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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 200x210, 04a0b15b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2015566 No.2015566 [Reply] [Original]

You know what truly pisses me off?

That being a millionaire is nothing these days.

And not being one is basically poor pleb tier.

That is such fucking bullshit.

I've been working all my twenties to become a millionaire and only in the last years I got near 1/3rd of the way.

Just knowing that I will have to work for maybe 10 or 20 more years and then I will only be "average" with a million in investments and basically nobody will care is soul wrenching.

Why the fuck is it so hard and why the fuck is it not valued anymore?

It is like a game you can never win.

I'm from Romania.

>> No.2015603

The more money you have the easier it is to make money. If you reach your million dollar goal, it should be super fucking easy to make even more as long as you don't stop there. Just invest anon.

>> No.2015615

>300k € in bank account

That's even better than having a million € in my country, assuming you are not larping you can probably live like a king if you keep investing

>> No.2015616

Commercial Real Estate
My nigger

>> No.2015628

1m is good for romania retard

>> No.2015636

You can already live like a millionaire in Romania with that kind of money. Just invest in Transgaz, Romgaz and get paid huge dividends. You'll double your money every 7 years.

>> No.2015642

Is there any country with insanely high wages and low cost of living compared to the US such that one could go there, work for a few years, come back and convert to USD and be rich?

>> No.2015652

You're oligarch tier already in Romania. Stop whining and invest in crypto, and do diversify.

>> No.2015676

remember you can also lose your money investing is not always success

>> No.2015692

>The more money you have the easier it is to make money. If you reach your million dollar goal, it should be super fucking easy to make even more as long as you don't stop there. Just invest anon.

Explain how.

>> No.2015751

You are completely clueless. Just wagecuck for the rest of your life and retire because you are not exceptional. Exceptional people don't need to be told what to do like a child.

>> No.2015795
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The fuck is wrong with you.

I feel extremely unjewish today, so I am gonna give you a hint.

Scenario 1:

You invest 10k dollars. You get a 10% return in a year.

Congratulations, you now have 11k dollars.

Scenario 2:

You invest 300k dollars. 10% returns in a year.

Congratulations, you now have 330k dollars.

In scenario 1 you earned 1k dollars in a year.

In scenario 2 you earned 30k dollars in a year.


>> No.2015813

>You invest 10k dollars. You get a 10% return in a year.

>You invest 300k dollars. 10% returns in a year.

LOL, in what lala land are you living with these magical guaranteed 10% returns?

These days you can hope for steady 5% at best. Will take ages to generate a mil from 300k.

>> No.2015826

Stocks average is 7% at the worst of times.

>> No.2015837
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That was NOT the fucking point you Eastern European mongoloid subhuman

>> No.2015855

Why do you want your level of wealth to be 'valued' by people? That's Elliot Rodger tier.

Just worry about making enough for yourself.

>> No.2015919

What a convenient answer.

>> No.2015926

What do you mean that is not the point?

It literally is. Show me where the fuck do you get 10% annual return. That is fantasy.

I don't know why you refer to me as mongoloid, I'm literally white.

If you studied stocks a bit more you would realise those times are over and best average that can be expected in the following decades is measly 5%.

>> No.2015938
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Yes, its called risk. You don't make lots of money without it.

>> No.2015945

The point was that it's easier to make money when you already have tons of money because same percentage of gains means more real money getting in your pocket

>> No.2015956

Everyone spends a certain amount of money to maintain their quality of life. To cover that, most people wageslave their way through life. If you live paycheck to paycheck you'll always have to work. If you've got money you can invest and earn returns on that doesn't go towards your living expenses, compound interest will multiply it out. If you live off 20k a year, but you've got 1 million in the bank earning 5%, you're pocketing 30k more per year, which in turn earns more interest. After 20 years, you still live life comfortably, but now you're making twice as much off your now 2 million.

>> No.2016019

Anon investing is not the way to insane ROI believe me.

