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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20111266 No.20111266 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20111379

lol wtf

>> No.20111409
File: 539 KB, 828x1704, 3A0EEB69-5A6E-4108-956D-517E11F1283E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in the DEX test today and did well over 200 swaps with no issues, I had my doubt but this shit is the real deal. A few hours into testing they dropped the bomb on us that the entire time we had been trading against their aggregator tech which blew my fucking mind. I opened up Binance and Livecoin to check to see if my trades were going through and sure enough they were there. This shit is magic I just wish I had bought more now when I initially heard about it

>> No.20111477
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>if I pretend it doesn't exist, then it doesn't exist

>> No.20111635
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>> No.20111923

When will baby Statera join the big kids at the playground?

>> No.20112015
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>> No.20112049

Shit is pumping

>> No.20112408

Literally a dead project that's only pumping because Binance tweeted about it. This was around here years ago too, there's a reason it's not talked about. The devs can't figure out how to code it. I'm sure if all the promising things it wants to do are true, BinanceDEX is already working on a solution. CZ isn't scared at all.

>> No.20112428

>t. binance employee

Explain why other teams are literally copying the Stakenet vortex right now?

>> No.20112441

t. priced out seether

>> No.20112479

It's almost depressing to know the absolute potential of this project. Because i want it to pump already.
>Vitalik describes Stakenet without knowing about Stakenet
> Binance employee hunts after inner workings of tech
> Vortex shamelessly copied week alter after Stakenet publicizes it

>> No.20112516

That's fine, the idea is there. I didn't say it wasn't. They'll get there first because Stakenet devs, or whatever they're calling themselves these days, don't know what they're doing lol.

I have 15k link, I could buy a few M a S t e R n O d E s right now if I wanted to. I won't though, cause link is about to break out.

>> No.20112524

I literally completed over 200 trades on the DEX today, your talking absolute bullshit and your fud is weak as fuck

>> No.20112542

>t. paid shill

Screencap me when it's back down to a cent

>> No.20112643
File: 111 KB, 1244x744, D7679A90-59CB-42B1-908D-7B0D4D731609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold at 700 sats and is absolutely seething

>blinded by rage and can’t accept the truth

>> No.20112669


Go try it instead of spreading shit. Everyone can try it out it's in open beta.

This useless team as you call it just created the first true DEX which is CEX competitive. It's basically what everyone was waiting for since blockchain inception.

This coin will literally reach too 10 in a year time. Gosh you will feel dumb as fuck in no time.

>> No.20112720

Looks pretty neat. I wonder when everyone will be able to use it eh. Maybe, 3 years after Raiden... Wonder if the support will stay once the devs delay it again.

>This coin will literally reach too 10 in a year time

No, it won't.

>> No.20112860

Anyone can use it now just go and ask.

It all makes sense, you sold the bottom and are salty as fuck so your rage is blindI got you from the truth which is making you into a complete retard

>> No.20112872

Everyone can already use it. It's in open beta open to everyone to try it out you moron.

Instead of spreading low IQ fud, do yourself a favor, join discord and try it out

>> No.20112894
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Of course I use all other centralized exchanges as mere liquidity pools for my superior DEX, how could you tell?

>> No.20112983

Based XSN Chad

>> No.20113052

When raiden?
Pls answer

>> No.20113266

I would say 2 months maybe but it's hard to give any ETA. Raiden is a big milestone and it will take the time needed for it to be ready. What I can tell you for sure it's that it's the milestone they are working on atm.

But Raiden is only a bonus to a DEX already functional and usable. And when you see everything the team did it's not a if they will deliver but just a when.
Last milestone, the vortex agregator launched few days ago is a beast.

>> No.20113785


>> No.20114016

How does it use orders on cex's? It would need an admin account and kyc?j

>> No.20114033

Stakenet have a all article explaining it.


>> No.20114058

And here a video showing the agregator in action


>> No.20114108

lmao the Binance employee who asked on R*ddit about how the dex works also asked in the Twitter comments.

