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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 192 KB, 1951x1318, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20043499 No.20043499 [Reply] [Original]

Constellation has 15 node operators and they get 20 MILLION DAG EACH per year! With average dag price last 12 months that's $280,000 per satsgang member per year and $4,200,000 total per year. Only 3-4 get paid for the tech contribution, but the rest that got this sweetheart deal from constellation are satsgang members for doing "marketing" on twitter being admins on telegram. On top of that, they get more payment for projects like making shitty amateur videos for dag. Satsgang are dumping hard on constellation bagholders and truly fuck them over. All this was admitted by constellation admins in their telegram group, but later deleted when they realized their blunder. Normy dag bagholders are getting so fucked over by these scammers.

Most well-known satsGang members and their alt accounts are: Bitcoin Brown, Lucky, Headroom, _RN03xx_, Denny Da Rocket, papousse 47, Moonshot Josh, Steven Toast, Le Chiffre Rambo, Bazerka, FauxPho, Adouble212, Johny Zcash, Rufys, Tyler Durden, vito, Braggo, Jonny Reid, Bread Bongo, Johnny etc., but there are more.

This is the kind message satsgang mods give to Constellation investors:
"Theyall loaded up at 27 cents and made a fortune off it... You guys are just salty faggots who always fail to get on the bottom of incoming pumps then come here to cry like the little inbred pussies you are."

>> No.20043505

One stupid satsgang mod admitted that satsgang was behind virtually all the nodes as a big thank you for their "promotional work", in reality, ass-kissing, but soon realized his error and deleted everything. After that, anyone even hinting of asking about who's behind the nodes, selection process etc, get kicked out immeadetly. Ordinary investors are treated like paypigs with zero rights and you have a very clear in-group and out-group division. Everyone that is not in the dag team or satsgang belong to the out-group (paypigs)

>> No.20044078
File: 91 KB, 902x576, 23432423432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satsgang members sit in a constellation advisory board and they get constant company-project secrets that they use to trade in the market. They are screwing the normie dag bagholders so hard over. Those normies must really enjoy getting constant assraped by those pnd scammers

>> No.20044491


That's their telegram group. Enjoy ;)

>> No.20044727

Who cares. The network does literally nothing and the team is incompetent scammers.

>> No.20044744

just like they scammed RSR holders?

FUCK satsgang

>> No.20044756

>scammed RSR holders
Nigga can u even read a chart? That shit is mooning. Is this whole thread just to FUD RSR cuz you missed out? You had a year.

>> No.20045345
File: 162 KB, 747x570, NicoleCrrypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course the scammers don't dare to come to biz. These clowns are only tough guys in echo chambers where they can ban and block people. They're like small girs.

They say https://twitter.com/nicolecrrypto is a man

>> No.20045588
File: 85 KB, 974x250, huge fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny you screenshotted Cryptoblunder. He's a little man-baby that loves to get on power trips

>> No.20045596
File: 74 KB, 576x1280, huge faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but then he begs to be an admin because he can't stand not to be able to shut down conversations he doesn't like

>> No.20045649
File: 182 KB, 968x550, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Denny Da Rocket
Here's him shilling DMG

>> No.20045660
File: 789 KB, 1180x1198, fag4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's him shilling VRA in anticipating for it's Monday pump (hint: it dumped)

Don't trust these people

>> No.20045678

All of them are just tragic losers. They brag about how many single digit twatter followers they have, as their main accomplishment in life. Defects like that only thrive in packs where they can live out their hyeana personality. There is a reason why they never come to biz or any other place where they are not mods or at least the fuckboi of the mods.

>> No.20045707
File: 241 KB, 3230x1510, EbsCOQMVcAEWMtA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you pay millions of dollars to twatters worst pump and dump group for their genius "marketing" and "community organizing", this is what you get. Biz pumped dag and it all went to hell when the satsgang-spectre homos took over.