>> No.2016023

If you truly have that much money, I would spend 10k on advertising a product and getting around 100k in commissions.

>> No.2016031

I will give some keywords here:performace marketing, advertising, lead generation, content creator, media buying and affiliate marketing.

>> No.2016032

Convenient answer for a stupid question. Nobody wants to spoon feed you because you should know to put your own spoon in your mouth.

>> No.2016033

>marketing, advertising, lead generation, affiliate marketing.

>> No.2016036

I'm not saying investing in stocks will not bring profit, but why wait until 50 to become a millionaire when you can become a multimillionaire by 30.

>> No.2016044

Nice reply but unfortunately for you, you are the 90% of people who are oblivious to these terms and don't understand the potential of what you can make.

>> No.2016055


believe it or not, you tend to make less money in cheaper countries

>> No.2016056

Affiliate marketing = spam. Pure cancer.

>> No.2016058

and at the end of the day I'm making $300k a month and not you Mr. Cancer.

>> No.2016076

How? Please teach. Can I be your virtual assistant? Please.

>> No.2016077

No, no country beats the US in that.

>> No.2016088

Shhh, let people wager on meme coins

>> No.2016095

the only thing I will say is that some countries have a different balance at the low end. Like Australia, min wage = $15 - $16 /hour. Everything is really expensive but if you live in a rural place, rent is cheap enough that you can make and save significantly more money than you can at the lowest end in USA.

Further up you go though, USA comes out on top. Aus you get taxed really heavily with high wages and there aren't as many pathways to true wealth. Very heavily regulated place.

Also every dollar you earn in Aus is only worth around 70 - 75 US cents.

>> No.2016096

I would have to write 30 pages only on performance marketing/affiliate marketing. Hard to discuss here. You can msg me on gmail but if I give it I will probably get spammed.

>> No.2016109

I know right they think they are investing . It's way too volatile to be turned into an asset.

>> No.2016114

I'm really looking to get more into performance marketing and PPC affiliate marketing. Both to promote my own and other people's products. Could you ping me at: staffha.ls@gmail.com

I would REALLY appreciate it, since I've been stumbling around with free SEO type of methods like a fool and not taking advantage of PPC opportunities.

>> No.2016125

>I've been stumbling around with free SEO type of methods
Have you managed to get traffic?

>> No.2016127

True SEO is not free

>> No.2016129

I know. I just don't know how to best approach paid methods. Could we discuss more on gmail?

>> No.2016133

When I used to do lead gen the SEO would cost from $600 to $10000 a month. I would pay another company for the services.

>> No.2016141

>I know. I just don't know how to best approach paid methods. Could we discuss more on gmail?
Sure maybe tomorrow. >>2015566
>I know. I just don't know how to best approach paid methods. Could we discuss more on gmail?
Sure maybe tomorrow.

>> No.2016145

Well case solved lads.

>> No.2016159
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That's the biggest problem with me (and a lot of other people).

It takes money to make money. When you only make $400 every two weeks at a shit tier minimum wage job its near impossible to do anything like this. I completely understand its possible to start very low and scale, but at such a very low entry point with no money... its like trying to be a competitive firearms master when you're blind.

>do a bunch of research, get good ideas
>passive income/online income is my dream life
>just wanna make 2 or 3k a month so I can actually live
>whine on /biz/ even though that'll never help

well fuck me

>> No.2016167

>i suffer as millionaire

>> No.2016174

I had $2500 when I started my biz at 18.Did lead gen and was getting $400 a call.

>> No.2016182

Was there a specific route you took to learn all this? Is there really a method to the madness?

>> No.2016190

I remember the face my father made when I asked him for $2500.He said to fuck off and go make my own money. Had to mop the floors, clean toilets and work even on weekends. You just have to grind.

>> No.2016192

money makes money senpai

>> No.2016194

I met a guy who was making $20M per year. He helped me.

