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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20126537 No.20126537 [Reply] [Original]

Xsn dex is what we've been waiting for

>> No.20126594

>funds remain in users wallet at all times

>> No.20126686

But I was told this project was a scam... Wtf is actually going on?

>> No.20126700

It's *the* coin of 2020.

>> No.20126719


going all in

>> No.20126736
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>> No.20126747

>he listened to Binance shills doing damage control
Wake up, idiot. This shit is gonnna kill all centralized shit exchanges and you can actually buy a share of the next biggest dex on the world

>> No.20126774

We are stakies. We are legion.

>> No.20126802

fuuu Cyberpunk vibes. Let me DYOR

>> No.20126873

This guy has over 100k followers, and has been shilling XSN all day:

>> No.20126953

Too bad he can't even get 100 likes

>> No.20126994

Yes, looks like most are pajeet accounts.

>> No.20127044

you have to go back

>> No.20127054
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pushing out updates on the daily. bullish. most focused and productive team i've seen in a fat while

>> No.20127055

Stakies, give me your low, mid and high projections on the DEX and price points corresponding to xsn. A gal can dream. 2.5 nodes reporting in.

>> No.20127073


>> No.20127123

show feminine hand

>> No.20127148

You know the rules

>> No.20127150
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>> No.20127271

>he actually thinks that's a girl
That's a man

>> No.20127412

Stinkies on suicide watch

>> No.20127502
File: 77 KB, 624x528, surprise xsn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i already killed myself and this is heaven. living in a world owning a StakeNet MasteNode is the most heavenly bliss I could possibly know.

>> No.20127537

You're gonna make it

>> No.20127545
File: 28 KB, 1034x491, Stakenet happening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit coin, dope work, awesome for arbitrage based funds (if they're into crypto), otherwise just awesome for all us crypto commoners out here. No kyc/aml as crypto was intended and you can link whatever exchange accounts you have so you can do super fast arb between exchanges. Pretty dope if you ask me. Never put your coins on a hack-able exchange again. I went to college with the founder.

>> No.20127553

H-holy shit

>> No.20127565

But I thought this was gonna keep dumping today? Fuuuuck

>> No.20127569
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better start reading anon. see for yourself.

>> No.20127617
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Awe man you must be mad bro.

When software tech addresses a multi-billion dollar industry like arbitrage markets, things don't go down.

>> No.20127640
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don't know what he's talking about?

read more here:


>> No.20127709

tits or gtfo reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.20127869


>> No.20127872

still not sure if I should buy now or wait

>> No.20127967

why aren't you sure yet? what's going through your head?

>> No.20127987

Pretty sure you're a retard
Listen to us xsnchads and grab a bag before it's too late

>> No.20128003

I thought about it a lot too. Went to buy a MN 2 days ago. Not being able to get a node would be way worse than price dropping now.

>> No.20128012

Thats a man.

>> No.20128125
File: 198 KB, 964x1256, 1593157674906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over the last 15 days obtaining a masternode has gone from $600 to $1200 to $2000 and now it's at $3,000. Better get in now before it hits $5,000. Next year it'll be in the tens of thousands at least

>> No.20128137

have a MN right now, but I could buy two more
Bitcoin looks like it could dump any time now, so I've been waiting.

>> No.20128168

Imagine if Torrent was a company and you could buy a share when it came out. This is what xsn basically is

>> No.20128298

That’s a really good comparison but maybe it would be closer to imagine if you got paid to help share torrents.

>> No.20128406

>paid to help share torrents
BTT is trying to do just this but imagine if it was enabled on all torrent clients. BitTorrent and uTorrent are two of the worst torrent clients that's holding it back.

>> No.20128420

actually it's both. You're acquiring a share in the company and also getting paid to help share torrent

>> No.20128643


>> No.20128756

What are the specs to run a masternode on vps?

>> No.20128803

We are literary up like 70% since the past week, I suppose small correction is justified.

>> No.20128911

Minimum is 1 CPU, 1GB RAM, 8GB Disk, 400GB/mth Network (basically the 5$ option on Vultr)

You can use the MNaaS by stakenet which cost you 4.5$ per month and is a easy 3 clicks set up that you can do directly from the cloud. cloud.stakenet.io

>> No.20128989

Are the 4.5 per month for the MNaaS for one masternode only so when I have 30k in my wallet and want to use MNaas I have to pay for every single one? Or do I only pay the fee no matter how many?