>> No.20045710
File: 127 KB, 978x296, retard2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>papousse 47

The biggest bullshitter of them all. It's hard to tell if he's a grade a fraudster, or legitimately delusional

>> No.20045717
File: 75 KB, 968x240, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, he's just a bullshitter

>> No.20045738

kek, everything they touch turns to shit

>> No.20045790

Sociopaths love to make donations to a good cause, so they have a paper they can throw around for years "proving" that they are not sociopaths. Jews do it all the time. Looks like that guy is too stupid for that, but Muslim Lucky and Jew Steven Toast are into that scheme as part of their scamming. "Sure I look like a sociopath, behave like a sociopath, have been involved with scamming, PnD my whole life, but look at this paper! Donated $100 to "organization for dog burials with dignity. Proves I am not a sociopathic scammer, ryte??"

>> No.20045805


>> No.20045813


>> No.20045822

A guy was spot on when he made a comment about constellation and spectre-satsgang:

I suspect you are a paid shill, but on the offchance you aren't let me explain this to you and our viewers at home:
>the team ERC20 wallets are publicly known and there are token transfers that can be traced
>getting selected as a node selector by the team is essentially the same thing as them paying your faggot friends directly in tokens
>in fact it's arguably even worse since the team doesn't have to pay them using their own token holdings

>> No.20045996
File: 285 KB, 896x719, 24234324324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMFAO the ONLY dag shill here on biz, the fucking shizo Fantom fudder, is now going after Constellation and statsgang. Hahahahahah.

>> No.20046043
File: 41 KB, 1229x584, 1593442933575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With well over 20 million dag to satsgang each month, they are dumping HARD on the market to fund their other pump and dump operations. Thats a disaster for the normie constellation investors. They are getting REKT!

>> No.20046590

how to avoid to get scammed like this?

>> No.20046605

>That shit is mooning
If satgang is involved behind them then it's not an honest pump

>> No.20046631

Hard to say who is worst, when they ALL are operating and talking like the drunk/high toothless street hustlers you will see at night in the red-light districts. Who the hell wants to be associated with a group like that? Is Ben on crack? Wyatt is stoned all the time and is a BLM ultra-liberal activist, so he sure as hell will dig all those lefty open borders spectre Jews etc.

>> No.20046656

so glad I sold this shit for FUND

>> No.20046802

Hey bro keep destroying satsgang and dag I 100% approve they’re scammers

>> No.20046816

this coin I saw shilled here.. goes this shill with the event (pump)?

>> No.20047415

Why would anyone use a notorious pump and dump group for "marketing"? Satsgangs constant and vile asskissing for months truly paid off. When team is so desperate to get praised, then you know its time to fuck off. Normies pay attention

>> No.20048618
File: 79 KB, 553x680, CryptoLady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say CryptoLady is a man pretending to be a woman

>> No.20049229

>76 sats
Yikes, glad I sold this shitcoin a long time ago.

>> No.20049254

hey that was me, glad someone found it insightful fren

>> No.20050132

Yep, great comment. Very to the point. :)

>> No.20050822

Constellation has the worst community in crypto. 80% of the conversation in their telegram channels are between spectre group (satsgang) members talking bullshit to each other. Anyone with a strong tech, biz, legal or marketing background will be banned within minutes, as satsgang members does not wish any competion in all the goodies Ben and Constellation are dishing out to "community" aka satsgang. These scamming punp and dumpsters have no clue how to grow a business. But still they control the whole community and this is really well reflected in the price. A total disaster. Anyone critical of satsgang will be banned. Anyone asking questions sensitive to the satsgang scammers, will be banned.

Test it yourself. Take any position against one of low IQ satsgang rambling and you will be banned within minutes. No matter your professional background.

>> No.20051711 [DELETED] 

Satsgang involvement is the kiss of death for any crypto project

>> No.20052043

is this guy confirmed to be the DAG schizo?

>> No.20052890

Yep, pretty close to 100% sure that he is the Fantom fudder and he is/was a dag shiller.

>> No.20053100

You triggered motherfuckers like making up fairytales. Satsgang mooned DMG and RVX this month. And you fucking pricks will stay poor. Fuck you

>> No.20053200

>You triggered motherfuckers like making up fairytales. Satsgang mooned DMG and RVX this month. And you fucking pricks will stay poor. Fuck you
You sound like a typical Constellation admin. Do you ever wonder why your community is imploding and your price crashing, Mr satsgang?

