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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20074033 No.20074033 [Reply] [Original]

Has /biz/ ever been fired from their job?

>> No.20074063

imagine going to Harvard only to come out this stupid.

>> No.20074071

Based Deloitte

>> No.20074108

Well deserved and it's good to see it happen to the other side for once.

>> No.20074131
File: 21 KB, 250x226, gay retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that going to school can fix stupid
based retard

>> No.20074135

What? They don’t like their own fucking faggot assed tactics when used against them? Boo hoo you fucking gook cunt

>> No.20074169

A feel good story.

>> No.20074180

Her cries in the video also seem fake.

>> No.20074195

Harvard isn't supposed to fix stupid, it's not a community college. They're allegedly accepting only the brightest minds America has to have offer.. either their admission criteria has gone down the shitter or they are somehow making their students stupider

>> No.20074203


>> No.20074225

lol good to see cancel culture also works the other way

>> No.20074299

>dream job
>2 months removed from graduating.

>> No.20074304

Yes, I lost my job last week. A coworker saw me sniffing the seats of some female coworkers after they went home and informed my boss.

>> No.20074336

>my platform

>> No.20074365

why the fuck is she an harvard graduate, isn't it supposed to be one of the best college in the world?

>> No.20074403

finally. shitty social media taken over the 4chan not your personal army shtick.
I would be glad to see that anyone that stumps to cancel ppl get fucked on by 4chan.. there should be a concerted effort

>> No.20074454

Because she’s a gook whore so she ticks two boxes for them

>> No.20074503

>advertising giant
ngga wat?

>> No.20074646


>> No.20074662

she doesn't even know what she did wrong and doesn't take any responsibility for her actions
she really thinks she's being unjustly punished for "taking a stand" and doesn't know why saying you want to stab people who disagree with you is not ok, and maybe even thinks IS okay, as long as they disagree with you...

such entitlement; many such cases

>> No.20074669

I got hired and fired the same day at a local airport restaurant for smoking cigarettes as a teenager

>> No.20074694


>> No.20074705
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hmmm is almost like academia is bullshit

>> No.20074731

If a college degree was still worth today what it was worth like 60 years ago, do you honestly think they would be letting these people in?

>> No.20074931

Took 17 posts but glad someone else is confused. Deloitte is a giant accounting firm not fucking advertising lol.

>> No.20074965

I thiughr Deloitte was an accounting firm

>> No.20075026

>be me
>work fast-food pizza place while going to college
>be best shity pizza maker
>get promoted to shift manager
>store manager and other wagies loved me.
>work three hardest shifts (Friday Close, Saturday Close, and Sunday Open(during NFL season))
>get new regional manager
>starts to make pointless meeting every Saturday morning.
>Fucking wake up early for school, Close at pizza place, wake up early for pointless meeting, Close pizza place then fucking open the next morning. (Schoolwork got done somehow).
>She schedule pointless meeting I would show up on a bike in the last 5 minutes as a fuck you.
>she fired me and my store manager quit on the spot.

>> No.20075049

This, who fucking gets their dream job right out of college.

>> No.20075069


>I don’t need no book learnin. I got muh Bible.

>> No.20075076

Harvard is a meme school, get with the times grandpa.

>> No.20075120

That was never Harvard’s intent lmao it’s only there to coddle elites and give the illusion of opportunity to hard working poor students to maintain their false image. Nothing but an Ivy League circle jerk and a resume badge of honor.

>> No.20075179


>> No.20075242

short Deloitte

>> No.20075285

have fun getting scammed 200k for a bullshit diploma.
Academia is bogged down is bullshit right now, remember the enlightenment happened outside of universities.
I wouldn't be in school right now if my future job did not require it, but I am basically guaranteed a job right as I graduate.

>> No.20075337
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>all these racist incel Trump supporters mad at a 140IQ+ beautiful and brave WOC (woman of color) with an Ivy League degree

>> No.20075822

The issue more that many women think twitter and social medias at large = real life.
They get themselves into insane echo chamber and become crazy in the process.

It's a lot like /pol/ in a way but without the anonymous part.

>> No.20075862

Trump is in for a real shock when he gets hit my the Joepedo!

>> No.20076052

The worst and best decision you could have made. All in one day. Truly the duality of man.

>> No.20076251

>her dream job is at fucking deloitte
t. ex deloitte consultant

>> No.20076292


Where did you go after?

>> No.20076322

As a true capitalist, I believe only in others working to sustain my existence.

