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20120703 No.20120703 [Reply] [Original]

First time i heard about crypto i said it was a scam and now its dead because its useless.

>> No.20120750
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yeah whatever
hurry up with my order will ya?

>> No.20120782
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A crypto denier huh? Yeah I’ll have fries with that

>> No.20120813

>he didn't retire off crypto

>> No.20120817

I hate fries
I always take them because people who drag me into fast food always shill the fries
the fries are never good but I don't wanna tell people I like to fuck off with their fries suggestion
so I always take the fucking fries with my burger
eat like 2-3 fries out of courtesy
and throw everything else away

this is why I have social anxiety
thank you for reading my blog

>> No.20120835

jesus christ dont take the fucking fries anon

>> No.20120854

but the fries cost nothing
and people ALWAYS shill the fries
no matter where it is, they shill the fries

Ok I had sweet potato fries once, those were pretty good, but they're not exactly served everywhere

>> No.20121133

damnit, thumb looked like a ballsack

>> No.20121135

home made sweet potatoes fries are god tier

>> No.20121210

whats wrong with potatoes salt and oil? fucking faggot

>> No.20121238

First of all, fast food fries are never good, they're always stale and shit and are inedible without condiments.
Secondly, potatoes are a not a native european vegetable, white people have no business eating cheap nigger starch. But I guess you're a mutt, so you're fine.

>> No.20121265

>muh carbs are bad

>> No.20121282

You don't need so many, fatty

>> No.20121325

Don't fall for the meal Jew.
You save some shekels goy. But what do you get? The burger you wanted. Shithouse fries and sodajew.

Double cheese
Fillet based tendies
Only thing that should be ordered

>> No.20121350

reeeeeeeee show the benis

>> No.20121382
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>carbs good fats bad

>> No.20121414

>the only thing that changed from 1926 to 1990 is butter consumption

lmao fucking retard

>> No.20121427

good goy

>> No.20121434

>this is why I have social anxiety
I used to have pretty bad anxiety but nothing to this extent. I would seriously consider hypnosis or meditation - anything anon. You can't go through life like this. Next time try these:

>would you like fries with that
>they're really good r u sure you don't want them
>maybe next time


>they're really good r u sure you don't want them
>I had a lot for breakfast


>yes I'm sure. I'd like to pay with card

>> No.20121473

Fast food fries are usually soggy as a result of being too oily. Fries should be crunchy.

>> No.20121482

Honestly this is probably caused by a rampant increase in obesity

>> No.20121502

that's a man

>> No.20121613
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no not really
yes it's pretty logical, carbs fuel blood sugar
body makes insulin
stores glycogen as fat
you get fat
eventually body gets knackered and you get the diabeetus
people go low/zero carb diet suddenly diabeetus symptoms, chronic illnesses and belly rolls start to disappear
it's almost like magic

>> No.20122011

I did a x5 on NIM this month, how much did you make in the same period faggot?

>> No.20122132

I receive gibs so last month i "made" 2700$ doing absolutely nothing

>> No.20122159

crypto is useless as fuck but I still made bank off it. Shame I wasted most of my cash traveling and enjoying myself instead of renting a cheap studio apartment and living off my savings for the rest of my life. I tried my hand at stocks with mixed success. After coronavirus I decided I was done with trading anything.