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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 44 KB, 1200x560, linkpool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20106648 No.20106648 [Reply] [Original]

Good luck finding a decent node to stake in when staking goes live later this year.

I already have my VIP pass to stake in the #1 nodes currently in existence.

>> No.20106668

Cool story I'll be staking on Bancor in 3 weeks time for free.

>> No.20106754

Pooling tokens for collateral =/= staking.

>> No.20106806

Linkpool may very well have the best nodes, but there really has been little evidence to support this, only the say-so of LP.
LP tokens are shockingly expensive, esp if one holds a sizeable LINK stack, and therefore needs a few LP tokens.
I'm not trolling here; I have not seen ANY proof at all that this is a worthwhile venture. Sergey hasn't suggested it, as far as I can see.
Convince us.

>> No.20106808

I'll wait for coinbase or whatever. I only need 5% to be quite comfy with my 50k stack.

>> No.20106809

Literally better off buying more LINK

>> No.20106816

lol he fell for the steaking meme

>> No.20106855
File: 74 KB, 1065x802, number1nodes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I base my "#1 nodes currently in existence" based on statistics of most jobs run
As far as infrastructure, architecture, etc. Nobody could possible tell you that without extremely deep behind the scenes knowledge of every single node provider.

What we do know to be true though, is that LinkPool currently accounts for the most job runs out of any node operator that currently exists.

>> No.20106867


Yeah. if LP was maybe half it what it was I'd consider it, but jesus, 8k for 1 LP? Thats around 1700 Linkies.

not worth it. You'd be better off just buying LINK, providing liquidity with bancor & taking the 25% hit on linkpool.

>> No.20106885
File: 113 KB, 2120x896, jsonparser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an interesting idea anon, and certainly one that a lot of other people share.

The reason I am bullish on LinkPool is exactly because of your statement here, though.
Are you aware that LP holders receive a cut of every single person who decides to use LinkPool?
Every single time a new person uses LinkPools services, whether it be a LinkPool node, or their Node-As-A-Service offering, or their ETH 2.0 Node service, LP holders receive a cut of the fees.

If LinkPool takes any sizable share of the LINK node marketplace, LP holders will be drowning in fees

>> No.20106900
File: 217 KB, 1192x627, 9257B5FC-943F-4C17-B48D-F2AC2A9A2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Service agreement.

>> No.20106961

Real chads bought at couple hundred per LP. You retards are late as fuck

>> No.20106962

I think it's time to stop shilling LP tokens and start shilling Linkpool.

>> No.20106965

The only argument against LP is that it costs too much. Only peasant agree with this.

>> No.20106973

You won’t get 5% for doing nothing with LINK.

>> No.20107027

How do you know?

>> No.20107037

The whole thing with LP is "trust us".
If it weren't associated with LINK in a cursory way, I'd call it a scam.
Saying that LP has the most profitable nodes BEFORE staking has even begun, is such a weak sell.
I'll take my chances holding more LINK tokens, I think.

>> No.20107096


>> No.20107109

funny because I have my VIP pass and I can't see you in the dedicated telegram group. Bye Larpy.

>> No.20107158

LP was a great play when it was the only announced node, now that there are 50 pro teams doing the same, those shills are incredibly retarded. It's way over valued and you're still living in 2018.

You'd be retarded to stake all your link on the same platform btw. Even the #1 node. What you're going to want to do is spread your stack across 10 or so different nodes. So if one runs into issues you won't lose it all.

It's like you don't even understand what decentralized implies.

And as another anon mentioned you also have defi staking options like bancor that will keep emerging as well. You'd be wise to diversify your staking strategy.

The rewards from the LP token are insignificant, even when they announce Eth2 staking, so will the other validators, and it would still make more sense to just buy more link.

BTW LP isn't even the top earning node on COR. And what's gonna happen in the coming years is the biggest nodes will be those ran by exchanges and data providers.

Way over valued. Just shills who bought early getting worried interest is disappearing as it becomes more irrelevant.

>> No.20107196


The absolute cope in this post.

No sweetie, you aren't going to be able to put your 2000 LINK on a high value node out the door like you think you are. LP tokens not only give you priority staking but also give you a FEE SHARE of ALL fees that pass through LinkPool - be it from the dex, the node marketplace etc.

You are a salty burger that was mad he wasn't allowed to participate in the crowdsale due to not being an accredited investor with a small net worth of $1 million liquid assets aren't you? OH I SAY CAN YOUUUU SEEEE

>> No.20107231

DYOR faggot

>> No.20107257

for the second time, im not buying your bags

>> No.20107258

Eth was 500 a po while link was still .30. Your dumb

>> No.20107281

Its a fucking scam coin you idiots