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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.20095839

now that the dust has settled

idk what im doing but i just bougt calls on wkhs for $19

explain what will happen on august 21 the date i chose?

>> No.20095858

how much money do i have to make to get a catgirl maid?

>> No.20095860

*correction, futures are open for like 3 more hours lmao
I'm dumb hehee

>> No.20095875

If the price drops to 19 you’re going to buy 100 shares at that price. If it doesn’t drop to that by August 21st you won’t buy anything and be out your premium. Basically Monday you’re spending 1900+ you’re premium, on 100 WKHS shares

>> No.20095888
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Finally, a good fucking OP

>> No.20095894
File: 40 KB, 600x600, sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just looking for critiques of throwing away 10% of my monthly income at the following:

QQQ - 50%
SPY - 25%
SOXL - 12.5%
ARKK - 12.5%


>> No.20095900
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>> No.20095912
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So, now that this work horse tulip mania has ended, what's the next pump?
I been red for 2 weeks straight, I need a winner.

I won't question the lemmings any more I swear

>> No.20095920

If WKHS closes over 19 at the date you selected, you will have the right to buy 100 shares at that price.

>> No.20095923

We told you so.

>> No.20095928
File: 275 KB, 1024x768, whY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you had a quarter million for every car sold in tesla's history, you still wouldn't be at the market cap.
>tesla hasn't seen growth in 8 consecutive quarters now
>tesla hasn't had a single profitable year
>tesla has collected 2.5 billion in carbon credits
>tesla's customers are given tax rebates for buying the product
>one million robotaxis will be on the road within 5 months

>> No.20095936

idiot lol. Don't buy call options on things that have already pumped with super high IV and premiums that's literally the fastest way you can possibly blow up an account. You do you though.

>> No.20095937
File: 481 KB, 1280x1920, ED7CA7F4-63F2-4D9F-BAF6-2DEC23CE6CE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here has a lot of SOLO shares and is undoubtedly making a lot of money Monday?

>> No.20095952

Sorry senpai you're wrong there, he'll be able to buy the shares for 19 at any time up til the date, what you're explaining while half wrong in your explanation is the mechanics of selling puts

>> No.20095965

imma tard with money I ruined my wkhs gains last week by going in again at 21 this week

I also bought the ktov lie and now I'm holding bags

what should I do next week? definitely getting rid of ktov what should I pivot my funds into? Just want to break even on this one within the week.

>> No.20095969

Why do you hate RH? What makes your broker better?

>> No.20095985

AHHHHHHHH I'm on my 4th shit of the day. Everyone buy charmin and baby wipes stock I'm bleeding AHHHHHHHHH

>> No.20095986

WH will have a panic dump in the morning since it’s getting shorted AH. Buy it up at 10.30 or so.

>> No.20095992
File: 563 KB, 1092x1502, 82408876_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barrick, isn't that gold?
Shiny rocks, remind me of the nutters who love crystals in Sedona.

>> No.20095993
File: 81 KB, 750x563, s4qTe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting on 730 if that counts.

>> No.20095997

Good call, anon. WKHS definitely going up to $30-$40 so you'll make profit minus the premiums per share.

>> No.20096012

Why are you shills STILL shitting up the thread?

>> No.20096015

Ok keep shorting Tesla. Let me know how that works for you

>> No.20096016
File: 15 KB, 225x225, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk is producing more than shitty overpriced golf carts, the guy is a great salesman and at least pretending to actually move humanity forward, he launched a bunch of faggots in to orbit from us soil on a reusable rocket.

Tesla is just his public option and proxy investment

>> No.20096019

Watch KTOV


>> No.20096036

I hope Horsie pumps and drags my Solo ass up along with it.

>> No.20096057

buy solo for ez gains

>> No.20096059

It will dump. This exact thing happened tuesday at open and lots of people got back in at 14.

>> No.20096061

How would that ruin your gains its closing 25 next week just average down where you can and hold you fuckin goofball

>> No.20096064

>I also bought the ktov lie

Send your bags my way, I'll take them at a discount on Monday, you're a fucking idiot and you'll never make it

>> No.20096077
File: 128 KB, 1633x1000, MV5BMzc4ZmZlMjctNGI2Yy00ZWNhLTkwZjAtZTcyNGQ4N2QxNDAzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjMxMTY4NDQ@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,1633,1000_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.20096101

XOM here

>> No.20096106


>> No.20096111
File: 5 KB, 1051x48, thisisit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How much of that "KTOV lie" are you holding man?

Cause I'm 155k shares long. I will gladly take some off your hand Monday. Been averaging down block buys since 1.39

This shit is going to catapult this week

>> No.20096122
File: 231 KB, 1495x933, 1574722421418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This exact thing happened tuesday
>If I just lie, no one will check
Fuck I'm tired of you shitty shills

>> No.20096131
File: 219 KB, 1200x900, Tesla_Austin_solarglass-1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally nobody needs overpriced internet in the middle of the ocean. copper works fine and lasts forever. the internet bullshit is only around to pump money into the rocket business and so the CEO can have internet while between countries in his private jet. sewer tunnels are unsafe for cars. they're refunding people who preordered solar roof tiles. when they were installing them, they used chinese ones. they can't even do anything productive with the free factory in buffalo. they lit a bunch of walmarts on fire when they installed traditional panels. tesla collected half of its revenue on its vaporware FSD already and still it's not profitable.

keep loading up on shares @1200 bro

>> No.20096146


>> No.20096153

STILL holding SLB, HAL, and XOM. Can't bring myself to sell SLB and HAL, but I think about doing so every day.

>> No.20096161


ma man, also XOM but also RDSB because i cant get rid of their CEOs faggotry

>> No.20096164

bro are you OK

>> No.20096170

Do tankers count?

>> No.20096179
File: 5 KB, 675x142, wkhs-bobo-foolish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WKHS, Will go to $30.
need Diamond hands however.
If it dips below $20 start your bidding.

>> No.20096191

I've never seen a stock have as much anti-shilling as WKHS.

>> No.20096209
File: 73 KB, 720x959, 106603229_967688670335844_802091981164516664_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got 100 of those bad boys. Cheap Russian roulette with lots of potential.

>> No.20096213

I love 1% anon, his FUD makes me laugh.

