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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20100895 No.20100895 [Reply] [Original]

Okay you make a few million and retire.

Now what do you do? Jack off while playing video games and eating delivery all day?

>> No.20100905


No I'll eat videogames and play with my food

>> No.20100914
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One thing at a time. Baby steps

I don't want to focus on the future when I'm still banking on an unknown that will allow me to make it

>> No.20100924

Build a music studio in the rainforest with floor to ceiling glass. Go skiing. Have kids. Buy a pimp 4x4 motorhome.

>> No.20100930

all those things and go to the gym, preferably a home gym, also prostitutes, but tinder might work.

>> No.20100935

ya unless you want to do something else. It's been so much fun watching the crypto space evolve that i'd want to spend my life on /biz/ and watch other technology evolve too if its profitable

>> No.20101007

I would do exactly that. Probably swim in my pool, drive by some Mexicans at Home Depot and hire them to do menial shit that I can obviously do but don’t want to lower my dignity

>> No.20101032

I'll move into a condo by the beach in Jomtien, Thailand. Most of my time will be devoted to hitting the gym, eating clean, and slaying Thai women with my BBC. Only 7-10 more years until I can realistically make this happen.

>> No.20101040

My parents rent Mexicans to help them out at work sometimes and they always get them taco bell or chipotle. Is this racist? Not even shitposting, actually curious

>> No.20101053

>a few million
Nigga I just need $50 and I'm happy

>> No.20101066

It’s food, I don’t see it as racist. Sounds like they’re doing them a solid.

>> No.20101094
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>Okay you make a few million and retire.
>Now what do you do?
I post on /biz/ and read Chinese cultivation novels.
Maybe work in the garden.

>> No.20101098 [DELETED] 

Imagine being this gay. I bet your music sucks shit

>> No.20101146

probably do post grad law. So I can understand what game we're in

>> No.20101161

I'm actually in similar spot, just with less net worth. I'm quitting playing poker and I'm going back to college.

>> No.20101212

medical companies have been screwing people for decades. there has to be at least a few cures to diseases buried under filing cabinets. im going to find them, expose them, and sue the fucking face off of anyone who ever made a dime off of treating sickness instead of curing it. ill probably have to buy research rights through biomed companies, might have to start one of my own but I doubt id be successful with that.

if that doesn't work ill commission fallout/skyrim expansions from modders for decent pay so i can play the video games I want to play. make them free online for others.

im not really interested in buying material things or socialising. nice cars/boats/houses are just more work and money for some extra attention.

>> No.20101299

I’d buy a few million dollars of live resin hash oil and a $10,000 luxury dab rig.

>> No.20101316

Build a laboratory where I can do longevity experiments.

>> No.20101392
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5 chicks at the same time

>> No.20101518

Push technology as hard and as fast as humanly possible
Technology is the single most exciting thing about civilization, it fundamentally changes peoples lives both from a purely survival / physical standpoint as well as spiritual / what it means to be human (e.g. see comments about people who went to space and how it changed their perspective on life).

In particular, I want to experience full dive VR as well as push AI as it is the ultimate tool that can bring about the singularity. Change can be scary but it's also exciting and I believe evolution can bring us ever closer to the self realization of the entire human race

>> No.20101551
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I was close to making it and then my dumbass held instead of sold.

>buy land
>have a cozy small home built
>relax and life goes back to about the same as it is now but without as much anxiety as I have now

>> No.20101783

Open a vanity pub, hire staff for the hard work and just vibe there

>> No.20101795


>> No.20101797

The antenna isn't extended that far to pick up subtle racism. Anyways, if you need us we'll be over here making babies.

>> No.20101955
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Invest in a few projects and businesses, open a fun business or 2 I can work when I'm bored. Other than that, take my supercars to famous tracks around the world, start a few charities/giveaways, play vidya, and smoke weed and fine Cuban cigars poolside.

>> No.20102086


>> No.20102172

i make art, improve my health, and help the people who have always been there for me. more than enough tbqh

>> No.20102182

buy LINK

>> No.20102192

I'd ride my bicycle, and study languages all day. Basically what I'm doing now.
I'd just have a nicer bike, live in an exotic location, and fuck even more Asian girls.

>> No.20102378

>full dive vr
neat but i have a feeling that would require some serious funding. AI will develop on its own.

>> No.20102392

I'm at $250K in crypto now and I know I'll cross $1M in the next year. I plan to go live discreetly in S.E.A. and just accumulate more Verasity for the gaming bubble.

>> No.20102438

>I'm at $250K in crypto now
Nice, what amount did you start at?

>> No.20102529

>Multiply your money even further and become the sole major donor of some non-profit foundation.
>Sit back and watch as every single person in said foundation has to suck your proverbial dick because if they don't you can pull out all support at once and leave everyone on the street.

>> No.20102722
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Is that a problem?
minus the jacking off because I'm married but my wife is totally fine with me being a NEET stay at home if I'm making us tons off crypto gambling

>> No.20103123

Wife a lass at latin mass, start family, buy house with her (make tradsition from living with parents to with my new family). Have a bunch of kids and be secure in being able to afford them. Probably homeschool them. Chill out with senpai a lot, play vidya, watch anime, all of this openly no matter who visits or whatever because who cares I have buko bucks lmao

>> No.20103138

That is a based blessed life. I salute you, sir,

>> No.20103151

Buy land in Montana and live in a cabin with solar panels and a well

>> No.20103187

>commission vidya
If i was ever suck my nuts rich i have dreams of funding an elite vidya studio whose sole job is to make kino after kino no matter how long it takes with 0 stress about wages or deadlines

>> No.20103343

Buy a small farm near but not too close to family. Raise children homeschooled with specialist classical teachers but socialized through extra-curriculars. Work from home to create my own game project using my unique knowledge of crypto to deliver something better than another fomo3d or shrimp farm.

>> No.20103377

Reinvest and continue to make indie games and dumb apps. Live life on my own terms and be untouchable within reason.

>> No.20103463

Floor to ceiling glass will sound acoustically awful in a studio

>> No.20103700

Buy a decent piece of land, build a family farm, read the Bible more, get proper /fit/, and go fishing with my Dad all the time

>> No.20103732
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>> No.20104309

Yep pretty much this. I just want to play Top Spin 5 and buying the rights to it seems like the only way that’s going to happen.

>> No.20104374
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>> No.20104403
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>> No.20104412

continue my family dynasty obviously

>> No.20104422

>holy fuck ill just jack off all day and eat tendies!!!


>if you dont get up at 3 am run ten mile then read socrates and meditate for 5 hours while simultaneously being a CEO

>> No.20104439

Learn the piano/violin, start a garden, learn to cook, go to the gym, get drunk and smoke cigars on the porch, fuck high end escorts, meditate, learn a new language, read books, watch movies, watch anime, do DMT, trade for fun, browse /biz/ and down the line maybe get a wife and some kids

>> No.20104467

I'd do archaeological volunteer work. Always wanted to be an archaeologist but there are no jobs in that field, you mainly end up teaching.

>> No.20104485

Travel the world. Average day at home would be spent smoking blunts, playing vidya, with pussy sprinkled in here and there. Learn some languages too.

If I have a family then it's making sure my kids are redpilled early on as appropriate by their age at the time

>> No.20104509
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I want money to give me things to do so I never have to jack off again. It's a terrible habit that gradually robs you of your life and vitality.