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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20176593 No.20176593 [Reply] [Original]

>be may 2019 graduate
>get job as engineer for consulting firm
>project supposed to be very big and last a couple years
>because covid and the fact its in energy, we are seeing chance project is cancelled
>supervisor told me high chance a lot of people get laid off including himself
>told me he gave managers good review of me and maybe they will keep me because im young and new but to update my resume and start applying elsewhere
>im beginning to freak out because i was going to buy a house
>600 dollar unemployment ends in july so i wont get any of it since layoffs will be in july most likely

>> No.20176663
File: 302 KB, 1100x825, podshare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just learn to code, move to Silicon Valley and pay $1350 a month for a PodShare anon.

>> No.20176722

none of those women can code and are probably diversity hires working in HR.

>> No.20176770

Godspeed anon, I hope you get to keep your job. Definitely sharpen up that resume just in case.

>> No.20176803

unironically put your net worth into altcoins and hope they keep pumping, use the profits to start trading. college is a meme and if you aren't a protected minority there are no jobs.

>> No.20176838

what type of energy project?

>> No.20176850

i think the economy is done for. i just dont see any way it recovers to previous levels. some of the jobs lost arent coming back and thats already being said in the mainstream news. i think we are probably gonna get UBI soon. either that or just go full communism and give everyone a government job. but either way i think capitalism is finished.

>> No.20176853


> he doesn't work for a company in the crypto space


>> No.20176928



>> No.20177441

not going to dox myself but it has to do with oil and gas

>> No.20177502

people said this in 2008 and 2001. that's all the recessions ive seen before this one. point is, we'll move on

>> No.20177607
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Same here, anon. I got my 2 weeks notice last week. Layoffs were based on some bullshit algorithm and basically it was the newest hires getting laid off, as well as the eldest people since they had higher wages. I just graduated last year, so I was on the chopping block. Get a severance package and then unemployment, but shit still sucks. Nobody in my field is hiring. I'm fucked.

This is phase 2 of the depression. First phase was just the base level low-tier wagies getting laid off. All those people getting laid off means less consoomers in the economy to buy shit. Now this slow-moving wave is catching up and enacting phase 2, where the higher-level areas start having layoffs too. And up the pyramid it will go.

>> No.20177632

are you me

>> No.20177653

thanks, thats all I wanted.

ya, in those sectors shits hard. Gas I see having a boost soon as sort of a gray backup for the clean energy push.

Depends where in the world you're based really. Good luck

>> No.20177717


>> No.20177805
File: 119 KB, 929x1175, 1583645783449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>graduate HS 2009 into the great recession
>graduate college 2015 into the oil crash which ruined my local economy
>finally get a decent job then covid hits and may get laid off

Now I realize working is a meme, you need to be hustling 24/7 and creating independent sources of income

>> No.20177855

I think you're right, its different this time, it has a surreal feeling that it didn't have in past recessions.

>> No.20177856
File: 106 KB, 1080x541, 20200706_111413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine paying $1350 to live in a little bunkbed and work with trannies and pajeets

>> No.20178023


ABsolutely cluess. This is way beyond that. Instead of letting the non-yield assets deflate, they just QE themselves into oblivion to keep yields at 0%, keeping DFI in other assets. That's why we have now houses at x8-10 times a salary, and other "assets" that are more profitable.

They never let it deflate. EVery fucking tom dick and harry are out there making a couple of hundred of their boomer stocks thinking they're gordon gecko. This won't end well. Why did 1300 CEOs resign?

its all getting obliterated. Still never selling my links tho.

>> No.20178145

hope it works out for you man. i just started applying. Heard other offices in my company getting lay offs. I am pretty liked at my job but im not sure if theres much work left for me to do. a lot of people are applying elsewhere. Dont think ill find a new job without a paycut.

not sure. i do have a decent amount saved and can NEET with my parents while i collect unemployment if i get laid off

fuck man, i got into this industry because o&g supposed to make bank. fuck me. ill never find a job that pays as well in different industry with dumb engineering degree. shoudlve done CS. considering doing some bootcamp

>> No.20178179

You didn't have the entire establishment shitting on white people last time. They actually pretended to care about people back then.

>> No.20178188

>They never let it deflate.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE this pisses me off so much
i saved 100k througohut my internships and current job and its still not even a third of what a decent sized house costs here full cash. LET THE MARKET DEFLATE FUCK YOU CORPORATE SOCIALISM

>> No.20178229

That's a great manager. You're getting more forwarning than most.

>> No.20178274
File: 75 KB, 960x898, High_stakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in like the same spot anon. I got a job right out of college (STEM master race). And a bunch of budget cuts coming down and I was told by my boss that to start looking for a new job because I will be laid off at the end of August.

>> No.20178347

It'll never happen. We have a zombie economy that doesn't really make anything anymore. It's all just a massive ponzi scheme; just bigger and with the Fed instead of Bernie Madoff. And the thing with ponzi schemes is that they appear to work so long as there is continuous growth. That's what they need, so that's what they manufacture.

>> No.20178351

I was thinking this as well. Most people finish up the day one Friday and are told at 4:55 they aren't coming back Monday.

>> No.20178627


I legitimately cannot believe there are people who choose to live this way.

t. software engineer in the deep south living in an extremely comfy house with my wife and kids.

>> No.20178735

It's pretty easy if you're young and coming from a similar environment in college.
t. NYC software-fag who sleeps on the floor (albeit in a private apartment)

>> No.20178767

how much money do you save a month? im thinking if i get laid off, to do some kind of boot camp and get into coding. maybe start some kind of business

>> No.20178852
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>Be engineer
>1yr experience
>laid off since april
>job applications every day
>One call back.
>Going on 3 months without a dime of unemployment
>unemployment office lines robo call handler hang up on you if you call
>check claim status every day
>lost my apartment
>about to be delinquent on student loans
>bank account less than $200
>might have to pull from 401k to service student loans

>> No.20178948

jesus man, rooting for you. fucking hate that i did engineering. if your parents are pos i recommend moving back in.

i had a gap from graduation to september when i started working so my unempolyment going to be fucked over

>> No.20179093

If you already have a traditional engineering degree (mech, aero, etc) a bootcamp is probably enough to get your foot in the door. Fair warning that most places don't view bootcamps too highly so you'll probably need some personal projects as well, but having the degree is the important part. I know folks who have philosophy/biology/art history/etc degrees who worked their way up, so the details of the degree doesn't matter for beginners. /g/ has a bunch of great supplementary materials, depending on the niche you want to get into.

In terms of monthly savings, I'm in the 8k/mo range (post-tax) but it took about three years of job hopping to get to that point so YMMV.

>> No.20179099

ouch, legit feel bad

>> No.20179218

>saving 8k a month post tax

fucking hell, how much do you earn?

>> No.20179261

8kmo post tax in nyc seems pretty good. what did you start at? kinda conflicted between getting into software or just talking the goddam mcat and becoming a doctor for job security

>> No.20179301
File: 206 KB, 920x1280, UQlUNJC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le fasicsm has arrived
There's going to be a reckoning for these fuckers in FIRE absolutley gutting the industry of this country for 50 years. Anyone who thinks neoliberalism is surviving to the next decade needs a reality check.