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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 612x750, Twitter Fantom Foundation .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20190667 No.20190667 [Reply] [Original]

Right after the absurd sudden pump by the fantom scammers, XAR with the supposed "central banks" breaks with Fantom and portrays them as unserious scammers, then right after Twitter locks Fantom's account.

That Fantom is a scam ought to have been obvious for anyone, after the whole chink team exit scammed a long time and lied about 300 000 tps dag with smart contracts. The "new" Fantom team continued the scam and lies with fake Oracle partnership, fake internet site with doctored data measuring the Fantom transaction speed, etc. Anyone holding Fantom, the most obvious scam in crypto, deserves to lose their money.

>> No.20190706
File: 66 KB, 715x660, 324324324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon there will be some rabid Fantom supporters here, ignoring the obvious scam. They are all hired by Fantom. They have zero devs in the Fantom Foundation, but they DO have 38 full time spammers and scammers in their "marketing" department.

>> No.20191122 [DELETED] 


>> No.20191656 [DELETED] 


>> No.20191766

No link, op is a faggot

>> No.20191787

fake und ghey

>> No.20191906

Ah, the Fantom scammers are here, spewing their usual incoherent nonsense with zero substance, facts or logic. BEEEPCOOONNEEECT!!

>> No.20192065

Thanks OP just bought another 500k

>> No.20192128

Doctored and deviant

>> No.20192178
File: 105 KB, 720x879, _20200707_070914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're really getting a lot of mileage out of this one aren't you schizo

>> No.20192200

Weird that just a handful of really stupid paid Fantom scammers are able to trick newfags into the most obvious scam in crypto.

>> No.20192300

Insane claim from the Fantom scammers. You don't get flagged by Twitter due to the audience. If that was true, ALL whistleblower accounts would be auto-flagged when we need them the most. Just a ridiculous lie. Twitter knows that Fantom is most likely a scam and they are restricting access to the account to avoid any lawsuit in the future. That's a normal procedure dealing with scam accounts. The same thing happened with Bitconnect and OneCoin.

>> No.20192422

commited some pwa wallet half an hour ago https://github.com/Fantom-foundation

>> No.20192425
File: 89 KB, 630x445, whisky_sours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter cares about some literal who crypto project enough to personally place a resctriciton (only) on their account.

I want you to say you agree with his statement

>> No.20192462

What you just said is actually the most insane schizo shit you've ever spewed. Michaels story checks out, it happens once in a while.

>> No.20192494 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 1183x651, fdfafw32323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone believing the absurd "explanation" from chink scammer "Michael" can't be helped and deserves to lose his money.

Here is the very same "Michael" in another documented pump and dump, pic and:

>> No.20192505

>Anyone believing the absurd "explanation" from chink scammer "Michael" can't be helped and deserves to lose his money.
>Here is the very same "Michael" in another documented pump and dump, pic and:
I want to hear you say you believe that Twitter personally cares enough about fantom go lock it.

>> No.20192518
File: 191 KB, 949x864, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH holders on suicide watch
>they fear the fantomchad

>> No.20192774
File: 31 KB, 1183x651, fdfafw32323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone believing the absurd "explanation" from chink scammer "Michael" can't be helped and deserves to lose his money.

Here is the very same "Michael" in another documented pump and dump, pic and:

>> No.20192810

I want to hear you say "I believe Twitter personally monitors fantom enough to lock it for being a scam" or anything like that.

>> No.20192816

>Twitter personally cares enough about fantom go lock it.
Write "white lives matter" on twitter and see what happens. Of coruse they care about a double digit million dollar scam.

>> No.20192857

looking forward to see it all come crashing down.

>> No.20192878
File: 133 KB, 900x638, XAR Network Annotation 2020-07-07 160734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Ethereum, the largest and best dev community in the world is super scared of third rated pseudo-devs that can only badly fork ethereum virtual machine and then fake their transaction speed with a doctored and fake site.

So how is it going for you Fantom scammers. No more lies about "banks" and "central banks" as your fellow scam project XAR network is now openly calling out Fantom Foundation as a scam, pic. How do you explain that, Fantom scammer?