>> No.20129266

Basically MNaaS use the coins you put in the cloud to pay the fees. So you pay the fees in XSN and how much xsn is paid daily depends on the price of XSN.

Each masternode is hosted on a VPS with his own fix IP so you pay a fee for each masternode.

>> No.20129712

MNaaS is so much better

>> No.20130295

>he doesn't do due diligence

>> No.20130383

We're in Prometheus/S2 now right?
There is definitely more than one HUB at this moment in time

>> No.20130473

>I went to college with the founder.
wtf kek

>> No.20130493

The hydra gives me shivers

>> No.20131052

No we are in stage one wit h1 hub. They are making almost 2-3 DEX upgrades each day and each hub need to be upgraded so it's more faster to do so with 1 hub.

But as said, even with 1 hub funds remain in users wallet and so are completly safe even if the hub goes down.

>> No.20131088

>MN migration
Cool. Imagine the income.

>> No.20131294

I wonder how many sats or cents this coin has to reach before the Cryptubers starts taking notice and making daily videos about it.
Probably waaay past 10k sat and once they start talking about it and get their own bags to shill, then XSN will be a top 50 coin and they rest is history.
That's why it's so important to get skin in the game now before everyone else IMHO.

>> No.20131312

Does anyone have a reasonable guess about when the DEX will be released? It seems like the beta is pretty far along, but I don't know if that means it is weeks away from release or months. Hopefully the former.

>> No.20131412

Nope.. Stage 1 according to Draper.

>> No.20131432

The DEX is already in open beta. Actually you can literally join discord and ask to join the test channel and try it by yourself.

DEX is 90% done already functional and working seemlessly

>> No.20131490

When swaps are 95% stable we would get a release date.
Swaps should be about 90% now.
So 1-2 weeks away from a count down IMHO.

>> No.20131605

Development should come along nicely as it is perfected from one HUB.
Once LTC/XSN swaps were stable, it was easy to setup additional pairs.

>> No.20132152

bump for EPOS

>> No.20132350

LTC/XSN were stable last testing (although didn't get much trading compared to xsn/btc pair). BTC/XSN had a few issues.

>> No.20132413
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OP how come your image is different to pic related?

>> No.20132625

Fortunately there was a perfect success rate for BTC/LTC swaps

>> No.20132809

Whoops BTC/LTC is what I meant not LTC/XSN. I don't think LTC/XSN is an option atm?

>> No.20133763

LTC/XSN was the foundation for every other swap. Testing other similar pairs between them and BTC should build a very strong model to go off of.

>> No.20133807

Can't wait for raiden. Bitcoin rentals is so slow because Bitcoin is a shitcoin.

>> No.20134233

Imagine buying Link on dex and storing them on cold wallet

>> No.20134240

What happens when governments ban it. Will they be looking for the IP associated with the VPS? Not fudding, it would only drive the price up. But think about what happened with Torrenting p2p stuff, it was awesome up until they cracked down on it. What implications would hosting a MN have if they came after it hard.

Has anyone thought of how they'll get around it?

>> No.20134333

They cracked down on it? In what authoritarian shithole do you live in?

>> No.20134406

Somehow those old menacing $100000 FBI fine piracy warnings on old VHS tapes didn't stop anyone from pirating, which still goes on to this day.
The DEX will have built in TOR and PrivateSend in addition to MW. Additional plus.

>> No.20134634

Keked and checked

>> No.20135048


>> No.20135214

How can I run more than one masternode when I'm using MNaaS?

>> No.20135570

If you're using xsn cloud it shouldn't be too complicated. Just click the fucking + kek

>> No.20135585

You can set up as many Masternodes with MNaaS as you want. Same procedure as when you create the first one.

>> No.20135595

It's why it's called HYDRA. Basically each Masternode is a node. They would have to shutdown all Masternodes at the same time. That's impossible to do

>> No.20135801

cringe kys.
Chinese authorities are not gonna allow this shitty dex to exist

>> No.20135870

like they have a choice.

>> No.20136355

So China is according to you gonna invade my country in order to shut down my server in your mom's basement?

Great thinking.

>> No.20136421

>muh chinese authorities
Kys binance shill

>> No.20136885

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.20136905 [DELETED] 

I got something better.

From the creator of Nuke Token

discord gg / aCBeGj3

Discord has 1000 members. Token launching tomorrow. Presale happening now, only limited to first 50 people who join!

