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1617 No.1617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we offer moot financial advice in order to save 4chan from financial ruin?

>> No.1648

>wanting 4chan to be saved

>> No.1668

Moot put your tripcode back on.

>> No.1681

Why not? Save for /b/ and /mlp/ and maybe /sp/, 4chan is great.
I just hope moot knows what he's doing. Seeing how canvas and drawquest went, I don't have much faith in him.

>> No.1751

>Save for /b/ and /mlp/ and maybe /sp/, 4chan is great.

And /v/, that place is a shithole.

>> No.1760

Embed a javascript dogecoin miner on every page.

>> No.1788

Just checking the first post >>>1

>> No.1813

shit nvm. second post >>2

>> No.1824

/b/, /mlp/ and /sp/ aren't bad boards.

>> No.1826

premium boards

>> No.1880


>> No.1891

Try to bring in more traffic. Advertisements on other sites maybe.

>> No.1931


>Save for /b/ and /mlp/ and maybe /sp/, 4chan is great.
and /tv/ and /fit/

>> No.1951

G+ Integration

>> No.1983

well how can you advertise 4chan?

>> No.2014


>> No.2020

Anonymous posting without an account, is pretty good.

>> No.2022

Yeah ok.

>> No.2034


>> No.2050

Post limit of 200 per day. Every extra 50 posts are $5.

>> No.2093

That's a shit idea and you know it.

>> No.2117


>> No.2133


push more anime-related ads in /a/ section since that generates more traffic.

>> No.2138
File: 94 KB, 215x251, 4chan gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2146

that actually could work

>> No.2156

I think that board targeted advertising is a good idea.

>> No.2167


Let's force /pol/ to raise 10,000 shekels every month to keep their free speech zone.

*rubs hands*

>> No.2180

>Start accepting Dogecoin for 4chan pass.

>> No.2193

absolutely not you piece of shit
You'd create two different "anonimity levels" and you'd actually take part of the product out of 4chan. Which is actual anonymous posts and content on the site.
Doesn't matter how shitty it is, if you split that shit based on money you'd alienate both those willing to pay and those who aren't

>> No.2195


How about forcing Israeli and NYC IPs to buy a 4chan pass?


>> No.2222

He should make 4chan P2P (pay-to-post).

I would suggest 5$ per month. Although he will lose like 90% of his users, he will still make millions.

Then he can just shut down this terrible site and move on with his life.

>> No.2241

Facebook integration.

>> No.2270

moot detected

>> No.2275

and /pol/ and /soc/ and /cgl/
maybe we can save 10 boards

oh and /s4s/

>> No.2304

>charge per getting dubs. Exponentially more for trips, fourths...

>> No.2322

Along with 4chan recaptcha bypass there should be 3 packages increasing in price package one is basic recaptcha pass, package 2 is recaptcha bypass plus the ability to upload larger image files, third package all of the above plus the ability to post and view a VIP board. Oh and Facebook integration.

>> No.2330
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>> No.2348



>> No.2446

>4chan is great.

>> No.2504
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Merchandise and licensing content created on 4chan.

Why the fuck does hot topic and other bullshit get to capitalize on 4chan memes but not moot?

also moot is a shit business person and doesn't care about making money. This is all cool until you lose investors money over and over again because you don't concentrate on monetizing from the get go.

>but muh vision muh hobby

>> No.2530

>investors money
he already paid back his mom

>> No.2564


I'm talking about drawquest and canvas

>> No.2568

Quads for the truth

>> No.2637


Too risky for 4chan to claim copyright on OC.
>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.

For every faggot that uploads something that becomes a successful meme, you'll have thousands posting child porn, nazi shit, and MLP.

>> No.2674

He spent 3.6 million $ just in drawquest

>> No.2726

4chan gold account
iphone/android app

>> No.2767

>4chan gold account
What is the point of this thread if all anyone suggests is things moot has already said no dozens of times over the years?

>iphone app
Not allowed.

>> No.2771

All you need to know about how to make money:

>> No.3186

Why is it not allowed?

>> No.3230

He has such effeminate mannerisms and yet he has a girlfriend. Gaydar is a farce.

>> No.3259

You can't make an app that accesses porn.

>> No.3306

>mfw moot is OP.

>> No.3269


yex but you can make the TOS that any content posted is on the table to be copyrighted by 4chan or not on the discretion of moot and co.