>> No.20053630

More comedy gold from the Satsgang and Constellation's telegram channels. Admins desperately deny that they are from Satsgang, despite every idiot can go to

and see for themselves that virtually ALL their admins are from satsgang and what Ben believes is the #bestcommunityincrypto is in reality 80% satsgang pumpers&dumpers&scammer talking to each other while banning anyone that could contribute to constellation and thereby challange Satsgangs monopoly on dag handouts, as some kind of desperate welfare queens.

Satsgang admin idiots even deny that they are drowning in handouts from constellation for the "marketing" and "promotional work" aka desperate pumping and dumping, but if anyone asks about satsgang and 1,6 MILLION DAG per month nodes or if anyone can see the wallet transfers, - satsgang drama queens will instaban. They say that Constellation paypigs are not "investors" but just some random cucks holding utility tokens with no right to ask satsgang members anything. Gee, wonder why the price is falling like a rock and their community is shit.

>> No.20053862

You are an idiot or fudding. It doesn’t matter which. The satsgng FUD already cost you a ~7x about to be a 20x on RSR

>> No.20053890

Obviously a gold digging whore

>> No.20054587

>Obviously a gold digging whore
You sound like a Constellation admin alright. Don't forget to ban anyone critical of satsgang. Pro or against Constellation, doesn't matter, it's all about protecting and enriching yourself and your satsgang bros, ryte?

>> No.20055820

Nearly 100% certain he was the guy behind "give me a better 1000x" threads two years ago. He started to fud Fantom like the crazy nut he is in October. Hope he takes his meds.

>> No.20055977

good to know this thread is still open haha


>> No.20056001

No, he had his 1000x threads one year ago, but he shilled for dag even two years ago. I bough dag last summer but dumped it after satsgang took over.

>> No.20056038

Dag cucks are tired of being paypigs to satsgang, so they complain a lot on telegram. Lots of insta-banning going on there now :D

>> No.20056182

LCX price "discussion" group.


Ask them why LCX advertised the scam exchange ExtStock on their website for up to a month after people complained that they couldn't withdraw their funds. Ask them why they hide twitter comments mentioning anything about ExtStock. Ask them why they've never addressed it, and why they continue to shill this shitty company.

Satsgang won't answer any of this

>> No.20056244
File: 149 KB, 976x446, hmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the admin for the official LCX group.


>> No.20056301
File: 128 KB, 630x424, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask LCX why the guy they hired to run their telegram group and provide customer service is in a pump and dump group.

>> No.20057137

OP and other guys...its getting boring. You said satsgang RSR fud too, why don’t you both get a room together.

Rather than talking back and forth and do brokeback mountain in private.

You guys are pathetic.

>> No.20057190

satsgang detected

fuck off faggot

>> No.20057382

Biggest salty losers in the world in this thread. I gurantee they are all broke as shit.

Not everything satsgang touched is good, but gems like DMG, VRA and LCX will get them a lot of recognition. You guys are dumber than a bag of bricks.

>> No.20057385

which one are you? Shitcoin brown?

>> No.20057428

>not everything satsgang touches is good
>except for the ones that they're buying and shilling right now, those are good
you aren't fooling anyone Rajesh

>> No.20057482

Ahahah the schizo faggot poster is back at it I see.... KYS!

>> No.20058186

Ah, the satsgang homo bros are here, always too weak and cowardly to identify themselves. Are you "always giving head - headroom", "always LUCKY ending with mah satsgang bros" or "a big TOAST on my little dick" satsgang bros? Nothing is more gay and homoerotic than these small-time investors and their faggot bro talk

Thanks, great info. Satsgang is a plague in crypto.

>> No.20058196

I heard Ben is living in his car.

>> No.20058221

Must be hard dealing with satsgang faggots all day long. Maybe he is hiding?

>> No.20059176 [DELETED] 

Satsgang involvement is a death kiss for any project.

>> No.20059206

If S P E C T R E is on him he is fscked

>> No.20059826

Do you mean if they go after him or do you mean if they are working with him?Constellations telegram is now a graveyard. Only a handful of gay satsgang bros and some groupies. Looks like the rest have left or been banned. Maybe a combination. Worst gang of nasty imbeciles to run a community. They have no clue what they are doing.