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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20083434 No.20083434 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20083446

absolutely disgusting

>> No.20083455


Why do you own ark, NKN, and Hbar? I can see arguments for the rest....

>> No.20083478

too spread out.. pick three max

>> No.20083486

Ark - wordpress of blockchains
NKN - chink moonshot internet shit
HBAR - mike maloney told me to.

>> No.20083496

this retard again

>> No.20083516

wtf is wrong with you

>> No.20083665

good spread OP you'll do well in the next bull run (and you'll hold your value well). Don't listen to the retards in this thread who go all-in one coin, it's always better to diversify.

>> No.20083815

I have a friend who threw 1k into dentacoin as a joke and turned it into 100k. Hes now worth a mil from a few thousand dollars. Never know what the moonshots are gonna be.

>> No.20083943

Buy moar link

>> No.20083951

I dont really want to. I had a 5k stack at $0.30 and sold because I thought it was a meme. Managed to buy back at $1.14

>> No.20084049

I've heard of this before, is it a good time to buy?

>> No.20084257
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>> No.20084591

redpill me on XLM, isn't a stupid, old, worthless crypto with a gay name?

>> No.20084635

No birdcoinz op your not gonna make it

>> No.20084847

Your portfolio shows 2 things:
- You are probably new to crypto, but you probably are not new to the markets
- Your over exposure to BTC shows you need to learn more about crypto, things have changed a lot since 2016
- You have a lot of garbage mixed with some good stuff, reading whitepapers is not enough, you need to go deeper, get involved and take the pulse of what works and what gets mass adoption.

Heres my advice:
1 - I'd reduce that BTC exposure by a lot, if you want to have a core position choose ETH, swap their exposure.

2 - Garbage, that's insta-sell: Vechain, Monero, DCR, NKN, ARK, NANO, why the fuck you own this??

3 - Cardano, IOTA, Hedera, hold it but dont buy more, these are long shots with good potential, but not certain, you can add Unibrigth to that list, not more than 5% each.

4 - Buy a lot more LINK, if you change your core position from BTC to ETH, LINK must be the second biggest holding, remember, ETH is like the computer, and LINK is like the interner...

5 - Where the fuck is your Defi exposure ??? You really want to miss in the biggest bull run of modern history??? You must add LEND, DMG, LRC, SNX, MLN and maybe a bit of COMP if it gets a bit cheaper, make sure at least 30/40% of your portfolio are pure defi plays.

Good luck, if you act wisely you can turn your 100k into 1M before 2021 ends.

>> No.20084944


>> No.20084980

a post I don't deserve

>> No.20084990

cut the fat, less BTC - more ETH, get some REN and KNC. Consider diversifying into DOT.

Don't baghold shitcoins

>> No.20085007

Is there anything wrong with me being 100% link? If defi moons, feel like link has to moon also since they all use link

>> No.20085085

Im bagholding from 2017. Ive been working a lot and im about 20% up from my initial investment. Snx and LEND mooned recently, so im keeping distance. Im holding the others because I thought they were cool projects. A friend of mine just made half a million tossing 100k into idex. I really need to get caught up on defi

>> No.20085089

I love you like a brother anon...I bet you have made it.

>> No.20085162


Man, LINK is probably my absolutely favourite token, but... yes, it's basically everything wrong with owning 100% LINK, or 100% anything in the crypto markets.

Just think the tons of juicy investments you missed in the past 9 months because you were 100% LINK...

Never, ever, own more than 30% in one project, diversify, add some risky plays with less exposure, it makes you work more and in the process you discover a lot of gems.

Holding 100% in one asset has big risks too, you can love a project and something go wrong with it and you are basically fucked.

>> No.20085194
File: 413 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200703_134538_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am i lookin lads? thinking about selling off some eth to get to 2.5k dmg, or is building to 10k ren a better idea?

>> No.20085209


Dont let the recent runs scare you out of something much bigger than this... Defi is still in it's infancy...
Yes, dont run after COMP at 1B market cap, that is stupid, but look for value. LEND is 200M, it will be an unicorn... this new DMM (DMG) is 40M and they are paving the way on that defi niche, it will be worth 300/400M during the bullrun, probably more, forget about short term volatility, just make your risk assumptions, and buy into it, buy the all Defi stars, forgot to add REN to that list. If you wait for the perfect entry you will miss the boat.

About those projects I've called garbage, not saying that they will go down, in a Alt season they will go up, but nobody cares about that now, Defi is the new black, forget the previous stars of 2016-2017 and above all, reduce your BTC exposure and change your core to ETH.

No brainer ;)


>> No.20085231

Diversify! Pick some other industries.

>> No.20085241


Both good, but if your want potential go with DMG, it's having a quick dip right now, so the timming is perfect, $3.5 next week ;)

>> No.20085269

yea noticed the dip, probs a good time to buy, but the next Ren epoch is coming up soon, surely that will get a nice bump aswell? might end up getting both i guess

>> No.20085284


Too diversified to really make it, but should have a few hundred k next bubble. Stick with your convictions and go with 3-5 coins max including btc. Bet big when you are confident.

>> No.20085329


Dump everything but BTC and XMR, how new are you?

>> No.20085350


Kill yourself scammer faggot.

OP don’t listen to any of these retards. Bitcoin is the only one worth anything

>> No.20085356

Hahaha holy shit man, what the fuck is wrong with you, you have over 20% of your net worth in a fucking chink meme, what is wrong with you. you barely have any link you fucking twat what is the matter with you?

>> No.20085464

Personally I wouldn’t hold more than 5 coins but goodluck I Hope you make it

>> No.20085606

I hope we all make it

>> No.20085619

>he hasn’t heard of UBT

>> No.20085647

Liquidate all your holdings except nano for more link

>> No.20085661

2017 called, they want their bags back

>> No.20085696
File: 979 KB, 1242x2688, A8E8257C-9B2B-4AD5-860A-F6EFAD0C1BF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re all a bunch of retards.

>> No.20085724

>Buy a lot more LINK
> You must add LEND, DMG, LRC, SNX, MLN and maybe a bit of COMP

>> No.20085858

Consolidate about half those shitcoins into btc and Eth. And Keep a few of them.

>> No.20085893

You've got a good mix. I'd try to increase exposure to young DeFi projects, because that's what's hot right now. Maybe diversify some of your VET into some RSR or DMG (when they come back down to earth). I'd also increase your exposure to IOTA because that one's going to be ridiculous when it starts pumping--it has about the biggest value proposition of any crypto today IMHO.

>> No.20085924 [DELETED] 
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What do ya think?

>> No.20085943
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how does it feel knowing you're part of the future financial elite?

>> No.20085964
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Not gonna lie, pretty damn good.

>> No.20085991

wow someone actually gave good advice

>> No.20086159

Show your portfolio

>> No.20086307

ahh yes, the man who has stagnated for 2 years straight, calling others retards. Truly a hallmark of /biz/

>> No.20086488

Stop buying shit and consolidate you fucking idiot.

>> No.20086774

Any tips or links for a newfag? I've been looking all over /biz/ but all I see are shitposts and pictures of sexy girls with stock market graphs photoshoped over their buttholes.

>> No.20086923
File: 66 KB, 640x621, IMG951053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go all in $LINK on coinbase and shut it, the big boys are talking.