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20111773 No.20111773 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't do drugs you will NEVER make it
>Im tripping

>> No.20111794

I’ve only smoked weed and I never intend to again. Drugs are for losers

>> No.20111804

Dry herb vaping is the cannabis consumption method of the redpilled aristocratic class

>> No.20111812

You can just buy shrooms like this? Sheeeeeet

>> No.20111830

Shrooms changed my life. Low doses are underrated. You don't need to trip balls.

>> No.20111847

And yes in yurop you can
Based as fuck

>> No.20111872

Stop trying to kill my nigga's trip

>> No.20111895

What country?

>> No.20111928

there's a fine line between tripping and having a good time and becoming a complete burnt out schitzo weirdo insane person unable to distinguish what is reality.
yeah, drugs are real cool, OP.

>> No.20111959

These come from a dutch site
Imblying im not already cray

>> No.20111966

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.20112023

15 grams? How much is that.

>> No.20112028
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Im pulling a second thee of gfs dose

>> No.20112040

bout 14 yuros per 15g

>> No.20112046

currently on 10mg on 2c-e for the first time. 2 hours in and feeling nothing, i weigh 190 though

>> No.20112063

currently on 10mg 2c-e*

>> No.20112084

Fake, how can even look at the screen ffs

>> No.20112093

That’s so cheap. What’s the technique for making tea? I usually just eat it and gag depending on how high I already am.

>> No.20112118

>muh amdam truffels

grow 'em yourself you fucking pussy

>> No.20112147

I did a lot of drugs when I was younger, and it was pretty awesome. I have a lot of good memories. Now I just want to smoke weed and chill out before bed rather than spend 8 hours tripping on mushrooms, or a whole day on acid with a 3 day hangover after. I dont have time for that shit. It was cool when I was 20 with no responsibilities, and I'm glad I did it (along with a myriad of other substances), but I don't really see a point now.

>> No.20112150

Boil water, let it cool a bit. Put grinded in water let sit for 20 min then filter
Or just use the device

>> No.20112169

I quit rcs after i went crazy, like suïcide behavior cray

>> No.20112173

2c-b was my first trip and such a wonderful expierience don't know about 2c-e but i'm sure you'll have a good time, the trip will likely creep up on you don't go taking more than you planned... Also fuck drugs except psychs, I did coke ect in my youth and released it was a con it was psychs I was looking for

>> No.20112189

ur just a bitch

>> No.20112207

good, once you get the mesage, hang up the phone. And just because somthing is good dosn't give you a pass to abuse it, these things should be taken once or twice a year max imo unless micro dosing

>> No.20112290
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I wouldn't go on 4chan while tripping. Then again, this might be a very German thing to do.

>> No.20112317

Based anon. Weed Will always be king

>> No.20112343

Any noticeable difference between eating and drinking? Or is it just preference?

>> No.20112344
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>> No.20112352
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whenever I get drunk or high I go on /mu/ because it's my old home board but nowadays I can only stand browsing it while intoxicated

>> No.20112371

Drinking hits faster

>> No.20112387

Also with some honey barely any taste

>> No.20112394

i once super bad "od'd" on 2c-b. friend thought he had a 50mg bag but it was 500mg. split it 5 ways and all of us completely lost our minds. two went to the hospital. they told them "your friends gave you bathsalts" lmfao

was crazy though. i couldnt see it was just a swirling white snow of fractals. got stuck in a loop. good stuff. yeah i dont do much anymore and havent drank in a couple years now.

but i love pot.
shill me on this shit, aristocrat man

>> No.20112446

bumping this.
I want to expand my consciousness and get to the bottom of this shit. Show me your ways wise anons

>> No.20112496

don't talk to me unless you've dabbed.

>> No.20112520

You're a faggot, real men eat them raw.

>> No.20112543

I did this my first time they taste like fucking shitty woodchips

>> No.20112544

Shrooms turned me from a socially awkward recluse to someone who can maintain eye contact and talk small talk for hours

>> No.20112547

i hawe a Mighty Vaporizer von Storz & Bickel , the best one in my opinion.

>> No.20112566

redpill me on 4-aco-dmt

also how is etizolam vs xanax?

>> No.20112565

I am the exact fucking way, dude. I did more psychedelics than 95% of the population can shake a stick at. At the peak of it I went through 10 grams of DMT in about 6 months. With tons of Ketamine, LSD, 2CB, and Mushrooms sprinkled throughout. Now I just don't care to do any of it again. I feel like I got the most out of it. Some fucking old hippie one time gave me a quote he said was some other dude but it went something like "when you get the message hang up the phone." Really quite fitting to how I feel about drugs these days. I spent the last year and a half stone cold sober. Only recently started smoking weed again. And even then it's literally about an hour before bed.

>> No.20112603

>when you get the message hang up the phone

Alan watts said that. He has alot of lectures on youtube worth a listen

>> No.20112740

Thanks anon

>> No.20112752

anyone ever do toad venom otherwise known as 5-MeO-DMT?