>> No.2016207

>Stocks average is 7% at the worst of times.
Actually stocks have averaged 10.1% over the last 85 years. I don't where the 7% meme came from, but maybe people are adjusting for inflation? Even that makes no sense because is well below 3%.

>Show me where the fuck do you get 10% annual return. That is fantasy.
By "fantasy" do you mean "buy and hold an index fund at Vanguard"? In other words, the thing that most well-educated, intelligent investors have been doing for decades?

What's unbelievable is that people like you don't already know this.

>best average that can be expected in the following decades is measly 5%
[citation notably missing]

>why wait until 50 to become a millionaire when you can become a multimillionaire by 30
Because there's a 0.005% chance of you becoming a millionaire by 30. And by selling out for the long-shot, you reduce your odds of becoming a millionaire by 50 to 5%.

Whereas if you play the long game from the start, you have at least a 60% chance of becoming a millionaire by 50, and you get to enjoy a comfy life along the way.

Choose wisely.

>When you only make $400 every two weeks at a shit tier minimum wage job
Not to be blunt, but if this the maximum of your earning potential, then maybe millionaire status just isn't in the cards for you. Not everyone has the smarts and talents to get there. Doesn't mean you can't have a nice life, assuming you wise up and break out of the prison of denial that's making you so frustrated and mad.

>selling the online riches meme
You should be ashamed. This isn't /b/.

>> No.2016210
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>> No.2016217

You could work in Switzerland and commute from France.

>> No.2016227

Absolutely weak human being. If you try to score a home run over and over again. Guess what Sherlock? You hit it and sometimes a hit it all it takes.

>> No.2016229
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Fucking lucky, dude. I fantasize about that every day, all day.

I live in a small ass hick town. The only "wealthy" people around here is the local mom and pop store owners. and they were born into it.

>he helped me
anon, I have the envy of a million burning suns.

>prison of denial
I kind of understand that. You think I haven't tried to get a better job? I can't even leave my hometown, anon, I've tried everything I could think of. I know this is a millionaire thread, but I don't want to be a millionaire. I just want to make around 50k a year so I can live a decent normie life. By all means, if you got a fuckin' plan I'd suck a dick to hear it.

>> No.2016231

What realm are you living in?

>> No.2016234

Why do you think all the employees I have are all optimistic and determined? They deliver the best results over long term. Not giving up is key and when trying to do something you "will do it" not might.

>> No.2016235

People like OP are why whales can thrive.
stay slept.

>> No.2016243

>If you try to score a home run over and over again. Guess what Sherlock? You hit it and sometimes a hit it all it takes.
Terrible analogy. To make it like real life, change it as follows:

1. Each at bat costs you 40% of your net worth.

2. You get a maximum of 2 at bats per year.

3. The pitcher is Jake Arrieta.

4. Instead of a bat, you get to use the cardboard tube from toilet paper roll.

Enjoy the game.

>You think I haven't tried to get a better job? I can't even leave my hometown, anon
I highly doubt that, but I don't know your circumstances. The bottom line is that you need to maximize the quality of your life, whatever that maximum is given your intelligence and skills. And then learn to be happy and content with your life, regardless of the dollars, as long as you're healthy, safe, and fulfilled.

I'm not sure you're doing the former, and you're certainly not doing the latter.

>> No.2016248
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>tfw my net worth is 5 million euros but I still feel poor

>> No.2016251

But you are talking to one right now. Being pessimistic is stupid. I can make a book on SEO tips or weight loss diets and sell it for $27 and make others advertise it and get only 20% commission. I would make a couple of thousands.

>> No.2016257

>tfw my net worth is 5 million euros
>you are talking to one right now
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, right on cue, the roleplayers have arrived...

>> No.2016258

But assuming that all odds are stacked against you is wrong .Also the pitcher can be a really good one and help you.

>> No.2016271

>couple of thousands
I've looked into this. Is eBooks still a viable option for someone like me? I can write fairly well, anyway. I read a few articles about people who have released over 100 books online and still get a pretty decent amount of money monthly to work with.

