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File: 364 KB, 750x750, Huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20102433 No.20102433 [Reply] [Original]

How do I talk to women. My entire perspective on women changed after I started browsing here again (i.e I know how they think, what they want, avoid putting them on a pedestal etc) but now I just avoid them altogether. Scrolling through old dms and texts makes me want to kill myself because of how cringe and unaware I used to be

>> No.20102479

if you know all of this, why do you want to talk to women?

>> No.20102489


>> No.20102520
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>> No.20102521


No, for real OP just treat them like she is almost perfect but you need to find out by being direct and leading, if you want a relationship pursue it. If you do not then treat like a bro and just be friends at whatever capacity she can. At the end of the day they are just dumb whores, but some are little better.

>> No.20102619

First step is to get off your PC and then go into the real world and just strike up a conversation.

Don't pretend to be something you are not.
Ignore the shit that guys here are posting about women, this place is toxic
Once you meet someone then show interest in what they say/do
Don't tell them how you like to jack off to nubile teens on the internet
Make time for them, don't be all like "I'm playing COD this weekend so I cannot see you"
Shower, get a decent haircut and decent shoes, this will help your confidence.

Good luck

>> No.20102676

based advice
This is how I finally lost my virginity at age 20.

>> No.20102680

Step one, be attractive.
Figure out what that means and youll get pussy

>> No.20102697

Just talk to them like they're your friend
-advice from my unironic chad dad

>> No.20102711

Also this might be the best female advice ive seen on the chon, at least on /biz/. Its true you cant trust here on the whole because the view of women is wholly divorced from reality, full of half-truths

>> No.20102779
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Ah yes I also hold PNK

>> No.20102849
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These days my Newbie Guide would be this:

– Mystery Method. I prefer the seminar where he teaches it over the PDF eBook of it because I like Mystery’s passion for what he’s teaching, all the vids were on YouTube at some point but now there’s just scraps, here’s one of them to get you started:


I believe that’s from the Mystery Method 5 DVD set which you should be able to torrent easy.

Magic Bullets is an eBook that’s a more brief streamlined explanation of MM if you’re tight for time

– “The Tyler Digest”, google it and read it all

– watch Liam Mcrae’s Rapid Escalation video on YouTube

– watch Richard LaRuina Formula For Night Game on YouTube (specifically 27:00 to 50:00)

– RSDJulien’s SHIFT (internal game/mindsets/beliefs about women, yourself and getting this area handled, torrent it)

– and RSDJulien’s PIMP (external game aka actual technical shit to execute infield, torrent it)

– and if you just want overall social skills building rapport/comfort with people in general (which you can apply with girls or just socializing with everyone you meet and becoming that guy that people immediately feel like they’ve known for years) then check out the Juggler Method PDF

– and at some point give Practical Female Psychology a read, and the free PDF over at Manhood 101 as well, they cover just general over-arching male/female psychology stuff that you’ll want to know for life in general, VS just getting your dick wet ASAP lol

>> No.20102855

Many fancy words for "if u disagree with me ur dumb"

>> No.20102867
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I’d say that’s the most efficient route to get legit fully well-rounded solid pickup skills infield fast and if you can do all that there’s really not much else you’ll need, that stuff is the full set of keys to the kingdom to tear shit up out there. And read The Rational Male of course lol ’cause Rollo covers a lot of overall philosophical Red Pill stuff. And WHEN you start going out, write up your Field Reports even if you don’t show them to anyone, just writing shit down recapping the night helps your brain focus on how you could do better.”

Remember that this is something you learn by gathering and internalizing reference experiences you collect infield. You can study a lot without going out, but you won’t be able to execute it without going out and actually trying to, fucking up, and trying again, until you get better at it. You can read all you want about riding a bike but the first time you get on it you’re gonna fall over or lose your balance or fuck up, and that’s okay. You just try again until you get the hang of it and down the road you’ll be riding with no hands on the handlebars barely thinking about it.

Welcome to the rabbit hole lol

>> No.20102977
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Theyre Nietzsches fancy words, youll see as you get older

>> No.20103697
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That guy looks like Terry Davis' grandfather

>> No.20103724

Walk up and tell her that she's a man

>> No.20103774

assume you're superior. Nitpick stupid shit about her. Talk about shit she can have an emotional attachment towards.