>> No.20192909

Yeah. You'll be reported by trannies and their bots pick it up. Can you show me the fantom tweet that you believe led to this? No you can't because (and I want to hear you say this) Twitter is personally monitoring fantom and has done enough research on it (vs anything else on their platform including howdoo) and suspended it. Stand and deliver.

Why did you delete your post?

>> No.20193021

Thank god I cashed out when I did. You’re doing us all a service OP!

>> No.20193112

This is not about a single tweet, you idiot.

>Why did you delete your post?
Forgot link

>> No.20193130

Good for you anon, best of luck with your future investments.

>> No.20193163

I don't know why you're so afraid to directly come right out and say it then. Simply copy and paste this:
>I believe Twitter is personally policing fantom and other research they did have deduced from their Twitter that it is a scam.

>> No.20193215

Sorry I am pooing in the street. Maybe something more like this.
>I believe that Twitter has personally gone through the trouble of reviewing all of fantom tweets over its existence, and has also done research on other third party outlets. From this, they concluded (personally) that fantom is a scam, and to protect users, placed a temporary restriction on their fantom page (without banning or suspending them of course)

Just copy and paste it bro

>> No.20193269

yup this will dump, I will grab some under 100 sats and then twitter will unban fantom

>> No.20193283

why the fuck would twitter even care if fantom was a scam doesnt make any sense

>> No.20193317

This is his honest to goodness belief.

>> No.20193318

exactly it will pump regardless this is fud to buy fantom cheap

>> No.20193451

>Twitter is personally policing
What does that even mean, Fantom idiot? Just fuck off scammer.

>> No.20193475

>why the fuck would twitter even care if fantom was a scam doesnt make any sense
If it is proven in court that they knew or should have known that Fantom is a scam, they can be held liable.

>> No.20193544

>exactly it will pump regardless this is fud to buy fantom cheap
I seriously hope that you are a scammer and get paid for posting something that stupid. Either way, looks like a lot of newfags hoping to get a 2017 bullrun has bought into this extremely obvious scam. Most of them can not be helped and must learn the hard way, just as many people that never should have entered the finanical markets ought to stay the hell away from Bitconnect, OneCoin etc.

>> No.20193580

This reply literally shoes just how fucking stupid you are. If you think Fantom turning out to be a scam (it isn't) would be problematic for Twitter in any way shape or form, then you're quite literally the single most retarded individual to ever grace this board.

>> No.20193590

Are you seriously this fucking brown you retard? Holy fuck. You can't even admit your own fud and that's dangerously concerning. Do you not know what a police officer is? Faggot

>> No.20193709

Not gonna happen for awhile, its gonna crab between 124-129 sats.

>> No.20193766
File: 99 KB, 760x706, Annotation 2020-02-15 101134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you think Fantom turning out to be a scam (it isn't) would be problematic for Twitter in any way shape or form, then you're quite literally the single most retarded individual to ever grace this board.
Did you learn law from cartoons, fantom moron?

>If you think Fantom turning out to be a scam (it isn't)
Yeah, a blockchain company having zero devs, but lying about on their website,, pic, but over 38 paid scammers ("marketing dep"), is surely not a scam. Right scamming Fantom slime?

>> No.20193848

onecoin was a ponzi scheme led by some russian genius woman thats now being hunt down by authorities, not comparable to fantom

>> No.20193847
File: 87 KB, 769x600, Annotation 2020-02-15 10113412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you seriously this fucking brown you retard? Holy fuck. You can't even admit your own fud and that's dangerously concerning. Do you not know what a police officer is? Faggo
More low IQ whining from the desperate fantom scammers. Your fantom wording is so retarded that there is no way I would repeat your garbage and why the hell should I do that? Have I not been clear enough for you sick scamming fantom spammers?

Here, fantom psycho. Explain this ugly fantom muttboi:

Fantom foundation lied about their "Oracle Partnership" , all they had was a sales rep agreement. Pic.

>> No.20193997

Bulgarian. They were much more professional and successful than stupid fantom scammers. That's the only difference.

>> No.20194064

yea something like that, btw fantom was banned off twitter for posting like 7 posts in a couple of seconds or something about afghanistan

>> No.20194212

Do you know what the word "policing" means

>> No.20194941

>btw fantom was banned off twitter for posting like 7 posts in a couple of seconds or something about afghanistan
Stupid lies. Why don't you idiot try to document that retarded claim? Do it, scammer.

