> No.20213860

This is bullshit but I'm desperate so I will give it a try.

They seam to talk about anxiety a lot. According to a DASS21 questionnaire I have normal anxiety and stress with severe depression.
So lets hope this is effective for that.

>> No.20213977

More importantly will this fix jews running my society?

>> No.20214586

I remember when I took ayahuasca I shook uncontrollably for hours

>> No.20214736

He is one-hundred per cent real and he has given me the world since I realised that. Life is good, nihilism is not.

>> No.20214867
File: 59 KB, 1024x913, 1593667076018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based OP

>> No.20214885

I tried this. My legs and hips shook a lot and I feel somewhat relaxed afterwards. I have chronic anxiety. I am gonna try this for few days to see the results.

>> No.20214908

And thanks OP for sharing this. Appreciate this.