>> No.20103798

Dont, just pay for hookers.
It sounds worse but at least you get what you pay for as opposed to paying for everything and then having the rest taken off you.

>> No.20103868

Just be yourself.

>> No.20104026
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Don't worry about it man I was a KHV until 21 and now about a year later I have a harem of 5 girls (6s-7s) and have been on so many good dates with cuties. Once the ball gets rolling you stop being anxious at all around girls and can just enjoy yourself.

The main key for women and socialisation in general is you have to be a source of good emotions for yourself and let your "cup runneth over" so to speak. You can't be talking to girls with an outcome in mind of like NEEDING sex or hoping she won't reject you/make fun of you. When you're the source of good emotions and coming from ABUNDANCE and not scarcity then you won't act weird or anything and you won't even care if girl """reject""" you.

Another thing is entitlement, girls look to you to see how entitled you are to them, like do you think you're above her/on her level/ or she's out of your league. If you work on yourself and have your own longterm goal/passions and lift to get a good body then it becomes far easier to feel entitled to better and better women.

I'm no chad but I think I'm certainly on my way and nowhere near my peak yet. Highly recommend you meditate too, destresses you heaps and clears all that mental clutter that makes you act weird.

>> No.20104042

Rape is mostly ok now. 50 shades of grey bro

>> No.20104704

Just inject Testosterone.

>> No.20104726

You're also horny from too much porn and masturbation. You're probably doing it 3 times a day if you feel this horny. Pro tip, it makes the horniness worse in the long run.

>> No.20104886


show tits

>> No.20105008

All of the advice in this thread is garbage.

You won’t be able to apply any of the tactics used by PUA or otherwise advised in this thread until you build confidence. Confidence cannot be faked and comes from being on your purpose. That means excelling in your career or business, making gains at the gym and overall looking and feeling good. Then you can start to approach women that give you indicators of interest. You need to learn how to approach them with a “fuckboy style” I.e with a confident don’t give a fuck playful attitude, don’t try and emulate very handsome men on YouTube cause it won’t work for you.

Also. Once you have sex with numerous girls, you’ll realise that it’s 20 minutes of enjoyment and brings no fulfilment.

t. fucked 40 girls

>> No.20105017

I take it back, this is the only other good advice on the thread

>> No.20105261

Be a masculine man, feminine women will respond to that. Start lifting weights, lots of masculine behaviors and thought patterns follow naturally from that. Know how to be confident and dominant.

>> No.20105425
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>Ignore the shit that guys here are posting about women, this place is toxic

>> No.20105458

pretty much this, women are useless, dumb and boring and pussy is overrated as fucking shit. I don’t even dip into the pussy anymore I just make them suck my dick and face fuck them

>> No.20105461

You fuck with them mostly. Degrade them. They will seek validation and fuck you so they can convince themselves they are worthy of your respect.

>> No.20105477

Based orientals

>> No.20105484

You gay, homosexual supreme.

>> No.20105491

>How do I talk to women
A little realness goes a long way.
If you feel awkward, just address it--don't address it awkwardly, just act like a real human being. "Weird, I felt like I phrased that better in my head. Do you know what I'm trying to say, though?"
Don't think these girls actually care about you till they actually show it. And show it in a way that you value. It's easy to be excited at the thought of women being into you, but the thing is, if the both of you aren't looking for the same thing, somebody's going to be very disappointed. Be prepared to be let down--accept that people are just like you but grew up differently. If you go in expecting not much except to have a decent conversation, maybe you won't get so stressed at the idea if starting a conversation in the first place.
Unfortunately, you will simply have to go thru the pain of failure and heartbreak, but being able to take an L and learn is a very, very valuable skill and so long as you learn from what you've messed up on, soon you'll be walking circles around less well-learned women who struggled with the same shit you struggled with. Again--all humans, all imperfect.
The key isn't confidence per se, it's more like, being relatable, open to listening, sharing, and having a uniqueness to you.
Anyways that was long, hope it helps tho. Don't let me mislead you either, I'm still a fucking virgin but it's kind of by choice at this point. Yeah, I'm prudish. GL anon.

>> No.20105511

No you

>> No.20105531

That sign is toxic