>> No.3310

Put a bar that rapidly depletes when you post, but fills up veeery slowly, and if you want to post more you can buy 4chanbucks to fill it up, get more rapid regen/larger bar.

>> No.3351

>he has a girlfriend
Fuck, I planned on becoming moot's qt gf and moving in with him

>> No.3364


make the 4chan passes 3 dollars a month

>> No.3392


fucking moot. I wanted a history board not this shit. YOU'VE SAID BEFORE TO NEVER TAKE MONEY ADVICE FROM 4CHAN

>> No.3401

>Facebook integration

How are 4chan and Facebook compatible?
Most people here would not want people knowing they post on 4chan. And what would you do to make them work together? What does facebook have that could benefit 4chan?

>> No.3459

Pretty much all of the boards are shit, it's just that everyone here wallows in filth to achieve the title of least shitty board, like winning the special olympics. There's only one goddamn board on this entire site I would call almost not shit.

I mean, fuck, look. This board has existed for not even 3 hours and it's already fucking terrible.

>> No.3471

make the 4chan passes 3 dollars a month with no commitment

>> No.3751
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He should start cryptocurrency exchange

>> No.3825
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4chan needs /a/nime swag and home video ads... just like its distant cousin 2chan.

>> No.3898

It is a pretty great idea in paper, just change it to 50 per day and 25 extra posts for $5.

Nobody >needs< more than 50 posts per day on this shithole except professional shitposters, the mentally ill, faggots with political agendas and bacterial marketers.

The first two are worthless scum and probably could not afford it a penny, reducing the quality of posts problem.

The other two probably can afford it and their bullshit can easily be ignored while moot also cash in dose shekels, so everybody wins.

>> No.3892

This would be ok. I'd pay a couple $ a month to help mantain this site.

He could also make a new website completely sfw which would be a containment site for redditfags and shit and big companies would be more attracted to advertise themselves there since there would not be that much porn, gore and shit like that

Just an idea

>> No.3936

for example, btc-e make it's owners around 500,000$ monthly.

>> No.3997


4chan has built up a scary reputation and you have to learn the lingo to actually understand what's going on.

Most people wouldn't want to deal with that.

>> No.4014

>What is traffic based advertising revenue.

>Ignorant child detected

>> No.4056

That's actually why this board exists. Moot needs help but he can't own up to it and ask directly, so he makes this board. He's lurking 24/7 now and as soon as he gets his sheks this board is getting trashed.

>> No.4120

i wonder if moot was having relationship troubles and thats why he created /adv/

>> No.4585

This is exactly what's happening.

>> No.4670

4chan is funded by the government, 4chan is basically a giant honeypot to catch pedos and other fringes, how else would a site with this much traffic where majority of users block ads possibly sustain itself otherwise?

>> No.4700

we could all pay to register our tripcodes and get our own unique board on 4chan where we could interact with people of similar interests

>> No.4737


My sides hurt.

>> No.4744

>implying Moot doesn't already make millions of shekels thanks to everyone solving captchas
nice try moot but you cannot fool me

>> No.4781


Hmm, I hated this at first but it makes some sense.

Boards should be at least $100 though.

>> No.4764

>wanting to ruin /tg/ the only place with even the remotest amount of OC

>> No.4852

there is already a place for the likes of you

>> No.4885

>Nothing Found
What now faggot?

>> No.4908

check em

>> No.5075

>not specifically allowing ads on 4chan to help mootykins

>> No.5226

>allowing homo weeb shit ads
Sorry I'm not gay LOL,

>> No.5252

Too bad... :3

>> No.5660

>on a homo weeb shit website
>complaining about homo weeb shit ads
lol ok

>> No.5677 [DELETED] 

Shut up homofag go suck your mom dick

>> No.6688


Dogecoin would be better to accept than bitcoin IMO, those people tend to be much more generous than the stingy bitcoin users.

>> No.6768

/b/ is and /mlp/ is half bad.

>> No.7060 [DELETED] 

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at sanford I’ve been involved in numerous secret corporate buyouts on rival companies, and I have over 300 confirmed hostile takeovers. I am trained in gorilla marketing and I’m the CEO in the entire US business world. You are nothing to me but just another competitor. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before this fiscal year, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of corporate spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can seize your assets you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in business law, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States bureau of labor statistics and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will frivolously sue you fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.7104

all moot has to do is make people pay 10$ per tripcode

if you get banned you have to pay again

t. master jew

>> No.7153

moot is highly resistant to monetizing 4chan. Ads and anti-captcha were his best ideas. There is a multi-million profit potential, but it's been ignored. He won't discuss it and has no interest because something like that may change 4chan too much.