>> No.20194981

You have ZERO legal training and education, right fantom scammer? So just fuck off with your low IQ nonsense.

>> No.20195202

Poo in the loo pajeet. You can't even be consistent with yourself. Your reasoning as how Twitter knew to take action was magic and pixie dust. Makes sense you don't even know what "policing" means.

How's your DAG bag btw lol

>> No.20195394

dude, u fudding fantom already says it all, why would you try to help out biz if this seriously was a scam, redpill me on that

>> No.20195650
File: 280 KB, 640x331, 432432432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantom's tx speed test site is FAKE.

Not only did the whole chink team exit scam long time ago, and they lied about 300 000 tps dag with smart contracts, partnerships, have zero devs and only a giant "marketing dep" aka paid scammers & spammers, artificially pumped up the price with a ponzy scheme absurd reward system (that will unleash 60% of supply on the market in a matter of a little over a week), and gave the market only a crashed fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine, they now also got caught in fabricating their transaction speed test site. Pathetic, but not unexpected from these poor-man bitconnect scammers from Fantom.

Test it yourself,

Take the Transaction Hash and put it in their Fantom explorer:

And you will NOT find the transaction. It's ALL a scam.

>> No.20196118

>19 posts by this id

>> No.20196305

You're actually retarded
>19 posts by this ID

>> No.20196383
File: 106 KB, 600x492, FTM Scam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone "investing" in Fantom deserves to lose his money. This is an OBVIOUS scam and Ponzi scheme. Fantom chink team exit scammed a long time ago. Scammer Andy replaced them with Russian temp devs so the scammers would still have some kind of "product" and "development" to dump on low IQ investors. Fantom promised a 300K dag with smart contracts. Everyone with tech insight knew that was impossible due to the rubbish tech solutions in the white paper.

So when Fantom scammers delivered their utter garbage product, a fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine with some dag like garbage on top of it, even the most deluded Fantom bagholders would normally have seen something was wrong and start to dump. What the Fantom scammer team did to prolong the scam was to introduce a classic Ponzi scheme with absurd ROI that is unsustainable.

But they don't care about that, as it all is designed to attract short term money so they can dump for a couple of months and then complete the exit scam. There is no working product, the "partnerships" are either paid for, mostly in corrupt third world countries or just fabrications. Bitconnect also faked a partnership with Visa, paid for partnership, and positive editorials. Fantom is doing the same thing. Their tech is utter shit and there will be no magical "packaging" of transactions, insane claim, so Fantom suddenly and magically can get high TPS. This is the sad reality:

Michael Chen did a similar scam earlier on, as a warning for everyone to see. This Fantom scam is just as obvious as Bitconnect was. Here:

More about why Fantom is a scam here:

>> No.20197170
File: 1.22 MB, 1336x904, 434324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantom scammers are now pushing their tech rating at Weiss, ignoring that they got their rating more than half a year ago, solely based on their tech claim of 300 000 TPS, dag with smart contracts, and a long time before FTM released their tech trainwreck of a forked Ethereum Virtual Machine as mainnet. A mainnet that no one is using or planning to use. No central banks, no banks, absolutely no one is working on Fantom, despite their mainnet being out for many months.

It's so bad that their lead dev, have de facto left the project to work on his own stuff. Sadly led dev scammer Andy crashed the new project as well, as he never ever in his life has finished a project successfully. This is the guy that Fantom scammers called the new Vitalik. Enjoy:

After chink team exit scammed, scammer Andy was hired to keep the scam floating while they all could dump on stupid investors. Chink team and their investors controlled more than 60% of total supply, so they have plenty to dump. Ethereum foundation had 1% and Vitalik sold his ETH at $7. Chink scammers will dump on you into oblivion.

Worse, Fantom has no devs and just a giant "marketing department" aka spamming scammers.

