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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20084008 No.20084008 [Reply] [Original]

Their tech doesn't even work properly, there's a huge liquidity error that keeps the DEX from working. They won't allow OCO and stop-limit features because the bot couldn't handle the load and keeps on crashing. Margin trading won't happen on the DEX due to huge security risks.

Retards who are "in for the tech" you are being SCAMMED. Get out now, you don't have to thank me for warning you of losing all your life savings.

>> No.20084029

prove it loser. You cant have my xsn

>> No.20084131


>> No.20084248

Devs literally posted this on the discord. Also, I'm one of the beta testers of the DEX and this is what I've experienced.

>he thinks I'm fudding
lol no

>> No.20084640

thanks, fren, you will save some of us.... Other will be blinded by greed

>> No.20084996

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.20085033

Actually I'm going to go ahead and get added to beta test the wallet, and will check to see if this is an actual error.

>> No.20085413

buy signal

>> No.20085455
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You had 2 years.

>> No.20085461

where at? not seeing it anywhere and I personally haven't had DEX issues. feels like strong fud

>> No.20085470
File: 54 KB, 878x400, Screenshot_20200702_211500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfectly normal volume, not manipulated guys

>> No.20085533

>sits on the market drastically undervalued for a year
>hardcore following
>only 1% of the entire supply been available for trade/sale this entire time
Anyone that isn't a retard would recognize an upwards correction for what it is. I'm sure you know this and that's why you're so desperate to FUD so you can accumulate more.

>> No.20085791

>Devs literally posted this on the discord
I have already sold.. it's gone up x4
last year I was scammed half of my money in the same time period
Broke even today

>> No.20085812

never put money into vertical bar movements

>> No.20085899

you will stay poor pajjeet

>> No.20085914

Discord also just confirmed this is FUD. Clearly a whale trying to load up more XSN

>> No.20085953

So many people going to get burned buying this top. Devs are well known for their "delays."

>> No.20086015
File: 617 KB, 828x1698, 783188B5-D808-4667-B0E9-C9EBC86D288F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who to believe OP with absolutely zero proof or Binance employee who inadvertently confirms tech is real.

OP is a CZ larping on biz to try and stop XSN rising because he’s seething he didn’t think of this for Binance DEX and can’t copy it because Binance used old shitty tech that’s too slow for it to work.

>> No.20086034

>Devs are well known for their "delays."
>yes ''dex is ready in 2018''
>2020 still not full ready

>> No.20086169

XSN was launched in March 2018 and by the end of 2018 they had got Lightning Swaps working on a technical level. To perform them required a lot of technical expertise and they created a guide so that anyone could try but it was a huge process to setup.

Since then they have taken that entire lengthy process and turned it into a single click of a button.

The Lightwallet was done in 2019 but what was the point in launching just a lightwallet? Also the DEX was done in late 2019 but again what was the point in launching a bare bones DEX. Instead they have used the extra time to build features like the aggregator to provide liquidity and refine the products even further so that when they do launch them they don’t fall flat. They have a public beta and are asking people to come and try it and many are doing that right now.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about and probably sold at 800 sats and now just salty because everyone else is making a lot more than you.

>> No.20086260
File: 17 KB, 347x213, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bobos and retards hate xsn, and that's extremely bullish
>6 different kinds of old, tired, long-refuted FUD
and i mean old

>> No.20086283
File: 69 KB, 802x1024, 1593007300993m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Op is a fudding spastic retard who didn't buy during the last 6 months when I was shilling xsn.

>> No.20086286
File: 24 KB, 375x200, publicly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm expecting the launch within two months

>> No.20086311

all im saying is i HAD a stack and i sold for some profit

>> No.20086343

>7 different kinds of old FUD
0 evidence of any wrong-doing
You suck at this and you're just going to have to accumulate with the rest of us.

>> No.20086745

Im actually holding 30k xsn, seems like sarcasm doesn't work on the internet

>> No.20086811

So you are just trying to accumulate more and misleading anons because you're greedy.

>> No.20086954

Not at all actually. Sadly, I thought the all caps retarded fud would be obvious enough

>> No.20087199

devs delays are famous.
Dex should have been ready in 2018 and in 2020 is not full ready.
Wait for a retrace to 8-9 cents to buy in.
Cause they will need other months for raiden integration and then for a fully- no buggy exange

t. whale

>> No.20087246

This. I'm bullish on the project but there's still a way to go I feel

>> No.20087333

They aren’t though there has been some delay but that’s expected you can’t just magic something to appear from nothing. The devs have built something that nobody else has been able to do and when you do that there is no guide to follow they are literally writing the guide for this tech as they build it. They invented the Lightning swap tech in 2018 and if you tried it back then you would know how difficult and long winded it was to setup and complete one. What they have done by condensing it all down into a single click is an achievement in itself. They had the wallet and the DEX ready in 2019 but if they released it then it would have been bare bones and people would have already forgotten it exists. Instead they have used this time to refine things and add amazing new features like 1 Click TOR activation, auto-pilot for lightning channels, channel rental, then liquidity aggregator, etc. All of these things on their own are also worlds first great achievements that have never been done before and they did it so that when the DEX launches people’s first impressions of the wallet and dex will be amazed like those that already are in the test group when they see how easy everything is.

You obviously have no clue how actually software development works. The fact that they are now doing public testing that anyone can join in and try it for themselves should give you some hint as to how far along they are. The core tech is done, all they are doing right now is fine tuning and minor bug fixing to get it ready for full launch.