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File: 13 KB, 180x157, Screenshot 2020-07-06 at 11.30.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20132320 No.20132320 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone red pill me on reserve rights?

>> No.20132435

A huge part of the world doesn't have a stable currency to use for purchases or for savings, this project addresses that. It's a decentralised reserve currency that wants to be used on a mass scale.

>> No.20132524
File: 80 KB, 960x913, dij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont need the pill anon, just buy the biggest fucking bag you can, shut the fuck up and fucking wait.

>> No.20132698

.01 end of month
.05 end of year

and possibly more than $1 by the end of 2021 / early 2022 if not sooner.

backers include coinbase venture, peter thiel, sam altman, jack selby, blacktower, digital currency group, gsr, arrington capital, david sica and others.

buy at least 450-500k minimum make it stack.

or if you're smart go for at least 3-4M guaranteed yacht party stack.

the redpill is that you will regret not buying sub .01 and you should read the whitepaper. arbitrage incentives to hold and a burn mechanism that makes rsr deflationary while keeping rsv pegged to ~$1. it's the first truly decentralized stablecoin that can scale for use in the real world by entire countries not just people circle jerking in the crypto sphere.

the team is focused on their app which provides people in hyperinflation areas a way to escape their shitty fiat currency. they're already establishing themselves in venezuela, colombia, argentina and soon the rest of LATAM followed by lebanon later this month and angola soon after.

arbitrage will take more time to explain but it's kind of like staking. it requires an excess pool of rsv that's collected from fees and appreciating assets (basket of assets that backs the stablecoin) and as this pool grows it will allow for you to send rsr to a smart contract that captures the excess tokens in exchange for burning your rsr and you make the difference as a small profit whenever rsv is trading above $1. all of this can be automated through arbitrage pools that the team will help create for the community as the project reaches mainnet. users can also create their own pools if they wish but everyone should have similar chances at arbitrage opportunities since it's all based on a smart contract (mainnet).

don't sleep on this gem. this will be the DEFI stablecoin of choice in a few months.

>> No.20132889

Hundred BILLLIOONNN ERC-20 token supply? Yea, pass.

Buy Verasity.

>> No.20132956


Fuck off with your VRA dog shit ranjeet we're talking about real investments and you bring up pajeet token-not-needed shitcoins shilled by Twitter's lower class cesspool of influencers lmao cope harder faggot

>> No.20132975
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It's easy when you have backers like this ranjesh.. sorry you bought that Verasity scam from that obviously scammy black dude

>> No.20133012
File: 347 KB, 1400x720, 1590734135793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a shitcoin PnD thats a miracle it goes up at all. Shills notoriously keep on trying to supress (pic) with their memes they created in a shill discord.

its a shitcoin no doubt. and its pretty scummy the shills outright lie about its long term potential

>> No.20133021


>> No.20133031

no RSR holder even has more than a $50,000 networth. ive seen your pathetic stacks. Youre all poor as shit.

>> No.20133050

oh and whenever fud like this pops up in RSR threads, instead of shills actually trying to debunk, they go crying to the telegram where the developers work and actually try to get developers themselves to debunk fud.

literally the biggest group of pussies ive ever seen in crypto

>> No.20133126

you realize hitting 1 dollar would make it worth more than ETH marketcap?

>> No.20133132

so how about you debunk it?

>> No.20133136

already had an 8 hr discussion about this fud already. it's boring technical fud that insists that there will never be enough excess rsv in the contract for arbitrage and that rsv will never trade above $1. it's full of assumptions. give it up anon, you lost and rsr will continue to pump. sorry that you sold the absolute bottom, better luck next time.

>> No.20133166

you realize RSV capturing an entirely new market that has nothing to do with crypto, right?

>> No.20133191

anyway if you're still curious about rsr/rsv go read the whitepaper and catch up or be left behind.

>> No.20133346

lol, no it wasnt, Feel free to link me to this supposed "8 hour discussion" where it was debunked.
>sorry you sold the bottom
I never bought in. And it is a fact no RSR shill here has a networth above $50,000, you are all poor as fuck

>> No.20133357

you cant debunk it. thats why shills write excuses like
>muh 8 hour discussion

>> No.20133401

oh the cope.. you had a year.. were too poor to buy this obvious moonshot the entire time? were you gullible and fell for the fud?(sorry my fault) or did you gamble it away on get rich quick shitcoins. or was it all three?

>> No.20133412

wow.. you fudders are getting desperate as fuck.. you sound manic anon,

>> No.20133429

it was ignored because it was obvious brainlet fud and probably designed to suppress the price so broke slow retards like you can still buy in. We are like 7x now so you are prolly priced out of a real stack.

>> No.20133436

ive seen every RSR holders stack, you guys literally have sub 50 k networth. Ive had over 50 k since 2017. You have the ultimate shit token and already spam the board as much as linkers. RSR hasnt even mooned as hard as shit like HEX, XinFin, or QNT this year. And its a meme stable coin. fucking pathetic

>still cant debunk it

>> No.20133494


>> No.20133513

See what happened with XRP in 2017. Went from .006 to .06 to .42 to 3

>> No.20133526

>im rich and you're not so listen to my faggotry
that's why you are missing this mooon mission? cuz you're such a good investor? That must also be why you are soo much smarter and richer than pic related.. do you think peter thiel has more than 50k? post your bags faggot

>> No.20133541
File: 490 KB, 640x591, rsr_inv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related* that you claim "have a 50k net worth". just give up and go push some shitcoins around on uniswap you little cunt

>> No.20133548

>Why would anyone buy DAI above $1?

>> No.20133550

EOS is king shitcoin and the worst in the former top 10.
Thats the thing, Peter Thiel being in it is the biggest redflag at all. All it means is that its going to be another PnD like EOS, except its obviously not going to make it into the top 100
>im rich and you're not

>> No.20133565

see >>20133550
i dont give a shit about MUH PETER THIEL
How about discuss the tech and debunk >>20133012

also, i have way more than 50 k. Im well above 6 figures. Thats what i find hilarious about RSR shills, you must be the fags that missed on LINK, otherwise youd have well above 50 k

>> No.20133608


>> No.20133622


>> No.20133639
File: 552 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200706_001858_io.getdelta.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And it is a fact no RSR shill here has a networth above $50,000, you are all poor as fuck.

You're talking out of your ass. Cope harder

>> No.20133641

It's an index of stablecoins. Except unlock stablecoins, which have a stable price, it's price changes magically! Cool! Buy 100K of it please thx!!!!

>> No.20133746

Try again in English you retarded secondary.

>> No.20133812
File: 52 KB, 690x433, rektpleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20133976


>photos taken moments before disaster