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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2003814 No.2003814 [Reply] [Original]

400%-600%-800% returns, ratcheting up all day everyday, what's the point of working or applying yourself when you can just autowin life with ETH?

seriously is this what rich people feel like - i'll just get blasted on coke and rum with my hundreds of thousands of stock dividends - fuck

>> No.2003837


No matter how much money you have you still have to live in the same society as everyone else, it's not like there's some paradise on Earth that only admits people with greater than $10,000,000 net worth.

Getting rich is the fun part not being rich, but when getting rich is too easy it takes the fun out of it.

>> No.2003859

Being rich is fun as fuck too.
Brb ordering women like Chinese food
Brb ordering Chinese food like you order women
Brb taking a flight to Spain because you wanna learn Spanish
Brb buying your neighbors annoying fat lard son a year's worth of twinkles and saying "don't eat em all kiddo"

>> No.2003863
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>it's not like there's some paradise on Earth that only admits people with greater than $10,000,000 net worth.

>> No.2003867

Don't get too cozy. Eventually it will crash, as all markets do. Then the cycle will repeat. Many people will get burned from becoming complacent, and thinking the are geniuses, even though it was just a bull run.

>> No.2003870

>gets rich
>doesn't know what to do

Literal scum of the earth.

>> No.2003872

jelly nocoiner

>> No.2003882

Only person I know who is rich like you guys talk about....drugs, girls, lambo, mansion on top of a mountain in Laguna niguel California...just had different kinds of problems. Money isn't an end to your worries....it actually brings more. Getting rich is the fun I would say. Everyone I know who has made a million or more had fun getting there....and still have fun....just not as much. Enjoy the ride

>> No.2003884

>not being rich enough to know

why even live?

>> No.2003904


Richfag here.

Made a game and over 2 million people purchased it. Not gonna say which game for obvious reasons.

I can say that for me, being rich is FUCKING AMAZING.

I wake up, think about how much money is in my bank account, then imagine the things I can do with it. I don't even do the shit i'm thinking, I just love imagining everything.

>Hmmm, I could totally buy a mansion, dig a huge basement, add a pool, add a gym with foam pits, climbing walls, trampolines etc.

>Hey I can buy like 20 Teslas!

>Oh it would be sweet if I had 50 acres of land and a quadbike...

>........wow i didn't know islands were so affordable....

>VR room!

>How many supercars would I need before I got bored of supercars?

And on and on and on.

Feels amazing.

>> No.2003908


I can think of a million good things to do with my money that don't involve hookers and lambos.

>> No.2003917

I just want a house where I can watch animu and play vidya and people leave me alone while I rot away in my self made pleasure drome / prison.

>> No.2003923

hey, since you do not disclose the game, do you mind telling us about some of the things that lead you there? (From where I stand I find games incredibly risky: lots of work with little monetary gain when you fail.)

>> No.2003951


Sure. I'll be honest. It was luck + persistence. Probably 95% luck.

>Quit higher education.

>Spent 10 years failing one game after the other.

>Got lucky with one game.


Wouldn't recommend it at all. Your evaluation is correct, very high risk with nothing to show if you fail. At year 8 of failure I remember having a complete break down mentally. Humiliating.

Good times now, but fuck me I'm bailing on the games industry now that I have money. No need for that stress.

>> No.2003954

another gamedev here. this is absolutely true. keep failing until you make it. no reward without risk.

>> No.2003956

>tfw you missed on the ETH hype
>even if you wanted to buy now at the ATH the deposit would take like a week

>> No.2003960

This is the dream we're all striving for.

>> No.2003966

>money brings more worries
top kek m8, if only there was some solution to having too much money

>> No.2003975


We all know that feel

>> No.2003980

Another gamedev here but I just work for a studio.

I worked for 5 years and I'm about to go indie with a coleague.

I do it because I love games, not the money. Actually they pay me shit and I expect to live for a long time without a good salary.

But congratz on your game! You deserved it.

>> No.2003987


>> No.2004041

the game pretty much has to be Terraria according to my intuition.

>> No.2004073

but terraria is still in development.

>> No.2004079

this 10000x

>> No.2004088

but I bought it 2 years ago.

