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20118598 No.20118598 [Reply] [Original]

Of the DeFi ecosystem today, we envision AMM and lending protocols to merge overtime. Winners could be ephemeral so we would prefer to AVOID tokens with overhang such as COMP, BAL, and CRV. …and LEAN INTO tokens with pending or hypothesized catalysts such as LEND, BNT, and REN. To phase-change from governance to value-capture is what drives out-sized return (like KNC). ZRX and RUNE require further herculean efforts.

So top picks are LEND, BNT and REN
Avoids are COMP, BAL, and CRV.


>> No.20118604

>token not needed
The BNT token is crucial to all the Bancor AMM's (automated market makers) as it by design makes up 50% of each liquidity pool on the network. Why is that important? Market participants will be incentivised to stake their long hold token of choice in Bancor V2 liquidity pools due to getting no impermanent losses from staking and having the advantage of single token exposure, while earning trading fees as liquidity providers at the expense of traders executing trades. So if the value of the other tokens in the liquidity pools increases, the BNT proportional value has to increase as well to balance the pool. How will this happen? From BNT stakers getting more favourable dynamic fees if the pool is unbalanced. This creates more market incentive for people to buy additional BNT to 'arbitrage' the fee imbalance from the pools - price of BNT goes up. Another important factor: the BNT supply will be inflated as BNT staking rewards will be given from minting new supply, which amplifies the potential earnings from staking BNT in addition to making profit from trading fees. If you're not staking your BNT, you will be diluted out of your market share %, so there's a game theoretical design for every holder to stake their BNT, which creates the following loop: the more BNT staked > the better the liquidity for traders > less slippage for traders > more volume > more fee earnings for liquidity providers > more demand for BNT > price of BNT goes up > deeper liquidity pools > less slippage > more volume > more fees > more demand for BNT > BNT price goes up and the loop goes on and on until all digital assets are being traded on Bancor or outsourced from Bancor liquidity pools. That's what's called the 'liquidity black hole'. If that loop gets succesfully implemented, there's no ceiling to how much BNT could pump.

>> No.20118605

This is now a KMW thread.

>Under-the-radar MimbleWimble project
>Year of active development
>First-ever Confidential Assets (CA) where your entire tx is hidden including asset type
>Kepler's CA is a ground-breaking first in any chain or project
>Just listed on ProBit
>Mainnet soon
>682,388,000 circulating @ $0.0007 = 400k marketcap (the lowest priced competitive MW coin behind Beam and Grin)
>GRIN marketcap 20 million
>BEAM marketcap 25 million
>You make it with 1,000,000 KMW

Target price: $0.10

Get in before normies!




>> No.20118610

>links to some faggot on Twitter
>OP is probably that faggot
Cringe self shill, loser

>> No.20118611

>To phase-change from governance to value-capture is what drives out-sized return
If I woke up tomorrow and every single faggot that wrote like this was dead, I would buy champagne and celebrate.

>> No.20118612

How can you make a defi picks thread and then leave out bzrx

>> No.20118620

RUNE gang

>> No.20118670

ridiculous faggot-tier write up aside, it's striking at least that BNT has the lowest diluted supply there while being poised to take a position at or near the top.
If you're not at least partially in BNT you don't understand DeFi at all.

>> No.20118683

Defi thread
> doesn’t mention Xdai
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.20118708
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>gives free alpha spoonfeed

All you really need is BNT to make it. The new AMM design is unlike anything else on the marlet and will melt faces. See this Chainlink article by Sergey on Bancor V2. https://blog.chain.link/challenges-in-defi-how-to-bring-more-capital-and-less-risk-to-automated-market-maker-dexs/ . Also see genius-tier math behind their V2 model: https://blog.bancor.network/calculating-dynamic-reserve-weights-in-bancorv2-538b901bcac4.. Atleast 4x from here. You're welcome: https://twitter.com/Rewkang/status/1278592792986480641?s=20

>> No.20118774

I don't own any bnt. But am excited for v2, this will absolutely change the game

>> No.20118783

>Atleast 4x from here.
That's only a 400m cap. If it becomes the institutional liquidity protocol then that's nothing.

>> No.20118820

everything MapleLeafCap said is right. it's nice when someone else says what i think. im only in bnt.

>> No.20118827

my plan has always been to take out initial at $6 and leave rest to ride to 3-10bn marketcap

>> No.20119207

Am I a retard when I now fomo into bnt?