>> No.7230

I second this. It would really cut down on the idiots and attention whores on /o/.

>> No.7318

4chan needs to die

>> No.7504

I think this is a good idea. Unsecure tripcodes can be free, so that an OP can be easily identified in his thread, but the reddit fags can shell out a few bucks for their secure internet identity.

>> No.7605

charge for unbanning
I wuld pay 100 dollars to lift ban

>> No.7669

Been thinking about this.
>imo I think the whole problem w/ 4chan is publicity
>even humongous faggots like reddit and pirate bay have a varnish of "muh freedoms" and attract certain kind of advertisers, investors or people willing to spend money on them.
>4chan, on the other hand, never had those faggotty pretensions -- honest, true, but investors see it as a juvenile waste of time.

So I'm guessing the idea would be giving 4chan a good publicity makeover without altering the content. Something like a bunch of well-located articles telling why 4chan is the birthplace of almost everything relevant in Internet culture.

>> No.7889

Moot detected

>> No.7902

Moot should endorse memes for a fee
I have multiple memes I want to start on /biz/ but I have never been brave enough to force them and my meme growing skills sorely lack. The memes I want to force are funny and would benefit the board

>Shekel and Hyde
Shekel and Hyde would be a fun character based on the popular fictional Jekyll and Hyde who had two split personalities. S&H would on one hand, be very devious, and want money, but on the other hand, be very charitable. He would have several images that could be posted when somebody suspects they are talking with someone who would become like Shekel when confronted with certain financial commitments

>The Rock market
These would be funny threads discussing the stock market where everything has become relevant to the popular wrestler Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. Companies would include, 'Electricity in the air Power corporation', 'Lay the SmackDOW' and 'Northern Rock Bottom'. We would role play entire memetic threads

>The Economy is crashing... on my sofa!
This relies on the useage of 'crash' as a word for 'stay round' someones house. Everyone would post amusing images of large sums of money on their sofas. This could include pictures of our favourite character Shekel and Hyde in cardboard cutout form standing behind the cash pile.I can see this one being really popular with the community

I would delight in paying moot a sum of money to endorse these memes, by making sticky threads with them and discussing them within his various blog updates

Moot, if you are reading this, please get into contact with me

>> No.8029

moot should have invested in Dogecoin.

>> No.8278

nump so moot can see his future

>> No.8443


/s4s/ is fun for shits and giggles every now and then. But it's not the kind of board you should visit everyday.

>> No.8543
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Holy fuck moot fix that posture.
Girly little boxheaded faggot.
Fucking AMAZING teeth though, seriously how the fuck do you get teeth like moot's?

>> No.8549

still you can make an android app, a good one

>> No.8593
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>> No.8598

I'll pay moot for a membership fee if he stops letting in newfags, and shutters /b/ and /v/

>> No.8660

>/b/, /mlp/ and /sp/ aren't bad boards.
You got only one right /mlp/ is bad but you forgot the other one /pol/.

>Inb4 JIDF, Nigger, NEET, etc

>> No.8681


>> No.8832
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>> No.8945

Bring back /z/ but charge the users to fuck up the board.

>> No.10507

>Save for the entire site, 4chan is great.

>> No.10641

You forgot every other fucking board.

>> No.10713

So isn't moot like, pretty rich already?

why does he want to make more money?

>> No.10738

Imagine if we had someone instead of moot that wasn't a huge fucking faggot. Imagine what this site could be without being tied to some faggot who crawls /soc/ for dates and writes faggy blog posts.

>> No.10762

If moot dies who does ownership of the site go to? His mom? I would like moot's mom as the admin.

>> No.10769

>Moot should endorse memes for a fee
Buy an ad then.

>> No.10780

4chan has ads?!??!??!/1.@

>> No.10800

>4chan is great.

no it is not. 4chan is what keeps forever alone neets forever alone neets.

>> No.10806

what does moots mom look like?

how come i don't know this

>> No.10827

>in order to post you need to keep money in escrow. posting is free, but if you happen to GET, you must pay:
>doubles: $0.25
>triples: $1.00
>quads: $4.00
>pents: $20.00
>sexts: $100.00
>septs: account cleared, perma-banned

>> No.11698

But fucking quads happen all the time.

