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20097386 No.20097386 [Reply] [Original]

Are Funko Pops a good investment?

>> No.20097430

Does it have a hologram or is that just what they think means "glow in the dark"?

>> No.20097468

Do you remember beanie babies??
It was the same thing, basically everyone who wanted one found a way to buy one and once the craze ended all of them were sitting there with heavy bags.

Watching this, its a 9 minute documentary on the subject.


>> No.20097590

To an outsider they look so fucking hideous and reek of shoddy chink craftship

But, hey, there's a sucker born every minute

>> No.20097625

>740,000 Net worth
>All in Funko Pop!
You tell me, hoser

>> No.20097737

I spend my entire 3 million inheritance on Funko Pops©

Sadly i had to sell my parents (RIP) house to pay the rent on my storage units, but im sure i will make a fortune selling my Funko Pops© in a couple of years

>> No.20097770

Toys are not good investments because if the fad dies you are stuck with nothing.

Additionally, you can't predict the market.

>> No.20097982

>stuck with nothing
Speak for yourself. I've got storage units full of the motherfuckers!

>> No.20098012

Are any beanie babies still worth alot?

>> No.20098095

I think even the rarest of them sell for no more than $12 on ebay. I have a feeling their polyester materials from the 1990’s doesn’t feel or smell too great these days.

>> No.20098184

They are, in the hearts of the (involuntary) collectors.

>> No.20098217


>> No.20098292

Preachy libtards don't buy these stupid things because they think they're gonna go up in value

They legitimately, truly "enjoy" these little toy dolls, with all the enthusiasm and smiles of a child

>> No.20098332
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I figured out the reason for the phenomenon

>> No.20098394 [DELETED] 

How about yugioh cards or dice?

>> No.20098503
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you could buy 10+ high tier animu figures for that price.

>> No.20098612

And it would be almost as sad an "investment". Anigay cucks need to be shot, every soft faggot lefty got that way from being 35 and still watching chink children's cartoons.

>> No.20098672

Holy shit they went through literally all the bagholder copes we see on here every day.

>> No.20098805
File: 3.78 MB, 640x303, SmartSelect_20200628-230455_YouTube.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think coin collecting is going to pick up. I know a ton of my friends had grandparents with an old coin collection and now that we are at an age where we have good jobs making good money I could see people begin to start their own collection

>> No.20099273

I think it's a statue of a hologram of Darth maul. Could be wrong, never seen star wars, but that's what it looks like to me. Like a force ghost or something but as a figurine.
Also these are the most soi investment you could make

>> No.20099879

What's to stop people making counterfeit versions and selling them? It's just plastic