>> No.20114803

Binance with hard COPES. Stakenet going to take their customers

>> No.20114826
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Absolutely beautiful system

>> No.20115038
File: 74 KB, 674x674, B85BE351-3A57-4E36-A09C-8579A2A2DDB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re about to take EVERYONES CUSTOMERS

>> No.20115138

lol no, not without the stop-limit features.

>> No.20115284


Margin trading, stop limits and any advanced CEX features will be implemented

>> No.20115383

>Margin trading, stop limits and any advanced CEX features will be implemented
Says who? I've seen that question posted many times before in discord but the devs never bothered to answer that.

>> No.20115507

They have always planned on having pro trading features on the dex. That's why they have Frank Amato to help with that

>> No.20115518
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Forgot the link. https://medium.com/stakenet/q-a-with-frank-amato-97befaf8e725

>> No.20115547
File: 364 KB, 554x565, trumpmoneycamlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This literally WON'T happen with Pivvr.

Our system is going to revolutionize the crypto game

Come find out; white paper launches IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS!!!!


>> No.20115734

It already ben discussed in discord with the devs. They said it themself. It's also pretty much why frank amato his on board, to give advice concerning advanted trading features.

Feel free to join discord and ask the devs yourself

>> No.20115750

That's why it's revolutionary.

It's a DEX with all CEX advantages but with no disadvantages. You keep your keys and your anonymity at all time

>> No.20116067

does this mean I should move my funds out of exchanges?

>> No.20116089

The idea of this is an absolute BEAST tho, excited to see how it plays out

>> No.20116238

Who copied vortex?

>> No.20116267
File: 649 KB, 3540x3525, Eb-drl5U0AMAOOE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're big and well-known in the industry so we can shamelessly rip-off your branding and ideas a week after you invent them and then take all the credit
>t. ethereum

>> No.20116625

wow they even stole the name

>> No.20116685

So this will be the downfall of stakenet? It's sad to see those with much more money win. CZ is laughing at all of us right now.

>> No.20116720

You should never keep your funds on an exchange the funds will get “hacked” eventually. Don’t make the same mistake I did. Get on then off. That’s why this Dex is a godsend.

>> No.20116730

WTF that’s SHAMELESS! Speak volumes about the project and devs behind it.

>> No.20116768
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The absolute state of new XSN fud
>t-the 2nd biggest crypto with a $25b mcap tried to hijack your branding, heh.. SCAM
In a way, it's a nice compliment.
In many others, it's as bullish as it gets.

>> No.20116906
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Vitalik joins CZ in the suicide watch.

>> No.20117016
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>doesnt show up on crunchbase
>doesnt run on ethereum
>has its own chain
>website runs baidu scripts
absolutely everything about this project screams Chinese scam

>> No.20117095
File: 94 KB, 897x504, Fudders BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak fud, now move along kid.

>> No.20117101
File: 198 KB, 964x1256, 19877777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>native interoperability with Raiden via Lightning
>processes volume from competing LN BTC and wbtc without bias, literally at the helm and crossroads of both
>receive XSN MN rewards in BTC, ETH, LINK, USDC, etc etc via cross chain proof of stake
be careful you're not driving on a counterfeit Based License anon

>> No.20117217

It's a liquidity protocol. It doesnt need its own chain. Only reason it would have its own chain is if they want to be able to control your funds. The fact that it is running code from a CCP controlled company doesnt help your investment thesis

>> No.20117362
File: 183 KB, 780x368, btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it has it's own layer 1 to more precisely interface with an L2 interchain economy framework that benefits literally every major crypto. S-SCAM
>i-it's not a TOKEN. if it was it'd be a SCAM of course, but it's not. 2x SCAM
Maybe the devs took a look at Ethereum struggling to run Cryptokitties and thought, "hey, maybe there's another way to scale a network and still have it be fully-compatible with ETH (+2.0) so we don't hit a bottleneck and become stunted by the network"?
I don't know why someone would dedicate all their seething time and effort towards making up lies about something they're not even invested in, unless you're a renegade whale or another whale who sold the bottom.
There's still time to accumulate. 99% of the crypto industry doesn't know about this yet.