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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 63 KB, 619x898, raintoken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20165628 No.20165628 [Reply] [Original]


Liquidity has literally doubled in 24 hours.
you missed sta, you missed link, you missed meridian.if you miss this you deserve to be a wage cuck tranny.

40k mc
Biggest holder is uniswap @ 14%
dApps, with more coming
Exchanges coming

also got 4.5k RAIN from 40 minutes of staking.

keep missing out fags

>> No.20165743

based anon, this went under the rader a week ago when it was posted the first time. devs have actually been working. such a low mcap when you consider where hex2x and pyra are sitting.

>> No.20165837

Super cool project

>> No.20166142

Can you explain me staking mechanics? It's profitable? How does it works?

>> No.20166322

Dear goys don't leave me

>> No.20166425

Anyone not staking this right now is a brainlet. 1% of all transactions go to stalkers. It costs nothing to stake and 1% to unstake. I have made almost 1% in divs in the last hour alone. You need to stake right fucking now.

>> No.20166457
File: 126 KB, 223x279, nutildah_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20166737

Thx brah

>> No.20166761

I can’t buy why the Uniswap swap operation doesn’t happen nnnnndnndndnchdhs

>> No.20166847

increase your slippage % to 5%.

>> No.20166874


>> No.20166948

what do you mean how? theres a setting. look for the cog icon

>> No.20167021


it's even defi


>> No.20167070

where can i buy it?

>> No.20167132

Picked up a bag - no brainer. This will rise over the following weeks, not a quick pnd.

>> No.20167172


>> No.20167294

Can’t buy probably scam gl

>> No.20167338

You actually didn't miss LINK yet. You can still buy it and 200x

>> No.20167351

few knows this

>> No.20167447

thanks, bought a little!

>> No.20167608

Fuck off no one missed MRDN it is going $3

>> No.20167857

It's RAINing man
we gonna make it~

>> No.20168154
File: 33 KB, 512x370, photo_2020-07-07_18-02-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numbers go up
why did you miss this?

>> No.20168169

only MRDN have potencial

>> No.20168196

Nice comfy hold

>> No.20168726

The staking growth is unbelievable

>> No.20169345

comfy ride

>> No.20169437

I was going to buy 2.3~ eth worth but too much trouble to swap. Ive literally watched it 100% in trying to swap. Oh well, I guess itll go to MRDN then.

>> No.20169443

Comfy af, look at HEX mcap and compare if u have some juice in ur brains, gambler

>> No.20169465
File: 282 KB, 2402x1390, WechatIMG63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RAIN Dex is great. If it can be successfully, rain will be at least $0.1


>> No.20169539

Okay sold my bags now, thanks for the Eth fags

>> No.20169601

dex work cool

>> No.20169678
File: 40 KB, 879x378, Screen Shot 2020-07-07 at 12.10.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a great time to buy.

kys faggot pump and dump shillers

>> No.20169692
File: 44 KB, 428x547, 36de1ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the use case? I'm looking at the website, and it seems as though the only thing that it does is give 1% of transactions to stakers. That alone doesn't justify its existence though... Am I missing something, or is this really fucking dumb?

>> No.20169722
File: 47 KB, 629x608, photo_2020-07-07_19-09-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone buys before listing on the exchange, that's where the increased liquidity

>> No.20169758

Nah you're right. Telegram and discord are all about shilling to get more money in, token has zero utility. Thats literally the road map as well.

>Get listed on coingecko
>List on exchange
>New users/more money
>New users/more money
>New users/more money
>New users/more money

>> No.20169822

Someone posted about this last week. He saw someone enter with 123 ETH. I should've followed just to dump

>> No.20169992

1 BTC = 63273219.61 RAIN

>> No.20170291

What an absolute undervalued gem! I did have some but I've just increased my bag

>> No.20170300

I finally decide to buy into one of these "low cap gems" after passing on Aleph, Meridian, and love potion and I'm down 33% in ten minutes kek.

Well at least it was only two Eth.

>> No.20170436

did you faggots dump?
what the fuck

>> No.20170720

Thanks for the free eth bro

>> No.20170743

you fuckers keep saying meridian is over but you dont know it will 10x lol.

>> No.20170881
