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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20059293 No.20059293 [Reply] [Original]

The LitePaper is finally out!

>Where can i see the litepaper?

>New medium article about litepaper

>Daily dev update
Confirmed expected dividends on unstaking, expected dividends withdrawn, in scenario in testing framework. Deployed airdrop contract.
Also, thanks to seal we have our logo on uniswap.



>Where do I see the price?

>TG Channels

>> No.20059320



>> No.20059338



A hybrid reward system incorporating a future DAO & Dapps
We’re an experimental hybrid staking & deflationary concept built to reward long term holders and dis-incentivise selling

>Extra incentives to hold
Stakers receive a 1% daily LOCK dividends. When others unstake, 5% of the penalty fee gets re-distributed to holders 10%. Burned when users unstake their LOCK.

>Increased scarcity through hyper-deflation
10% burned with each transaction. The inflation from staking is balanced out by a burn from the reserve pool.

>Future utility for holders
Major share of total supply locked for future DAO/Dapps implementation through community voting.

>Hybrid Reward Model
Stake your LOCK for interest & receive more LOCK when others unstake

>Flexible Staking Structure
Staking interest & burn rate will fluctuate each month to ensure demand for staking

>Deflationary Supply
10% of tokens burned with each transaction between wallets

>Future DAO/Dapps
Holders will be able to vote for reward schemes, incentives and future Dapps

>> No.20059356


>> No.20059359




>> No.20059386




>> No.20059400

Man this is gonna pump so fking hard during these couple of weeks leading to beta launch

>> No.20059442

whens lock swap

>> No.20059489

Fuck it feels good to be in early for once

>> No.20059512

LOL 2nd dapp - Community-driven DAO Balancer Pool.

Meridian is the next-gen STA.


>> No.20059515

nah fucking scammers, they announced 10 million total supply, now they say 13... I dont know anon it smells like they like to change their minds a lot, first the airdrop now this shit ! I was seriously thinking in buying 20 ETH but this shitpaper just made wanna sell the mrdns that I have. good luck getting newfags that falls for this kind of shit !

>> No.20059528

these shills are just sad
another useless burn coin
holders already filled with ico bags that can crash the liquidity at any time
changing team supply that can also crash everything
you have to be fucking mentally ill to even consider buying this piece of shit
now please gtfo biz

>> No.20059533

Fuck’em biz won’t listen, just keep on accumulating yourself were at 300k market cap, will soon hit $1 mill

>> No.20059549


all this wait to release all the information they already have lol..every other uniswap coin is already doing what they are doing. what a joke.

>> No.20059588

At this MC you'd be a fool to not grab a bag. 10x from here dear brothers!!

>> No.20059591

My sack is ready to accumulate more!!!

>> No.20059592

“DAO-based indexed balancer pool”

Fuck this looks so good, goodbye STA!

>> No.20059611

Im just gonna paste this here from another thread as these fud attempts arent even worth it anymore

“0.005$ - “muh scam”
0.01 $ - “ muh scam “
0.025 $ - “muh scam “
0.04 $ - “muh scam “
0.06 $ - “muh scam “
0.08 $ - “muh scam”
0.1$ - fuuuuuuck

You fucking morons I warned you so many fucking times.

These guys have website, twitter, medium, discord, github, contract verified on etherscan, hired one of the most respected solidity devs known within the community, constant dev updates on discord, constant design update on discord, 5 medium articles on the first week alone, a team of 8 admins/mods, doing a third party audit soon, etc.
And you idiots still screamed scam all this time. /biz will never learn“

>> No.20059645

Highly recommend everybody to read this litepaper. It looks very good and I like the transparency. They didn't even start with the marketing yet. Check the roadmap to see what's ahead

>> No.20059669
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>> No.20059699

LMAO is that the DUAL squad? Statera oh no no no

>> No.20059720

Just in: It’s coming to an exchange


>> No.20059739

Kek biz never learns. I spent hours writing up info to spoon feed you tards and I got it thrown back in my face. I awared you $115k MC. See you brainlets at $5m MC.

>> No.20059740

oops, I forgot to mention the exchange listing in the info

>> No.20059773

not gonna make it

>> No.20059817

What's the make it stack?

>> No.20059907

10k at the least

>> No.20059938

Mixed feelings on this; I think the comparisons to STA are unfair because they're clearly trying to do much more than STA (which was incredibly useless) and the staking model is cool, but anonymous dev team is a little unsettling. Still, even STA 10xed so I'll throw a bag in.

>> No.20059986

why isnt pumping anon ?

>> No.20060026
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And who the fuck is this dev?>>20059293

>> No.20060041

I swear it’s like retarded toddlers fighting over a cookie down here in biz. What I mean by that is, it seems like there’s so many projects going on good & bad that everyone is fighting over the volume to get into theirs. To say that this trading climate is murky would be an understatement. Ffs .
People just trying to tank everything except for their crap is ridiculous.