>> No.20112764
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Sure after i grow them. Its been 10 years since i grew them, i am.very excited

>> No.20112773

Low life drug addict. Loses respect from family from friends and everyone around him.
Burns all bridges.
Ends up living under a bridge

>> No.20112810

That nice to hear your sobriety is doing well, been working my way towards it.

>> No.20112853

Stupid shit. Using drugs wisely is based af. I got a college degree

>> No.20112900

I was a severe alcoholic for a few years until 2019. At my peak I was drinking 1.75L of rot gut vodka every 1.5-2 days. Ended up hospitalized from severe withdrawal and almost died from it wrecking my cardiovascular system due to dangerously low potassium. Really crazy shit. Through all the insane trips I had gone through, the hallucinations from alcohol were the most crazy and scary. Full blown inability to discern between reality and the hallucinations, yet in the back of my mind knowing I was hallucinating. Really hard to describe. Took that as a wake up call to straighten my ass up. The year and a half I was totally sober was eye opening. It was like I had been living daily with a severe handicap that was self inflicted. The smoking weed thing again now is nice. I have never had an abuse problem with it. It really is the best drug to use in my opinion. I smoke maybe once a week before bed, usually on Fridays. It's just a nice little relaxation cap for hectic work weeks, but I feel no desire to use it daily and doubt I ever will.

>> No.20112938


>> No.20113056

It’ll hit you before you realize it. Used to do those and 25I. Got tired of them and went pure peyote and acid. I loved it, but then I tried mushrooms and it just wasn’t for me and I stopped.

>> No.20113090

I get crippling anxiety from weed but I’m glad you’ve found a balance. I’ve been considering micro dosing shrooms but given my history I’d probably just abuse them.

>> No.20113221

I sometimes get really bad anxiety from weed too. I have to smoke a fucking tiny amount to get the right amount of stoned. I feel like an old boomer these days with my tiny little one hitter with a quarter lasting me months. I used to go through an ounce in a week back in college. Oh, how times have changed. You might have luck with carts too. You can hit those just barely to get the right amount of stoned. Weed is a little harder for me to regulate how high I'm going to get. I think it's mainly because the full spectrum of cannabinoids is what you get. With a THC Distillate cart, you're getting just the THC high... And, well, since we're all on a largely crypto focused board, I'm sure you can figure out how to get access to solid THC products. Also, you can find solid ways to get microdose shrooms if that's something you're looking for. Don't bother buying shit from your local retard.

>> No.20113276

you achieve a clear-minded experience without the thought-dulling after effects primitive combustion delivers

>> No.20113321

Not gonna make it anon

>> No.20113645

>vapor is lighter
>you inhale 94% of cannabinoids as opposed to 12% from smoking
>no reduced lung capacity
>saves you money
>doesn’t smell nearly as bad
>clearer feeling because no carbon monoxide in your bloodstream from smoke

>> No.20113951

Fking losers

>> No.20113967

Op here idk if u still got id
It's been wild, laying down watching some cs now. Comfy

>> No.20113974

honestly i never liked the vape
if i had to choose one and only one method it would be the infused juice/soda, drinking it. they all feel so nice

>> No.20114012

Damn i need to start vaping
Editbles r Nice too

>> No.20114075

What was the message do you feel?

>> No.20114103

Vapes are really nice, man. Much cleaner high. Less of the heavy “stoned” feeling. More uplifting and happy in my opinion. I really like the distillate or live resin filled vape carts. One of those lasts me fucking months. I’ll always love the feeling of getting a really high quality bag of weed though. Makes me feel nostalgic for my younger days.

>> No.20114105

how did it change your life?

>> No.20114147
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i would smash a volcano ngl but i dont enjoy the high as much. now i roll my own and use matches.
even regular mushrooms are good for you, most supermarkets will have some variety and that definitely won't make you trip

>> No.20114909

I don't know how anyone can make significant financial decisions without benzos. I would have fuck all by holding had I not had my drugs. Makes trading so much easier.

>> No.20114934
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Ackshawly it’s live resin high purity dabs

>> No.20114943

>concentrate anything
>not pure flower

>> No.20114956

My new volcano agrees w this

>> No.20115346

What's wrong with concentrates?

>> No.20115422

Thanks anon but my weed days are over.

>> No.20115441

Can’t tell what’s in it

>> No.20115580
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Have done pretty much every drug there is apart from heroin and crack
drugs are amazing
would recommend:
>all at the same time

I prefer truffles to shrooms

nothing compares to the big boss DMT though

>> No.20115627
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Come, all ye addicts, and talk with sober minds about the benefits of sobriety and abstinence, as well as how much MONEY YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ONCE PIVVR LAUNCHES!!!!




God bless.

>> No.20115677

This. Low doses, 7 days a week, and I seem to have that “naive happiness” that normalfags have.

There isn’t a force on this earth that will make me stop taking them.

>> No.20115752

Damn 7 days, everyone recommends to do a 5 on 2 off or 4 on 3 off split