>> No.2004089

yeah having money is nice

but dont get comfortable with something like ethereum. i wouldn't want to keep holding it for more than a couple of years before the next hot coin pumps its way to no.2

>> No.2004090

>being sad because money
Work on other things. Push your body to its limit. Travel the world and force yourself into situations you wouldn't otherwise have confidence to (talk to beautiful strangers), help out those in genuine need, and try marvelous food you haven't tried before. See sights and experiences you haven't seen before. How fast can you run? Can you climb? Can you snowboard? Can you kickbox? Can you stretch your leg over your neck? Do something silly and dangerous.

So much to see and do... don't kid yourself, anon.

>> No.2004100


thanks for providing your perspective. I had a very similar experience, except I never got to the rich part.

How expensive were your average production?

>> No.2004105

so ETH isn't a meme?

>> No.2004107

kek, truly a zombie of the time.
Guess what, you dont have to do or experience anything before you die. The fact you have one life, like mem atheist morons enjoy repeating over and over in no way means you should try to experience as much new things as possible.
Unless you wanna live a meme life.

Reminds me of a book written by a soldier. He just kept on reapting retarded banalities and cliches about his motivations and desires.
He was a walking meme. Dont be one.

>> No.2004110

But I do have coins. So now what?

>> No.2004112

Terraria sold over 15 million units. I wish i made terraria!

>> No.2004120

what was your take at the end?

>> No.2004121

>he made floppy bird

>> No.2004123

why are you on /biz/ if youre a millionaire

>> No.2004150


Before being rich it was very cheap. Some smaller games I made we're just about paying for my food consumption bills.

No we have a team of 10 people.

>10 people
>$45,000 per year average
>3 years per project.

So roughly $1.4 million per project. That makes things very hard to commit to, as if the production gets cancelled or the game flops then we just burned HUGE amounts of money.

I now fully understand why Ubisoft churns out generic shitty games one after the other. Because if you find some formula that sells, you have no option but to milk it from fear of destroying your company and making your team jobless.

Again, if anybody is reading this thinking "Hey I love games! I can totally make them and get rich quick!" please reconsider. I got lucky, everybody successful I've met got lucky, the whole thing is stressful and unpredictable. It's like trying to make it as a musician. Just not gonna happen.

>> No.2004153

Have lots of free time now that my team does all the jobs I used to do. I prefer /pol/ though.

>> No.2004160


Over $2m after tax. Still brings in $500k a year minimum.

>> No.2004184

im impressed its still pulling in 25%, i didnt know games had that kind of longevity.

>> No.2004185

how old are you

are you married
if no, do you trust women at this point

>> No.2004197

Because you will never understand the power of money. Not in a million years.
You believe that infinite money means you're playing with cheats in a sandbox game and that bores you for some mortal reason.
Responsibility scares you because you're too stupid to play with the big boys. You're like that loser who buys a forest to "protect it"

So let's start singing about what you can really do with money before I call you faggots instead of idiots like you deserve.
Let's take it from the top starting with 4chan's boards.
I can buy my own micro nation, make my own laws and set an example for everyone.
/sci/ would universally tell you that you need 90 trillion to create gold out of energy. 900 trillion to terraform the desert and arctic north.
/co/ would buy CN and tell Sugar+Disney to suck a dick. Tumblrtards would fuck off with their cal arts noodle arms and comic book feminism.
/v/ would revive the rts genre, finally make a good aliens game, buy Blizzard, kill EA and kill all the ugly fatlards. Make a good insects game, a good intellectual world building game.
/k/ would just buy an atomic bomb and nuke Iraq+Iran. Then a tank and a hand_held cannon to get those niggers, muslims, turks off our planet.
/b/ would research and buy a cure for cancer.
/an/ will create those natural animal gardens they want and create a real life pikachu.
/biz/ will use their money to buy money.
/d/ will create tentacles pets and a safe environment where to practice their fetishes.
/lit/ will buy an education.
/mu/ will buy some taste.
/g/ will buy Bill Gates and throw him through all the windows.
Neo/mlp/ will buy all 10 colored plastic toys and run out of money.
/mlp/ will get a specific executive at Hasbro fired and put Greg Weisman in charge.
/vp/ will create the real version of Pokemon Go and we'll have a world war 3 with lvl 200 pokemons, reducing the globe's population to women, children and low lvl useless cute and cuddly vulpix.

