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20089844 No.20089844 [Reply] [Original]

Calculate how much XYS you need for staking

Also spots don't end after 100, if all 100 spots are taken the cheapest staker (spot 1) gets kicked and staker 101 becomes staker 100 and has to pay stake price 100 + 1%. This goes up infinitly until its impossible to get spot 101 because there aren't enough tokens on the market.

>> No.20089892

idk if I'm doing the math right
but it looks like it'll take 19 million XYS (almost HALF of the total supply) to fill in the 100 spots
they're never getting filled lmao
not that it matters much I guess, it'll work like chainlink where service seekers will have to select which nodes to use

>> No.20089932


>> No.20089963

Can someone redpill me on this coin? Where can I read about it

>> No.20090001

are you retarded



>> No.20090022


t.me/ analysxofficial

>> No.20090036

spot 1 costs 100k
spot 100 costs 270k
middle is 185
185k * 100 = 18,500,000, the total supply is 40,000,000
almost half needs to be "staked" to achieve 100 spots.

no I'm not retarded, I did say my math might be wrong, but unless I'm misunderstanding something fundamental then it might be only a little off.


right here sir
you can trade it on uniswap, should be enough liquidity if you want like .25eth worth or so
or on bamboo relay
it's a bit difficult to acquire because the only funds out there are leaks from a seed funding round
they also have a telegram if you're indian, but idk what its called

>> No.20090458

It's 17,171,207.46 You're only off by 1,328,792.54

42.93% of supply needs to be locked up to fill all spots. I'm confident it will all get filled this is huge

>> No.20090552

I don't see how this will pump it
I'm more bullish on the fact that it's retardedly cheap and has actual devs behind it
1% of the supply here btw mathematically guaranteed a spot

>> No.20090628

i have like 600 of these. can i stake?

>> No.20090684



>> No.20090751

Thanks, this looks fucking based. Where's the best place to buy?

>> No.20090784

Bamboo relay fren

>> No.20091763
File: 442 KB, 700x980, XYS_2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Analsex is the future

Pic related faggots

>> No.20091868
File: 180 KB, 1366x768, 1588191058056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

future for sure