>> No.20136927


>> No.20137213

You got a better chance of selling your scam if you post in a BSV thread.
You needs to target like minded people.

>> No.20137593
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>> No.20137608
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>> No.20137674
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>> No.20137688
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>> No.20137781
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>> No.20137828

poorfag here

just bought 500 maybe i can scrap another 500 if i sell some shitcoins.

w-will i make it?i wish i had mn but im probably too dumb to even run it so i guess this is second best option, to own even some of xsn coins?

>> No.20137868

>Spam biz every day with 3-4 threads
>Get Discord chat ready
>Get your corny xsn memes ready
>Keep your shitty coin on one exchange so its easy to pump and dump

They've been working on their shitty exchange for years. Their accumulation is over and they want to pump this. It's built on BTC Lightning tech which has scaling issues, and regulations are coming out soon which will make DEX's obsolete. They have no meaningful partnerships or institutional interest. It's an X11 coin from years ago.

Think about this, if they are so great, then why do they have to spam biz 24/7 to try to gain momentum. XSN is a dead end project.

You're a total gullible simp if you buy into this trash. Just giving out this warning here on biz. Sick of seeing this garbage peddled here.

XSN Pump job continues

>> No.20138053

Welcome anon. XSN's market cap could be in the billions by next year. 1k is a nice moonshot to let stake and then see what happens at the peak of the bull. Alternatively, you could keep an eye on XSN and DCA.

>> No.20138092

Kek. we told you to buy at 550 sat
no one scammed you into throwing a 2 wk-long tantrum but yourself

>> No.20139202

>136 BTC in volume
Not bad

>> No.20140021

It's gonna get to 1000btc soon

>> No.20140269
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Aggregation will provide Stakenet DEX massive levels of volume, considering the fees from everything are swapped directly into XSN.

>> No.20140390

XSN is on biz again since the Statera guys put it in the Index fund as the dark horse with Link, Eth, Btc. Anons wondered why that is, now they know, these coins will make you rich soon.

>> No.20140867


>> No.20140926
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>> No.20141481

I see you've never invested in a DEX token before. Normies are never going to use something they have to download and install and track private keys for. See also, Blocknet, AtomicDEX, Aphelion, Switcheo, Bisq, etc. – zero users, zero volume, zero liquidity.

>> No.20141543
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but but muh stakenet, muh cross chain, muh instant swaps, muh cold staking

>> No.20141568

Normies are using Uniswap, Kyber, etc
>zero liquidity.
XSN will have the liquidity of all centralized exchanges.

>> No.20141582


>> No.20141636

Bullish as fuck

>> No.20141639

>XSN will have the liquidity of all centralized exchanges.
No it wont stop spreading lies
Not a samefag, but nice projection because we all know Stakeshitters samefag all the time on here asking each other bullshit questions, kys nigger

>> No.20141655

I don't really think we're expecting normies to run a master node lmao. But if it gets all the liquidity of CEX and has a decent user interface, why wouldn't a whole bunch of people use it? People torrent because it's p2p. People will buy crypto if it's p2p.

>> No.20141805

This right here

>> No.20141883

Masternodes are easy to setup even for normies, once the price goes up staking will also be a good alternative.

>> No.20141918

Mad that I called you out ? truth cuts deep huh kiddo

>> No.20141954

i would buy this if i didnt think the doj would arrest me and steal my masternode

>> No.20141977

>regulations are coming out soon which will make DEX's obsolete
these would make crypto in general obsolete

>> No.20142054

why wont xsn have the liquidity of all central exchanges? isnt that the whole point? and dont the central exchanges offer apis that allow you to swap on there through a dex?

>> No.20142800

it will. it does. there are videos out there showing it. every poorfag in here can go to their Discord and will be added to the dex testing. You can see for yourself. This fudder clearly is a lying shithead who sold at 700 sats

>> No.20142888




>> No.20142929

what is this testing? shouldnt I expect to see aggregated buy and sell orders here at the bottom?

>> No.20142952




>> No.20142970
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>> No.20142973

does it just choose from the lowest available price? is it capable of ordering from like 10 different exchanges if those subsequently become the lowest market price for a giant order? does it take exchange fees into account?

>> No.20142988
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never had that problem, I always market buy.

>> No.20143014

You were warned. You listened to the wrong people. Let that be a lesson. Learn better judgement.