>> No.20096216

What did you tell me?

>> No.20096220

SPY is just QQQ with more garbage
>Portfolio Managers: Catherine D. Wood

>> No.20096230
File: 1.28 MB, 3072x4096, LatexDress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being here for the nigger stocks like a weeks ago

>> No.20096228

why the fuck is there a facebook button next to this

>> No.20096231

What's your beef with her. returns look good

>> No.20096241
File: 1.67 MB, 1764x1764, E7914C1E-8371-4C28-96F3-0F754FBAF311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t know about ArkMommy?

>> No.20096247
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Trips for truth

Fuck this WKHS you guys need to be watching KTOV

WKHS doesn't have the same opportunity to go to $50 at this point whereas KTOV sure as fuck has a better chance of going to $2.. debt free pharma with drug ready for royalty revenue and two cancer fighting wildcards lol

>> No.20096248


I have never seen a bigger bubble too, know they'll dump this shit come Monday but I do believe it'll rebound and settle around 25 bucks by Wednesday, I'll buy the dip

>> No.20096252

>I have never seen a bigger bubble
I already flagged you for your first post in the thread trying to call WKHS worthless with no product like you've been doing the last 9 days straight.

>> No.20096266

KTOV has been great for me and I always sold at big profits. I'm still keeping tabs on it but last week kind of turned me off from getting back on.

>> No.20096267

>0% CAGR over 3 years, then just rides on the megapump
>during the golden bullrun
>good returns
toppest kek.

>> No.20096269
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20096286

Huge volume though. 3 expirations a week. Great for options

>> No.20096291


No worries

I added 90k shares to my folio from 1.39 to .93 I am super confident in them

>> No.20096298

I been buying the bottom and selling the top for 3 months now, guess who's goin back in on Monday.
Ktov is my baby, I'll never stop shilling for it, you got to get your timing right on it tho and also have faith, this shit is creeping up not shooting up like most people want it, it'll creep up to 2 bucks and the 3 and then 5, at some point it'll create a run away effect like this work horse tulip mania, you'll see

>> No.20096318
File: 2.06 MB, 1280x720, WKHS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think 40 is likely. WKHS is actually the perfect storm of news, hype and a ripe FOMO environment. Not banking on it, but I wouldn't be surprised to see 60+ around the 14th

I have a few other stocks on my watchlist, but WKHS is just too good to pass up at the moment

>> No.20096347

>subhumans chimping out like it's the horse's fault the bitch wouldn't move

>> No.20096358
File: 289 KB, 519x552, 1593002511208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man this thin volume on the TSX today. Nobody wants to commit to anything with US closed going in to weekend.

>> No.20096360
File: 379 KB, 1440x754, Screenshot_20200703-124941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao this nigga is going crazy trying to dump WKHS that he is also over in the PTG thread. How much do you all think he shorted the stock by and naked, that he is willing to face SEC charges for claiming things that may be false?

My guess 50k naked short at $6.

>> No.20096377
File: 138 KB, 482x427, 1592925255156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least I didn't lose money today..

>> No.20096382
File: 75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200628-215501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this was my portfolio 5 days ago, so I'm with you KTOV bros. Hipe you make it. Maybe I'll buy in Monday for you.

>> No.20096391

SU and SUN are destroying me

>> No.20096392

Thoughts on NIO?

thinking about going all in and then waiting a few months

>> No.20096395

I have yet to see these fag's WKHS puts. He must be loaded in them.

>> No.20096397


The biggest problem for the company going forward will be replacing their entire workforce after they all retire retires from their stock incentives. You autists cashed the fuck out of those random boomers in ohio.

>> No.20096406

Don't attach yourself to any one stock. If things don't go your way, you will lose out big. Just make a profit and get out

>> No.20096414

Typically when stocks become that good, the employees are so happy they basically pledge their life to the company.

>> No.20096420

how leveraged are you that being down less than a dollar from 21 is fucking you?

>> No.20096427

Who cares, I'm not keeping WKHS long-term

I made more than enough profit from it, just riding it out for more since I have some time for my next plays

>> No.20096433
File: 423 KB, 1408x2048, CEAB30A6-1AAA-40DB-A9E1-CBE331E16E8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back.

This isn’t stock twits.

No one here is short, and no one here is dumb enough to think that these are “short shills,” or that the SEC would get involved in such trifling bullshit.

People are tired of the obsessive shilling.


Have a moo-cow before you go.

>> No.20096445

Stop selling Barrick.
Don’t you leafs believe in your own damn stocks?

>> No.20096459

>says the iFaggot gookspammer

>> No.20096475
File: 14 KB, 358x178, Screenshot from 2020-07-03 15-59-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 100 shares of this today on TSX. Will I be a thousandaire?

>> No.20096477
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sweet vishnu

>> No.20096490
File: 126 KB, 1600x1280, 7AC59287-B58D-44F5-9552-6F0C39AAECF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is why WKHS is guaranteed to receive 50-75% of contract at a minimum. I will put my entire neck on the line here.

- The vast majority of mail routes are under 100 miles, and WKHS all electric produces the most cost savings over time, solving the USPS burning hole of fuel/maintenance as vehicles age.

- Trump needs Ohio this November, this contract is a big job creator giving him something to rally on pre-election in the state, on top of winning over moderates and slight lefties by showing support for EV.

- Rural mail routes can go beyond 100 miles per day, and this will have to be taken into consideration. I predict one of the 2 hybrid vehicle Michigan based candidates will receive 25-50% of this contract, as Trump also needs Michigan, and this gives him something to rally on there.

- Louis Dejoy, the new USPS postmaster general, is a big supporter of technological advancement in the transportation industry. He is also a major Trump lapdog.

>> No.20096494

The Workhorse Workforce!?

>> No.20096508

anon the guy im complaining about and trying to scare off via bringing up the sec is likely someone from stocktwits that actually "shorts"

>> No.20096511

It's going to 0

>> No.20096512
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Is this bullish ??? Is now the time!!!

>> No.20096521

Never traded options but I want to gamble like a degenerate. What strategy do I play with the horse for maximum profits?

>> No.20096533

Load up on 30 calls for August.

>> No.20096534

Sell cash-covered puts imo, though far otm calls might have greater returns while not being as safe.

