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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20096282 No.20096282 [Reply] [Original]

>store your gold in jewish bank
>bank denies to give you your gold back

Top kek. Reminder to not store your gold in any banks /biz.

>> No.20096698

How the fuck is Guaido the recognized ruler?

>> No.20096731

(((Americans))) did it to Germany too a few years ago
If you don't hold it, you don't own it.

>> No.20096743

>How the fuck is Guaido the recognized ruler?

Fuck you.. Get back to plebbit Chavista

>> No.20096770

Fuck Guaido. He is a pussy

>> No.20096772

Always hold your gold. Paper gold or gold stored in a bank is easily seized or denied. Or in cases of paper gold i question it's actual existence of solid gold irl.

>> No.20096828

really depends on if you're just trying to trade based on spot prices or holding longterm as a store of value

>> No.20096842

because the cabal said so i guess
until he falls out of favour and they pick some other patsy to play the marionette

>> No.20096848

Not your keys not your coin, how many times do we have to tell you?

>> No.20096865

Not your keys not your wallet bruh

>> No.20096893

i can see your nose from this post

>> No.20097157

Why didn't he store the gold in Venezuela? Fuck, even swiss that takes money out would be better than never having access to it again

>> No.20097623


>> No.20097687
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It's ridiculous how devious the Anglo is, but no one does anything about it.

>> No.20097704

Imagine being so spineless and disgusting that you support a foreign puppet as the head of your state.

>> No.20097718

They deny the gold because the gold isn't there anymore

>> No.20097736


>> No.20097740
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>tfw dad is anglo
feels good desu senpai

>> No.20097780
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>storing your gold in a country infested by smelly spics guarded by smelly spics

>> No.20097852


>> No.20098020

Illegitimate rulers don’t deserve access to their gold

>> No.20098043

He's legit though

>> No.20098087

Bus driver just learned a hard lesson kek.

>> No.20098322
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>> No.20098360

Shut the fuck you escuálido piece of shit and please go back to your country, traidor de mierda.