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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20183033 No.20183033 [Reply] [Original]

how should i prepare for being fired? like what paperwork needs to be filed

>> No.20183182

Need more context. You thinking lay-off or firing? Have you been pissing in the coffee pot?

>> No.20183215


Come up with a list of bullshit as to how they’re persecuting you and accept nothing less than a 3 month of pay settlement

>> No.20183227
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Assemble magazines (gloved) and jigsaw letters with the message

>> No.20183507

i was asked to do work without being offered compensation for the work done. i refused to the job unless it was properly documented and they sent me home.

>> No.20183508

If you're being laid off like most of america, you're fine. Welcome to the sweet, sweet federal welfare teat of unemployment. If you were fired for jerking off to tranny scat porn at your desk, that's a different story.

>> No.20183549
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>the sweet, sweet federal welfare teat of unemployment
ends on July 31

>> No.20183609

Hmm. I’d say check out whatever unemployment options you have and get a head start on the paperwork. I don’t quite understand the situation but it seems like a sensible thing to do if you think you might need it

>> No.20183627

not OP, but what exactly do you need to do in order to get those unemployment gibs? Is there some official form you're supposed to receive that gets submitted to the gov't welfare office when you get laid off? My last day is next week.

>> No.20183989


>> No.20184029

It ends on the 31st. You missed out.

>> No.20184061

>>20183627# just Google your states unemployment insurance office. Like any other site, create login, password, answer list of questions. Nothing to stress about.

>> No.20184191

Wrong they got extended until end of the year.

>> No.20184227

Did that pass? I know a bill was proposed to extend the CARE act but I saw nothing of it passing.

>> No.20184893
File: 5 KB, 225x225, EPIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck 'em then. throw any extra cash into EPIC and wait to be wealthy. DAB on them at bars if you see them.

>> No.20184909

Better prepare to be a Kleros juror anon

>> No.20184950

Oh don’t worry you won’t be collecting any unemployment.
Reason: you’re neither fired nor laid off, in fact you’re still employed (zero hours a week). No choice now but to quit and disqualify yourself for UI due to voluntary quit.
>t. Mr. Noseberg

>> No.20184988
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Assuming you're in the US, file for unemployment immediately if you get furloughed or layed off. I've been furloughed since April and I'm getting $1100 a week. Either way, hang in there and good luck fren.

>> No.20185084

Cares is just a bonus to unemployment and the previous boost is still active until it expired eom, iirc. You should look up the process for filing in your state, you pay into unemployment by working so you are actually entitled to it if you are let go. That said, don't file until it is official that you are let go. Chances are you spooked them with that question and they have to check with their hr and legal what to do next.

>> No.20185194

Correct also, if they reduce your hours to zero you're considered furlughed and eligible for unemployment.

>> No.20185539

thanks to everyone that replied except >>20184893

i just don't think i handled the situation well. i mean it was over $2 worth of compensation, but oh well.