>> No.2004205

having a few million is a completely different world from the kind of things you're talking about.

>> No.2004213

Also rich guy here prob ricger thn the other guy, i still find life amazing because i can do so many things n still have n ultimate goal to achieve

As for how i got rich, the same way

You can follow my route

>buy mac(yes this is important)
>learn swift programming lang
>make a copy of the top 10 games in the app store
>dont bother with android games or app since no android users waste money on apps like apple fags do

>get lucky on app, in the meantime apply for swift engineer

I got lucky from 1 game n thn 3 others after tht

>> No.2004222

phew. that's a lot (for me). I do not know how I'd feel spending this much on a project that takes 3 years to complete. I'd probably start going to church or something.

Did you ever try dabbling in more conservative fields, like productivity software? I'm sure there's a lot of talent on your team and you probably develop some tools you use yourself anyway.

also how do you decide on the projects and their stories?

>> No.2004232

well whats your ultimate goal

>> No.2004234
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If i tell u it wont come true

>> No.2004235
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can someone send me some ETH to make sure my code works? maybe just like 5 or 10.

>> No.2004242
File: 84 KB, 736x1200, C8LfQ17VYAAkHeM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very wise

>> No.2004245


thanks, man, but I already traveled that path. It lead me to developing apps on the mac. Recently I learned that a major company actually uses our (I work in a team with my brother) software. Made me cool 100 bucks. (it's niche software)

>> No.2004277
File: 46 KB, 600x450, x220_Sierra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way, for the poor fags:

if you don't have the money for a shiny new mac, you can buy a used thinkpad for $200 bucks and install os x. thinkpads are common enough for you to find solutions to most problems online and they're sturdy little fuckers.

(am using a x220 right now because I broke my macbook last week).

>> No.2004285

>No matter how much money you have you still have to live in the same society as everyone else.
Hey I'm poor and I don't live in muslim ville. I'm still better off than Anthony Burch.

>long-winded laughter.
What are eugenics, genocides, gene therapy, cultural manipulation, forced education, ruling a country or even a planet.

So richfags. Have you ever considered buying 4chan? Or just 1 board from it?
A lack of change in decades drives my neurons up the walls and develops an irrational obsession for niches and rebellion.
Like Dolores Umbridge which shouldn't have been in the movie.
Yeah that kind of itch. That kind where "lol who's gonna stop me" and then all it takes is 1 maniac with some horsepower to trump all over you. Literally.

>> No.2004289

i assume this is just so you can make iphone/ipad apps? is there still money in those? i know android is dead for making money, and most non-entertainment non-"business" productivity apps on windows/osx also suck

>> No.2004293

Where can I buy $520 worth with a prepaid netspend visa card immediately?

>> No.2004295

oh hey guy from the other thread

>> No.2004300

>he doesnt know about the secret bilderberg moloch worshiping shrines

>> No.2004302

The point is the ceiling is extremely high and there is little reason to get bored

>> No.2004308

everything is relative, when things stay the same for long enough they get boring, no matter how much money you currently have

>> No.2004318

I actually don't know how well it works for iOS development. I assume just fine, like everything else.

I make productivity apps so I can not tell you how well other categories do (well, actually I can: probably bad, but dependent on the product), but as a rule of thumb: if some product is successful, there's always room for competition.

also a lot of people are weary of the app store, so with some apps you can almost double your revenue when you sell them yourself on your website. That is especially the case when you have other companies as customers.

>> No.2004332

I r8 8/8 m8

>> No.2004345

>Implying in 2 years the market cap of all cryptos won't be so high that Eth could be 10th and still be worth more than it is now

>> No.2004368

likely, but there have been many coins that drop slowly for years once theyve been "replaced" or deemed "unnecessary". there are too many coins out there competing for the relatively small amount of money in crypto as a whole.

obviously the market is going to be much larger in 2 years but i wouldnt want to get too attached to any coin

>> No.2004408

>don't experience things
..... Are you this retarded? Or are you trolling me?
The best times in my life were doing shit I didn't do before, experiencing things, meeting new people, etc.

Like, nigga, damn...

>> No.2004419


>> No.2004493

If money doesn't buy you happiness you're shopping at the wrong store or don't have nearly as much money as you think you do.

>> No.2004524

like what?

>> No.2004554

dude you've made like 300 dollars calm the fuck down jesus god

>> No.2004771
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One day I'll be rich too...