How would you go about getting someone to advertise your books? any services or something you'd recommend?

>> No.2016273


Compounding interest, gains on investments...

Honestly, at a million dollars as long as you don't gamble them, you are guaranteed to make another million very quickly compared to how long it took to accumulate the first million (provided you do invest it wisely). Actually getting to your first million is the really difficult part.

>> No.2016274

Don't care,I just want to show people several ways to wealth. Buying crypto-currency and hoping it will increase it's value is literally 95% of discussion on this board.

>> No.2016277

How old were you guys when you got into cryptocurrencies? I'm 18 and feel very behind. Hell, I'm still lurking, learning all the basic terminology.

>> No.2016283

Jvzoo is a nice marketplace to sell ebooks or software.They advertise it for you.

>> No.2016313

anon could i talk with you further? if you can, get me at pep.reserve@gmail.com

>> No.2016320

Sounds good m8o. I think I could actually do this shit. If I grinded really fucking hard and released several books a month, I should be able to reach my normie-tier life goal of 3k a month, r-right!?

I mean, fuck, I could get a pajeet to write me something on Fiverr if I'm super lazy.

>> No.2016332

Think quality before quantity.

>> No.2016353

Yes you can hire people to write the book for you/together with you. This costs a bit and I would be careful with Pajeets, some may scam.

>> No.2016364

>Also the pitcher can be a really good one and help you.
Spotted the Eurofag. Baseball doesn't work that way.

>Buying crypto-currency and hoping it will increase it's value is literally 95% of discussion on this board.
And get-rich-quick internet schemes, like you're suggesting, are the other 5%.

Just because your brand of shitposting is more rare doesn't make it more useful.

>> No.2016368

Where could one do this? I got 225,000 in a fund.

>> No.2016371

That's very true.
I don't literally mean pajeets, kek, just in general. I've seen some cutie white grils that will write a shit load of words for 5 dollaroos.
I could personally write things I'm super passionate about, and hire people to at least get a basic book started for me, regardless.

at this point I'll try it all out, anyway. If I lose a couple investments at only $5 a piece who cares

>> No.2016373

>If you studied stocks a bit more you would realise those times are over and best average that can be expected in the following decades is measly 5%.
wanna know how i know youre poor

>> No.2016395

Yes Eurofag here. Never said this was a get rich quick scheme. Everything carries a risk bigger or smaller.But these are genuine methods of making money online.

>> No.2016411

I can't reply to everyone since I'm tired and need some sleep. Look at previous answers and figure it out on your own a bit. I can't spoon feed everything.

>> No.2016418

just wait until you hit your 30s OP. I'm 34, and barely have 380k saved up. By the time I hit a million, I doubt a million will be worth as much anyway. It's depressing as fuck. This shit is exhausting. I could see why people just give up and turn to a life of crime. Anything like cancer or a stroke and my entire life's work comes tumbling down.

Doesn't help that I had a sizeable sum on AMD today since I didn't have patience for the indexes anymore. I am close to just ending it all. I'll leave it all to my mom, brother and sister and just fucking kill myself.

>> No.2016431

Spend the money and stop focusing only on numbers. If you don't spend it, what is the whole point?

>> No.2017378

Do you have any good resources like AM 6 week mastery course or latest STM?


>By "fantasy" do you mean "buy and hold an index fund at Vanguard"?

I'm literally doing that. Not sure where you got the idea of magic 10% in the future. Not happening.

>best average that can be expected in the >following decades is measly 5%
>[citation notably missing]

Several investors said that returns won't be as they used to in the past.

>> No.2017383

>Yes Eurofag here. Never said this was a get rich quick scheme.

I'm a Eurofag, too. I would really like to talk more about this.