This is a great project & it’s early. Stop comparing your dogshit to other projects. Just go the fuck back to your uniswap scam & leave the future money makers to peeps who know value when they see it.
Meridian is undervalued pure & simple.

>> No.20060050

no body it is fake dev

>> No.20060090

>anonymous devs
>great project
fucking kek

>> No.20060126


No ones selling their bags, stop trying to fud this board with your low IQ comments because you’re getting absolutely destroyed. You got nothing else better to do?

Smart money has already invested and you’re not having part of the pie for a discount. People aren’t that dumb to fall for your shit.

>> No.20060141

Got to chuckle at this dev fud and anon team still.

Meanwhile the dev updates daily and being anon has no meaning when the code works. Silly bizlets stay poor.

>> No.20060143

Yeah I hear yha but honestly the idea men hired a top guy to be the head dev. So what does it really matter? Obviously it would be nice to have addresses & names but this is crypto & DeFi. I wouldn’t want peeps to know my name initially either. As long as we know we are secure then that’s all that matters right?
Are we ever going to be able to get that? Probably not ever with any new project.

I would hate to be vitailik, Russia is so scary & they want him very badly.
I wonder if he wishes he was anon now

>> No.20060167

All I know is I would 100% want to be fully anon with nutcases like these baseless fudders having my personal info at their fingertips. Fuck that.

>> No.20060199

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha cant even hold the price

>> No.20060214
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There is like one non pajeet poster in this thread. Holy fuck, these faggots have gotten so sophisticated, their artificially created discussion sound more organic now... if only flags...

>> No.20060218

Imagine buying pajeet crypto shitcoins when you can 10x daily on the stock market

>> No.20060300

You’ve already left like x10 baseless comments in here trying to fud this and keep getting destroyed by facts. Strong buy signal.

Just shows how much you fear it otherwise you wouldn't be wasting your time here. Don’t worry I’ve already collected the screenshots. They will serve as a reminder right up to the day you kys.

You’ll be placed on suicide watch in a couple of weeks. $1-$3 mill market cap is imminent.

>> No.20060612

Here’s a quick paragraph from the lite paper that I found especially interesting.

“The way our DAO-governed index fund will run, is by having LOCK holders
voting on which assets the fund will hold. By leveraging the collective
research effort from the community, we can set up a consensus-driven
index fund.

The main idea is that users will be able to make proposals of any assets
they deem attractive/worthy and vote on whether to add them to the pool.
Just as an example, holders could vote for the creation of a new balancer
pool, let’s call it “hidden gem pool”, and label it “high risk”. They could
propose adding assets representing recently launched projects, for
investors that have a higher risk appetite."

>> No.20060655

My heritage is English & german. I hold MRDN with a firm grasp

>> No.20060686

THIS LOOKS INSANE. Deflation and staking with a dApp platform with TWO imminent releases. Most dapp platforms take ages to put something out, two that come to mind include OST and GoChain who only have a handful of dapps but their market is in the double digit millions.

MRDN market cap is $300k.
Come August this baby will be the gem of biz, DMG will be a thing of the past

>> No.20060752

How long do you think it will take /biz to work that one out?

My guess is 3-6 months.

>> No.20060794

Why you think that?

>> No.20060849

The masses on here are always too slow to the game. Too busy shilling their overbought coins or buying into uniscam shitcoins. They’ll only notice MRDN once it’s too late as always. Remember, we’re still pre beta.

>> No.20061056

Imagine if the balancer/index fund DAO decide to include STA as an asset. Deflationary index Inception

>> No.20061128

Possibly, it would be pretty neat if they did so

>> No.20061239

Maybe EWT

>> No.20061352


>> No.20061459


>> No.20061610

I bought in way earlier. No idea what the coin does. But, can we can some more Meridian anime girls. That shits fire, cubes too.

>> No.20061633

Wait. This is literally a unipower copypaste but with a burn.

>> No.20061678

Have you read the lit paper? I’m guessing there’s quite a few unique things regarding mrdn but I don’t know what all the 3000 coins on the market do

>> No.20061741

Yes, I can too confirm that the paper was absolutely “lit”

$3 EOY!

>> No.20061779

>implying this isn't just a conveniently timed mashup of all the buzzwords from the last couple months

>> No.20061804
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This is a pajeet shitcoin pnd scam. They're paying english speakers IN THE SHITCOIN to shill it. They pay everyone building everything in THE SHITCOIN. "The Team" is anonymous and isn't actually writing the software. There is no innovation here, just another pnd with no buyers getting shilled by pajeets.

>> No.20061873
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Now that looks kinda bad. Reminds me of this lol.

