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20083752 No.20083752 [Reply] [Original]

>rich Chinese buys Russian girl a lambo
>proposes to her
>gets rejected

>> No.20083755

He never had a chance

>> No.20083797
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God women's lives are so damn easy. No wonder men kill themselves at like 4x the rate.

>> No.20083812
File: 36 KB, 624x316, C4415A7E-31E9-40F1-B99C-DCF3496F6A6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese are ugly people

Venezuela’s 3rd world and have 10 miss universe titles

Why not China ?

>> No.20084490

Ugly Chinese

>> No.20084612

It's obviously fake. Even if it's real, she would probably say yes behind the camera. Most women don't like to be proposed in front of many people.

>> No.20084624

fake and gay

>> No.20084665

He should have placed the lambo in escrow, to be released upon receipt of sex from the gril

>> No.20084813

You work for ccp I have your ip address fggt

>> No.20084833

the level of copes on this one. She refused him because he is ugly.

>> No.20084862

Doesn't help that he's being a sperg retard in public

>> No.20085131

A part of me wants to believe that she rejected his request because she is not a gold digger, but the cynical bastard in me that's right 99% of the time knows that it's because she, like all modern women, is arrogant enough to believe that she deserves, and will assuredly get, not only a rich man, but a rich AND incredibly attractive 10/10 man.

>> No.20085152

He should have used that money on plastic surgery and steroids

>> No.20085161

Its cause they barely know eachother and he’s autistic af you retards

>> No.20085734

You don't GIVE the money to the woman, you use it for simbolize your high status.
Women despise simps

>> No.20085753

old, and it was confirmed fake

>> No.20085765

Pretty much all of these public proposal rejections are faked

>> No.20086743

No she refused him because he was too cheap and bought a gallardo, not a murcielago.
Shit nigga

>> No.20087413

Idk seems fake to me
but big L if true

>> No.20087443

Not only are they often ugly on the outside but also not very kind people. Ugly on the inside as well.

>> No.20087551

Assuming it isn't fake he probably isn't even that rich, just barely made it well off seeing as that's a last gen lambo. Bitch probably wanted an Aventador and saw that shit

>> No.20087578

seriously, would you sell your soul to a chink for a lambo

>> No.20087617

a public proposal is a guaranteed "yes", because no decent person would humiliate someone in public by saying no.

>> No.20087695

He said he knew her for 100 days. probably never even slept with her and if did was shit in bed hence the rejection. The guy was a beta didn't matter if he was chinese, white, black. If you a betafag and think money will buy you the woman of your dreams then you might as well kys.