>> No.20096541
File: 2.21 MB, 3024x4032, 007DFrTUgy1gg3aglv82nj32c0340x6p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balls deep:
OAS 3000 shares
HPE 1000 shares
NOG 1000 shares

Even if these go bankrupt within a year, WLL did better when it was bankrupt than when it was running daily operations so I still think they have a chance.

Unless you bought in early February of this year, oil can't possibly lose

>> No.20096543
File: 347 KB, 798x960, 1592392315492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


TSX now closed. I propose tsx opening and closing sound should be cowbell. TSX -0.2%, TSXV (smaller caps) +0.8%. Neutral nothing low volume day.

I'm not! Also it had 1/5th normal volume today so it don't matter. Also only down 0.3%. And gold itself is flat.

>> No.20096549


Not when the market cap increases like 15 mil per employee in a few weeks. Those guys are on a beach somewhere.

>> No.20096552

He said gamble like a degenerate. Move that expiration to July 17th

>> No.20096555
File: 58 KB, 600x734, 92b6fc1f56c2e55cd93a018fcca62ef587b470c8_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price predictions for VXRT on monday?

>> No.20096566
File: 608 KB, 1346x1318, 1593732307834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy a Canadian SOŸLO cuckmobile with my winnings?

>> No.20096576

Nope. He’s just another anon that’s sick of this shit. Can’t blame him.
>Nooo you can’t post big titty Japanese girls while taking a shit!!!
I was hoping you’d stop seething once you actually made money on a trade. I guess that was too much to hope for. You’re just one miserable faggot.

>> No.20096584
File: 170 KB, 600x600, dr_peper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20096592

I haven't seen that and I've been on the other side of the aisle (not all the way to $40 but we still went to $5 per share, everything taken into account). People bought houses and fancy cars but otherwise stayed on the job and planned to never leave it. Only reason they did is because we were purchased and the work conditions sank to literally unbearable-tier.

>> No.20096600

I'd fuck this kig,
Check out @Miku_Scratch
on pornhub and twitter.

>> No.20096616

Unironically infinitely better choice than gold (especially cucknadian gold), but still no. wkhs or ktov are better choices. ktov is a somewhat longer play (expect to hold 6-12m). wkhs should at least reach $30 soon, possibly $40+. Solo is OK. It's a lot more risky. It has better upside than wkhs, but the risk factor is several times higher than the difference in upside potential.

>> No.20096617

Usually what happens. My friends father had a similar situation happen. Cool startup, good pay and great working conditions. Huge offering got them all basically rich as hell as before. Then they got acquired and new management started treating everyone like Walmart employees and everyone worth a shit cashed out and fucked off. Happens every time.

>> No.20096633
File: 1.50 MB, 1334x1656, 434368EB-75D7-4C62-A101-23EA7634DF8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zerohedge headline says “dam has burst”
These guys are buzzfeed tier clickbaiters

Ok good!
I like it as long as you don’t get rid of the premarket report/clangs.

>> No.20096679

this might help us predict twitter stock for this coming election


>> No.20096702


You guys are talking about a sale of a private company. There was nothing sold in this situation. The stock just 10xed in a month because memes. There is no buyer coming in to run the place. Every one at manager level and above is a multi millionaire now, and there is no one to come in and run things.

>> No.20096716

>dude everyone's rich now so the company won't do anything
I honestly can't tell if you're like 91 IQ or you think it's hilarious to shitpost about a cartoon-tier scenario.

>> No.20096723
File: 158 KB, 750x1334, CD8CB243-AC22-4A50-84DB-105C3EF10D3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will NKLA continue to dump? I shorted the literal bottom

>> No.20096746

I wonder who's been stupid enough to not dump when it was hovering at $70

>> No.20096767

Lmao I made that top post. I don't even know what in talking about half the time

>> No.20096781
File: 46 KB, 1024x576, smexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a beautiful horse

>> No.20096784


It is a cartoon-tier scenario. This is a clown market. Same thing happened during the dot com bubble. A lot of website starts pretty much were cashed out for life before they even made anything.

>> No.20096798
File: 188 KB, 1200x1200, tsg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It counts, we had that shared general for 3 or so threads

>> No.20096844

You are what I imagine the average WKHS FUDder to be.

>> No.20096875

I was about to ask how ugly the women Usually are under these things... and then I realized it’s not even a butterface, that’s a pair of rubber tits over its chest

>> No.20096930
File: 10 KB, 198x254, absolutely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah look at those forearm veins

>> No.20096941

>tfw all of my gains on BLNK and WKHS were just barely enough to cover the $1100+ losses I've got so far on IVR

Is it time to finally jump overboard on this Invesco shitstorm? I'm starting to believe the boomer pond scum at Motley Fool claiming it's going to drop to 2.50 within the next couple months and wondering if I should just take the loss at this point instead of hoping it's going to come back in 12 months

>> No.20096959

>smg shills stock with solid background that goes $2>$20 within two weeks, no brainer play with zero chance of failing
>rest of biz still shills ponzi coin no #7481, for half a decade, and their coin goes up a measly 300%
when do you think these retards will die and all these scamcoin variants disappear

>> No.20096961

see you at 1400

>> No.20096962

Is the contract only for electric vehicles?

>> No.20096975

The more indians that get access to internet the worse it becomes. They're all fucking indians. I don't know what it is about their poo culture but they are drawn in to shill dumb pennyshit like that.

>> No.20096992


>> No.20096990
File: 27 KB, 250x241, interesting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe sell like 75% so you can keep an eye on it and practice being a long-term investor, but yeah REIT's are going be absolutely buttfucked over the coming months with all the forbearance lapsing, evictions, and then defaults.
if your plan is to hold it for 12 months then you shouldn't even be thinking about it. the reason you are is because you have morre money tied up in it than you're comfortable and so may just need to downsize to take your mind off of it.
opportunity costs are spooky huh?

>> No.20097006


>> No.20097030

So are black people stocks mooning tuesday or what?

>> No.20097034

thoughts on DKNG? Even with the delay from increased cases I think it's going to like 45 by EOY, or is the upside already
pRiCeD iN?

>> No.20097057

Any big earnings reports to expect this next week?