>> No.20061947
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>not this time, bog

>> No.20061959

>pnd confirmed
I wish I could 1000x short this worthless garbage but my broker knows better than to offer shitcoin

>> No.20061973

litepaper is bullish as FUCK

>> No.20061978

HOLY SHIT YOU GOT ME! Yes I’m a paid shill, now fuck off and never buy into this project if you’re that much of a moron.

Jesus fucking Christ, if all this baseless fud isn’t the strongest ever buy signal than I don’t know what is.

Think about it, they are spending hours fuding trying to protect mine and you’r investment. Such nice people, how thoughtful of them!

Go and suck a cock you fag.

>> No.20061988

Imagine being so imcompetent and ill-prepared you have "build a website" as one of your milestones

>> No.20062048
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Buy more, sell everything you own and dump it into this shitcoin, your poverty is not my problem. I'm just so fucking tired of seeing zero-innovation shitcoins getting pumped on /biz/ to 9 year olds that don't know better.

>> No.20062060

and then paying other people in a worthless coin to do it because you lack that core technical competency. Imagine.

>> No.20062084

I don’t go into crypto but I really like these meridian edits for your general keep up the good work and good luck on your gains

>> No.20062097

Thanks but I don't remember asking a retard for any advice on what I should n shouldn't do with my money

>> No.20062102

You guys are bumping this higher. Wow this is intense. Full paid tram of FUD duhers... on the lookout for every investment you make. Such nice guys

>> No.20062113

if it's such a great investment, why the fuck wouldn't you? go get that moonticket you fucking faggot.

>> No.20062172

PMSL i never said that I haven’t already... Been holding it for almost a week now you dumb cunt. You’re a lost hope Anon.

Keep hoarding your shitcoins. I know a descent project when I see one and people like you further confirm it.

>> No.20062222

Meridian Network is set to become the first ecosystem of dapps/protocols to be community run, governed by its own users through a set of DAO-implemented

>> No.20062243

Keep holding anon, I don't hold one shitcoin and I will never buy your tulips. Sage.

>> No.20062247

That sounds like a lot of scamming could happen.

>> No.20062351

you can say that about anything ever, retard.

>> No.20062363


>> No.20062405
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I don’t need your advice on how to manage my money.

>Boyz we have a winner confirmed!

>> No.20062457
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>when people see through the scam that's good, $5000 EOY goys

>> No.20062469

No shit right?
They are non stop now. Funny cus most of us owned this 2 hours ago but they were not here to save us then. Now they care all the sudden? It’s because their coins are getting lost in the abyss

>> No.20063001

price is soaring boys!

>> No.20063055

I've talked to Hulk, english is not their native tongue. MRDN hired some international mods to cover the TG & Discord 24hours. The 'Mr Mark' thing is hilarious though

>> No.20063127
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Yeah exactly, if I would have actually listened to all these shit posters back in the early days then I would have missed out on Link and EOS. We're still waiting for them to back up at least one of their false claims with any evidence.

They keep on getting destroyed. These fuders just want your bags otherwise they wouldn't be spending hours giving you financial advice and trying to be so helpful. It's not because they care.

$1 EOY

>> No.20063174

But those Admins still have to communicate with the devs.
Trust me, they are not non-English speaking. Not the main guys. You can send them direct messages. I’ve bothered them enough to know they are European or something close.

>> No.20063184

I'm sure you pull out a 5x on this atleast, I've seen more retarded things happen. The guy you replied to was making fun of you btw.

>> No.20063334


>> No.20063376

that's some quality ass litepaper from a tinyass project. There are projects that have 100x more marketcap. This shit is better than whitepapers of projects with 100x the marketcap lol. The team is fuckin lit

>> No.20063446

I have change my mind after reading on MRDN, sorry for being so mean earlier

>> No.20063565


>> No.20063609

I’m sooo comfy right now. I can sleep knowing that I’ve made it.

Keep seething fudders. Appreciate your advice on selling my bags. Just bought more. My wallet is safe when you’re not around. Now go back so shilling your shitcoins bc I’m sticking with MRDN

>> No.20063803
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It just keeps going

>> No.20063936
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>> No.20063945

It's gonna hit 15 cents tonight godammit. I needed more time :(

>> No.20063952
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>> No.20063969
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>> No.20064042

I’ve went through tons of pure shit, got exit scammed & fudded off good projects! I’ve went through hell to get here & I fucking deserve to win!
Sick of watching from the sidelines wishing that was me. Keep telling myself that it will be, just keep trying. Finally!
Fucking finally I can breathe & smile!

10x plus from here. We are not even on an exchange yet. Dang this baby moves

>> No.20064098

literally a scam. buy Suterusu if you wanna make it.

>> No.20064170

Fucking idiots can’t stay in their lane...

Yeah your shits so good you have to come here & sell it..

Yards on the lose

>> No.20064196

We are all in this together and we will all make it

>> No.20064578

Taking off!!!fasten your sitbelts

>> No.20064593
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