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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20169962 No.20169962 [Reply] [Original]

hello frens, your local pepe schizo here, just wanted to let you know that u should NOT sell, under any circumstance, the news released on 10th July will be regarding staking as well as projected rewards, $28 imminent, if not $50 or $70.

remember how ETH kept climbing up and up to $1.3k due to more and more ICOs? Well Sergey already has thousands of partners as moon fuel factor the moment staking goes live as supply constraint as well as constant, programmed API supply demand rather than human, meaning, once contract is deployed its heartbeat of whatever the contract does literally runs 24/7 on LINK, rather than 35 years old NPC buying ICOs, thats just two scaling factors compared to ETH moon run, both of which are exponentionally higher than ETHs, individually and especially once combined together (this is the big part)

and remember frens, altho we will /make it/ dont stay in the NPC zoo being a degenerate buying weed/drugs and whores, ((( they ))) want you to stay in the matrix.

>> No.20169998

Larp more idiot

>> No.20170031
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bretty based if i may say so

>> No.20170077
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tell me about my LARPing, go on

>> No.20170081

How long? I only have 1400 link. I feel like throwing them away sometimes. Having to wait ten years to make any real gains is more painful than knowing it'll never happen and just being content.

>> No.20170097

>dont stay in the NPC zoo being a degenerate buying weed/drugs and whores, ((( they ))) want you to stay in the matrix.

this. get your shit together, marines. do good by yourself to do good by the world.

>> No.20170137

blessed by The Singularity BTFOing glownigger/discord FUD tranny

$5k per link within 2 years. imagine LINK as the perfect economy opposite of jew one u have in real world now, thats how great it is.

>> No.20170156
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>> No.20170161

The 10th is a "community workshop" ran by chainlink AZ. They're not getting exclusive info bud.

>> No.20170167
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bretty good TA

>> No.20170246

>i-if i use a psyops that connects a positive smaller thing and then use it as core factor negating the main point its going to work
imagine the brainlet applying CIA IQ 100 psyops on a schizo

schizosmurfing on the walls of the matrix

>> No.20170288

>$5k per link within 2 years. imagine LINK as the perfect economy opposite of jew one u have in real world now, thats how great it is.
Now I know you're crazy.
But okay, I like hopium, and I guess I did ask for some. I will, and on this I solemnly swear, not touch my linkies until 07/072022.
I hope you're right, brother. I don't need to be rich but I have so many people who I want to help.

>> No.20170440

im not, companies operate on insane profit margins, they also operate on insane delays from legal compliance checks, it doesnt matter to them if they pay $5 per API call if rather than waiting 5 days for the legal verification process to be done it gets done in ~ 1min, meaning they can do 5000x more of those legal verifications in 5 days.

thats why its called an industrial revolution. its so good/beneficial that the cost always justify the benefits, no matter how large the cost is. just compare some business who did "fast" business communication via priority mail in the past, and then you could pay $10million to have internet line set up from USA -> London, so now instead of priority phsyical mail w 3 sec delay it took 3minutes to deliver the same message.

now apply this to every possible industry, every possible business, every possible interaction between a trusted party, LINK is not part of 4th industrial revolution, LINK IS the 4th industrial revolution

>> No.20170596

how is link necessary to accomplish this?
even if it is, why would it need to be on a token that requires paying off early investors? especially when the early investors are a bunch of fucking nazis

>> No.20170630
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why does it matter if they are all nazis?

>> No.20170657
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Well that's nice. How long do I have to accumulate? I want to get to an even 2k before I get priced out. I was gonna stop buying at 10 dollars, but you're making me feel like I should just keep buying no matter what until I am ready to sell.
Dangerous thoughts, those. I had a plan.
If only I had found /biz/ 6 months earlier, I'd be closer to ten thousand than to one.

>> No.20170697

>especially when the early investors are a bunch of fucking nazis
Please go back to plebbit, your hurtful tone and unwarranted attacks are not wanted here. 4chan is a board of peace. If you are here to sow strife you should know that we do not tolerate such divisive actions and we will not hesitate to downvote your posts.

>> No.20170795

this, decentralization means all bytes are equal.

>token that requires paying off early investors
it doesnt require that, thats just the effect of frogs with autism accumulating it while everyone else was blind.

never stop buying and never start selling

>> No.20171474
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suicide stacks are trunc not round right
should i buy more or leave myself the out

>> No.20171639

node operators are paid in the token and it's used as collateral on smart contracts

>> No.20171784

I was just going to call him a nigger, but if you're going to be a gay faggot about it and try the peaceful approach.