>> No.20097095
File: 3.16 MB, 1600x2000, 8226357B-1A8B-4A6A-95F4-A6A2FF9894E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it
So sick of the trannyshit on biz

>> No.20097100

A broken clock is right twice a day. Just because some smart anon dropped a shill for wkhs before the pump doesn't mean its a trend. KTOV was a reddit thing for a while prior to /biz/.

>> No.20097122

ktov went >3-5x since it was first shilled here. GNUS went something like 10x. UAVS was pnd but went over 2x. Even MVIS is still a win compared to its entry price.

>> No.20097126
File: 513 KB, 800x445, ashitaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too anon.
i blame the prevalence of anime girl posting and reaction images.
i guarantee most of people posting them are unironically thinking in an anime girl's voice when they post and so they habitually internalize that persona, leading to dysmorphia.
posting male anime characters is the medicine

>> No.20097149

that's not the point, but regardless multiple more stocks posted here that multiplied faster than any shitcoin has in years.

>> No.20097166

Oh boy Tesla's stock price will implode some day, who knows when though, could be years from now

>> No.20097174
File: 77 KB, 500x523, 1588713915695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard is it to profit daytrading? I have a full time job with substantial downtime and a smartphone and I want to supplement my income in a meaningful way

>> No.20097211

Selling 20 put contracts with a strike price of $15 expiring on the 17th.

What is the worst that can happen here?

>> No.20097216
File: 15 KB, 610x209, sec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do elon's balls taste?

it will happen the day they replace the CEO

>> No.20097220
File: 144 KB, 1024x762, calculation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty fuckin easy.
just buy a strangle on a volatile stock and close the red leg as you see which way the stock's trading.
that's what i'd do at least if i was wanting to PDT

>> No.20097224

You will lose more than you earn at first.
But eventually, you'll get the knack of it and lose everything at once.

>> No.20097265
File: 114 KB, 800x630, bertrand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst case is it collapses to ten and you buy 2000 shares $15.
but then you can immediately sell 20 covered calls to cut your loss.
selling options is the fucking way.

>> No.20097272

I got 1150 shares, I think it's a good long-term hold. Should reach 30-80 range in a year or so if it continues doing well

>> No.20097310

you my friend are batshit insane, godspeed

>> No.20097320
File: 113 KB, 815x1066, 8c9551b9ef6b2b96d9b8f2dc11f1807a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be full time job, and there are retail people who make 100-1000% annually trading stocks. intraday trading forex, commodities or such it's not possible too hard competition you would be competing with best trading bots and
ai etc. penny stocks is possible for full time traders if they are good. holding period is from half an hour to few days max usually


did you guys know norma jeane (marilyn monroe) had n iq of 168?

>> No.20097348

It's annoying when you realize you're competing with algorithm driven AI and you have no real hope of matching its ability to analyze and predict.

>> No.20097355

Depends on how much you already know about the markets. Are you invested in ETFs or mutual funds already?

>> No.20097389

Those AIs are fighting one another for pennies in nonstop transactions at the margin. You can trade longer trends without worrying about them. That’s why I only make 2-3 trades a week. Constantly trying to scalp a few bucks out of the market is infuriating and dangerous.

>> No.20097396

What the hell are these things called

>> No.20097404

Can I ditch a contract before the 17th if WKHS is sitting at $30 before people sell it off on the 14th? I don't see a loss if it gets exercised on Monday and then rockets in anticipation of the news on the 14th. Is there an angle I'm missing out on or is the money that easy?

>> No.20097434
File: 609 KB, 2448x1836, 1592936680086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone redpill me on blank check companies and $FEAC

>> No.20097445
File: 375 KB, 600x850, ciel08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animegao or kigurumi.

>> No.20097450


Dude if you can make 100% annually then starting with $1k you'd be a billionaire after 20 years.

>> No.20097484

I bought 400 AMD shares at $52 a couple weeks ago thinking "this is the dip, it's never going any lower".
On a scale of 1 to 2, how retarded am I?

>> No.20097492
File: 58 KB, 720x960, 1593392774012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tesla has collected 2.5 billion in carbon credits
>>tesla's customers are given tax rebates for buying the product
Imagine being an American tax payer.

>> No.20097495


>> No.20097504

Worst that can happen theoretically is that WKHS goes to $0, whereby you will lose $30k - premium received. Realistically, I think it is absolutely impossible for WKHS to go below $10 anymore. Thus, I would consider max risk to be $10k - premium, which is $8000 currently. Furthermore, I don't think WKHS will reach $15, in which case your worst case scenario is that you pocket the entire premium, but I'm not as certain of this outcome. If you are, you have $0 maximum downside and should literally be putting your lifesaving into this, with just one more caveat: I would go for a much fatter reward by finding the highest premium you can afford to own the underlying of such that strike - premium = $14 (this is your proposed strike of $15 - the current premium of $1).
If you have the same risk model as me, you would instead look for RR at bare minimum 1:2 in your favor via maximum risk (against the $10 price target) vs premium.

>> No.20097510
File: 1.59 MB, 1062x1500, 2C467E75-3A53-4CE4-A9AC-19E66DBAFCC0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah your theory is still pretty retarded, and designed to reinforce what you already believe and find comforting.

Probably has more to do with the tendency of social rejects to congregate on the internet and especially 4chan. And that these men are more likely to have twisted their preferences based on lifetimes of failures at masculinity, rejection and contempt by women, and lack of access to real sexual experiences.

Looking back, I must have been a lot luckier than I realized as a young man.

>> No.20097524

Yes, the option will lose value (gain value for you as you have to buy, not sell, to close) as time goes on and as price goes away from strike. You'll probably pocket at least 50% of the total premium that way.

>> No.20097530

>I think it is absolutely impossible for WKHS to go below $10

It was less than $10 a week ago.

>> No.20097533

Nice P/E ratio bro.

>> No.20097534

Yes, and?