>> No.20076326

your momoas pusssey xd

>> No.20076336

This is good. I'm glad the playing field is somewhat even. I've started to notice some BLM protesters are too extreme and take it too far. Like Hitler levels. It's scary. So I'm glad that threats of violence (on either side) are being taken very seriously. If we want justice we can not be blind to any injustice. Also we should stop eating meat.

>> No.20076386

She shouldn’t have been fired but she seems incapable of realising her actions have consequences. No she’s gonna live off that simp money so idk

>> No.20076388

How did they know who it was though

>> No.20076412

That's why i'm ridin with biden and having sex with aunt jemima.

>> No.20076424

>Also we should stop eating meat.
You first. Also stop eating agricultural products whose production kills animals made of meat.
>I just don't understand why a company wouldn't want their employees calling for racial warfare?

>> No.20076450

>be me
>didn't read your stupid blog post

>> No.20076462

i like how she says how strong she is while sobbing into the camera and embarrassing the fuck out of herself.
just goes to show you how pointless higher education is when it comes to being a rational human being who doesn't fall for the republicans vs democrats meme.

>> No.20076483

Well I didn't read your stupid

>> No.20076486

I get myself fired every (few) year(s) to hop on gobermint gibs. Working doesn't pay here so why should I bother.

>> No.20076684

if dubs she goes into porn next, right before porn gets banned

>> No.20076907

why is the white guy the only one standing up? all the POC are kneeling.
it's poor taste desu.

>> No.20076942

Math majors

>> No.20077011

Yeah my last job, I was there for 5 years and hated it. IT job. Automated/streamlined/documented everything in the first 2 years, then we had new management come in and start micromanaging everyone, and just yelling at people for not doing enough tedious busy work. I was happy when they let me go. Had a good ammount of money saved and have been doing really good with options trading and renting out my second duplex to keep afloat.

>> No.20077034

I wanna fuck her so bad as she makes fun of my tiny cock

>> No.20077180

> 300k starting
> any job I want

>> No.20077234

Asians are white-adjacent and don't count as people of color. They perpetuate the model minority myth and help maintain white supremacy (see Asian cop in the George Floyd case).

>> No.20077247

based deloitte

>> No.20077255

> advertising giant
> Deloitte

? uhhh

>> No.20077264

she can go into blacked porn now

>> No.20077276

People who went to Harvard

>> No.20077301

>laughs at you in trade fields
Enjoy your low gains and meager ROI for that degree in about 30 years while I live comfortably middle class

>> No.20077320

before covid i was in danger of losing my job because a girl complained to hr when i asked her to stop singing and to turn her music down

i'll never try to resolve a work conflict again in the future by actually talking to the person rather than complaining about them to someone else

>> No.20077324
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>> No.20077332

>left: tfw telling gf's 'I'd never do anal!"
>right: tfw taking big dick in the poop-chute

>> No.20077360

what a faggot
advocating for blm wasn't why she was fired
it was threatening physical violence durrr

>> No.20077378

how dare you question putting women ahead of your career

>> No.20077488

I bet she was a terrible worker and HR was looking for a reason to fire her.

>> No.20077512

mbb or bust faggot lmao

>> No.20077536

not fired but they didnt renew my 6 monthy contract.

It was basically the nicest way of telling me to fak off without actually firng me. Fuck them tho i dindonuffin.

>> No.20077546

>he doesn't have 200k in disposable income to just fuck off and cuck the shit out of other niggers' wives while in school for an extra 2 years

>> No.20077553

That looks way better on your next job.

>> No.20077702

She was probably working in the outreach department or something. Easy to see how that might be conflated to advertising. Would also explain her stupidity and retard brain. Oh wait, that's just cause she's a woman.

>> No.20077723

never, I've always quit on my own terms.

>> No.20077898

> he can't afford a 200k degree
Cuck poorfag detected.

>> No.20077932
File: 119 KB, 929x1175, 1585766151574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advertising giant Deloitte
>la goblina autist is harvard graduate
>her IQ is on pic related level
this country is fucked...

>> No.20077950

>They're allegedly accepting only the brownest minds America has to have offer

Common typo, I fixed it for you

>> No.20078004

>either their admission criteria has gone down the shitter or they are somehow making their students stupider
Literally both. Ivy Leagues are under fire for taking shit loads of Chinese money, not to mention that they already perfectly exhibit the internal decay of academia by leftism.

>> No.20078178

Jews are not brown tho, they’re a different thing entirely

>> No.20078198

"Greasy Babylonians", "brown", close enough

>> No.20078240


she probably got into a big argument with her ex boyfriend, who is more than likely to be white. gives off mayli vibes, makes a retarded video to piss off one particular person and then the whole world sees it

>> No.20078384

>Fuck them tho i dindonuffin.
It's your job, you were supposed to be doing something.