I'm interested:
- What methods of online paid promotion to use to get more users for my app;

- How do I figure out the best AM methods for promoting affiliate products like Clickbank and CPAs from various networks as well as physical products from CJ.com

- If there are any courses that you recommend and could share like STM mastery course

- Other tips

>> No.2017385

>Not sure where you got the idea of magic 10% in the future.
Are you fucking blind? I posted historical equity returns in this thread. I even posted it as a picture for the learning-impaired.

>Several investors said that returns won't be as they used to in the past.
>Several investors
Are you fucking serious?

>> No.2017388

>just wait until you hit your 30s OP.

I already hit my 30s this month damn :(

300k at 30 is pathetic.

>> No.2017449

>Are you fucking blind? I posted historical equity returns in this thread.

Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Top financial guys like WB agree that the returns in the future won't be as high as they were in the past.

>Are you fucking serious?

Yes, I'm serious, listen to interviews of WB, for example. He knows more than average anon.

>> No.2017450

that's what you faggots get for caring about money. only here to see how i can get what you dont have, so you dont have it

>> No.2017454
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>>He fell for the work hard to succeed meme


>> No.2017483

>He fell for the work hard to succeed meme

You suggest I should have spent my time wanking instead?

>> No.2017501
File: 68 KB, 850x400, quote-a-prediction-about-the-direction-of-the-stock-market-tells-you-nothing-about-where-stocks-warren-buffett-68-94-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Past performance does not guarantee future results.
No they don't. It's inherently uncertain to predict future market performance at 10% ... but the EXACT SAME THING is true of your 5% prediction. However, its far more likely that the markets will continue to perform as they have for the prior nine decades than that they will suddenly produce less than half their historical results.

If you're going to argue that the market is suddenly going to follow a course different than the 10.1% its returned for the last 90 years, you have to at least give a REASON. Otherwise you're just a dull permabear who's probably been warning of the "CRASH" every year since 2009. Shame about all the gains you missed if only you'd had the balls to just buy and hold....

As for Buffett's alleged market prediction, which you haven't sourced or cited, but which you apparently believe in nonetheless, I refer you to pic related.

>> No.2017510
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The point is that, whatever your percentages are, a larger initial investment will bring about larger gains than a small investment would, you fucking dingleberry.

>> No.2017555

Facebook is practically the best when it comes to promoting material. Easy to target your audience and with over 1B users each month it's one of the biggest social networks.

>> No.2017561

The 6 week AMC is good and many people do question the high price tag. Unfortunately since it's online based the videos are impossible to download.You will have to buy it. Some books I recommend is:Cashvertising, it teaches the basics with study of psychological effects when using certain words in your ads. The Millionaire Fastlane is also good to change your mindset and how you need to look at things.

>> No.2017566

Just give me your emails and I will send some stuff. Too lazy to type.

>> No.2017572

When promoting stuff there is the option to buy ad space on certain websites. It's called media buying I would look into that as well.

>> No.2017578

>Just give me your emails and I will send some stuff. Too lazy to type.

Halp pls: staffha.ls@gmail.com

>> No.2017584

For affiliate networks I would start with MaxBounty and Peerfly they have good offers. Start with CPA offers then move to actual products.

>> No.2017590


>> No.2017598

TrafficSecrets.com is also very good for beginners. Hundreds of videos and will cover 90% of what I have told you . It's a webpage with a green theme and you need to register for access.

>> No.2017600


>> No.2017658
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I just don't know why anyone would care to be a millionaire past having enough money to live luxuriously without working your ass off. I guess I just don't have the /bizz/ness spark on me.

>> No.2017662

Maybe you just don't care as much about how others perceive you as these insecure cucks.

>> No.2017704


True that, I would be just fine living alone in the woods learning stuff.

>> No.2017724


>> No.2017908


>> No.2018070

>Unfortunately since it's online based the videos are impossible to download

This is the most stupid thing I've ever heard. You are clearly earning money from this course, because anyone who has spent any time on a computer knows how retarded that is.

Shill post detected. Nothing to see here

>> No.2018091

Yeah, there are extensions to download those kinds of videos, it is not hard. You can use screengrab in worst case. But still, not many people who pay that much are willing to share with newbs.