>> No.20097549
File: 7 KB, 274x242, 1420984870763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some stocks today

>> No.20097555

Ark mommy is better than you ever will be faggot

>> No.20097563
File: 63 KB, 770x514, 3-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's ofcourse is limited, as i said to penny stocks mostly where competition is limited. also then your bids are limited too. you cant play with real big money ofcourse such moves. i rember even some japanese traders their insane annual returns leveled around 10m-20m capital range where they could not anymore toy with
small stocks or they needed to increase holding periods. after 100m their returns leveled quite typical high performing hedge fund annual returns


>> No.20097572

There’s billions of dollars in gov subsidies for rural internet, Musk is just doing what he does best and living off gov handouts

>> No.20097578
File: 118 KB, 929x906, 1592850008007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did I on TSX. I bought 100 shares of Pure Gold Mining Inc for 1.7 Canadian loonie each.

>> No.20097595

>lifetimes of failures at masculinity, rejection and contempt by women, and lack of access to real sexual experiences.
that's definitely a contributing factor, but i stand by my theory as an element leading someone to being a trannie rather than just a standard incel.
if rejection were the issue, why wouldn't they just become vindictive and misogynistic. trannies fall into the "if you can't beat 'em join 'em" camp, and constantly posting, reading, and thinking in a cute anime girl's voice absolutely contributes.

>> No.20097599

I actually hold wkhs too. Makes no sense

>> No.20097628
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>> No.20097676
File: 41 KB, 1154x1154, 67116i_ts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think if WKHS hits 30 I should sell? I only have 46 shares and would make like 945 or so. Not a lot to some but that's almost a months pay for me. Im not sure if I should or not. Im a bit worried about dumping

>> No.20097701

It probably helps normalize the programming, but said programming is the problem. Shit like mermaid uk tricking children into believing they're trannies because they don't like the same toys as the neighbors, while simultaneously every form of media and parenting guides blast kids for liking "gendered" toys. The real problem is that these programmed zoomers are 99% of the nu4chan audience (despite mostly still being underageb&).

>> No.20097709
File: 168 KB, 1387x702, frenz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy incrementally and sell incrementally using limit orders.
sell half at most at 30

>> No.20097719

When it hits $30, setup a 10% trailing stop. Either it stops you at $27, or it will rise far above $30 and you'll cash out with free profit.

>> No.20097732

Aren't all markets closed?

>> No.20097735

10% will knock him off the horse pretty fast considering what it does every time it hits a new $5 increment. That will guarantee he gets thrown off. If he wants to be that safe just sell it at $30 and be done with it.

>> No.20097746

>what is buy order

>> No.20097748

Good idea. Im new to this. 10 may be a bit too low. I'll see how it goes
Half seems good. I am just worried about this really good thing being taken away from me because I got too greedy

>> No.20097752

Agreed, I'm sitting on 130 shares still.
I only sold 10 for $22 on Thursday.
Bitches want my bags they need to pay a premium for making me hold them.

>> No.20097758

>but said programming is the problem
100% agree. i look at the cute-posting as a contribution, not the cause

>> No.20097829
File: 22 KB, 377x325, 4377fc7a0cb8c63b5dddeadec7bbcd81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tdamerianon here, i got my account back
is it too late to ride the horse? also fuck its been so long i dont even know where to start again

>> No.20097839
File: 44 KB, 442x750, cyber market monk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because I got too greedy
greed is tricky.
is it greedy to take some profits early, or to hold shooting for higher profits?

>> No.20097860

when will my airline stocks stop bleeding out

>> No.20097868

i will never understand why the spoiler tags sometimes work and sometimes don't

>> No.20097879

There are no spoiler tags on /biz/ you newfag.

>> No.20097884
File: 206 KB, 1448x2048, D32D2490-D810-4DE4-BCF0-49C144A0B119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just don’t like something and have decided to make it the cause of other things you don’t like.

>> No.20097913
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure DAL and LUV will rebound pretty soon, but your hair might be grey and your face wrinkly by then.
At least you didn't buy AAL, right anon?

>> No.20097918
File: 110 KB, 500x667, gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain why Canadian gold miners aren't the perfect hedge to a USD crash

>> No.20097925

Meant for >>20097860

>> No.20097926

If it drops hard like it usually does at $30, it will be a much harder drop than 10%. Better autosell at $27 and buy back in at $23-25 than sell at $30 just to watch it soar. I don't see any scenario where neither happens.

>> No.20097937

Easy: the only way canadian gold miners go is down.

>> No.20097944

Many of them do turn into that, probably 90+%
But some get warped because they’ll never be what society wants if a man, and they’ve never gotten positive reinforcement from their peers for acting masculine.

Maybe they’re the 1% of patients who have a severe side-effect to that treatment. Maybe there’s something weird going on hormonally. Maybe they had an older sibling who liked to dress them up or some other psychological trauma. Who the hell mnows, it’s common for a small percent of people exposed to a stimulus to have a severe adverse reaction. Like the one guy who has a psychotic break from dropping LSD once.

>> No.20097956
File: 104 KB, 800x1000, go_to_recycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x is bad
>x only goes down
>>x is bad

>> No.20097957
File: 699 KB, 300x224, seriously.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i really like anime and even cute posting, but you just like something and have decided to ignore it as an element of other things you probably like.
it's not a coincidence that trannies use anime profile pictures almost universally and not something else to represent themselves.
sorry this correlation is so triggering for you.

>> No.20097962
File: 228 KB, 1242x1207, 1593808294802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real?

>> No.20097972

Das rite

>> No.20097984

Yes. they've been doing that for years. Github did this long ago for example.

>> No.20097998

the left has been using 1984 as an instruction manual for so long it's stopped being funny

I'm gonna buy a bunch of PGM stock and shitpost all over you if it goes up and change my IP and never mention it again if it goes down

What now, bitch? Mate and czech

>> No.20098004

Bobros, when's the crash going to happen? What's your plan now?

>> No.20098007
File: 1.44 MB, 3508x2480, kionkun1-1267417588755247109-20200601_042755-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just post cute anime girls and shut the fuck up.

>> No.20098009
File: 335 KB, 585x642, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>negro programmer


>> No.20098027

its not that hard to google shit like this ya know https://twitter.com/TwitterEng/status/1278733305190342656

>> No.20098045

fucking niggers, equal rights was a mistake

>> No.20098046

Ever since I started browsing /biz/ I can't stop farting and my penis smells everywhere I go no matter how much I wash it and even through multiple layers of clothing.

>> No.20098069

Oho! Stinky!

>> No.20098072

As much as /pol/ wants their culture war to matter, Boomers are literally too addicted to aimlessly rambling on facebook or twitter to care

>> No.20098075

Look immediately right of your box genius.