>> No.20119223

You managed to get in on a pullback, count yourself lucky.

>> No.20119236

What's the outlook on BNT? I bought at around 80c, sold at 1.25 in June. I just bought back in at 1.36 now thinking that I needed some exposure to defi and BNT sounded pretty promising. Low MC too. My portfolio is only 7k, so I picked up 650 BNT. Maybe pick up more if it dips more, but I'm not too comfortable liquidating my other positions at the moment.

>> No.20119261

The outlook on BNT is that their version 2 is launching this month, and if it works (and it looks like it's going to) it's going to pull in an absolute fuckton of liquidity so that DEXes will benefit from low slippage, and people who want to provide liquidity will benefit from single asset exposure and no impermanent loss.
In other words, in the next couple of months we might see truckloads of institutional money getting on board. And because the BNT token has to represent the value of all the liquidity for every trading pair on the platform combined, it's going to launch from a 100m cap to who-the-fuck-knows, while accruing 50% of platform fees in the process.
But don't take my word for it, take Chainlink's:

>> No.20119287

>While AMMs have already experienced impressive growth, the innovations around greater capital efficiency, multi-asset pools, and mitigating impermanent loss provide the necessary infrastructure to attract much larger liquidity providers from traditional markets. With capital being more customizable and better utilized with less downside risk, DeFi is primed for a major capital infusion. We’re excited to work with Bancor on solving some of the most important issues in AMMs and look forward to continued innovation into the future.

source: blog.chain.link/challenges-in-defi-how-to-bring-more-capital-and-less-risk-to-automated-market-maker-dexs/

>> No.20119288

Yeah agreed
About to double down on LEND

>> No.20119296

Thanks, anon. Godspeed.

>> No.20119358

This pasta convinced me to buy 10k

>> No.20119415
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>> No.20119433

What's a good buy in for BNT? Or should I just market buy ASAP?

>> No.20119455

if BTC doesn't dump there's no reason for BNT to have a pullback. There could be some sell-off when V2 release gets launcehd from people who 'muh buy the rumours, sell the event', but I doubt it would dump lower than it currently is. I predict BNT wont be below $2 by the time V2 goes live.

>> No.20119485

Chad it and just get a bag. BNT tends to hard moon suddenly.

>> No.20119535
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Interesting thing is that BNT often moves against market trends and pumps up hard when BTC dumps. It's done this a few times now. Binance noticed. $2 by end of July is an easy call. $10 this year also seems inevitable at this rate.

>> No.20119544

bZx looks absolutely killer. Will have a tiny cap on Uniswap listing, easy 2-5x


It's not trading yet, don't get scammed.

>> No.20119580

Went ahead and market bought some more at 1.39.

>> No.20119596

See you at $10 soon anon.

>> No.20119599

>So top picks are DMG, BNT and DXD

>> No.20119854

Interesting take that "Bancor
team is outside of the typical DeFi mafia (SNX-BAL-CRV-REN)"

I tend to agree - which BNT is such a steal right now.

So many people still don't know !!!

If you look at Bancor purely an earnings basis - it is already in the top 5 fee-generating DeFi protocols.

And V2 or BNT liquidity mining hasn't even launched yet!

Got in at 1.35

5x is easy in next 2 months

>> No.20119861
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Stop buying reeeeeeee

>> No.20119867

got 5K BNT
gonna sell 1K at $6
another 2K at $10

>> No.20119888


>> No.20120293

BNT General


>> No.20120318

i guess i'm going to lose a lot of potential profits, but the downside of DeFi is still too high
too risky, too many hacks
i'll let degenerate gamblers to catch some bitconnect defi, wait for 3/4 years, and then invest wisely

>> No.20120539

>no Jarv
>no Auctus

Fuck off nufag

>> No.20120674
File: 1.04 MB, 1125x2436, 121B76D7-4EE0-4A2D-B983-2CCCEA7BFCCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this true?

>> No.20120798
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Yes. I sold 90% of my bnt bags at a profit.

>> No.20120827

I guess it means BNT has to be worth a fuckton in order to be able to balance the pairs. Thanks I sold.

>> No.20120898

underrated post, you really maximized your thought outflow while shaping it dynamically

>> No.20120927

Weak FUD. All other AMMs are copying Bancor now and trying to issue "governance" tokens to match BNT pumpamentals. Bancor is already way ahead of everyone with BNT. Watch Uniswap try to release a token next. https://twitter.com/short_cirkitz/status/1273156964328095746