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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20135158 No.20135158 [Reply] [Original]

Ask me anything.

>> No.20135165

Recap from last week

>> No.20135167

Why niggers are so retarded?

>> No.20135172


>> No.20135189

Why are u gay?

>> No.20135229

They are not

>> No.20135241

I am not gay.

>> No.20135331

Who will be first from the FAANG companies to fall first?

>> No.20135343


>> No.20135347

show some proof

>> No.20135362

Is FTM a scam?

>> No.20135365

Go through the recap's buddy

>> No.20135370

It's not directly a scam but it will still fail

>> No.20135371

What is the significance of the interwork alliance

>> No.20135397

>interwork alliance
None looks like a bunch of tokens wants to buy credibility

>> No.20135547 [DELETED] 
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Can i throw a loli as as a ball?

>> No.20135692

With a lot of practice

>> No.20135757

Is Fantom a scam?

>> No.20135807


>> No.20135816

Has working in finance made you anti semitic?

>> No.20135979


>> No.20136229

When mainnet fix?

>> No.20136414

Who does the power that be want for the president? Once the election ends, will this wuflu clusterfuck fade?

>> No.20136441

Has being anti semitic made you work in finance?

>> No.20136447

When do we make it

>> No.20136625

Good question, Trump will win the election, which is generally bad. But great for finance and businesses.
Sorry buddy, the wuflu is here to stay

>> No.20136639


>> No.20136649

Make the right choices and you will make it

>> No.20136856

How is the exchange crypto . com doing behind the scenes? I have a feeling there's something really shady going on, and I'm not even talking about Wirecard.

>> No.20136867

Why will Apple fall?

>> No.20136876

when will tesla 20k happen

>> No.20137020

That will be an epic failure

>> No.20137030

They have lost momentum since Steve passed away. It won't happen overnight, but they will fade away

>> No.20137038

Not before bitcoin is 1 mil

>> No.20137094

Name 5 coins

>> No.20137369

5 coins :)

>> No.20137403

>That will be an epic failure

Do you see a rough timeline, or any specific signs that they will fail very soon? I still have some money staked in there and I won't be able to withdraw it until early August

>> No.20137414

What are your opinions on OMGnetwork?

>> No.20137472

why recently Safex scammers are comming here to shill their crap?
Why Safex scammers keep trying to pump their shitcoin?
Why Safex scammers use pajeet tactics to trick noobs to buy?
Will Safex scammers do this forever or will be jail by autorities?

>> No.20137484

>They have lost momentum since Steve passed away. It won't happen overnight, but they will fade away

I have a hard time believing that for one simple reason. No matter how shitty Apple products are, the vast majority of Apple users will only ever buy Apple products. No other business in the world has this kind of brand loyalty. I don't see this changing anytime soon. It's some kind of psychological manipulation that the company is very good at doing.

>> No.20137723

Which subjects from are you an insider? Assholes?

>> No.20137830

Most likely we will see this in Q3.

>> No.20137846

I looked into it when it launched, it's a Thai scam buddy.

>> No.20137859

The stop pumping it!

>> No.20137887

True, but this loyalty will fade away as the competition grows.

>> No.20137890

What are you inside of?

>> No.20137900

Finance, tech, politics etc.
I know an asshole when I see one

>> No.20137913


>> No.20138175

SNX and XSN which will reach $5 first?

>> No.20138190
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best mooning stock?

best shitcoin?

im a pajeet enthusiast, not a pajeet myself, but i am enthused by their presence

>> No.20138209
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whats the bottom for btc in 2020?

>> No.20138251

Cardano superior?

>> No.20138288


>> No.20138318

We already bottomed for 2020

>> No.20138336


>> No.20138357

>Most likely we will see this in Q3.

What professional background do you have that makes you knowledgeable about cryptocurrency and financial markets?

>> No.20138416

Will Cardano community voting happen by end of this year or delay to 2021?

>> No.20138488

Been in traditional finance for the last 30 years, got into bitcoin in 2010. I have a wast network in the finance, tech, and blockchain sector, that supplies inside information

>> No.20138493

What are you trying to sell after all is said and done?

>> No.20138508

sorry buddy, it's delayed. Most likely 2021 or wort case 2022

>> No.20138521

Nothing, I am just spending my Monday's here on /biz

>> No.20138523

i’ve had a feeling that the stock market may crash again before the year is over, am i being paranoid?

if not what should we keep an eye on for the rest of the year?

>> No.20138565

Hehehe - got you by the balls. Will start in 2 weeks. Mobile app already out and confirmed.

Was too easy bro.

Next time be better prepared when you want to sell people dogshit.

>> No.20138607

What’s your take on the xrp situation

>> No.20138616

No you are on the right track

>> No.20138631


>> No.20138649

It's a mess. Stay away from it

>> No.20138684

Heads up, 10 am reversal incoming

>> No.20138710

What specific programming/networking skills should someone look into if they wanted to practical with crypto. Broad question, so I don't expect a detailed answer.

>> No.20138839

Liar bitch


>> No.20138868

Well, it depends on what you mean with practical.
If you want to work with blockchain, you need to have a excellent skills in building decentralized networks, security, etc.
A good start is to learn C++, there are a lot of free online courses at EdX and Coursera that might help you out.

>> No.20138956

>building decentralized networks, security, etc.
Any specific IT/sysadmin courses or certifications you'd recommend starting with?

>> No.20138971
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Magic 8 ball,
Will tomochain finally moon in 2020?

>> No.20139031
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yeah thought so can you give me a time frame or a guestimation? also RSR is 700k enough when will that go parabolic and hit 10cents? or higher?

>> No.20139178

Thanks for today everyone, I really enjoy these sessions. Feel free to reach out at insiderbiz@protonmail.com

>> No.20139357

Is Harmony One a contender?

And, what happened to bizonacci?

>> No.20139632

Nigger detected

>> No.20139802

Stopped reading right there. At least 60% chance this is some 19 y/o kid in his mom's basement trying to pump his scam of choice.

>> No.20140208

It doesn't matter, Apple's entire schtick was the auteur theory of design. Without the auteur, the company is undoubtedly just a mess of infighting and the standard political power games that make every other design shop effectively design-by-committee. Apple will splinter and fade into relative obscurity over the next 50 years.

>> No.20140930

Exit all markets for impending postponed till fall global financial collapse?