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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 473 KB, 1322x665, XSN_J-Curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20054055 No.20054055 [Reply] [Original]

early link knows this

>> No.20054079

Should I throw some of my LINK gains into this one? Hmm

>> No.20054387
File: 159 KB, 732x517, SN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a no-brainer anon, pic related

>> No.20054638

Stakenet is the first lightning DEX. that means a contrario of other DEX they can offer instant swaps - > all the benefits of a CEX like binance.

Their DEX is already 90% done and available in public beta (anyone can join and test it by himself)

The DEX is lightning fast, have high liquidity thanks to vortex agregator, is 100% anonymous, no KYC, never. Low fees, DEX will be hosted by each Masternode on the network making it by analogy like a Hydra. cut one head two grow back, so that means no downtime, never. Once DEX is hosted by the Masternodes no one can stop it not even the devs.
Next milestones is Raiden integration which will allow to instant trade Eth and any erc20.
For other coins like monero etc.. That doesn't support Raiden or lightning, atomic swaps will be available.

In overall this DEX has all advantages of a CEX like binance with no KYC and you keep your keys at all time.

>> No.20054776
File: 222 KB, 640x730, 0579856F-77BB-4008-8542-7D1ABFCE4DC9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20054818
File: 78 KB, 900x600, night-lightning-mandy-joy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LN was poorly implemented
I don't see how Lightning will take off beyond a hobbyist phase without massively centralized interests getting involved.
>Stakenet designed an ecosystem that takes what Bitcoin implemented for LN and makes extraordinarily powerful use of it
Stakenet's solution is notable for embedding LN nodes into masternodes so the LN nodes have access to all the collateral locked in the MNs (quasi-centralized liquidity pool within a purely decentralized network). The nodes will be running 24/7 in the background atop all that liquidity to rout payments and should take very little maintenance to keep up.

It could very well solve multiple problems in the industry by meshing the gears of many underutilized together.

>Lack of liquidity. Not profitable enough at the individual level.
>Inflationary. Sometimes to an extreme. Underutilized use-case outside of securing the integrity of the network.
>Low liquidity, low volume, paper-thin orderbooks, AND difficult to access for 99.9x% of the world.
Atomic swaps?
>A big win for DEXs but still potentially very slow depending on which coins are being swapped.
>Like so many staking coins, what do they do other than secure the integrity of the network and inflate the circulating supply?

Using m a s t e r n o d e s and the collateral locked within them to power L i g h t n i n g A t o m i c S w a p s which serve as the infrastructure for what could very well become the speediest and most liquid D E X in the industry and using a conservative inflationary supply to gradually produce more m a s t e r n o d e s which, in a way, provide an opening to expand the exchange with additional servers so it doesn't hit a bottleneck. It's both genius and shocking that no one in crypto seems to even know that it exists.