>> No.20197886

Explain this, Fantom con artists:
>run entirely by non-technical marketing hacks
>18 TPS when promised 50k
>30 low effort biz shill posts per day
>no devs
>Chen paid student devs from India to hack Ethereum and add fake PoS stolen from EOS
>bank deals all fake
>smart cities/dubai all fake
>XAR fake and has not even tweeted for months
>no technical talk on telegram just shilling
>claiming "multiple mainnets" but not 1 testnet app to show
>no actual employees at all
>claiming slow because ehtereum EVM
>designing our own VM but no whitepaper or code
>Andre is not a dev, he is a reviewer and he doesn't work for them or own any FTM
>rotating shill campaigns.. what happened to dubai? muh africa stablecoin? next?
>mainnet staking ponzi will crash an already thin market
>fairytale tokenomics where infinite sidechains use the same native token w/no technical details

>> No.20197978

Nope sorry. You're deflecting. I will explain every point on that list if you just admit that you believe Twitter has done the research do conclude fantom is a scam (and be detailed about it)

>> No.20198034

You are a true idiot. There are MANY ways Twitter can conclude that there is a high likelihood that Fantom is a scam.

>> No.20198072

Well I'd love you to detail them then. But keep in mind howdoo (a verified scam per you) is still up

>> No.20198129

And your stupid explanation for a supposed leading blockchain company soon to working with central banks (yeah, right) is that chink scammer just posted too many posts too rapidly and/or that they got super-duper traffick from Afghanistan after all the Afghanis read a blogpost in English that some corrupt leader got money for stating they will work with scam Fantom? Are you high?

>(a verified scam per you) is still up
A clear pump and dump. Look at the chart. >>20192774
What is it with you fantom scammers and raw stupidity?

>> No.20198236

Focus. We are talking about Twitter. Why is their Twitter still up? Why is fantom down and howdoo is up? Focus. Focusss

>> No.20198306

Learn the difference between legal and illegal scams, Fantom fool.

>> No.20198374
File: 282 KB, 444x341, DOtArd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this has what to do with Twitter?

>> No.20198617

Twitter is much more likely to be liable for illegal scams operating on its site than legal scams. Please educate yourself, fantom scammer. At least if you try to operate in the West.

>> No.20198629

Howdoo did nothing illegal

>> No.20198656

And neither did fantom. Weird, weird fud.

You're also still claiming that fantom is being monitored enough by Twitter for them to make that claim.

>> No.20198862
File: 941 KB, 1265x905, Ivan Fantom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you seriously think that Ivan on Tech would shill a scam?
He deeply analyzed Fantom and found it to be amazing tech, absolutely astonishing groundbreaking fundamentals.

>> No.20199146

Ivan on tech is a clickbait artist and a charlatan. He has zero dev experience on any successful crypto project. Plus I seriously doubt he has done any analysis of Fantom. I guess that he is just reading articles, like the nutty Forbes article rambling on the corrupt deal between Fantom and third-world Afghanistan "health ministerium". Why is Fantom ALWAYS operating with the most corrupt and crime-ridden third world hell holes in the world, and not America or Europe if the tech is so good?

>> No.20199245

Don't duck me bitch

>> No.20199452

So much traction and enagagement. Haha, you cant make that shit up. Dude, your engagement rate is nothing to twitter

>> No.20199498

You're so stupid that you are unable to comprehend even the most elementary points, so replying to your Fantom rant and rambling is just a giant waste of time. Sorry.

>> No.20200119

My point is simple -- Twitter doesn't give a fuck about fantom. They can't even take down Drumpf lol


>> No.20200280 [DELETED] 

>They can't even take down Drumpf lol
Of course Fantom muttbois and scammers are full opoen borders, BLM (((globohomo))). Why am I not suprised.

>> No.20200493

Yikes, man. All of us are equal

>> No.20200650 [DELETED] 

>All of us are equal
Then why are all brown and black people flooding white nations so we will soon be a minority in our own countries and we shall be happy for it or we are racists, while if whites come to black and brown countries and give you technology, human rights, hospitals etc, then we that is evil colonialism and cultural imperialism?

>> No.20200723 [DELETED] 

>All of us are equal
Then why are all brown and black people flooding white nations so we will soon be a minority in our own countries and we shall be happy for about it and praise it, or we are evil racists, while if whites come to black and brown countries and give you technology, human rights, hospitals etc, then suddenly there is no happy-clappy multiculturalism and vibrant societies, but just evil colonialism and cultural imperialism?

>> No.20200788

Hey Op, here is some advice. You can’t save the world from scammers, some people are meant to be deceived. Even our lord Jesus Christ tells us that many men are to be deceived by the devil and will burn in hell. You cannot save everybody, save yourself and be a good man.

