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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20070736 No.20070736 [Reply] [Original]

New partnerships and products being released all day. We really out here!

>> No.20070785

Here we fucking go fren

>> No.20070821
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Here's to us making it

>> No.20070846
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>> No.20070924
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watch it here: https://www.ubivent.com/register/cardanovirtualsummit

>> No.20071000
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We have kept ADA to ourselves and accumulated.
Now is the good time for /biz/ to know

>> No.20071069
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Checked, fren. I still want to accumulate more, but I don't have any money left. So might as well let the rest on board.

>> No.20071141

>2020. Buying Cardano.
This shitcoin is designed to siphon money from mid-level brainlets that are smart enough to know that cryptocurrency and blockchain tech is the future and have figured out how to use wallets/exchanges but isn't smart enough to understand network effect and first mover advantage. This shit is dead in the water with an extremely bloated marketcap of 3 billion dollars. Charles Hoskinson's purported genius is a red herring, a marketing ploy to give credence to the op by associating itself with a "founder of Ethereum".

You're buying snake oil and the house of cards will quickly collapse. The devs/users don't exist to keep this shit ship afloat and it will crater into bankruptcy in a few years.

>> No.20071210

This fucking brainlet thinks 3bn MCap is high...lmfao, educate yourself on the future moron.

>> No.20071236
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Poor linkie didn't put some money in ADA? Get off brainlet, this train isn't for you.

>> No.20071237

Asset issuing rolling out within 120 days!

>> No.20071244

>first mover
I typed in AOL Keyword: FirstMover but nothing came up. So I took a sip of my Macallan 30 and set the glass down on my AOL CD coaster.

>> No.20071322

did it start yet? whats being announced and talked about?

>> No.20071378

When will the 100k gang be millionaire boys?Asking for a friend.

>> No.20071618

It's not that 3bn is particularly high, it's that the underlying asset valued at 3bn is a giant bag of hot air. My education isn't in doubt here, and it wouldn't make what I said any less true if I wasn't educated (which I am, kiss my doctorate)
Nah, it's not for me. At least you can say it's not vaporware, but now you have to accept it's an over-valued shitcoin with no organic user or developer adoption.
Okay I'll bite. Let's make the argument that Ethereum is AOL in the mid-90s at peak usage. Tell me how and why AOL failed and explain to me how that analogy translates to Ethereum failing, which is what I assume you're trying to suggest.

>> No.20071708
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>not even 1 trillion marketcap

>> No.20071726

the virtual summit is badass. very impressed.

>> No.20071736

Whats your number fren?

>> No.20071772

I got into crypto very late and decided to diversify as I was new. I've got some 60k.

>> No.20071771

shit tech, shit experiences, closed ecosystem
shit tech, shit experiences, closed ecosystem

>> No.20071824

got a call from my boss and missed most of the opening, did I hear they're shipping voltaire with shelley?

>> No.20071856


>> No.20071880

what does it mean?

>> No.20071935

sheeeeeit. any time-frame given on Goguen? also i stopped listening around the identity management part, what's the word on that?

>> No.20071952

Okay Mr. 100k ADA, let's round up and say you have $10k invested in Cardano. If you market bought Ethereum with that money right now you could have about 43 ETH. Screenshot this and hold on to that thought for a few years and then revisit this conversation.

Okay well you clearly don't know what you're talking about, AOL didn't fail for those reasons.

ADA bagholders are fun to engage with because, like I was saying earlier, they aren't complete vapid-brains so they can form coherent thoughts and justifications for their initial interest in buying Cardano. They are however, completely deluded and incapable of detaching their emotions from their investments. Once you realize it's a marketing sham and the users and developers don't exist and have no skin in the game compared to Ethereum, you'll probably still be holding a big shitty bag of ADA.

>> No.20071961

LOl based retard
ETH is only decentralsied shitshow development vise how many of community members using or developing ada
because 100% of comunnity is bagholders waiting to stake for gains

>> No.20071976

First mover is a fallacy desu. The real power is in consolidation but hey Cardano is still an overhyped ETH clone with a manchild at the helm.

>> No.20071988
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on-chain voting / governance, see pic

>> No.20072047
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BREAKING: Cardano just flipped BNB.

>> No.20072280

We are definetely entering top 5 this summer.

>> No.20072295

There's an argument to make that first mover isn't always the winner, I agree. For instance, The DAO was an amazing concept and an amazing failure despite being first mover. It is a major factor to consider though. I mostly just threw that out there as one of the reasons Eth is king; there are much more in-depth arguments for why Ethereum is and will continue to dominate other SC platforms. Arguing with any bagholder is a waste of time, but that's precisely why I'm doing it: to waste time.

ADA will fail like EOS, like TRON, like NEO; all the Eth-killers. The best bet for these alternative SC platforms, like maybe Cosmos or potentially Polkadot, is to scale Eth. They are sidechains hopefuls at best. Ethereum is the true world's super computer, this has already been decided and despite current technical limitations it will continue to prosper.

ADA uses a lot of fancy marketing to polish what is still a big, bloated turd. No one wants to use this shit, no one wants to develop on this shit.

>> No.20072570
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>> No.20072656
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In August, the Voltaire team will launch a mobile app to start experimenting with voting. Votes will be based on your ADA balance.

>> No.20072728
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>muh no smart contracts until 2023

>> No.20072846

>4. Goguen

>The launch of the C-Fund proves that Goguen will be launching **very** soon, likely just a few weeks after the Shelley launch on the Cardano mainnet.

Goguen is the missing piece holding Cardano back. They need as much lead time before Eth2. If it's really a matter of weeks after Shelley, then that's very bullish.

>> No.20072928
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>Input Output just announced that we are launching a $10 million dollar fund with Wave Financial. They will provide matching funding and will bring along their world-class expertise. The fund will make investments in projects that strengthen IOHK’s platforms and ecosystems.

>> No.20073347
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>AOL didn't fail for those reasons.
because a journalist said so

mETH bagholders are fun to engage with because their fud is always based on lies, deception and mistruths. mETH bagholders are also fun to engage with because it is so easy to FUD mETH with facts. as was told to you in a previous thread, keep your solidity devs, they are not needed.