>> No.20098085
File: 236 KB, 1235x494, 2020-07-03_14-56-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, most companies are doing this unironically. Got this from our CTO just the other week

>> No.20098097

Stocktwits too, apparently

>> No.20098102

Slack has other uses besides sharing pornography?

>> No.20098118

I’m starting to see writing on the wall that covid will be winding down soon. Think its finally a good time to buy airlines and vegas? At worst it seems unlikely that they’d ever dip lower.

>> No.20098122

Next crash will be in 2040 when the new viruschan hits. For the next two decades we're poomping

>> No.20098128

I'm about 50% in on NRGU. We thinking a pump over the weekend for the real PATRIOTS out here?

>> No.20098137

Airlines are slowly meandering their way back to buy territory for another swing. Not quite yet but a few decent days would seal it.

>> No.20098144
File: 239 KB, 700x994, 4200701D-5686-4EBC-B241-CC3F2A81F2C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime Koreans
What the fuck is this world coming to?

>> No.20098149
File: 1.76 MB, 300x334, 1590280245587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20098157

NRGU will never hit 30 again

>> No.20098160

Everything I buy instantly tanks.
I went from 41k to 16k
And I'm going to go all in on WKHS on Monday.
I'm going to stop this horse dead in its tracks.

You watch.

>> No.20098161

>not quite there yet
Why not? What are you looking for?

>> No.20098172

Just a TA thing. The widgets and doohickies need to move a little more in the correct way.

>> No.20098179

Airline's own projections for "recovery" are 5 years. Feels like someone is just pumping and dumping robinhood over and over again.

>> No.20098185

Evey tech company this side of the m$ pajeet sweatshop uses slack for daily communication. Other companies, including biotech, are starting to adopt it as well.

>> No.20098188

Buy tvix then

>> No.20098197

Also this.

>> No.20098198

Wait until the morning dip. Look at what happened thursday at close and wednesday at open.
>dips in power hour
>people start shorting AH
>normies panicked to take profits at open
>tanked to 14 around 10.30am
>climbed to the heavens the rest of the day
Looks like we have the exact same thing unfolding right now. I’m hoping to see 17 monday morning.

>> No.20098200

great advice, let me buy this tvix you speak of

>> No.20098207

Airlines are swing or day trade only until further notice as far as I'm concerned. Tons of good volatility available but unlikely to hold gains for any length of time while corona chan is still going strong enough for people to be spooked and travel restrictions maintained.

>> No.20098220
File: 166 KB, 2048x1367, 54A112D4-E88F-4A12-8913-BCB76653F6F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ
I hate the boomers but sometimes you just have to laugh. These are the largest and most consistent voting block, and they’ve been calling the shots for decades.

They’ve forgotten about the peace and love shit
they tuned in, turned off, dropped out, and now just care about their social security and Medicaid, but every other kind of entitlement needs to be reformed.

They were given everything and got selfish as a result. I’m a little concerned at how anti-selfish the younger generations are after being given the finger and told about bootstraps and handshakes.

Lmao but at least they gave us Cramer, gotta love the guy. Just got this tweet while I was typing this:

>> No.20098221

Tuesday* at close

>> No.20098224



>> No.20098233
File: 12 KB, 960x101, trading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noob trader here
literally getting confused on my very first transaction

>made TD Ameritrade account
>deposited $100 USD
>attempted to purchased $100 worth of FXAIX, transaction failed
>ok, must be some fees
>try $90
>try $50
>my account, four days later (pic related)

Can anyone explain why it cost me $99 to purchase 0.46~ of FXAIX? It was trading Thursday at like $106.90. I thought this type of MF didn't involve these giant fees.
I don't really give a shit about the 50 bucks, I just want to know where it went. I expect to put a LOT more money into this account eventually, so I want to make sure I understand it.

>> No.20098240

why would you want KTOV to tank?

>> No.20098247


>> No.20098254

He wants cheapies

>> No.20098263

Never said it would.. Seems like a bottom though, thinking it might get back up to 7 or 8 soon

>> No.20098264


Tank? I'm 155k long lol

Refer to this


+ 20k in my RH

>> No.20098279
File: 81 KB, 997x628, EcCHopZXgAA9leE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m starting to see writing on the wall that covid will be winding down soon

>> No.20098287

don't even mess around with fractional shares, just set a limit and but an integer number of shares

>> No.20098298

well if I buy it, it is going to tank

>> No.20098301

brainlet here, why not?

>> No.20098320


I believe you anon. Throw $20 bux in!!

>> No.20098324

Well I'm not sure about "never" but international shipping is going to take a long time to go back to normal IMO

>> No.20098333


Meant to say I believe in you*

two totally different things lol

>> No.20098337

Not the nothingburger virus itself, but the media-fueled paranoia surrounding it.

>> No.20098341
File: 34 KB, 473x702, 97a90213f0e4f94478bc2607dd2341ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$220 MSFT when?

>> No.20098373

its probably just the way they round up fractional shares. idk why your transactions failed though, might have been your money not settling in your account yet

>> No.20098375

Is intl shipping really one of the biggest drivers of energy production? The top holdings for NRGU are pretty standard oil and gas companies

>> No.20098385

look at tesla, bitcoin, fucking any other stock that gets evaluated on speculative shit

>> No.20098399
File: 171 KB, 326x281, 1593493648454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up thats because the doctors are lieing to us and reporting inflated numbers dude

>> No.20098424

It did though, it tanked and went back up by eod desu

>> No.20098437

There are weird logistic issues with fractional shares that are handed differently by every broker. They also incur fees you would not normally get from whole shares typically.

>> No.20098467

reminder that someone else will sit on the throne

>> No.20098468
File: 215 KB, 705x1889, 1593563508031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. smoothbrain


>> No.20098473

Huh, I assumed jet fuel consumption would be higher, but I guess most of it is just automotive. I guess consider the other guy a retard then.

>> No.20098475

Try to find numbers on how many people had the flu during April in Pennsylvania.