>> No.20078398

never had a job dumbfuck
t. 32yo

>> No.20078450

You actually win, even if you are poor
It's not worth it

>> No.20078474

Yeah but that's not how niggers will spin it. And she'll end up getting that job back or another from businesses trying to capitalize on woke. Same as Muhammad Clockbar.

>> No.20078880

Joe pedo

>> No.20078927

What's a high business IQ tweet to make. Makes recruiters see that and it checks off their "morality" checkbox. He has nothing to risk, nothing to lose at all, but makes it seem like he will have to get fired (not quit and miss unemployment) for his values.

>> No.20078949

As if anyone dares to make a tiktok threatening to stab all Blacks Love Melon supporters. They get fired for way less grievous acts.

>> No.20079196

My point was no matter how much these universities shill diversity, the populous there will always be over represented by Jews

>> No.20079460

Only intelligent anon itt

>> No.20079463
File: 87 KB, 112x112, A2974A5B-A610-4455-B4CA-F2A79CAA44E7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’re hired
>You’re lowered
>You’re fired
And spitters need not apply!

>> No.20079507
File: 189 KB, 960x1280, 7853932F-2146-426B-B4BB-0D8EE56A5F9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW, what the fuck even is this gook mutt mix? It’s fucking ugly as sin!

>> No.20079570


>> No.20079702


>> No.20079744

Even in STEM, you work shit projects thrown down to you by the more senior engineers. It taks a few years to work on the cool stuff.

>> No.20079770

Not a meme if you position yourself correctly and aren’t an absolute sperg.

Good, as someone who graduated from an Ivy without a job, I’m always happy to see someone else not get a job from an Ivy

>> No.20079811

Half kike and SEAnigger. She has a gofundme.

>> No.20079812

She’s not from Ching Chong money. She’s some weird mutt that got raised by Lesbian parents. She’s also Jewish. Many such mutts in the Ivy League.

>> No.20079834


>standing up for this cause resulted in people paying attention to me

nice altruism

>> No.20079887

I'm glad it happened, but it's not even the same thing. Nowadays just saying you don't care for blm will get you fired. She actually threatened to stab people. Lefties and niggers have become way too complacent with their threats. If you search twitter for "white people" you can find hundreds of tweets of blacks (and sometimes self hating whites) clamoring they want to kill or rape whitey. That's totally kosher according to Twitter though.

>> No.20079893

Two thoughts about this: 1. Ultra based on Deloitte's part, and 2. this girl is a brainlet that somehow got into Harvard. Also, why does she constantly reference "Trump supporters"? Weirdo lady, its just other people who disagree with you threatening violence.

People like this disgust me. She has had any easy life so far and thought she was going along with the establishment narrative while boosting her own profile. She was happy to threaten to kill other people, and is now upset that she was singled out to suffer consequences for doing so.

No company partnering with Deloitte would want to involve themselves with someone who puts radioactive shit like this on the internet.

>> No.20079920

never fired, mainly because then I might be able to milk some benefits out of them.

Instead, I usually get transferred to some shit position, with some annoying bs stacked on top, and they just wait for me to quit. I'll do the job, but very very poorly, and we end up in a stand off. At wage slave jobs, they usually win by cutting my hours until I practically never come in. At salary positions, it usually goes on long enough I get bored and find something else.

>> No.20079935

Some jew will spin this "ambitious college grad fired from dream job for standing up for BLM"

>> No.20079985

>this girl is a brainlet that somehow got into Harvard
You faggots have no clue how retarded everyone is at these schools. There’s a few actual geniuses in sciences departments, but the average students is hilariously mediocre compared to what an Ivy student used to be. The smart anons on 4chan are much more intellectually impressive than the vast majority people at these schools. Our “future elite” are completely braindead.

>> No.20080034

Does anybody remember this cringe?
I would actually fucking kill myself at an accounting firm.


>> No.20080036
File: 36 KB, 294x442, 04C0FFFE-B3E8-4DB0-A246-BB08E22B3F7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20080074

agreed. Some of the dumbest people I've met have had really amazing degrees. I never really understood some of their opinions or positions in companies, so me with my weaker degree always thought "I guess they're just on another level than me..."
Then I actually talk to them, or I shadow them for a little while, and realize the vast majority of these people really aren't anything special. They're just better at tests or have some kind of connection. They're also usually a bit more likable (at least in small doses) and more bland, so they tend to do well in interviews, landing jobs they probably shouldn't really have.

