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File: 594 KB, 1656x2100, ripple ripple ripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20128592 No.20128592 [Reply] [Original]


“The Bureau has continued to monitor…the continued growth and expanding partnerships of virtual currency companies, such as Ripple, which offer both a payment messaging platform to support cross-border money transfers as well as a virtual currency, XRP, which can be used to effect a settlement of those transfers.”

“To the degree banks and credit unions increase their reliance on closed network payment systems for sending remittance transfers and other cross-border money transfers, the Bureau notes that this could result in greater standardization and ease by which sending institutions can know exact covered third-party fees and exchange rates.”

>> No.20128980

tonight the buck moon

>> No.20129035

Just be $2k already. I want to be free.

>> No.20129400

Whats a buck moon?

>> No.20129485

shut the FUCK UP anon

I got a fat ass check coming any day now. do not feed these ungrateful swine

>> No.20129496
File: 116 KB, 750x912, 8D4D1A9C-8D02-4230-8D2D-459E8F0A74A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17 cents

>> No.20129525
File: 808 KB, 1125x1381, 46A6C540-AB07-4D55-A0AE-1E61F4FD33BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they must have their chance to make a choice. only fair my fren

>> No.20129595

There is literally nothing ripple can do to meaningfully increase it's price. The settlement guy is dumping millions of xrp every time it unlocks. Do you really think xrp is going to pump to the point where he becomes a trillionaire off his settlement?

>> No.20129667

So why the sense of urgency?

>> No.20130008

it could, the market is not rational. so long as everyone wets their beak and the owner is part of the tribe then it's up for grabs

>> No.20130166

>this guy will become the world's first trillionaire because he's a member of the tribe and owns a shitcoin!! I will be a billionaire too because I invested $500 into this

>> No.20130726

if were going by the Mellon narrative, Jed doesnt even have control of the XRP hes selling anyway and its all just for show to discourage buyers

>> No.20130821

Then why allow the general public to buy?

>> No.20130845

no but i'll make a few hundred grand

>> No.20130956

to cover things up, otc selling doesnt suppress the price, etc. All types of reasons

>> No.20131047

So they let a new class of millionaires and billionaires be created overnight? People who are more likely than not are amenable to conspiracies. Why?

>> No.20131059
File: 519 KB, 1125x1338, EEBB0E1A-21EC-413B-BB35-505792B8EDB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair price to pay to own the world

>> No.20131165

crazier things have happened

>> No.20131200
File: 65 KB, 1495x632, 10dollarsnever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're all such gullible suckers. This will never pump again. You're bagholding Ripple Lab's funding mechanism and allowing them to generate millions of dollars a quarter in free money to fund their private business venture.

XRP is the most cucked thing since you.

>> No.20131266

what is the point of paying off the token people and not just using the technology in a new iteration

>> No.20131291
File: 1.30 MB, 1878x1026, lui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple doesn't need XRP to get funding you absolute fucking moron, They are worth 10 billion through their series C funding.

>> No.20131346

Given its market cap and circulation supplies, its impossible for it to reach that

>> No.20131370

If thats true and september really is a target date then we would need to see circuit breakers being triggered almost every day for weeks. Otherwise I can't see how crypto performs(don't tell me xrp going to a few dollars will be in a vacuum, others would need to see better returns otherwise retail will pile in).

>> No.20131389

I can’t believe this shit was pumped to $3 lol

>> No.20131421
File: 30 KB, 299x470, giantsucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It did... because of idiots like the guy down there. picrel. it's xrp holders.


>> No.20131484
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>> No.20131560

What is this September date I hear associated with xrp?

>> No.20131629


I never said anything about ChainLink, bucko.

I also didn't say anything about Bitcoin, ETH, DeFi, or the fact that XRP only needs to be $.02 for Ripple to supply total global liquidity because of it's fantastic throughput and remarkable quantity.

I just said that this is a terrible shitcoin and you're all gullible suckers.

>> No.20131637
File: 337 KB, 1280x1807, 1585316582451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>id is FAP

>> No.20131805

Let me educate you fucking retard, XRP needs to be a high value coin for it to be useful. if it was .02 it would run out of supply in only a day due to burnrate. Quadrillions will flow through XRP you stupid fucking idiot. and let me educate you further. No one and i mean NO ONE will be using Bitcoin or any of its derivatives like BSVSHIT.

>> No.20131882

Thats the supposed date "insiders" throw around.

>> No.20131970
File: 80 KB, 1558x636, soright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thumbs up, guy. You're super right. See the chart I posted here to validate your totally correct position.

Here's another chart to further validate your rightness.

>> No.20131981

Why so angry fren?

>> No.20132024

I've been watching XRP shills dump heavy bags on people for years and it's frustrating because gullible new market entrants don't know their nose from their asshole and think shit smells good.

>> No.20132029

but what would actually make it go to $2k?

>> No.20132037

Notice how they always use BTC/XRP as if BTC fucking matters.

>> No.20132047


Hey fuckwit, I posted the XRPUSD chart above and it's even uglier.>>20131200

>> No.20132061

No one is dumping on anyone you fucking retard, No one in the thread is shilling or or wants to
"dump their bags"
All XRP threads do is display Truth, it is up to you if you want to buy or not.

>> No.20132074

But retail buying and selling has practically 0 effect on the price.

>> No.20132080

yes You can do the same with BITCOIN just a few years earlier and it would be just as ugly you fucking retard, People were saying it would never go above 1$

>> No.20132159

truth, kek
even the devs laugh at your Q-tard tier breadcrumb posts

>> No.20132277
File: 198 KB, 964x1256, 1593157674906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small price to pay to have even more money over normies who only know what BTC is. Not saying xrp will moon (it was my first crypto and I'm glad I dumped it for Link, XSN, and XTZ), but quite a few will

>> No.20132533

only faggot linkies use the word "breadcrumbs". you need to go back

>> No.20132548

>screenshotting the most pathetic get in existence

>> No.20132573


>> No.20133261

The bureau you should be worrying if you're a part of is the new world AAVE order.

>> No.20133845

Someone is mad XRP is just a stable coin for the US .25 quarter

>> No.20133925
File: 119 KB, 1412x758, 1594010774874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot the pic related

>> No.20133946

>he still has to resort to the archive for screenshots
KEK. If the thread was that significant, you would have screenshotted it when it wasnt archived.

>> No.20134245

Probably the weakest FUD I have seen against XSN this week. Buy it or don't, matters none to me

>> No.20134258

ripple shills lives matter

>> No.20134373
File: 8 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weakest Fud
wait, are you saying your meme numbers is supposed to be a serious shill point, like im supposed to be jealous?

Do you look like this irl by any chance?

>> No.20134965

No your semantics over when it was screenshotted is why your FUD is weak