>> No.20098498
File: 110 KB, 512x1024, 8049238C-356D-4972-9D79-87A5F37C158F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont day trade you wont make money
>dont swing trade you wont make money
>dont even pick your own stocks, you wont do better than the professionals
>just buy index funds for 10% annual return and sit back
Why do people say this stuff? I’m new to this and it doesnt make sense to me. There seems to be golden opportunity every day to profit from current events and some of it doesnt even seem that risky. And even a small amount of green each day would skyrocket your earnings laughably higher than if you used an index fund. What am I misunderstanding here? I feel like I’m smart enough and cynical enough to not get scammed... but it shakes my confidence when 99% of people try to bucket crab you.

>> No.20098499

It appears to be code for watchlists to be concerned about. Rather than deny or allow, a yellow list means pay attention to.

>> No.20098501
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>> No.20098511
File: 34 KB, 438x421, 1587407748262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the flu" is causing elevated numbers of hospitalizations and deaths

>> No.20098533

>elevated numbers of hospitalizations
Nothing is causing that because there aren't elevated numbers of hospitalizations, just hysterical news about numbers that are the same as the been historically this time of year

>> No.20098546

To sell women (who own a majority of wealth in the US) on the stock market.

>> No.20098552

More people are getting tested, spiking case data. That’s it. People are getting fed up with it. Enough testing has happened now that normies are starting to personally know covid-infected people and wonder why they dont have symptoms or why their symptoms were only as bad as influenza.

>> No.20098556
File: 77 KB, 645x755, us_deaths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you guys are talking about, but US deaths are going down.

>> No.20098577

they were, until end of May

>> No.20098579

Looks to me like they’re stagnating. With an increase in infections in younger people the total deaths could stay level until they pass it on to grandpappy and granmammy.

>> No.20098592

Are they?
Wasn't there a chart out there that compared this year's deaths with an average of the last 10?

>> No.20098599

God how are so many people on this board actually autistic. You think people are being put in ventilators because of hysteria?

>> No.20098602
File: 85 KB, 824x579, 1582184405552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many fucking times does it need to be said? It's not about fucking deaths, it's the fucking ICU admissions, holy shit. EVERY FUCKING WEEKEND.

>> No.20098625

Would you long or short a stock with a chart like that

>> No.20098629

Just wait til your emotions kick in, it’s harder than it looks.

>> No.20098633
File: 2.95 MB, 480x272, 1580045768362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you know what the next 100 bagger is but can't invest because the government thinks poor people are too stupid for private equity investing

>> No.20098636

But I’m so cold and autistic.

>> No.20098638

No that's to collect the bounties for Covid diagnoses that will never ever be confirmed or even investigated and simply assumed to be legit

>> No.20098644
File: 240 KB, 722x707, UK_spike_chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a different one from what I was thinking, but still. Total deaths have almost doubled.

>> No.20098660

Nice stopping point

>> No.20098677
File: 30 KB, 629x361, Screenshot from 2020-07-03 18-42-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you long or short a stock with a chart like that
I don't own any VIXY.

>> No.20098682

So......... a greylist? Why the fuck do they use the term yellowlist in the first place? Never seen that used ever and I've worked in or with tech for 20 years.

>> No.20098694
File: 179 KB, 958x1264, euro_momo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chinese cold season is over in Europe.

>> No.20098709

Yep, I’m putting all profits into it. First pour EOY own 100% of the land, hiring phase. Backed 30% by experts in the field. Amazing IRR projections. I’m making this my long play.

>> No.20098729

I bought BYFC yesterday to hold through Monday
Am I gonna make it off this shit-tier race hustling scam?

>> No.20098747

Nice goalpost moving.

>> No.20098760
File: 33 KB, 443x418, 1564604790768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still talking about deaths
>things still aren't open
>near the high for past year's deaths
>YoY deaths are particularly high for all but under 18
you need to boomer invest. your license to trade has been revoked.

>> No.20098777

Opinions on buying NIO? A lot of speculation that it could be our next horse.

>> No.20098823

It would go up to 15 by the end of the week. Don't let all these faggots know tho.

>> No.20098825

betting in china is extremely unwise in the medium tk longterm, IS is seconds away from seizing Chinese assets. If you go in, do not get greedy until after the summer.

>> No.20098895

>branch covidians show up

>> No.20098927

The more I learn about the dam situation, the more concerned I grow. Usually it's the opposite, people like to be as sensational as possible, so I seek out sane voices to provide a counter opinion. The only counter opinions I'm seeing are from ccp regime, and the fact they've changed explanations (first there was no problem, now there is a problem but it's actually a built in safety feature, now we have video footage of them releasing floodwaters from the dam without announcing it or giving anyone warning) made me more concerned. Genuine situation is developing there that has the potential to decimate the world's 2nd largest economy. That will affect global growth

>> No.20098948
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't invest in anything "American" and I try to avoid things cross-listed on NYSE or NASDAQ because you "people" have lizard brains.

>> No.20098952

Based. Fuck china. Might get some nio cheapies. I had 4k nio at $2 back in ‘19 but sold cause that shit never moved now it gets pumped for no reason. Really wanna kms

>> No.20098961

Anything that slows or reverses the growth of communism and authoritarianism is a bullish long term trend.

>> No.20098974

Long term, yes. I agree, I'm a China hawk, I've been watching China for about 12 years now. I still don't want to see millions of lives end.

>> No.20098996

Stfu redditnigger dont act like you care

>> No.20099021
File: 15 KB, 810x644, 1585484576096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and true, but please, /smg/ MUST stop talking about deaths until there are circumstantial or material things out there that show the death rate is over a percent or that death from longer term complications has a middling probability. I'm going to have a fucking aneurysm if the retardation of the daytime /smg/ takes over the nighttime too.

>> No.20099030

Aight. Hitting crazy rona numbers. Jobs are coming back, but it's still the shit jobs which means when places lock down again they'll be lost again.

What're the thoughts on SPY?

>> No.20099052
File: 80 KB, 500x382, battle-of-suiyang-part-of-the-an-lushan-rebellion-20-000-30-000-41325015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a Tuesday in China.

>> No.20099074

Man you WKHS faggots need to go make your own thread, fuck off already. Fucking idiots in here are starting to fall for pajeet scams just like the rest of the board

>> No.20099079
File: 321 KB, 480x650, 1548704718967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought my first stocks 2 weeks ago and I am almost back to where I started. Could have gained so much if I would have had faith in the horse.

