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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20036494 No.20036494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go to walmart self check out
>scan 1 item
>put 3 items in bag
>scan item on wrong side so it doesnt detect
>put item in bag
>put savings into chainlink
anyone else here /based/?

>> No.20036538

>buying things other than chainlink

pick one

>> No.20036611

Doesn't it weigh your bags and balance with the combined weight of purchased items? Why are you stealing low value grocery items? At least shoplift some nice designer clothing or something.

>> No.20036657

It's all game theory stuff now anons because security costs are too high for them to monitor every single item. So they cut costs in other ways. Supermarkets approximate the weight of meat but round the price for instance.

>> No.20036672

It’s based off of weight. You can only do this if you make it look like you scanned item and just put item in bagging area without scanning. It’s not really worth it . If you get caught just say you thought it scanned. This is nigger tier behavior though. If you want a rush, buy a tv during Black Friday then use your receipt to return a tv that’s in the store (your tv is at home, while you return and get a refund for the returned in-store television) this only works for certain things and may not work anymore . If you return too many things to get put on a list where you aren’t allowed to return items in that store w/ your name. It’s a temporary list. You do it during BUSY TIMES so that you are just another customer “in the system”. Do it too much and you will get targeted by police . They’ll get you for traffic violations etc

>> No.20036695


>> No.20036719


>> No.20036760

If you got to nigger items just so you can buy 30 stinkies you're not gonna make it

>> No.20036775
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>Designer clothing

>> No.20036777
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In my country there are supermarkets with these kind of small scammers that you take with you and you scan every item. Then later you put the scanner into the scanner holding place and you pay for your stuff. No weighing or anything like that. Just once in a while there is a "check" where the employee comes to check if you scanned every item. If you didn't, you won't get that little chocolate bar.

>> No.20036836
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>self checkout
>buying avocados
>select potatoes instead
>weigh 4 avocados, only cost $2
>checkout wagie none the wiser

>> No.20036859

>checkout wagie none the wiser
As if they give a shit

>> No.20036891

Based. Why didn't I think of this?

>> No.20036907

I'm pretty sure the store is onto me for doing this, literally had a cashier watching me like a hawk and calling me out for not scanning frozen fruits last night.

>> No.20036917
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>go to Walmart
>cute black cashier at the check out
>she looks still in her teens but whatever
>try to be funny/interesting
>"looks like they still have slave labor at this place"
>she gives me a confused look and ignores me.
>double down like an alpha, louder this time
>"looks like they still have slave labor at this place!"
>old man behind me frowns. The cashier looks visibly disgusted now
>"That'll be $15.48, sir."
>I pretend to not hear her
>refuse to pay until she acknowledges my joke.
>"Sir? You are holding up the line."
>the old man behind me looks like he is about to say something
>scream NIGGER off the top of my voice and bolt out of the store as fast as I can
>never go back there

>> No.20036931

yeah I used to have to watch self checkouts all the time and id just be on my phone while people stole shit regularly

>> No.20036953

All clothes is designed

>> No.20037116
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never had this problem. I dont think they have scales in my area.
>save 150$ a week on groceries
>been using that to DCA into link for the past 2 years with an average buy of 1.12
>tfw 13.9k stinkers on walmart's dime

>> No.20037154

he based

>> No.20038166

Based retard

>> No.20038205
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>bananas @ target
>$0.19 by the each
Live off 8 bananas for 2 cents a piece
Tired of winning yet?

>> No.20038346

Hello, Based Department? Yes operator I'll hold.

>> No.20038664
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>literally shoplifting from Walmart like trailer trash wiggers
Based? More like cringe as fuck. None of you stupid faggots will ever make it if you're this poor and stupid. Do you ever think about how your life ended up, where you're literally shoplifting from Walmart like a fucking nigger? Have you no shame?

>> No.20038897
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>> No.20038964


>> No.20038977


>> No.20039284


>> No.20039437

my walmart has cameras overhead so when there's an error they replay your scanning in slow motion for the checkout clerks to see

>> No.20039459

>>go to walmart
stopped reading right there

>> No.20039720
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Wow.... So this is the power of Link holders...

So you're cool with nigs looting shit, right? I mean, you're obviously not any better than them.

>> No.20039815


>> No.20039833

please. do it fast and they don't notice at all, especially for the larger items. just act like you know what you're doing and they won't confront you.