Got any holdings in crypto?

>> No.2004791

Too many french and liberals

>> No.2004893


me too.

im already scoping out property in outskirts of vegas

>legal weed
>legal hos
>ez access to vegas if i want to party or entertain visitors
>otherwise its a comfy cheap surburban hell
>in my 4 monitor adjustadable standing desk lair 12 hrs a day revisiting morrowind full runthrough
>i dream every day

wageslaving is shit

>> No.2005259

You're mentally ill

>> No.2005271

I am happy for you. However, I am not talking about people who recently made million+. I am talking about someone who has been a multimillionaire for decades. So you're still kind of on the ride in my view. You may do something stupid and you may make more. My advice rub elbows with the neighbors and go the parties. They're always talking about their new business ventures

>> No.2005287
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>/g/ will buy Bill Gates and throw him through all the windows.
LMAO, Had amazing KEK. Don't listen to other faggots, you are right. Money gives you power and you must have vision what to do with it. Most neets in here would simply buy whores and lifetime supplies of Doritos and wouldn't change nothing else in their life even if they had 10 millions or 250 millions, simply because they lack vision

>> No.2005394

Made over 700k right after I turned 21. I finally cracked said fuck it and threw what I had into a crypto and outsourced a bunch of cpa.

Just moved to this place, one bedroom apartment. It's comfy. Bouta look into places this week to invest real.


>> No.2005401

What should I do with my money have 11k which is all spare. Am a very young lad working a close to min wage job 37 hours a week.

>> No.2005410

Locabitcoins takes maybe three hours.

>> No.2005744

Can anyone explain how this ETH circlejerk works?

>> No.2005760
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You buy it and then this guy gives you free money.

>> No.2005761

Only people who've never had to worry about their own survival would start complaining about being rich.

>> No.2005805
File: 15 KB, 875x64, asda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noob here. I bought ETH on a dip yesterday and hoped to go semi long term.
But it was sold yesterday without me knowing. Turns out it expires daily...which I never heard before.
They just close your position on the end of the day. Can someone explain this to me in detail?

>> No.2005808

>this is how wageslaves cope

>> No.2005858


many people here post from first world nations, where you really don't have to.

but, you're right. complaining about rich boi problems when people are starving elsewhere is amoral and disgusting.

>> No.2005869


Show proof or you're a lying faggot, OP.

>> No.2005904


Where did you buy it

>> No.2005914

And no that's not supposed to happen

Did you buy a daily binary option or something? Ive never heard of this happening

>> No.2005921
File: 49 KB, 471x821, iiio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus500, an online trading website. No minimum amount to join them.
There are not any advanced options to select when buying. Turns out it's the first stock that I bought which has the "expires daily" setting. The other stocks have an expiration date set infinity

>> No.2006082

ah okay

ive looked into it very briefly and it seems you are trading a CFD there


so youre not *really* owning any ETH when you buy

if you want to actually own the coins you need to buy them on a proper exchange

>> No.2006091

and by proper exchange I mean somewhere that gives you an ethereum wallet where the coins are literally depoisted into when you buy

>> No.2006097
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Thank you anon, I would not have found an answer to this myself.
I use this free exchange to learn more about trading. I am still in the phase of acquiring money, which will be soon, but not soon enough for all these great ETH fluctuations. Thanks.

>> No.2006100
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>> No.2006941


That's so noveau riche.

>> No.2007023


People like you have a big whole inside the center of you, that can never be filled by enough "experiences" or new things.

You are living the meme life.

>> No.2007043


So much this!

People run saying "new experiences" and "yolo". All of that "experiences" bullshit is just a mind virus.

>> No.2007062


Nothing you said is "power". The things you said are just things you can do with money. None of them are a big deal.

>> No.2007531

>This entire post
Wow... just wow... you should really get off 4chan you are clearly too weak-minded to stay here. Seek help.

>> No.2007612
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Did you have to learn any graphic design in the process? I imagine that the "shinier" the app the more likely some idiot would buy it

>> No.2008642


Weed not legal yet. Still cant buy without medical. Prices are going to the moon because of chinese money being dumped here in investment p roperty. You need to buy within the next year to really be benefiting.

Also clubs, entertainment, women get boring...

lived here my whole life.