>> No.20143107


>There is no increase in cost for the user as the only fee applicable to them, is the Stakenet DEX trading fee of 0.25% and any costs for trading on a CEX is carried by the liquidity partner.

isnt the liquidity partner me if i run a node? am I gonna get gouged by shitty exchanges?

>> No.20143158

i guess it just has to be smart enough to only display the AFTERFEE actual coin cost available on the exchange

i can totally imagine this functionality being completely abused by illiquid scamcoins though.

I.e. front runners able to intercept the market order for shitcoins and instantaneously remove the bait listing price and replace it with one significantly higher

>> No.20143176

The bot is open source. The incentive is arbitrage trading gains. The nodes don’t operate this, it’s an arb bot.

>> No.20143199

>isnt the liquidity partner me if i run a node? am I gonna get gouged by shitty exchanges?
I think being a liquidity partner means you have to have an account with the CEX and have the API linked to some DEX API.
Being a liquidity partner and masternode are separate things unless you need to configure your node or something but I haven't seen/heard any sort of feature like that yet.

>> No.20143236

no, the liquidity partner isn't you. But you may be the liquidity partner if you like to. There will be a feature for anyone to use Vortex and arb trade on any exchange directly from Stakenets wallet

>> No.20143247

who is the liquidity partner eating the costs for trading?

>> No.20143256

When there is so many shillers it either means that everyone who wanted to buy had already bought or they all are holding bags.

Why would someone with masternodes actually shill to other people to buy the coin? The truth is, he wouldn't and would want to accumulate more. So all we see here are people wanting to dump on someone else.

>> No.20143280
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checking the 1-hour and 4-hour chart we just slightly went through the highest point below the run a couple of days ago. see you at the next stop at 2649 sats

>> No.20143316

no. Masternode holders don't need anyone to buy even a single XSN. They will earn fees by ANY usage of the DEX. If a year from now someone trades ETH for LINK on the DEX, masternode holders will earn those fees. XSN is not needed at any point to use the whole ecosystem

>> No.20143325
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CZ's shills are getting desperate

>> No.20143334


>> No.20143355


>> No.20143416

I can understand why you think that anon, desu there are some pajeet tier shills that only talk about the price. But most shills here are about the products, which we need people to use to make gains. I personally never telling people to buy xsn cause I don't need them to. Holding xsn is a bonus.

>> No.20143442

how many arbitrage opportunities do you guys expect will remain if this bot works? wont it all be captured by institutional people with absurdly fast internet?

I loved it as a technology that would let anyone place a market order and get the lowest possible priced shit coins. very skeptical of it as an arb bot.

>> No.20143468

the bot just ensures liquidity, nothing more

>> No.20143601

These guys think arbitrage is some new revolutionary idea. They have to fool all the biztards into buying their bags.

>> No.20143679

ok but why should that give you income outpacing fees and expenses

>> No.20143764

Show me another DEX that can be used with Arb bots faggot, I'm waiting.

>> No.20143792


why does this show people putting in orders if its just some arb bot? if I submit a limit order does it post it to every cex? that would be fucking amazing. some arb bot meh

>> No.20143797

it's not. but the way Stakenet is using it, they solve the dex liquidity problem. They will simply have the only TRUE DEX that has Binance liquidity. People will of course use this and MN holder will profit without anyone ever buying a single XSN. But hey, that does the DEX itself, because it'll buy up XSN for all fees payed in other currencies than XSN. Masternode money machine go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.20143809
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And fyi no one wants you to buy xsn retard.

>> No.20143909
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Because LIGHTNING CAN'T SCALE. It's that simple. Stakeshit built their platform on BTC LN tech. Bitcoin tech is outdated, it has been outdated. The LN devs said themselves that the network has trouble scaling past 10,000 nodes.

XSN is doomed. It's a doomed project. The best thing they can do is to pump this project as fast as they can (which is what they are doing) before the space goes mainstream. Crypto is mainstreaming as we speak and soon we will get a gold standard and a new economy. They are fucked.

Why do you think they are shilling so hard? I mean fuck, this feels just like posw all over again. The same people who shilled posw on here are doing it again with xsn.

Even if XSN is somehow successful, it is gonna get buttfucked through government regulations. You'd have to be an idiot to invest in any exchange in 2020, let alone stakeshit.