>> No.15200

Then you'll pay $4, goy.

>> No.15220

Sell 4chan to govt in elaborate honeypot operation.

Sit back and retire in tahiti with all your gubberment shekels.

>> No.15236

Oy vey Chaim you've accrued .25 shekels.

>> No.15238
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If it does we'll be stuck with reddit and tumblr.

>> No.15272
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>> No.15281

There's always 420chan.

>> No.15367

Been there, it's shit.

>> No.15393

They may not be necessarily high in quality but they possess traits that make them a lot of fun:
"value" of experience = "value" of community
It's only good for you if you like that kind of thing, and I just so happen to really adore a lot of these boards. I hate to say that you should just leave if you hate it so much, but that is true to a degree. Surely there are people on this site that you can genuinely enjoy being around and posting with, you just need to find your niche. You don't even have to like the subject of the different boards. You should be able to "get into" the subject as long as you can "get into" the attitude that the posters all share.

>> No.15404


>> No.15425
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I pray you find a home for you and your family soon, Anon.

>> No.15444
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This guy.

>> No.15500

>financial ruin

J list has been paying him for nonstop adds for years now

on top of that people pay him for self serving adds

and on top of all that he jews us all with the 4chan pass

>> No.15666
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We have a winner.

>> No.15850
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>allow monthly 4chan Pass subscriptions
>allow 4chan Passes to be gifted to posts
>have daily 4chan Pass drive meters to encourage Pass purchases

Works for Reddit.

>> No.16274

What does reddit gold do? I understand reddit has no captcha system?

>> No.16325

Save for a / b / c / d / e / f / g / gif / h / hr / k / m / o / p / r / s / t / u / v / vg / vr / w / wg] [i / ic] [r9k] [s4s] [cm / hm / lgbt / y] [3 / adv / an / asp / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / hc / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / out / po / pol / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / x / rs, 4chan is great.

>> No.16341


>> No.16366 [DELETED] 
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>discussion board in a pay-to-win format

>> No.16467

Access to a special subreddit and a few other perks like being notified when your username is mentioned. Stuff that doesn't really apply on 4chan. Unless moot wanted to make a /gold/ board for people who pay but i don't know what the appeal of that would even be or how you'd identify yourself as a gold member.
In short, >>15850 doesn't look like a bad analogy at first glance but 4chan is too fundamentally different for the same model to work without serious changes.
You could have features like bypassing CAPTCHAs but isn't there already such a feature available?

>> No.16507
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>4chan gold account

>> No.16979 [DELETED] 

check my dubs

>> No.18335

I'd like one.

>> No.18374

if those are the only alternatives you know about you are part of the problem

>> No.18527

Pay to get unbanned. A fine the increases with each ban that a user can choose to pay.

>> No.18644

What exactly is causing 4chan's financial issues?
Not enough revenue?
Too many expenses?

>> No.18656
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Both actually. moot is running the site out of his own pockets.

>> No.18674


The ads and passes aren't enough to pay for server costs?

>> No.18701

/mlp/ is only bad if you don't like the cartoon.
If you do, then... well, it still sucks, but you can find worthwhile threads when you want, especially during important events.

>> No.18727

User boards. Say $40 a month gets you your own board. You are the mod, and you can hire up to two other mods and ten janitors. User boards wouldn't be listed with the normal boards, they would be under /user/. Only limits would be the usual 4chan rules, nothing illegal etc.

>> No.18735

Sounds like a recipe for cancer. There'd be maybe 10 people on one board at the most. Maybe 2 or 3 would get the /speedgrapher/ treatment and build their own cultures, which could be done on any topical board.

>> No.18737

Cutting down on costs in the long run could be to buy his own servers, in case he hadn't already, and make the power supply 100% sustainable.
He could also make mods take up more responsibilities and technical issues to save up time for moot to get a real job.

As for increasing revenue, Moot could offer onion routing services for those willing to pay.

>> No.18739

how does moot make money?

>> No.18750


From what moot said in /q/ and various posts, 4chan is a constant money sink. Ad revenue and 4chan passes only make a small difference in the total cost of running 4chan.

He has (had) a startup that was an actual job. Since his startup folded, it's unclear what his next thing will be.

>> No.18761

Forgot to mention that this worked out pretty well on a smaller imageboard I used to frequent. With a site as huge as 4chan moot would probably have to limit boards a lot.