>> No.20080143

Not if you're good at your job.

>> No.20080165


>> No.20080171

>70% female
It really was a mistake...

>> No.20080193

This is narcissistic personality disorder.

>> No.20080202

I was dating a girl at Columbia around 10 years ago and while her friends were insufferable and pretentious they did seem pretty well-read. Not sure if it's all just a larp to cover for lack of critical thinking in all other aspects of life. Obviously reading "classic" novels doesn't make someone inherently smart. They were definitely smarter than the retards I was with at Hunter College but that's a pretty low bar. Also academia has gotten exponentially more cucked since then.

>> No.20080227

After chainlink moons 4chan will be the new elite

>> No.20080261

Being Asian doesn't help you when getting into Harvard retard

>> No.20080284

this, I'm a physics phd and there's a few post-docs and students I know that went to Oxford/Harvard
All these guys are only mildly clever with huge egos and pseud tier opinions on anything beyond their own subject.

I can count the actual geniuses I met in uni on one hand. 2 were co-students when I was studying electrical engineering. 1 is my current professor, sadly he's a boomer so his vision is clouded by his generation.

All the others are fucking average people with stupid loud opinions or no opinion at all. They don't ready philosophy, literature or history. They just do their jobs/degrees and follow MSM.

>> No.20080292

Being smart doesn’t mean you necessarily make good decisions. Since she is an American of asian descent, she would have a lot more obstacles to get into Harvard than someone who is white. She has to be an academic genius, but just made an idiot mistake here.

>> No.20080343

I'm not a colossal fucking retard, so no.

>> No.20080406

Ivy League schools aren't meant to educate you; they accept "the best and brightest" because those people have the character to learn subject matter themselves. The whole point of attending Harvard or Yale is to network.

>> No.20080422

Education does not equate to intelligence or smarts. Pretty much most Ivy League students and grads are very well "educated", but are also seemingly diminished if not entirely lacking in the capability for critical thinking and justification of their beliefs. They may be well read as you said, but they have no wits about them. Just a bunch of imbecilic book regurgitators.

>> No.20080520


>> No.20080605

Anon you were responding to on different IP now. She was only “well read” likely because of Columbia’s Core, which is only “impressive” because of how abysmal the standards have fallen in what you’re expected to have read by college. Many of these students only speed read the text/spark note it now because those classes move at too fast of a pace that many aren’t used to getting that amount of reading down. They barely retain any of it after a year besides their vague thesis from their dog food-tier essay.

Yeah, many are argubably “good” at their very special thing which allowed them to join these “elite schools,” but their ability to actually think laterally and across domains is rather paltry and especially disappointing when this is the essence of a healthy and functioning elite to lead a society and spur new discovery and growth as opposed to now where our sclerotic elite just makes sure we get BBC cuckold porn streamed faster with 5G.

>> No.20080632

Based retard, dabbing on anons, all while having zero fucking idea what he's talking about.

>> No.20080633

>The whole point of attending Harvard or Yale is to network.
Bingo. It’s Linkedin but in real life.

>> No.20080709

>Since she is an American of asian descent, she would have a lot more obstacles to get into Harvard than someone who is white.
She’s Jewish and adopted/raised by a Lesbian couple, perfect mutt identity sob story material.

>She has to be an academic genius, but just made an idiot mistake here.
This isn’t how you get into Harvard. If you’re an academic genius, then you ace the science/math olympiads. That’s what gets you considered. You need need to do well on the retard test (aka SAT) to not get filtered. After that you purchase your lottery ticket to enter. You get more lottery tickets if you’re the best candidate at a specific field. This is obviously hard to do in something with lots of competition like economics or math, so if you’re smart you aim to do some autistic niche that will me you memorable from the thousands of applications they’re reading and can feasibly argue as a valuable asset to the Harvard community that will also ideally lead to you having an extremely successful career after Harvard so Harvard can brag you went to Harvard.

REMEMBER, all relationships are transactional. You want Harvard, but why does Harvard want you? What value do you bring?

>> No.20080773
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dance wagie dance

>> No.20080840

I hope so anon. The country has really estranged a lot of young middle class white males from joining the halls of power. Current conditions make something like Henry Ford, Edison, or anything like a log-cabin president from happening very slim and I think it’s a shame to see so much wasted potential. Hopefully, Link can change that.

>> No.20080951

Colleges don't make kids smarter anymore, they do the opposite in this day and age. Their purpose is to brainwash and gaslight them into believing retarded shit that no sane person would otherwise believe.