>> No.20039844

I do it at Sam's club. Take out the scanner and miss one or two items for plausible deniability if I get caught. Probably only stole about $100 total so far over about 6 months. Never tried Walmart as they pay too much attention with too many fail-safes.

The first time was an accident and I am a God fearing Christian but I do not see it as a crime anymore. Niggers are literally buying a hundred dollars in crab legs on my tax dollars while proceeding to destroy public property and blame me. These corporations are at the same time supporting these people while making me scan my own groceries so they can avoid paying a kid $8 an hour and use it for share buybacks.

When you're the only person still playing by the rules you're a sap. It's a broken society and take what you can from this fucked up system.

>> No.20039882

When did it become like this? I’m old and I remember as a kid like 25-30 years ago it still felt like a high trust society. Was I just naive?

>> No.20039884

>arrested at shartmart over a package of cookies and bag of chips

Yep you're a linky

>> No.20039888

I bet this guy has at least 10k LINK too

>> No.20039903
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>> No.20039953

When demographics shifted from a majority white country. There is no trust or unity in a mixed race society which is what they wanted. It prevents labor unions and uprisings like Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Why should any white person keep playing by the rules when you have a quarter of the population too stupid and violent to follow them getting publicly embraced by the government and corporations for it.

>> No.20040052

kek this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen an inbred /pol/tard post

>> No.20040067

Fuck u

>> No.20040131

This is honestly how I feel about it. I don't bother stealing from grocery stores because for me it's just not worth the hassle, even if there's almost no risk anyway. But I've accidentally taken stuff before due to having cold items like raw meat in a separate cooler pack and forgetting to take that stuff out and putting it on the conveyor belt at the register.

Don't even care if other people decide to steal shit like this anyway. Everything is going down the shitter and society is slowly decaying. We're all just vultures at this point picking over its corpse, and if you're not taking advantage of the situation, you're just being left behind, because someone else will instead.

>> No.20040138
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I can’t deny the connection and this isn’t exactly a new thought to me either, but what to do? Like to move to Maine or somewhere relatively homogeneous I’d then be the interloper. What a time to be alive I guess. Fug.

>> No.20040385
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This. You guys are nig-tier and you don't even deny it. You justify your actions by saying "society is fucked" even though it wouldn't be this way if people like you didn't exist. You are criminal scum and you deserve to be prosecuted and shamed. All the other scumfucks who do this shit justify their immoral behavior with similar excuses about how it's not REALLY their fault, society is truly to blame. Why follow laws if other people don't? Because you're better than them. Because you don't want to make things worse, you want to make things better. Because you aren't a fucking nigger. You should all unironically be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.20040417

Damn this wyte boi cute

>> No.20040445

does this work?

>> No.20040593


>> No.20040659

>calls other people kikes

>> No.20040671

See this is how I think and I feel very the fucking sap when it seems like I’m one of the few. Consider the possibility that western society is in terminal decline. I’m not saying I’m going to act like a nigger or game the system because it’s against my personal moral code, but it’s getting harder and harder by the day to justify that moral code to myself.

>> No.20040748
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retarded larp here's your you. You wouldn't have been able to pay because the machine would've been alerting you to remove the extra items.

>> No.20040772
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just stay in your house and order grocery delivery next time incel

>> No.20040830

Your morals are conditional? You feel the need to justify it?

On a sidenote, I fucking hate this "the west is dying" meme. Go outside you fucking retards. You have the highest standard of living for any human to have ever existed for all time and you're telling me "the system is broken". Spend less time reading schizo posts on the internet and more time interacting with real people in the real world. You have no frame of reference so a mild inconvenience is the end of the world to you first-world faglords. The only reason things are getting fucked up is because people think "tHe WeSt Is DyInG!!!1!" and protest and overreact to LITERALLY FUCKING NOTHING. Stop larping as woke revolutionaries and act like a goddamn normal adult.

>> No.20040870

you guys would not give a fuck if you saw how much money is scammed from insurance companies a coupledollaraydoos no1 will care

>> No.20040915

Man who gives a fuck. These corporations have no problem stealing from you.

Example: decided to pay off remaining credit debt with my debit card account. Do so after a pending charge fell off my account and funds fell back in. I wasnt sure if my order was cancelled or what since it had been listed as pending almost a week so thought the funds were mine now.

