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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 60 KB, 640x640, photo_2018-07-28_06-55-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20113531 No.20113531 [Reply] [Original]

can't find info about this token
but the liquidity and volume are not lying about it

check it out anons


>> No.20114088

stop with these scams...

>> No.20114148

not trying to shill, just hoped you anons would know something

>> No.20114171


>> No.20114174

A token held by 80 people does not generate $150k in volume organically. Beware of these new sophisticated schemes.

>> No.20114347

retard check the transaction history. Starting liquidity comes from wallet that holds 600 ETH. This coin comes from legit money

>> No.20114490

>600 ETH
>legit money

No wonder you keep falling for scams.

>> No.20114510

ok enjoy your low liquidity nigger coins nigger

>> No.20114568

Thanks, all the best to you with your scams.

>> No.20114585

nigger schizo

>> No.20114596

thats really not that much im a small timer and have around 300 eth to play around with

>> No.20115009


>> No.20115268

how is this a scam?

>> No.20115282

lmao OP getting mad at people who FUD. definitely staying away

>> No.20115485

This is now a KMW thread.

>Under-the-radar MimbleWimble project
>Year of active development
>First-ever Confidential Assets (CA) where your entire tx is hidden including asset type
>Kepler's CA is a ground-breaking first in any chain or project
>Just listed on ProBit
>Mainnet soon
>682,388,000 circulating @ $0.0007 = 400k marketcap (the lowest priced competitive MW coin behind Beam and Grin)
>GRIN marketcap 20 million
>BEAM marketcap 25 million
>You make it with 1,000,000 KMW

Target price: $0.10

Get in before normies!




>> No.20115492

qrd on why that chink is so angry?

>> No.20115585
File: 175 KB, 267x360, jesusscamouttaherepivvrlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO! This is now a PIVVR thread!

The new folks are probably curious? What is Pivvr?

>Well if you've been paying attention you've noticed that any shittoken can do a 200x on uniswap these days. Of all these shittokens, the ones least scammy (and thats not saying much) are the PoL tokens. What is a proof of liquidity token? Its a token that proves its liquidity.

Now its easy to launch a token with a huge marketcap because mcap is simply last price of token X total supply. I could create a token right now and make it have a billion dollar marketcap with one trade. But its deceiving. Because you cannot extract 1 billion dollars from the token.

>Why cant you? It would make sense that a token with a billon dollar marketcap would be worth a billion dollars. Wrong. You need liquidity. Liquidity is the total amount of bitcoin buy orders for that token.Thus Proof Of Liquidity was born.

In the proof of liquidity model the total supply of tokens is sent to uniswap along with a seed amount of ether. This seed amount of ether ensures that there is liquidity. But we weren't satisfied with that. We needed more liquidity.

>So we decided to pair a deflationary proof of liquidity token (thats right its liquid and it shrinks - take that to the bank jack) with a stable coin.

What does the stable coin do? It adds double the liquidity.

>How? Because not only can you sell your Pivvr tokens for eth on uniswap, you can sell your pivvr tokens for the pivvr stable tokens which are ALWAYS worth 0.001 eth or 1 pivvr token.

Now smart people will think about this and think, hey wait, theres a problem, if the tokens are back 1:1 with reserves, eventually you will run out of stable coins as the pivvr price goes up.

>And you would be correct.

As the price of pivvr tokens continues to rise the stable coins will be HOT commodity because they are all you to make gains (the increasing price of the pivvr token) without exposing yourself to risk (its always 0.001) ether.

>> No.20116227

All $85k liquidity pulled. Another rug pull LOL

>> No.20116345

we just hit the ground floor! buy now!

>> No.20116446

Why is Kai so pyst there in the bg, is it the lack of bokehhh?

>> No.20116457
File: 109 KB, 848x900, 1361307366152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>headphones guy is STONK
>chink is STA

>> No.20116921

Exit scammed?


I was in the discord earlier asking some general questions about Orchard and this guy with the name ‘Are you retarded’ told me to fuck off etc etc...got me banned.

Whos fucking retarded now?