>> No.20080955

Harvard is like 80% rich kids who pay for the facilities, 20% smart kids who actually use them

>> No.20081063

enjoy your aching joints at 40, Cody

>> No.20081356

couldn't have said it better. We should make authors like Aristotle mandatory reading again so people can get an idea about virtue and politics that isn't bound by the contemporary mediocrity.

>> No.20081452

in STEM you get your dream job only to find out how much it sucks

>> No.20082252

>Has /biz/ ever been fired from their job?
I yelled at a coworker to shut the fuck up and then told management he was a fucking idiot. They fired me now I am practically NEET.

>> No.20082447

Nice ID

>> No.20082536

Very typical. Already rich corporations would make so much more money if they could only remove the parasites, but they'll allow themselves to become more infected until it becomes life/death, at which point it's too late.

>> No.20082571

>Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, commonly referred to as Deloitte, is a multinational professional services network
what the fuck kind of mutt abomination is this

>> No.20082642

Been fired from a couple minimum wage jobs. I regret nothing.

>> No.20082655


>> No.20082661
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>believing in female lies for viewership money
>also ID: 4cock

>> No.20082675
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Checked and green dock ID. This thread brought to you by Kek

>> No.20082692
File: 751 KB, 1242x1704, DC537C4A-0EF4-4EAE-987C-B96333D10E64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP girl is jewish.

>> No.20082696

No but I've just stopped showing up

>> No.20082752

>she would have a lot more obstacles to get into Harvard than someone who is white

>> No.20082778

Their criteria don't apply to non-white, non-asian people. This is not a racist opinion, but an objective truth which can be measured by examining the SAT scores of admissions and the ethnicities of the people who get enrolled. It's official and completely legal policy, look up affirmative action.

>> No.20082833

Nigger, can you imagine if Trump supporters were marching in the street destroying shit and burning effigies of Hillary Clinton and people they don't like. If the right went anywhere near as far the left does all the time CNN would have a field day and we'd be at full boog status. Also Hitler was a hero.

>> No.20082855

This. Where are the bomes?

>> No.20082865

They do discriminate against chinks, its been the subject of lawsuits. She probably finessed her way into a diversity quota by writing her essay about the identity crisis of being a chink adopted by Jews living in a white town. Eric Zhang from Flushing, Queens definitely had a harder time getting into Harvard than she did. Chinks want their own to go to real universities like MIT.

>> No.20082936

I knew it was bad but not to the point of letting retards like this into their ranks. Ivy League reputation has been relegated to the tier of state universities

>> No.20082944

i didn't know this board was this simple minded. are you like 19 ?

>> No.20082951


>> No.20082994

No, I just thought that our top tier of higher education had a shred of credibility left in it. Evidently that's not the case. I don't know or associate with recent Harvard grads so I wouldn't know if they were graduating retards

>> No.20083076


>> No.20083154

No because the only places I've worked at had such a high turnover rate that they would try to hold on to people as long as possible
However they were all low tier jobs. I ended up just quitting them all

>> No.20083308

Hello dad.

>> No.20083372

No wtf. How do you even get fired from most jobs?

>> No.20083410

the lesbian jewish family and woman overpowers the small asian 'disadvantage'

>> No.20083426

There was a person at my preppy high school whose only job was to coach people on how to apply to these pretentious schools and what kind of stories you're supposed to tell them.

>> No.20083869

IQ =/= anything other measure of humanity. Only your ability to recognize patterns.

>> No.20083962

watching chinks cry is hilarious

>> No.20083976

what exactly is your argument? have you ever stepped foot on an american campus?

>> No.20084472

He went back to university and got the fuck out of accounting.

>> No.20084548

Yeah a couple times.
>Tall, White, intelligent, good looking male who lacks a degree
>Pursued easy cash in the oil an gas industry for a few years in white collar jobs
>Worked as an expat in one
>Hate every job
>Lose motivation FAST
>Still able to do job well when I choose
>Mediocre resume
>Companies hire me because im white and good looking
>Fired for scowling and holding myself back from backhanding some cunt team lead woman a few years ago
>Told regional director I was looking for another job because they don't pay me enough and refused to commit to company. Asked again if I would commit a few weeks later, declined. A month after that made redundant
>Keep getting interviews because well spoken, intelligent, impressive list of projects
>take the money and hate all my jobs because of severe depression

>> No.20084578


slightly more thankful to be in private accounting

>> No.20084723

They also discriminate against goy whites.