Wake up the next morning knowing I was also gonna get paid and what do you know, the bank charged me like four overdraft fees. Why? The pending charge that fell off magically appeared overnight which caused me to go negative after paying the credit card company plus a couple other pending charges that didnt post until that night. One of the charges I was overdrafted for was for a crypto exchange. They refused to overturn the overdraft fees and said I should know the policy I signed. I instead withdrew the exact amount from CB back into my account. Said the merchant refunded me so they then overturned the overdraft fees. Then I buy back the crypto which ironically dropped in price. These MFers will rearrange your charges to try and get an overdraft. Fuck banks and corporations. I'll get mine where I can

>> No.20040947
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>'Try on' clothes
>Walk out of store while still wearing them

>> No.20041038
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The 8th Commandment: Thou Shall Not Steal.

Have fun burning in hell for eternity over a couple knickknacks.

>> No.20041045

>just a couple dollarydoos
>said millions of different people

How exactly is this not your fault? How does you fucking yourself over with credit bullshit give you the right to fuck over others? Take responsibility for your actions you fucking child.

>> No.20041077

Jesus was a mushroom you dunce.

John Allegro's "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" - a Gnostic Media exclusive video

>> No.20041119

>drive car into store
>load groceries into car
>drive out without paying because no drive through window, so how can you pay?
why hasn’t anyone thought of this? seems like a big loophole

>> No.20041134
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In a way, this post depresses me the most. The only way to reliably get these people to be moral is to tell them there's divine punishment if they don't. Being moral for its own sake is an alien concept to these fucking people. But I'll take it, Christian-bro. I don't believe in the divinity of Christ or in miracles or any crazy supernatural shit, but I do think that stealing is wrong and that one should have a moral and upstanding character whenever they can. Not for appearances or for a reward, but simply to be a good person in a functional society with other good people. If everyone else is evil and there is no tangible downside to joining them, I will still maintain my principles and rest easy, knowing that I did not succumb to this cancer of selfishness.

>> No.20041169


>> No.20041183

I dont think you read what I said. I was getting myself out of credit debt and used my checking. A pending charge was on my account all week and mysteriously dropped off during the night making me assume I had more. Then overnight it appears again. It's a classic bank trick that also involves reordering transactions.

Dont come to me trying to defend these motherfuckers who steal from all of us

>> No.20041197

I invest in consumer staples. You neet retard chainlinkers need to pay for your groceries so profits don't go down due to shrinkage. I want my dividends.

>> No.20041201
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Congratulations I've been on this site 15 years and never have I seen so much reddit in one post where the poster wasn't being unironic.

>> No.20041215

>so thought the funds were mine now
If you run that close to the line perhaps you might think about keeping track of your balance.

>> No.20041251

Another one who didn't read. Decided to pay off my credit debt in a lump sum. Now I'm debt free and winning with dmg and xsn anyway.

But bank to the bank, what they should do is leave a pending charge on the account until a merchant takes it and it posts as complete. This bullshit where it'll drop off after a certain amount of times and the money gets added back to your account is a game to make people overdraft if the merchant does come back in take it (because it'll go straight to completion status). Keep it as pending. Fuck banks and fuck any anon who sides with these kike scammers

>> No.20041268

they sell kino members only jackets

the operators choice

>> No.20041275


>> No.20041281

dont listen to this pleb

all wealthy people are frugal to the extreme with meme items

>> No.20041318

Oh I read it, retard.
If something like what you describe happened then it is just as much your fault for not keeping track of your finances.

>> No.20041341

This, you fucks are literally driving prices up without realizing it.

Also this. The jews aren't out to get you because you negligently didn't pay attention to your balance.

Who's to say I side with them? I despise criminals of all stripes, including you. "I got overdrafted one time" is kind of a lame excuse for being a criminal, a judge would laugh his ass off if you told him that. THAT's what put you over the edge? You weren't moral to begin with.

>> No.20041349

So what am I to think when a charge falls off and the money is added back? My plan was to call the merchant the next day to see if they cancelled. The bank needs to leave it as pending and keep the money out until I call the merchant to check the status of a charge. (((They))) wont ever watch out for you no matter how hard you defend them online

>> No.20041376

What you dont understand is there are different kind of morals. I could care less if big corporations get shitted on. They shit on us all the time and continue to shit all over you as you leave your mouth wide open defending them. There is a difference between me getting a few hundred dollars of overdraft fees returned by a bank worths hundreds of billions versus a crime where someone else is a direct victim. Who is the victim of me getting my money back?