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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20157683 No.20157683 [Reply] [Original]

Pumps like this don't happen without news. Insiders pump the price before every major announcement. Remember google? Pumped the day before. Coinbase? Pumped the day before. Every conference with a decent announcement? Pumped the day before. We'll see what it's all about tomorrow. I have no idea what it is, so don't even bother asking. However, there has been a lot of talk about 07/07. Read the following thoroughly.



>> No.20157723

If you think about it, the singularity HAS to commence on 07/07. It would violate numerous memetic principles and corollaries if it didn't.

>> No.20157730

I pumped your mother the day before, if you know what I mean (secks)

>> No.20157794

You're on the right track anon
But it's neither of these

>> No.20157801

Didn't the blackswan fucking the crab fucking the bear fucking the bull image have 07/07 on it too? I'm all about fun conspiracies but what if it's a total black swan event that wipes out crypto. I'm scareed nowwww

>> No.20157811

This is some terrible fud.

>> No.20157814


>> No.20157825

Its pumping because Visa approached ETH devs to onboard guys who know Solidity
Its happening. All of it. We're literally just waiting on Vitalik.

>> No.20157839

That image haunted me! I'm sorry not trying to FUD just trying to discuss. Why the mememagic from pol and biz around this date!?

>> No.20157845

>we had a 20% increase today
>crypto might get wiped out
you wot?

>> No.20157873

can you expand on this? I'm a casual conspiracy theorist, not a full blown autist

>> No.20157875

Someone just bought a lot of QASH. Liquid is a huge exchange and that is their token. I have been holding for a couple of years. It looks like the account that bought a lot REALLY believes in this token for whatever reason. They have $103,608 worth of it and it's the only thing they hold. https://etherscan.io/address/0x8235e2fdfdc624404a2e52147e3201d88953034e#tokentxns

>> No.20157877
File: 138 KB, 500x361, 1481168594908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full e.t. disclosure?

>> No.20157901

theres an epstein on the blockchain

>> No.20157903

The tweet by the belvedere dude has been cleared up. It's to do with Ghislaine Maxwell. She has been under the thumb of the FBI for 6 months now, the whole "she was hiding" thing is a lie. They used her to catch so many pedo elites.
Tomorrow, well, today for some of us, all will be revealed.
It has nothing to do with Chainlink.
This pump is what Assblaster predicted would happen. He said Sergey would do deals OTC that would only affect the price weeks later, and for seemingly no reason.

>> No.20157937

A pump can be used to exit with more cash, no? If bad shit happens people want to hold cash. If people know bad shit will happen they can pump a bunch of assets to bail out with more fiat before the crash. Maybe I'm just retarded.

T. retard

>> No.20157954

>It's to do with Ghislaine Maxwell
This makes sense actually

>> No.20157991

chainlink is the great filter

>> No.20158066

Not inventing chainlink is the great filter

>> No.20158088

arguably this makes chainlink an even better investment

>> No.20158097

Anyone have the pic?

>> No.20159092

does it?