>> No.2018099


>> No.2018127

If you're still here: palkonian@gmail.com

>> No.2018222

hotreaper25@yahoo.com (I know)

>> No.2018240

Reeee, stop leeching. It was my idea to leech first. Reee

>> No.2018266

The thing is, the million mark is roughly the point where you'll live luxuriously and freely untill the end of your days if you're not a complete retard in managing it. You could escape the grind with less, but you'd still be worrying about all sorts of factors and not truly be "free". I want to be wealthy to be free for the limited time i'll be alive in this shithole of a planet, not to buy a lambo like some retard.

>> No.2018293

thanks, apologies if you already saw it above

>> No.2018310

By intra-day equity disciplined trading

>> No.2018317


You could be wealthy with far less money if you didn't live in the US or Yurope

Some south east asian country or a comfy Chinese village for example. All most of us want is fast internet anyway.

>> No.2018384

Just collecting emails and will send some resources. Most stuff is out there so just search for it.

>> No.2018413

There is also a secret website which has some people from Fortune 500 and really successful marketers all over the world. I will post the link but the requirements are high to join. https://warroommastermind.com

>> No.2018467

a 25k referral scheme? come on mate.

>> No.2018480


>> No.2018500

You get to talk with the richest people on earth and you are complaining about 25k?Lmao

>> No.2018553
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Go peddle your wares somewhere else kikenberg, not even the cryptocucks would fall for shit like this.

>> No.2018573

Are you kidding me?
I'm 1/10th of the way there, 28 yr old, from Canada and every time I get closer I giggle like a little girl. What do you what others think of you? Its about what you feel as you make the right (and wrong) decisions on the path

>> No.2018586


>> No.2018606


I have +120% in March and April from stocks like UGAZ, EXAS and such.

I fucking hate those pleb retards and their ''herp derp market average, 99% investors fail, etc''.

So go fuck yourself.

>> No.2018655
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Sent the email enjoy

>> No.2018736
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Godspeed OP, also romanian, but instead of 300k at 30 my stats are 2k at 20 kek.

Wish I could give you advice but I barely know anything, but if you got this far I'm sure you can go further. Also look out for yourself and don't compare yourself to others.

>> No.2018925
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In Romania you could live like a king with $100k a year.

>> No.2019010


You could live like a king across the entire world with 100k.

With 30k per year in Romania you could live a great life, stop bullshitting. Everything is cheap.

I've lived decently with 600 euro (proper money management). 2,5-3k is more than enough, unless you try to act like a fucking pimp and want expensive cars and high maintenance whores

>> No.2019034

Warren Buffet and past 1950-2000's average.


>> No.2019043
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if you please anon, or if anyone else has any tips, I'd apreciate it.

>> No.2019289

>There is also a secret website
Thanks for confirming that you're a cringy LARPer.

If you read the page you'd know that Buffett's predictions are adjusted for inflation by 2%. So his 7% becomes 9% when comparing apples to apples. 9% is just slightly more conservative than the 10% I've been discussing, so I consider your citation to support my view 100%. Thanks.

(To be clear, inflation is important, but inflation affects everyone equally: investors, business owners, traders, landlords, wagecucks, and cryptofags all have inflation drag down their returns by the same amount, assuming they live in the same economy. Which is why, for transparency, most investments report their returns without deducting for inflation. When you deduct inflation for one investment (like stocks) but not for all others you're comparing them to, you're being very stupid and wrong.)

>> No.2019707

Uhh anonime... cum dracu ai reusit sa iei 300k de euro dintr-o slujba? Nu e posibil.
Acum daca ai vandut un apartament sau o casa din centru da. Sau daca ai vreo afacere.

300k without loans/debts?

>> No.2019858


>> No.2020476



1mil USD is a lot in the sense that most people won't ever get it; but it isn't what it used to be. It's only 40-50k per year for passive income