Don’t argue with the wicked, it will only darken your soul and sap your strength. Not everybody can make it. Take solace in this fact, these scammers ultimately will not make it.

>> No.20200811

Dude get off /pol/. Race is just a skin color nothing more.

>> No.20200826

Sam, you were right all along. Now that XAR has abandoned the network I’m completely crushed. I can’t fucking believe it’s come to this. I just want to sell since 120 sats was my entry and jump off a bridge


>> No.20200921

This dude made this thread 7.5 hours ago and has been post in it the entire time since. wtf

>> No.20201128 [DELETED] 

I invite you guys to join Fantom Discord.
It's the nastiest gathering of niggers, pajeets and retard moonboys in the whole crypto community. A bunch of low IQ faggots and some beta cock sucker called Connor Hugues deflecting questions

>> No.20201146

I’m banned

>> No.20201262
File: 71 KB, 761x723, Annotation 2020-02-15 1011341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantom lied about their 300 000 tps dag with smart contracts. All that these Fantoms scammers delivered was a trainwreck of a18tps crashed ethereum virtual machine fork, pic. Yet the the most retarded community in biz didn't see this as a warning signal. Biz's fantom community is by far more moronic than the crashed Bitconnect community.

>> No.20201359

>31 posts by this ID

>> No.20201368

Try not being a massive faggot and take the VDS cock out of your mouth for 2 minutes, maybe then you will realize you are the retarded one for trusting Chen and kong

>> No.20201402

Sexism and racism do not belong on 4channel

>> No.20201483

You are right about not belonging.

>> No.20201495

I know. Consider going to 4chan.org/pol/

>> No.20201651

HE'S BACK.. how you been Denny? How is that DAG treating you? Bitch ass.

>> No.20201660 [DELETED] 

>crossed arms chink
I hope none of you buy into this kind of stuff

>> No.20201749

This dude takes 12 grands and will shill whatever you ask him to do.

>> No.20201920

Racism is not allowed on 4channel

>> No.20202143

Best comment so far.

>> No.20202590

You're not even close to white, schizo

>> No.20202625

You're new to schizo threads?

He has done like 16 hours once. It was a sight to be sure.

>> No.20202648

he's been making threads about FTM multiple times a day almost every day for about a year now

>> No.20203209

>You're not even close to white, schizo
Northern European. Time for you to shave your back and hands.

>he's been making threads about FTM multiple times a day almost every day for about a year now
No. Fantom scammers are pathological liars.

>> No.20203412

>Northern European. Time for you to shave your back and hands.

Ok Ranjeet, post pic of hand.

You wont, just like you haven't the other 200 times you've been asked to.

>> No.20203454

here's you sperging out in december and the comments clearly show people are already sick of you
here's you shilling MTV
also this, post hand

>> No.20203798

The more FUD i read, the more bullish I am.

You never spend all your days to talk about irrelevant coins.

>> No.20204117
File: 102 KB, 902x532, 2432434323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course the low IQ Fantom scammers are completely unable to defend their shitcoin and fraud.

Your absurd staking rewards alone is a clear proof of Ponzi scheme and scam. Pic.

>> No.20204166

>33 posts by this ID
also post hand

>> No.20204210

There is nothing to defend against an autist who dedicate his life to fud Fantom.
Smart people will get what I mean.

>> No.20204223

>also post hand
It's called OPSEC. Google it.

>> No.20204242

It's called post your hand

>> No.20204255

>34 posts by this id

>> No.20204284

Okay, I am the blackest negro you have ever seen. Now what?

>> No.20204302

how dark we talking

>> No.20204619
File: 219 KB, 720x720, 44324324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how dark we talking

>> No.20204670

OPSEC as in, your fudding operation would be compromised if we saw your brown ass hands?

You do know you can scrub a photo of all metadata, right? What would we do with a photo of your "white European" hand next to a piece of paper? Fucking dox you based on how your fucking palm lines go? lol.

>> No.20204806

I couldn't care less what you fantom idiots and scammers think.

>> No.20204910

Ok so why lie about being European, Ranjeet?