>> No.20099092

>posting with coronahoax believers
You guys are stupid and bad luck

>> No.20099097

Are you the $2 spammer? You type like the $2 spammer.

>> No.20099124
File: 568 KB, 1272x1094, 1577806907321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks good posters give a shit past deflationary pressures and inflationary monetary policy
no, you're right. this general doesn't seem salvageable until VIX goes to 18 and stays down there.

>> No.20099143

They show up whenever the threads are slow and then people feed them for whatever reason.

>> No.20099202
File: 15 KB, 640x427, 0B25CDA9-DFA6-4792-9294-1782795A0E7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t know about the yellow hats?
The retardation of nighttime and weekend smg has exceeded daytime retardation until the DDTG came in. It’s still got the /pol/retards saying we’re going to have a civil war and is it bullish for a company to pretend it cares about social issues and other dumbass shit.

Give a shit about what?
Those are two of the things I do give a shit about. That and the extension of the unemployment benefits, and any other relief checks/debit cards.

>> No.20099228

You think it's reasonable to use data from months ago to determine what we should be doing NOW?

You literally moved the goalposts into the past.

>> No.20099231

The only Yellow Hat I know is Gabe Nassif/

>> No.20099237
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And the dam but I’m too lazy to research that.
If it happens... Well I guess I might want to start buying weekly vxx calls or something to hedge.

On the other hand, my cash position is 30-40% so it might not even be worth the hedge.

>> No.20099264

My dick hurts now, thanks..

>> No.20099271
File: 238 KB, 586x604, 2926E6C7-8F47-4AB4-ADCF-A0FB97E599CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>branch covidians

>> No.20099280
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>retardation of nighttime and weekend smg has exceeded daytime retardation.
Regarding off-topic, I only vaguely agree that it's more retarded, but the amount of discussion regarding macro and sectors is generally much better and easy to find info
i don't get this meme
>Give a shit about what?
duh ronah. I forgot about fiscal too. The UE rates will be fun this quarter.
>the dam
does that really matter? Too much craziness to predict anything that makes sense with that from my pov. The gold scam is more interesting imo, but knowing the Chinese, there's no way to predict what materializes from that too.

>> No.20099302
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Been searching for new jack it's been slow lately.
I bought SOLO as a joke and it is up.
This world makes no sense.

>> No.20099325

How do I do that?

>> No.20099334

SOLO will go down tomorrow with WKHS’s morning panic dump. You should sell of SOLO at open and buy the horse dip. This exact same thing happened on wednesday morning and BLNK got fucked.

>> No.20099337


You're competing against AIs regardless of the timeframe. The danger is proportional to how much you risk on a trade. You're going to lose money regardless if you if you make a bad bet.

>> No.20099351

Your argument for the chink virus being a hoax was that there aren't more people hospitalized than prior years.
Yet, there are double the deaths.
How do you explain these extra deaths?
Were they made up as well?

>> No.20099369
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I fucking wish I bought more in friday

>> No.20099389
File: 3.01 MB, 2230x1600, 1576801264355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to buy a stock that is $x, put >=$x into your account and then place a limit order for $x

in the TDA web interface, limit buys should be the default.
In this example (buying one share) you would set "quantity" to "1" and "price" (or whatever it's called) to "$x."
also the "type" dropdown should say "limit"
this will all be at the bottom of the screen after you press the green "buy" button
if you are using a different broker or interface, the steps will be different, but the words and numbers should be the same

>> No.20099392

Hi, I have retard question. My understanding is that when you sell a share, it doesn't just go back to the company and instaprofit, somebody's got to buy it at the price you choose to sell.

Assuming that's not wrong, when you buy low and sell high, who the fuck is buying high?

>> No.20099394

>entire thread devolves into arguing about this bullshit
Every time. Give it up and stop engaging them. They will not be convinced. They come back every day and start from the top.

>> No.20099402

Been doing some reading. Our friend DAL is aiming to be profitable again next year with ever decreasing cash burn as this year goes along. Why does that matter? Well it means things aren't as bad as everyone first thought for one. For another it means a quicker rebound of the stock price. It won't take 3 years or more before the 60's reappear in other words. Also they're making progress on a vaccine. Once that sucker comes out well, everything will get a big bump then. So buy the cheapies while you can and do something else for awhile. A fat green bag will be waiting in due time.

>> No.20099403

They sold much more cars compared to last year, that's why it's pumping hard

>> No.20099413

I didn't say it's a hoax
Why do you illiterate retards always make that claim
You assholes always use the same exact strawman

>> No.20099420
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>> No.20099419
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when you buy and sell stocks on a stock exchange, you never know who you are buying from or selling to. You need to understand that there is a party on the other side of the transaction, but you shouldn't worry about who they are

>> No.20099430

A moron
You bought it from somebody else who bought at a different price from somebody else

>> No.20099435

At least we can all agree that the wuhan virus is quite literally the flu.

>> No.20099436

Meant monday

>> No.20099456

continue on yeah:





>> No.20099458

Do any of you guys actually make more money than the boomers? When did you start and how much have you profited since then?

>> No.20099461

Mostly people who are contractually obliged to do so, such as funds and etf's, and are not liable for anything when they happen to buy the top.
Otherwise, people who think it'll go even higher, people who are hedging against something else, people forced to cover shorts, etc.

>> No.20099462
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update: I found this buried in my terms and conditions. Is this what happened? And how can I avoid it in the future?

>> No.20099494

that sucks man try not to let it turn you off to investing too much. fractional shares are kinda stupid, you're better off buying a stock that's within your price range or learning how options work.

>> No.20099519

this is probably a retarded question and i know no ones trading on cash app and it has extremely limited companies available, BUT how does cash app allow fractional shares so easily compared to other brokers

>> No.20099527

Whitelist and blacklist has nothing to to with race
White is physical presence, a binary true or in this context an allowed
While black is physical abscence, a binary false or in this context forbidden
Fucking brainlets
>Sanity Check
>Quik Check
This is just human resources being subhumans again

>> No.20099557

>there aren't elevated numbers of hospitalizations,
>Just hysterical news
>the same as the been historically this time of year

>> No.20100084

>who the fuck is buying high?
The reason the price is that high is because someone is willing to pay it