Eh, if people want to pay moot to circlejerk in their own corner what does it matter? Some really great boards could come from it, too. On the other site one board became really popular, probably because it was dedicated to gay shit.

>> No.18765

Pay a really small sum to start a thread.
Even one cent would be enough on a board like /b/,

>> No.18789

>He has (had) a startup that was an actual job
I know yeah, but it didn't make money. I presume he had an income via venture capital. I wouldn't have thought his investors would be happy to know he was spending his income allowance on keeping up the servers on one of the interests most popular sites that also happens to run at a loss.

>> No.18796

But no one would want to do that, especially the poor ones of us, which are many.
Would YOU do it?

>> No.18806

that's pretty retarded.

>> No.18809

Dude, learn 2 business.

He gets a salary/paid from his company that goes into his personal bank account, which he uses to pay for 4chan. He's not taking investor money and directly putting it into 4chan, because then his investors would be very very very unhappy.

This isn't rocket science.

>> No.18828

>He gets a salary/paid from his company that goes into his personal bank account
His company that never made a profit? It's not directly taking investor money, but is it not effectively the same thing?

>> No.18844

>His company that never made a profit?

You don't have to make a profit to pay your employees. You just need revenue.

>It's not directly taking investor money, but is it not effectively the same thing?

Effectively it's pretty much the same, but the laws are very clear and precise on what money goes where.

Salary for employees is a whole different ball-game than "investor money going directly to pocket." Taking investor money directly into your personal pocket and not using it for what you're being invested in is embezzlement.

>> No.18892

>You don't have to make a profit to pay your employees. You just need revenue.
right, but surely the investors want their money back asap. Employees have to be paid their market rate of pay or else they won't work, but moot is owns significant shares presumably and will be rewarded by the company gaining in value as a whole. His salary will just be what he needs to get by and run the company comfortably. Suppose the company folds (like it did) and the investors make a loss, I'd imagine they'd why moot justified the salary he got if he was spending significant amounts of it on hosting for an unprofitable hobby site of his. That ends up being money the investors never get back.

I can see how it's just the norm to do it this way and the investors were probably happy to give moot a salary with decent disposable income possibly in return for slightly greater shares, but still.. strikes me as odd.

>> No.18901

He pays for 4chan out of his own pocket? Damn, I always thought the ads and the new 4chan pass thing was enough to pay for the site and earn some money, now I know he is paing so I can masturbate to chinese drawings he is kind of my hero

>> No.18974

the sad thing is they'd do it.

go ahead and threaten to take /pol/ down, and watch how /pol/ "comes up" with the idea to raise money and watch the autismbux roll in. only after the fact can you reveal that they did the exact thing they were so prejudice against.

>> No.19084

Make intrusive ads for /b/. They're the facebook crowd. they don't care.

>> No.19434

>right, but surely the investors want their money back asap

No, they want their investment to produce a sustainable source of profit long-term.

>Employees have to be paid their market rate of pay or else they won't work, but moot is owns significant shares presumably

The company doesn't go public right away...

>I'd imagine they'd why moot justified the salary he got if he was spending significant amounts of it on hosting for an unprofitable hobby site of his

What he does with his personal salary is totally irrelevant to the investors. If they think his salary was totally out of whack compared to the rest of the company, or if they thought his salary contributed to the death of the company, there are other mechanisms to pursue that (and they probably wouldn't have invested in the first place).

Investors aren't dumb. They're very good at math.

>> No.19504

>No, they want their investment to produce a sustainable source of profit long-term.
those are not mutually exclusive concepts. They also generally want their profits asap unless delaying profits helps get them more profits in the future etc. basically they don't want their money gone longer than it needs to be or spent on things that it doesn't need to be spent on.

>The company doesn't go public right away...
well he owns a significant portion of the company rather.

>What he does with his personal salary is totally irrelevant to the investors.
that stupid. If moot says he needs an annual salary of $200,000 to spend on a golden toilet for his cat, then they will care. If he needs $200,000 because that's what he needs to pay for effective accommodation, transport and food to get by while the company grows then they aught be happy. Good investors generally are frugal and know where every penny is being spent and why it's being spent there. I'm sure they'll give people like moot generous salaries in return for more ownership of the company, but only when the salary increase is worth the extra share.

>Investors aren't dumb. They're very good at math.
We agree there.

>> No.20954

Don't mind me, just checking the 3rd post

>> No.20965

Just in case that fails,