Why even waste time making these threads? People aren't going to trust anything you say when you refuse to prove you whiteness

>> No.20205096
File: 250 KB, 1044x655, 1569855374241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad XAR ditched Fantom and basically called them scammers. Then, right after that, Twitter locked Fantom Foundation scammers' twitter account. Right after the obvious absurd pump in a pump and dump operation. Anyone "investing" in this clusterfuck deserves to lose their money. It's that obvious.

>> No.20205198

Post hand, Ranjeet.

>> No.20205274

>I couldn't care less what you fantom idiots and scammers think.
>38 posts by this id

>> No.20205361

I'm making so much money staking this shit

>> No.20205368

>I couldn't care less what you fantom idiots and scammers think.
>38 posts by this id
Do you seriously believe I am here to warn the scammers about their scam? How does that make ANY sense for you fantom idiots?

>> No.20205398

You said it sir buy dag

>> No.20205433

What are you here for?

>> No.20205459
File: 65 KB, 622x677, gupta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20205808
File: 84 KB, 839x763, Annotation 2020-02-15 10113412566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, right. >>20200119

>> No.20206064

Sir this sounds like racism

>> No.20206296

Kek, wait and ser. You will fomo anon

>> No.20206665 [DELETED] 


>> No.20206673

Sir do the needful

>> No.20206785

Why do you delete your posts when you make a mistake

>> No.20206826

Hello sirs, you Fantom long time? Special price only 4 u sirs, buy much now and own place in shitting street whole day. Buy very, very much and free toilet 4 u whole day in house of mr Rakeesh from team Fantom. How much long time you Fantom sir?

>> No.20206934

FTM finally fully transitioned eh?

>> No.20207415
File: 61 KB, 700x467, 232132154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello sirs, u want free money?? Mine with Raahmesh mining! U buy bitconnect BCC for selling all ur valuables, give money to Raahmesh and he will mine 4 u, u will get over 100% roi later year. Same deal with Fantom FTM, just contact Mr Raahmesh at most popular shitting street, second in row, or contact mr andy "codereviewer", the white mr with worst explosive diarrhea in shitting street, very easy 2 find. He has many, many Fantom he create free from air to give u 4 mining if u give him much money. Very good deal, special price 4 u!

>> No.20207447

Do the needfull and convert currencies to Fantom. I am not a self employee sir.

>> No.20207730


>> No.20208314
File: 390 KB, 1200x749, Fantoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry sirs, mr andy says no time to make dag and only fork ethereum virtual machine cuz explosive diarrhea. Also Mr ching chong ding dong Michael say that he posted many, many posts very very fast so Mr Twitter banned Mr Michael, or Mr Michael said we should say the thing that if more ppl then 10 from Afghanistan watch a tweet, Mr Twitter will ban poor mr ching chong ding dong Michaels. So know worry sir. The Twitter band is no problems sirs, u do the needy & not 2 worry sirs. Now need to think sirs. So happy mr andy code reviewer installed toilets at every desk in our call center, so now we can sit on toillett all day while making many, many calls to white old ppl in west and post spam on biz all day 4 selling fantom we made from nothing. Must go now sirs, to continue 2 hustle, hustle. Lord Ganesha, the Hindu elephant god bless u sirs and mr andy. U give much money 2 most hustling ppl in Calcutta.

>> No.20208932

Hello sirs, mr ching chong ding dong Michael said not 2 talk about twitter banding Fantom 4 scam

Hello sirs, you fantom long time sir?

>> No.20209270

Schizo is fucking deranged holy shit.
Post your fucking hand, solo

>> No.20209863

lol this schizo is bullish, either this is a fantom psyop or he is the worst paid fudder ever

>> No.20210149

Sure, then why don't you idiotic fantom scammer try to debunk the "fud" then? No? Why is it that ALL you famtom nuts have is mudslinging. You don't even try to defend your scam and shitcoin. You are the most tragic and low IQ community in crypto. Bitconnect space cadets were intellectuals compared to you fantom scammers. Tragic.

>> No.20210190

Why should i?

>> No.20210272

Fantom is by far the most obvious scam in crypto, and when you scamming fantom idiots run around and scream your head off, "bullish" then one ought to think that you cold at elast debunk ONE of the claims. But no, all you idiots have is ad hominem and you asking why you fantom scammers should debunk anything, when you all say you it's false. Makes no sense, scammer. You fantom nuts look like scamming idiots, you know and understand that, right?