>> No.20143949

Who has set up a masternode? Can I keep my XSN on a Trezor? It seems possible for a Ledger but for a a Trezor all I find is "We will be working towards enabling cold staking for both Trezor and Ledger as we move forward. An update will be provided on cold staking as progress is made." from https://medium.com/stakenet/trezor-merge-support-for-xsn-5e3b7c919afa

>> No.20143970

Oh look Skadoosh the samefag is back with the same fud again! Hey buddy how’s ravencoin:^)

>> No.20144094

The only samefag here is you and your discord buddies bumping your spam xsn threads

>> No.20144101

>Retard here doesn’t know what LN is.

LN is not a BTC technology retard it’s a second layer scaling technology, it’s not BTC or any coin specific. The LND devs primarily are focused on making it work with BTC because it is the top crypto and always will be. The problem is BTC is missing a lot of core components that LN needs to work properly. XSN does not have any of those issue which is why it is the perfect platform to build with LN.

If you are going to try and talk shit about LN then you should first learn the basics of it and actually understand them so that you don’t look like a complete retard to anyone who does actually understand this shit.

>> No.20144373

why does the demo seem to show someone placing orders if its a bot? is that the bot doing it?

why would they share this arb bot with anyone else as a token if they could instead just print money?

>> No.20144454

>token if they could instead just print money?
Possibly because the more people that would use the DEX and fees from that would give limitless liquidity to arb.
Why only arb with $50'000 when you could arb with every potential order on the market as well as future.

>> No.20144461

>it’s a second layer scaling technology,
>Not BTC specific
Technically it is agnostic, but the Lightning developers are working directly with Blockstream. Fuck off, you dont know jack shit.

>The problem is BTC is missing a lot of core components that LN needs to work properly

No, that's not true. You are LYING. Channels are constantly opening and closing in LN. Network history isnt stored, and it must be mapped through every single transaction. There are scaling and implementation scaling issues. It's likely to get "painful between 10,000 and 1,000,000 channels" are per RustyReddit's post.

Since the average user's channel count is 10, we're looking at a maximum amount of users between 1,000 to 100,000 users.

The problem is inherent to crypto itself. Is XSN blockchain? Yes. Therefore it's going to have the same problems that Bitcoin is going to have.

>then you should first learn the basics of it
Get fucking schooled you fucking LIAR. Eat shit and die.

>> No.20144675
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>10 posts by this id
Yup I sure am. Man it’s so boring when all you retards do it accuse others of your own doing to put them on defense

>> No.20144691

>What do you call IP rotating

>> No.20144715

You don't know how Stakenets Lightning is working. All you need is ONE SEND and ONE RECEIVE channel for each currency. that's it. Also those channels stay open for periods of hours to months.

So even if your example was true, we're talking 5 times the numbers you named. But then again it's not true

>> No.20144912


>> No.20145100

what is the difference between staking 5000 xsn and having a masternode?

>> No.20145180

Staking = 45% of staking rewards
MN = other 45% of staking rewards + 10% (?) DEX transaction fees

>> No.20145196


>> No.20145223

10% of fees will be burned, but all fees will be settled in XSN

>> No.20145294

So basically I can just buy as much as possible and then stake and it will be the same as masternode fags - 10% ?

>> No.20145493

>Proves he is actually retarded by using a quote taken out of context from 2017 and used by Bcash retards to try and prove LN and BTC are a failure.

Thanks for proving my point that you are retarded, is that you Roger Ver?

>> No.20145521

That fully depends on how many transactions are being made. If no one's using the DEX, yes. If everyone is using the dex and millions of $ are flowing through it will be much more profitable to own a MN. Also apparently I fudded. I don't know how much of the fees goes to the MNs. 10%? 90% 100%? You should be able to find that out on the website or here if someone can post a sauce.

>> No.20145676

Imagine two pools
1 pool is open to the public
The other is open only to community members
Which pool has more people in it? The public open pool. Which pool has less? The community pool.

Which pool would you rather be in?

Less people = more chance to hit a reward block.

>> No.20145734

well I got in when you cunts had already trippled it so I hope I get something out of this or Im gonna torment your mother in her death for 100 years

>> No.20146615

if they have truly discovered a gamechanging arbitrage solution they could get any rich person to pay for it
including a bunch of autistic bagholders from years ago doesnt make much sense to me
am i wrong?

>> No.20146970

I don't think it's that simple to get VC. I would imagine there are many jaded investors.

>> No.20147088

How about the mobile version? I just can't imagine huge adoption if this is limited to your laptop/desktop. Imagine if Robinhood was only an app on PC

>> No.20147499

95% done
Once the Dex is out they can push devs to finish it then move on to Raiden